Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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Lucas Hernandez's mother: last six weeks 'have been hell'

As she wrote a letter to her son, Jamie Taylor spent a lot of time thinking about the last six weeks since her son, Lucas Hernandez, first went missing. She said she has spent every second of it thinking about her son’s disappearance and said it’s been excruciating.

“It’s been hell,” Taylor said. “I’m stuck in limbo. I can’t go forward and I… I can’t do anything until we find him.”

Lucas Hernandez's mother: last six weeks 'have been hell'

As she wrote a letter to her son, Jamie Taylor spent a lot of time thinking about the last six weeks since her son, Lucas Hernandez, first went missing. She said she has spent every second of it thinking about her son’s disappearance and said it’s been excruciating.

“It’s been hell,” Taylor said. “I’m stuck in limbo. I can’t go forward and I… I can’t do anything until we find him.”


I don't know how she held it together. How she found the strength or composure to show up, participate, let alone face a camera to open the wound where her heart is torn in two.

How any of us can ignore the madness in us that desperately whispers, 'This is all just a huge 'prank' played out on EG & JH for such selfishness; when they've been raked over it enough to really regret, repent, whoever has him will just turn him loose in a McDonalds like ok, lil guy- have fun now.'

I can carry worlds myself, but seeing whole & honest love shattered like a cheap trinket... not being able to end or alter that... is so ugly.
I've never had the luxury to afford such an innocent connection, and enjoy a cynical stoicism that allows me to face anything that may come, with practicality & panache.
It's abhorrent to observe those without that talent, denied reprieve.
Am I the only one here who wonders if it's possible EG had nothing at all to do with the disappearance of Lucas?

Just wondering.

I've tried giving her the benefit of the doubt. But I don't believe in my heart that she is innocent. That's a personal opinion. Everything that I have learned about her along with the few facts that seem to be very big clues, everything points to her. If I am wrong, I will personally write her an apology. But I don't fear that I will ever have to do that.

I watched Jamie do her little interview at the vigil tonight. You can see the pain in her face. REGARDLESS of anything else, you can tell she loved her son and that this is killing her. My heart goes out to her and all of Lucas's family. Stay strong guys.

Earlier today I was discussing Occam's razor with a friend of mine. Anyone familiar with it? I can never explain it right but I'll include the first paragraph of the explanation and a link about it here. Basically, it's this:

"The term Occam's razor refers to the philosophical idea or scientific principle that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, it is most likely that the simplest one is the correct one. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened."

It's a very interesting philosophical idea, to say the least. But it gets you thinking about this case. The obvious answer points to EG.

Sorry for the babble. I'm running on 2 hours of sleep. But everything I've said is IMO.
Lucas Hernandez's mother: last six weeks 'have been hell'

As she wrote a letter to her son, Jamie Taylor spent a lot of time thinking about the last six weeks since her son, Lucas Hernandez, first went missing. She said she has spent every second of it thinking about her son’s disappearance and said it’s been excruciating.

“It’s been hell,” Taylor said. “I’m stuck in limbo. I can’t go forward and I… I can’t do anything until we find him.”

We're going to find him, Jamie. :heartbeat:
Lucas Hernandez's mother: last six weeks 'have been hell'

As she wrote a letter to her son, Jamie Taylor spent a lot of time thinking about the last six weeks since her son, Lucas Hernandez, first went missing. She said she has spent every second of it thinking about her son’s disappearance and said it’s been excruciating.

“It’s been hell,” Taylor said. “I’m stuck in limbo. I can’t go forward and I… I can’t do anything until we find him.”

It was very powerful to see Lucas' Mom come out once again and speak about him. IMO the more his family members speak to media the more likely it is that his case will stay in the public's short atention span.
Moving vigil and praying for Lucas:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
Lucas Hernandez's mother: last six weeks 'have been hell'

As she wrote a letter to her son, Jamie Taylor spent a lot of time thinking about the last six weeks since her son, Lucas Hernandez, first went missing. She said she has spent every second of it thinking about her son’s disappearance and said it’s been excruciating.

“It’s been hell,” Taylor said. “I’m stuck in limbo. I can’t go forward and I… I can’t do anything until we find him.”


I don't know how she held it together. How she found the strength or composure to show up, participate, let alone face a camera to open the wound where her heart is torn in two.

How any of us can ignore the madness in us that desperately whispers, 'This is all just a huge 'prank' played out on EG & JH for such selfishness; when they've been raked over it enough to really regret, repent, whoever has him will just turn him loose in a McDonalds like ok, lil guy- have fun now.'

I can carry worlds myself, but seeing whole & honest love shattered like a cheap trinket... not being able to end or alter that... is so ugly.
I've never had the luxury to afford such an innocent connection, and enjoy a cynical stoicism that allows me to face anything that may come, with practicality & panache.
It's abhorrent to observe those without that talent, denied reprieve.

I've tried giving her the benefit of the doubt. But I don't believe in my heart that she is innocent. That's a personal opinion. Everything that I have learned about her along with the few facts that seem to be very big clues, everything points to her. If I am wrong, I will personally write her an apology. But I don't fear that I will ever have to do that.

