Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #19 *Arrest*

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I would guess yes to limit the liability to care of unborn child. Also by her arrest EG may have known. One positive thing from this EG WILL probably not have her child for more than a couple days. Then the State will take custody. The two youngest children mat actually have a chance at a good life. Anyway you look at it, with DCF reporting there are no acceptable placements within the family, the kids will probably have a better life without their mother.

No they do not do that in jail. They would confirm her pregnancy if she had not yet been to an OBGYN. The only time someone would be drug tested is if they came in while appearing to be under the influence.

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Do we have any information why she was in the clinic for the first couple of days

I figured it was something to do with the baby.

pregnacy would be enough and perhaps drug withdrawals.

If Emily came in being addicted to opiates, because she’s pregnant she would be put on either methadone or Suboxone. The only reason someone stays in the clinic like that is due to her being on suicide watch so they can be closely monitored.

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I believe the LL did see Lucas.
If we are working within the dark hours of Friday the 16th, it is entirely possible that Lucas was taken to a remote area (not cleared yet), or even perhaps a neighboring border state. For example, traveling to the OK border from Emily’s home is around 69 miles- that seems doable to me within dark hours. There and back two hours.
Perhaps Someone else “took care of Lucas” in that event, searching all areas known to Emily, could be irrelevant.
Perhaps Lucas was buried. That is going to really create issues for finding him unless they have used ground sonar to clear the areas of interest.
Perhaps Lucas is underwater. We simply cannot see him.
So even if everything does “add up”, there could be valid reasons Lucas hasn’t been found. I believe Emily knows.

Behind the scenes, there are MANY men and women searching for Lucas. EVERYDAY. Organized operations. Continue to pray for the safety of the searchers, and pray that Lucas is found TODAY [emoji172]

So, with the timeframe we have to work with, you can see how anything really COULD be possible.
That is the dilemma.
IMHO MOO etc....

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Very true
What if someone helped her with a task without knowing they were helping her dispose of a child’s body? Perhaps didn’t realize it until after it was announced that Lucas was missing? Someone she knew only peripherally and wouldn’t have even know she had children?
I've considered this angle before too. Didn't Drew Peterson (I hope that was his name) have a brother or brother-in-law help him move a large blue barrel...then a few days later it was determined his wife was missing? I could see a similar situation. EG asking someone close to her to help her dispose of a large container of "trash from her move" that she can't lift, and especially if she knew she was pregnant, and so asked for help, as to not be doing heavy lifting.

I don't think I have any close friends/family that are nearly as "messed up" as she is, but I wouldn't think twice if an older neighbor or relative, or a pregnant woman asked me to help with something seemingly mundane like that.

Just thinking out loud...
This has crossed my mind from the get go. I felt that since she was sharing her intent with JH then surely it was only marijuana, or at lease he thought so. But of course many drugs can be smoked, marijuana can be laced with other drugs, etc. Authorities believe there is drug abuse with EG and there is an obvious history of it.
The CINC case is scheduled to be heard tomorrow. Do you think she might get that continued in hopes of getting some or all of her confession thrown out or would it matter?

CINC hearings are a bit different then regular hearings. These are mainly just about a judge getting an update on the status of the case. The judge will be advised of whether the parents are following court orders, updates on how the children are faring in foster care, rule on any motions put forth to modify the CINC, make new orders etc. It’s hard to explain, but it’s not handled like a typical court hearing because it’s more of a supervisory sort of thing. There really wouldn’t be a basis to ask for a continuation, a parent either attends or they don’t.

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I don't think she planned anything ahead, partially for the reasons you've listed above. I think it was a drug-fueled panic and he's either in the landfill (heartbreak) or in a rural area. There are literally thousands of places he could be that haven't been searched. Not that the searchers aren't doing a fabulous job - they're seriously setting the bar for future cases everywhere - there is just a LOT of private ground around here.

