Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #31

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JH and his post..nope nope nope nope nope nope ..sorry I cannot make the jump to what happened to two celebrities this week and what happened on Friday.... THIS is JMO, okay??!! I ,for one want all the ugly facts to come out..I am so tired of the fact that Lucas was beaten for years and someone had their blinders on,then Lucas was thrown on a concrete culvert & covered with branches but the person who did it to him couldn't help it....NO NO NO!!! The person did ALL of this to Lucas and there is no excuse! Okay...will go and slink into my corner.....if I get time out,I am sorry fellow WS but this is so unfair to poor Lucas!!!
Does anyone else find it strange that there has not been a statement realeased from EG’s family? I’m not talking about the cousin. I mean her parents, siblings. I don’t know why, but I feel like it would help give some closure. I want to know what her life was like. Was she abused? Was she a depressed individual? Was she exposed to drugs early on in life? Did she just get mixed up with the wrong crowd? Knowing more about her...might help me understand why. I really want to understand. I know I may never get those answers. I hope 14156023, member: 219744"]Does anyone else find it strange that there has not been a statement realeased from EG’s family? I’m not talking about the cousin. I mean her parents, siblings. I don’t know why, but I feel like it would help give some closure. I want to know what her life was like. Was she abused? Was she a depressed individual? Was she exposed to drugs early on in life? Did she just get mixed up with the wrong crowd? Knowing more about her...might help me understand why. I really want to understand. I know I may never get those answers. I hope Lucas’ family gets the answers and closure they need. MOO

Maybe they are too shocked by all this and maybe they get threatened by some idiots? Some people always blame the family. But I'd would like to know more about her as well.
I will also say that while I am pleased to see both of Lucas's parents standing united behind their public statements to give Lucas a loving tribute and memorial, I've got an uneasy feeling that he is hiding behind JO's skirt. It comes too late for me, he did not support JO when he should have done and he turned a blind eye to Lucas.

Puts tin helmet on.
This is always what bothers me the most in the big picture and it's what usually flips me back against him.
Within their custody arrangement, JO deferred to him (and then EG) until she couldn't -- he had to know she wasn't just trying to make trouble.
I believe he had to know, feel in his gut, that JO's concern for Lucas' welfare was sincere. He had to know that JO had no motive other than to protect Lucas and that she was trying to get to the bottom of what was going on and question why he couldn't see what seemed obvious to her.

Once Lucas was gone, I can see how he used that reasoning to make himself believe JO was behind kidnapping and hiding Lucas--but if so, why not talk to her? Listen to her? Work something out with her? Why did he throw her to the wolves?

I have a bunch of what if's that depend on lies he believed and personality traits, but his inability to tell EG to shut up & sit down so he could work with JO on bringing Lucas home really, really bothers me.

I ask that you do not stop posting your thoughts of JH. I share your thoughts as well. He does not get a pass from me and as far as I'm concerned is not cleared in Lucas' case. This case is still very open and in the investigation process.
i'd like to emphasize you please still share your thoughts on JH as well. if im being totally honest, JH has been the biggest wild card for me in this entire case (which is saying a lot w all the twists and turns hah). i just cant come to a definitive conclusion or opinion on him, so it helps me to hear someone else's clear thoughts.

to clarify, i definitely think JH was neglectful and failed Lucas - hes not that much of a wildcard for me.

i've had moments where i wonder if he never witnessed the abuse and it allowed him to conclude his own reality. imo, its still inexcusable bc once he had the slightest inkling something was off (even if its your "overreacting" family telling you those bruises arent normal), he should have pursued it to the fullest extent to make sure BOTH his kids were safe. but this scenario does make me have some sympathy for him. it almost reminds me of someone who is slow to realize their partner is cheating on them, while everyone on the sidelines is screaming the obvious except in this case, its not a heart that was broken but a life and JH should have realized the severity.

i've also had moments to the extreme where maybe he completely knew about the abuse. and maybe the lysol can was the norm for him. and that he was just as much of a drug user and essentially the male version of EG. and while i do think hes genuinely grieving the loss of Lucas' i've wondered if hes been privy to info over the past 3 months from EG. and this would make his just as much a monster as EG.
Some things I’ve been thinking about are for me/us to look into what’s going on in our own states and communities as well.

Maybe there’s a foster child who would love nothing more than to go to the zoo with Auntie Margarita, or Aunty Pink, or Auntie Marple, or Auntie Chihuahua...

ETA: I am saying to myself right now that one must not just say these things, but actually do it! All these “good deeds” I have on my todo list...actions speak louder than words, Magz!
Big Brother/Big Sister?
I will also say that while I am pleased to see both of Lucas's parents standing united behind their public statements to give Lucas a loving tribute and memorial, I've got an uneasy feeling that he is hiding behind JO's skirt. It comes too late for me, he did not support JO when he should have done and he turned a blind eye to Lucas.

Puts tin helmet on.
Am I the only one here worried about Jamie being close to JH? I guess my trust in him isn't very high, and after he threw her under the bus and saying she she kidnapped him- I have a bitter taste in my mouth.
So, I believe that JH believes Emily was mentally ill. That's probably the only reasoning he can put to this whole thing.
And, that picture of a father hugging his son, with that statement is just heartbreaking.

Could it refer to the pain JH is going through, and all the people who are close all these events? A few people here have said that JH has been through so much trauma recently that he needs support for.

