Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #20 *Arrest*

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I know a reason was given by about the gravel, but I can't remember why. Does anyone else remember why we were so focused on gravel? Something occurred to me about the gravel, I swear, I saw a driveway of a place EG was quite familiar with that had gravel. This is driving me crazy now, lol, sorry.

I've seen so much gravel in Kansas it's begun to seem as though there's more road With it than without.

Bless Googlemaps and it's pointed little ways.
I just reviewed the post PB made about KE's arrest. One of the charges was "identity theft, fraud to receive benefits >$100,000". That doesn't sound like it's Lucas-related. It almost sounds like a life insurance thing, but we discussed in the beginning that EG wouldn't've been able to get life insurance for Lucas. I guess maybe with the identity theft, but that would be way too obvious.

And there's an ad on this page right now for personalized necklaces, and the one they show has 3 names on it, one being "Lucas" and another "Emily". You guys were talking about signs before, so I thought that was interesting :) (the third name is "Isabella" in case you're curious)
LE should check storage facilties and abandoned structures. Also water wells for abandoned homes.
Was she homeless at one time?
She may have stayed in empty house.
I read but mostly lurk but want to give an opinion regarding EG's bruised knuckles. It's not an easy thing to say... maybe it's caused from beating LH and not from hiding him. To me they look like bruises from hitting something or someone.

I was also thinking they could be from punching a wall or something else when she realized she had killed him.

Unless otherwise stated, everything above is MOO[emoji230][emoji5]
I think this is going to turn out to be pretty simple. I think it will be EG beat Lucas to death, hid the body nearby, stopped by to see someone and tell them what happened. Didn't call first, because that's traceable. She and her confidant conjured up a story, and now we're here.
I wouldn't be surprised if the confidant has told someone too and then that person, etc. The pipeline of people.........who's in the pipeline?
Occam's Razor.

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I doubt Luke would have the energy/dare to defend himself.
scratches like a child's nails trying to get her hands off of him??

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Badly beaten up, while being sick with a stomach problem. The stomach problem possibly stemmed from a virus, or an injury.
Poor kid was suffering, then left alone. Yes, the flu was rampant during the time he went missing, but we don't really know if he actually had stomach issues because of it, or because he was hurt. He just missed school...
Oh, under something is a good thought, too! Under a deck? The foundation/crawlspace of a house?

I really don't think she strangled him. I think he already had internal injuries from before, and this last one just injured something already injured. Or maybe she didn't get mad a him that night and he just happened to die that night from the previous injuries. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she realized it was going to be really difficult to explain away that many days absent from school and there was no end in sight since he was still badly beaten up. With all of the people questioning it lately, maybe she thought this was just an easier out.

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That is what I said she is fake a chameleon but wants people to think she is spiritual. A chameleon changes its colors to fit in. She is cunning...

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Maybe she really thinks in her head that she is spiritual or whatever. I've kn I wn some folks like this.
Badly beaten up, while being sick with a stomach problem. The stomach problem possibly stemmed from a virus, or an injury.
Poor kid was suffering, then left alone. Yes, the flu was rampant during the time he went missing, but we don't really know if he actually had stomach issues because of it, or because he was hurt. He just missed school...

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This makes me just as sick everytime I read it.

Sounds like maybe she was on a drug binge during this time? Moo (same old stuff I've been saying since day 1, sorry nothing new to add)

Eta: no excuse, just sayin...obvious neglect. Probably be she was strung out.

The little baby can't speak. Who knows how many meals she's missed etc. If her mom's a meth/heroin head, which I suspect she is.
EG told LE that the back door was not in good repair & 'wouldn't close' as per original missing child report.
Sounds unlikely for the home-owning couple to not address basic issues prior to contract, or within the week of move in?

It is telling that neither LE nor LL reported any communications clearing up the fact of that to MSM; if it indeed did not shut there would be your proof that EG did something to damage their new digs.

The wrath of being locked out would've been akin to witnessing a feral, cornered cougar shot in the behind by a bb gun... if EG didn't mean to do LH in, this scenario would have certainly sealed his fate.
I like that theory. I could def see that. He locked her out and she had to pry door open. That would def have ticked her off and the in that rage she went too far. MOO

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Yes. That was my thought from the beginning

So...if the LL was checking up on the cat then it would make sense that this was a surprise visit, right? Otherwise, if renter was given 24 hours notice that LL would be stopping by at a particular time then renter could simply hide cat for that time period of LL known visit.

I do wonder, though, was the rent paid up in full?
The scratches were on the backs of her hands.

I wonder if the scratches are from trying to get the cat in a carrier, etc and not related to Lucas at all? (I just did this this past weekend to take my cat to get fixed)
You forgot the biggest lie of all. The one where she said she would never hurt Lucas.

IIRC, didn't she actually say she would not hurt 'her son'.

I realize that she was implying Lucas when she said that but in reality, Lucas was not her son. Semantics, i guess....but important semantics in this particular instance. IMO.
So...if the LL was checking up on the cat then it would make sense that this was a surprise visit, right? Otherwise, if renter was given 24 hours notice that LL would be stopping by at a particular time then renter could simply hide cat for that time period of LL known visit.

I do wonder, though, was the rent paid up in full?

the cat! this another element that im glad we resurfaced. with some recent info, ive started to look at EG a little bit different (i originally thought she was fairly sloppy/would get caught very quickly but i think she is smart when it comes to thinking on her feet. aside from the obvious (abusing lucas and lying about it), shes made some very bold and wildly dishonest statements:

-saying JO was w lucas on the 14th when this is so easy to disprove/prove
-notes to the school nurse. regardless of how she obtained them, the jargon of those notes ("consistent w a fall") is very aggressive toward the school and has a level of arrogance saying "dont question my parenting" imo.
-JH moving out
-it seems like she was comf involving KE and maybe a few other people in helping to explain/justify some of Lucas abuse, whether it was lying to them about what happened or asking them to lie for her. (re the truck fall, rough-housing w the cousins)
-and who knows what else....

im now thinking the cat is another thing she thought she could easily get away with and it caught up w her, like all of these other lies will eventually.
I don't have any theories or ideas that haven't already been posted.

I would like to reach out to anyone who has knowledge of what happened to Lucas, or where he may be hidden. If you are reading this, please think of this innocent child before you dismiss his worth to protect your friend.

If you heard that it was an accident, or a natural death, please realize how important it is to dignify Lucas, and help bring him home for a proper burial. Don't leave this child alone and abandoned.

If you know that Emily was responsible for his death and say nothing, you will have to live with this for the rest of your life. Your loyalty to her at this this time, and disregard for justice will haunt you. Are you willing to live with this secret for the rest of your life? You don't deserve this burden. Nobody does.

Look at yourself in a mirror and study your face. Look at your eyes. Think about Lucas and your secret. Be the person who does the right thing.

not only that. But do anything you may choose with an attorney. That will insure the best method to protect yourself. But please make the decision to come forward. Alive or deceased, LUCAS has the right and common human decency to be properly cared for and put to rest.

Coming forward will also result in much better better treatment by LE than if they assemble a case after he is found and you neglected to come forward now.

No one but EG PUT YOU IN THIS POSITION. She shared what had happened and either requested your help or simply gave you an idea what had occurred.
Is LE working with any of the search groups maybe pointing in directions to go
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