I agree. I don’t think this was a long thought out plan. I think he hasn’t been found because the area and possibilities are so vast.
Don't you think if he gives in to realizing EG hurt Lucas he would have to admit he is at fault too because the signs were there and people were telling him? It could be a horrific thing to accept of oneself, especially accepting that EG more than likely killed him, beat him, neglected him and JH looked the other way, believing EG all this time, leaving his son in harms way.

I find this extremely plausible. Perhaps in denial toward himself even more than EG. Makes a lot of sense from a psychological standpoint.

by Charliegizmo:
Perhaps he’s been advised not to speak to anyone. And maybe he s beginning to realize his life isn’t going back to anything close to what ever it was.

I agree that not speaking would probably be good advice at this point. BUT I would think that should apply to all aspects of the case, and I believe he's been fairly outspoken in some areas (someone please correct me if I'm wrong/against TOS). Has anyone noticed a trend in what he is and isn't speaking to?

Man - I am so on the fence about JH. And it's a freaking barbed-wire hot-shot fence. I vacillate between outrage and pity, and it changes by the minute/hour/post. I have always told my kids that there's a difference between an explanation and an excuse - they are NOT the same thing. Just because there is an explanation for a behavior or choice, doesn't mean that one is excused from the responsibility/consequences of the behavior/choice. I share this philosophy a lot, and it always results in food for thought. (Mediator's kid, here)
Yes Ana. 's insight is screaming out in her calm words. I'll be thinking and linking all day. First impression: What if someone helped her with a task without knowing they were helping her dispose of a child’s body? This comment brings Drew Peterson/Stacy to mind. Drew's stepbrother brother unknowingly helped dispose of a blue barrel possibly containing Stacy's body.
Sorry, I'ma.grandma, I was far behind in reading, and said this same thing before I came upon your post.

Just thinking out loud...
Don't you think if he gives in to realizing EG hurt Lucas he would have to admit he is at fault too because the signs were there and people were telling him? It could be a horrific thing to accept of oneself, especially accepting that EG more than likely killed him, beat him, neglected him and JH looked the other way, believing EG all this time, leaving his son in harms way.

Oh absolutely. He would rather protect himself and his feelings than stand up for his son.
I've considered this angle before too. Didn't Drew Peterson (I hope that was his name) have a brother or brother-in-law help him move a large blue barrel...then a few days later it was determined his wife was missing? I could see a similar situation. EG asking someone close to her to help her dispose of a large container of "trash from her move" that she can't lift, and especially if she knew she was pregnant, and so asked for help, as to not be doing heavy lifting.

I don't think I have any close friends/family that are nearly as "messed up" as she is, but I wouldn't think twice if an older neighbor or relative, or a pregnant woman asked me to help with something seemingly mundane like that.

Just thinking out loud...

BBM. Yes. (Just out of O/T interest, was it ever confirm she was in the barrel or not?)

Neither would I. We recently helped my brother to move nearby to us and we took a look of stuff to dump, sell, move into the house etc and I would never even think of what is inside or that there could ever be that kind of thing in there. It's family, you just help. Although, I don't think it was family that helped Emily dispose of Lucas.
I watched a program about this case recently (Marcia Clark, possibly??) where they interviewed that guy. Just from what he was saying, I couldn't believe he actually went through with helping DP. He talked like it was obvious what DP was doing. I kept wanting to scream at the TV, "How stupid can you possibly be??"

Not saying that's the case here, obviously. But it sure could be. The theory of disposal within moving boxes has been brought up multiple times. Borrowing a truck or trailer to "take a load to the dump/ster" could be a very good cover, even if the dump wasn't her only stop.

Yes Ana. 's insight is screaming out in her calm words. I'll be thinking and linking all day. First impression: What if someone helped her with a task without knowing they were helping her dispose of a child’s body? This comment brings Drew Peterson/Stacy to mind. Drew's stepbrother brother unknowingly helped dispose of a blue barrel possibly containing Stacy's body.
I watched a program about this case recently (Marcia Clark, possibly??) where they interviewed that guy. Just from what he was saying, I couldn't believe he actually went through with helping DP. He talked like it was obvious what DP was doing. I kept wanting to scream at the TV, "How stupid can you possibly be??"