In that NG those two women also claimed JH had said that the way he was feeling after EG leading DM to Lucas' body that he felt like he could kill EG if he was in her presence. We don't know if that allegation is true or not, but if it is true then it doesn't sound like he was trying to excuse EG at that time. He might now feel that someone with thoughts like the ones in her head, before he found her in the house, that they need to reach out and not feel that reaching out is a sign of weakness.
Ive got a question...if someone is busted for meth, they face those charges, but is it ever flagged anywhere or somehow looked into if these users have children, and if so, maybe a welfare check is required? I doubt this happens...but it could be a useful thing for cops, when a person clearly has a drug problem, to send a note to CpS or whomever to follow up. I know that’s extra work. perhaps unrealistic...but somehow...just thinking out loud....meth is getting to be such an epidemic imo...
I know several people in my local area have their kids with history (sometimes not so distant history) of meth use/bust.
Am I the only one here worried about Jamie being close to JH? I guess my trust in him isn't very high, and after he threw her under the bus and saying she she kidnapped him- I have a bitter taste in my mouth.

Jamie seems quite protective of JH. I would imagine that if they have met up since Lucas was found that maybe they could clear the air between them, JH could acknowledge clearly to JO that he was wrong in what he said and did regarding her, and if she's willing to forgive and to reach out to him in turn so that they can comfort each other with their memories of Lucas I don't know that's necessarily a problem. Maybe they can help to ground each other through the grief? Sometimes it's easier to try and help someone else than it is to help yourself.

But I don't know how much contact they've had and I don't feel it's any of my business. So to me if JO is having contact with him, then I hope she's putting herself first in that and protecting herself, and if she's not having too much contact with him, that's very understandable.

But, if they do feel they want to work together a bit on plans for the funeral and memorial, I think that might just be about putting Lucas first, because Lucas loved Jamie and JH, and I'm sure Lucas would love to be able to see them on speaking terms and being kind to each other through this time.
Thank you. This is what I was trying to figure out. Not what is a mandated reporter but who of EG’s family fell in this category. I didn’t know that a CNA would be. And her cousin is the only family member I’ve ever heard anything about.
I've heard the question asked and don't recall the answer - are mandated reporters required to report in the personal lives as well, or only when "on the clock"? I was thinking it was only when in regard to work (although I would hope they would at all times, even if it's not required).
I have

Been trying to get this across for so long, but keep getting shut down. Put down.
So frustrating.
Yet CRs name keeps popping up, the dead guy who can't speak anymore. Can't tell what he knows,and who do we have here, who knows E.G. and went on live news,and Nancy Grace?
Pointing fingers,and giving his full name.
One thing is certain.
Nancy Grace knows exactly how to reel em in, and expose themselves.
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This is not directed at you personally Charlie, I just thought of something JH said to NG

I remember the WS discussion of the school note that many who have medical knowledge of the HIPPA laws stated they doubt that anyone in the medical field will write in a note pertaining to how an injury may have occurred. Now I am wondering if the note was written by a professional.

NG Interview. She asked JH if Lucas had any type of health issue at the time of his disappearance and he said that they BOTH, (he and EG) took Lucas to the Doctor. "Lucas had been vomiting for a few weeks and he was given the Zofran script." This few weeks would be before he left, Feb. 9th? to return back to work. (At mark 39:40 NG podcast with JH he talks about Lucas going to the doctor.)

I am not sure if JH is saying they went to the doctors office which was at Grace Medical Jardine Clinic but in the notes dated Jan. 23rd to the school nurse, Lucas did not see a doctor, he was actually examined by a nurse practitioner who also wrote the script. There may be a chance the nurse practitioner did write the note? Or is a separate time that JH says he they took Lucas to a doctor? Is a doctor just a generalized word, doctor but the nurse practitioner sees the patient. This fact is not known yet but JH did say Lucas was seen by a medical professional.

I wonder if all of his injuries, the noticed weight loss, abrasions, bruises- all of it -was noted in his chart. Another mandated reporter that could help with Child Abuse.
I would imagine the term "doctor" and "medical professional" are used interchangeably. In my town we say "going to the doctor" even if it's a PA or NP. I live about an hour from Wichita (in case it's a "part of the country" type of saying).
I look on it as more explanation/compassion than love. Nobody is excusing what went on. There's a difference IMHO.
I know It's just this is the first time I've ever really followed a case day and night from day one.I'm just so angry about Lucas whole life.That little guy was in fear every day.Now they care they want a great memorial service what good is that for Lucas.I started following the case from facebook.JO own facebook own facebook told me all i need to know about her JH allowed LH to be beat and from day 1 had to know was resposiable for his disappearance.I'm sitting her with six kids oldest one 10,Three of mine and three grandchildren and I just don't understand how people do the the things they do.Sorry for the ramble.
JH and his post..nope nope nope nope nope nope ..sorry I cannot make the jump to what happened to two celebrities this week and what happened on Friday.... THIS is JMO, okay??!! I ,for one want all the ugly facts to come out..I am so tired of the fact that Lucas was beaten for years and someone had their blinders on,then Lucas was thrown on a concrete culvert & covered with branches but the person who did it to him couldn't help it....NO NO NO!!! The person did ALL of this to Lucas and there is no excuse! Okay...will go and slink into my corner.....if I get time out,I am sorry fellow WS but this is so unfair to poor Lucas!!!
Are we sure he's referring to Emily, though?
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