I watched Jamie do her little interview at the vigil tonight. You can see the pain in her face. REGARDLESS of anything else, you can tell she loved her son and that this is killing her. My heart goes out to her and all of Lucas's family. Stay strong guys.

Earlier today I was discussing Occam's razor with a friend of mine. Anyone familiar with it? I can never explain it right but I'll include the first paragraph of the explanation and a link about it here. Basically, it's this:

"The term Occam's razor refers to the philosophical idea or scientific principle that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, it is most likely that the simplest one is the correct one. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened."

It's a very interesting philosophical idea, to say the least. But it gets you thinking about this case. The obvious answer points to EG.

Sorry for the babble. I'm running on 2 hours of sleep. But everything I've said is IMO.

We're going to find him, Jamie. :heartbeat:

It’s not that I don’t want to find Lucas for anyone else, but Jaime has always been my focus and motivation to keep searching for Lucas. She could worship the devil, secretly have a crush on Adolf Hitler and snort fertilizer to get high (she doesn’t of course) but it still won’t change that she’s a mom who deserves to know where her child is.

I think if anyone could be key to getting a confession from Emily, it would be Jaime.......not as a direct request, but from a trigger point perspective. I think one of the things that EG has needed the most is to redeem herself as a “good” parent. Lucas being with her gives Emily a legitimization in the public eye, in her mind of course. She thrives on that control of Lucas because she can’t control what’s happening with her older children. She needs to feel like a better mom than Jaime and it would really bother her for anyone to say otherwise. In situations like this, it’s not uncommon to hear stepmom and/or biological moms to say something like “I may not be the best mom but I’m definitely better than her”. What EG fails to realize right now, is that Jaime wasn’t forced to let her son live with his father like Emily was. Regardless of the situation, putting your child’s needs over your own is what real mother’s do. She made a heart wrenching decision that unfortunately went terribly wrong. When I hear negative comments made about JO, I get so frustrated because, for one, it’s uncalled for and very unfair, but for two, it’s exactly what Emily is wanting to hear. So to confess would never cross her mind as long as she thinks the public opinion of JO is so bad. But I’d love to see how Emily would react if, all of a sudden, the support for Jaime would become positive instead. If people were to start praising Jaime for putting her child’s needs above her own (which she should be praised for that anyway), saying it’s proof of a mother’s unconditional love and comparing that to Emily’s lack of doing the right thing, I think it would really get under her skin. She will want to refute that, so pressuring her to prove she loves Lucas unconditionally and give him a final resting place as what a good mom would do, they don’t just want that for their children, they NEED it for them, might motivator her in that direction. Emily taking her chances with a jury if no body is ever found is a risky case to prosecute, but in my research, I’m finding more and more no body child disappearances have a much better chance of getting a conviction. Kids don’t have the right to walk away like adults do and if a child isn’t in their legal home, then it’s a “criminal” situation (runaways, kidnapping, death, etc), reasonable doubt is less of a factor behind a child’s absence. There just isn’t an innocent reason for it. I also think EG would not want to be lumped in with Evan Brewer’s mom as well, she lied about her son’s whereabouts and it took finding Evan’s body to arrest her. That’s what a bad mom does, good moms want their babies safe and at “home”. Good mom’s can’t eat, sleep, grieve, heal, etc when their kids are missing, worrying about them-bad mom’s can’t do any of those things when facing consequences for their own choices, only worried about themselves.

Emily also can’t comprehend yet that this isn’t gonna just go away, it’s going to follow her for the rest of her life. She’s going to have to look into her own children’s eyes and answer to them about their brother one day. She won’t ever be able to repair any relationship with them until she comes clean. I love the quote “People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing” because the longer Lucas is hidden from us, the less likely it is for Emily to claim LH’s death was an accident. His body is her proof and if a cause is undetermined homicidal violence, you can’t differentiate between the two. That’s a huge gamble for her to make and the sentencing will reflect that-first degree murder carries life, normally without parole whereas taking a plea will allow her to have a life outside of prison one day. She only has one card to play here and she’s running out of time to use it. I’m thinking she’s been pretty good about avoiding facing the consequences of her bad behavior in the past. The longer she can’t manipulate or control the situation gets us one step closer to finding Lucas I think. EG is going to hold on to that power as long as she can, but hopefully she won’t want anyone to take that power away from her and will talk.

One disgusting piece of information I’ve learned is how parents in jail for murdering their own child will request permission to ATTEND THE FUNERAL!!!! Can you believe that? I haven’t seen many judges grant that request. Sorry, but my opinion is that the parents already had their child’s funeral when they killed them, now it’s everyone else’s turn to have one.

In case you haven’t noticed, my life philosophy is why say in 5 words what you can in 500. [emoji849]

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I know we have to wait until tomorrow, I just wonder if LE will put any cards on the table about evidence. Curious minds thinking out loud! jmo

I know right? If you haven’t noticed yet, outside of the initial details LE released in the beginning, all other official information comes from court filings! I’m always anxious to see the details behind those hearings because it’s all public record, for the most part anyway. Redactions for privacy reasons typically are about minors and protecting their identity.