Not saying that's the case here, obviously. But it sure could be. The theory of disposal within moving boxes has been brought up multiple times. Borrowing a truck or trailer to "take a load to the dump/ster" could be a very good cover, even if the dump wasn't her only stop.

I have this on my DVR!! I haven't ever looked into the case too far so only know a few things. O/T but the Marcia Clarke season has been great.
I'd like to know how e.g. acted once JH returned home and before she was arrested...who was also around for "comfort" during this time, that was local to them.
Or maybe more telling...who was usually around, but wasn't this time?

Just thinking out loud...
Yes it has! I wouldn't be surprised if she triggers some re-opened investigations.

I have this on my DVR!! I haven't ever looked into the case too far so only know a few things. O/T but the Marcia Clarke season has been great.
I think I might be able to shed some light on different questions I saw asked or discussed about the upcoming hearing on EG’s attorney’s motion:

A few weeks back, there was a discovery hearing in which the DA entered into evidence (the affidavit someone posted earlier) the evidence found on Emily’s phone and her then confession to have driven under the influence. The judge allowed it to be entered so now the defense attorney is wanting to get that confession thrown out based on accusing LE of obtaining that confession illegally. This is very standard and makes it that much harder for EG to later appeal if she’s found guilty of the endangerment.

Emily was not mirandized until her arrest several days later, after the fact she had made this confession to LE. LE doesn’t have to remind someone that they have the right to remain silent if they aren’t under arrest. People just assume if they are being questioned, Miranda rights apply to them but they do’s only if they are under arrest.

It’s been awhile since we discussed this in depth, but keep in mind the reason why it’s been so important to charge Emily with some sort of crime regarding her children....especially M. If a child is removed from a parents custody, the only way to keep that child out of the home is to charge that parent with a crime against a child. Until her rights are terminated (that is a long way off, the process can take years), she still has rights to her children. So the motivation in charging her with the endangerment is more about keeping Emily behind bars as long as possible and protecting her children from her. This is a common tactic and can usually be very effective. Everything going on in this case is about the endangerment charge for M, not Lucas. So the LL’s testimony is irrelevant here. No warrant was needed for the cell phone because Emily turned it over voluntarily. She’s also not being charged with using drugs, she’s been charged with being under the influence of them and endangering M’s life in the process. There won’t be any drug screen because of how much later it was from when the incident occurred. Yes drug screen technology has changed but there is limits on when those tests can be administered and how they can be used in a court of law. The attorney isn’t disputing the fact that Emily had used drugs or even put her child in danger, she’s just saying the information was improperly obtained.

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EG now has a Jackson-Denno hearing scheduled for May 11, 2018.

Here’s a summary about the type of hearing:
Her attorney is working all angles, for sure. She has solid representation.

Just thinking out loud...
What did she confess to?!
Surely her attorney isn’t saying the evidence on the phone was taken under duress or something?!
Have we seen the court filing on that? Will we?
So many thoughts.

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She confessed to smoking marijuana, driving a child to OG after that...maybe also to leaving LH home alone? Remember, this is tied to the child endangerment case, so the confession is likely nothing to do with LH being missing.

Just thinking out loud...
Is this tactic with the hearing a regular thing that occurs or left field ? Should we worry ?
Is this the main/ normal option when trying to get things omitted from court if so I’m not worried as I would see this as a normal process.

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This is pretty normal, and a good thing for us. This means her attorney is doing a good job defending her, which will limit her ability to argue she had ineffective counsel later.

Just thinking out loud...
I think the argument is going to be that EG turned her phone over about Lucas’s disappearance and they found the evidence about her driving under the influence. The only “confession” she made was in regards to that incident, only after being confronted with the messages between her and Jonathan.

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