O/T but every time I hear the word “Redaction” it sounds more and more like the name of a perfume [emoji23] Or a brand name for condoms.

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Yes and it's quite clear from available info that JO willingly gave up actual physical custody of Lucas at a time in her life when she did need to take care of herself. Wise choice at the time IMO.
I don't judge her for anything because I don't know her. I feel very bad for her because he is her son and she seems very distraught and genuine in her angst. :cry:
Sure EG enjoyed playing mommy with Lucas while she could. There's always a sense of entitlement that comes with that IMO.
Now that Lucas is no where to be found, it also falls on EG to take the responsibility for whatever role she has played in that. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She is not a good mommy at this time, if she ever really was.
Good Mom's/Stepmoms/Caregivers don't cover up for their wrongs, for their faults or for their wrongdoings at the expense of a child.
JO you have my prayers and thoughts.
EG you have my total anger and frustration for your obfuscation. That is the least I can say at the moment.
I was wondering about ‘premature’
Reading the KS criminal code, it says the prosecution and defense should agree on when to have discovery, and it should be within 21 days after arraignment - she hasn’t been arraigned yet has she, isn’t that what was continued on 3/13?

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The discovery process is an ongoing thing, LE can hold off submitting evidence for a later date unless it’s necessary to keep someone in jail. These motions rarely will be attended by a parent in jail because an officer will have to accompany them to their hearings and that could take all day.

EG was arraigned at her first appearance in court. It’s just a fancy term for reading a defendant their charges and making sure they understand what those charges are.

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I did a smaller view until I can figure out a different way to show this! It’s a few posts back but if you can’t find it, I will repost it. I’m frustrated because I can format at so I can see it just fine but it gets lost in the sharing process. I think I’ve found a solution so say tuned!

On second thought here is that link to the smaller version, it’s not complete, but getting there

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Hi ESO. Not sure if you have this case on your spreadsheet but thought I'd share it with you in case it's not there. It's the case of Kenneth White from Albany, NY. He was a 5yo boy that was reported abducted by his 19yo cousin, she claimed two men stole the boy from inside the house, in reality she strangled him and dumped his body in a culvert across the street from their house. Here is one article I stumbled on about the case:
We have come across the nicest farmers and families in our quest to find this little guy and it honestly makes me #Kansasproud! Many of them are starting to recognize me and rather than being irritated to once again come across us, they are pleasant and kind. We WILL find Lucas. #TeamLucas

ETA: I wish you guys could see what GigTu and Henry do every day for little Lucas. Talk about a Power Team! We are very lucky to have them here on WS!!!!!!!

You guys are amazing!!
Yes and it's quite clear from available info that JO willingly gave up actual physical custody of Lucas at a time in her life when she did need to take care of herself. Wise choice at the time IMO.
I don't judge her for anything because I don't know her. I feel very bad for her because he is her son and she seems very distraught and genuine in her angst. :cry:
Sure EG enjoyed playing mommy with Lucas while she could. There's always a sense of entitlement that comes with that IMO.
Now that Lucas is no where to be found, it also falls on EG to take the responsibility for whatever role she has played in that. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She is not a good mommy at this time, if she ever really was.
Good Mom's/Stepmoms/Caregivers don't cover up for their wrongs, for their faults or for their wrongdoings at the expense of a child.
JO you have my prayers and thoughts.
EG you have my total anger and frustration for your obfuscation. That is the least I can say at the moment.

Well said
The discovery process is an ongoing thing, LE can hold off submitting evidence for a later date unless it’s necessary to keep someone in jail. These motions rarely will be attended by a parent in jail because an officer will have to accompany them to their hearings and that could take all day.

EG was arraigned at her first appearance in court. It’s just a fancy term for reading a defendant their charges and making sure they understand what those charges are.

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You’re right. My brain wasn’t functioning properly - lack of sleep does that. I was thinking of her next appearance my bad

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You all are amazing spirits for Lucas! Morning ya'll from Memphis
EG claims Lucas disappeared on Sunday while she was taking a shower. The door was left open, his shoes and coat were left at the house. We pretty much know this is a lie EG told. So could Lucas be close if she claims he walked out the door? Or if found far away will she claim someone abducted him and did the bad deed?

Just thinking and trying to come up with other idea's. I just can't seem to think like a bad step mom. Even though my own mother was an evil step parent. imo
**HOPE FOR LUCAS** Hoping they get answers soon! [emoji22] Still following with all of you ❤️

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Good Saturday Morning my Find Lucas classmates! Please sweet Lord help us bring him home today!
EG claims Lucas disappeared on Sunday while she was taking a shower. The door was left open, his shoes and coat were left at the house. We pretty much know this is a lie EG told. So could Lucas be close if she claims he walked out the door? Or if found far away will she claim someone abducted him and did the bad deed?

Just thinking and trying to come up with other idea's. I just can't seem to think like a bad step mom. Even though my own mother was an evil step parent. imo

I believe you mean she claims he disappeared on Sat, Correct?
I wonder what would happen if they let JO or JH visit with EG in jail? Maybe she would "leak" out at least part of her story.
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