Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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Regarding JH going to work while EG was with the PI, I think he was still fleeced into thinking she was such a great person and knew nknothi about the disappearance, so he figured it would be another day of looking for Lucas with no results, so he went back to work and life as usual.

She did nothing except hide facts, lied, beat a poor defenseless child, hid his body and watch hundreds of people spend 96 days looking for him.

I don’t care what her mental health diagnosis is or was, it was one if the worst punishments to put an entire community through.

She probably thought it funny that so many people wasted so much time looking for Lucas 20 miles away. that in and of itself is sick. In varying degrees she hurt Wichita.

She lied and impacted every law enforcement officer who searched for Lucas. They had a good idea she was lying but they had to look they got up each morning and searched for him.

Maybe she justified it by telling herself they needed excersuze . I don’t know.

But she killed Lucas

She hid his body

She lied

She hurt JH and she lied to him.

She lied about her custody case

She lied to several judges

Her actions put thoughts into other 5 year olds about safety that at their age they should not know let alone be asking about.

She devastated jo

She hurt his entire family.

She lied to LE

She lied to the reporter who interviewed her

She lied to PI at first

She lied multiple times to DCF

She either lied to Lucas Dr. or had forged a note. She lied to the school.

She did nothing but lie, deceive, control and abuse. More critical she murdered.

And not being able to face punishment she killed herself.
Regarding JH going to work while EG was with the PI, I think he was still fleeced into thinking she was such a great person and knew nknothi about the disappearance, so he figured it would be another day of looking for Lucas with no results, so he went back to work and life as usual.

DM said he was shocked that the discovery was so fast. For someone to say that JH drove all the way back to work to only spend a few hours there seems a strange decision, I think it's a lot stranger if you assume JH knew it would only be a few hours? But if you think that it might have been weeks or months, is it then so unreasonable?
I went back and listened to the interviews of EG, JO, DM, and JH hoping that something would jump out and this would all make sense. Instead there were so many lies, so many people covering for each other, personal agendas it really concerns me that the answer will never come and those responsible in any way will not be held accountable. I don't understand why reporters don't fact check.
DM said he was shocked that the discovery was so fast. For someone to say that JH drove all the way back to work to only spend a few hours there seems a strange decision, I think it's a lot stranger if you assume JH knew it would only be a few hours? But if you think that it might have been weeks or months, is it then so unreasonable?
JH made a comment to a reporter after Lucas was found about not knowing who to trust. Maybe he left for work because he thought he could trust EG to keep her mouth shut. JMO
If you want what is best for your child when someone calls you and says they have two black eyes, bruises all over their body - you say yes please take him to ER and call me as soon as you know something - you don't send the woman back to pick him up that dropped him off that way so that family will not take him to ER IMO.
In some ways, to me, EG seemed almost child-like in a lot of what she did. Throwing tantrums if she didn't get her way, lying (with sometimes very unbelievable lies), responding to frustration with violence for lack of other coping skills (my thought, nothing anyone said), and so many other things she's been said to have done. If she committed suicide (which I believe she did), I feel like it was more to make JH feel bad for doubting her than out of guilt, fear of jail or any of the other reasons I've read here. I can remember when I was young hearing kids talking about dying/committing suicide and saying things like, "Just wait until they find me dead, then they'll be sorry. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces." I can hear her thinking, "Just wait until he finds me dead. He'll wish he'd stuck up for me more and believed me when I said I didn't kill Lucas. This is really going to make him feel sorry" I wonder at times if her immature mind didn't stop to think that death would be final, she'd be unlikely to see the look on his face, and she'll probably never know if he felt bad or not. MOO
If you want what is best for your child when someone calls you and says they have two black eyes, bruises all over their body - you say yes please take him to ER and call me as soon as you know something - you don't send the woman back to pick him up that dropped him off that way so that family will not take him to ER IMO.

SO SO SO much about this encounter upsets me. How was this poor kid released back into Emily’s care? How did it even get this far? If I recall correctly (until the past few days it’s been months since I’ve actively followed here) members of JHs family contacted him regarding suspected abuse at the hands of EG. Did he really believe the bruises were from Lucas falling off a truck by accident (which if so, he should have been furious that she let Lucas in the back of the truck, it’s not 1988 anymore). I’m sorry - he knew damn well that she was abusing Lucas. But hey, he got to leave for days at a time to work, so he had a built in babysitter. I’m actually shocked he was even interested in having full custody of Lucas. Idk man, he really, really rubs me the wrong way. I think he was far more compliant than he tries to appear. I think he 1000000% knew in his heart that EG killed Lucas, and instead of seeking justice for his baby boy, he stood by his girlfriends side because he knows he is partially to blame. Of course the system failed Lucas, but most of all, his own father failed him miserably. Jmo
I am so amazed at the outpouring of love this little boy is responsible for. He never will know how many lives he touched. Not only the city of Wichita, but the entire state of Kansas, the entire nation and even other nations know his name and his story. It just saddens me that the one person who was trusted to provide the majority of his care didn't show him the love he so much deserved.
It also saddens me that there are so many more children out there that are living in fear like Lucas was. If only we could bottle up all the love that has been felt toward a little boy named Lucas and share it with others who need it. In Lucas' memory we should all share an extra smile, laugh at a joke that might not be so funny, take the time to talk to someone who usually goes ignored, listen to someone who just needs to be heard, and because of Lucas, the world will be a better place.
In some ways, to me, EG seemed almost child-like in a lot of what she did. Throwing tantrums if she didn't get her way, lying (with sometimes very unbelievable lies), responding to frustration with violence for lack of other coping skills (my thought, nothing anyone said), and so many other things she's been said to have done. If she committed suicide (which I believe she did), I feel like it was more to make JH feel bad for doubting her than out of guilt, fear of jail or any of the other reasons I've read here. I can remember when I was young hearing kids talking about dying/committing suicide and saying things like, "Just wait until they find me dead, then they'll be sorry. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces." I can hear her thinking, "Just wait until he finds me dead. He'll wish he'd stuck up for me more and believed me when I said I didn't kill Lucas. This is really going to make him feel sorry" I wonder at times if her immature mind didn't stop to think that death would be final, she'd be unlikely to see the look on his face, and she'll probably never know if he felt bad or not. MOO

It makes perfect sense. She was very impulsive. She didn't seem like a deep thinker. She most likely had shallow reasons for killing herself and guilt most likely wasn't one of them imo.
Rest in peace, Lucas. :(

Lucas Hernandez's Obituary on Wichita Eagle

December 03, 2012-February, 2018. Beloved son, brother, grandchild and nephew, tragically left this world in February, 2018. Lucas was a child full of love, hope and joy. He brightened every life he touched and made the world a better place.
My heart just breaks so much for this poor family :( I remember writing obituary for my son, it was the hardest thing I ever wrote because my son passed in pregnancy and I had no cute stories to share.. I think his obituary (Lucas') is beautiful and I want to yet again offer my deepest condolences to his entire family ( @FindLucasAllen ) who will forever miss him and wonder who he would have been, who will never get Kindergarden graduation photos, go to a school play, shout for him in a sporting event, celebrate his 6th birthday, see him fall in love, and back out of love. To see him go to prom, and graduation, and marriage, and have his grandchildren.. This horrid woman stole so much from this family that I don't think she was even a little capable of understanding just how much she was robbing them... I've been so blessed to fall in love with this little boy I had never met, he has changed my life, he has made me think twice about the children I see in the grocery store with bruises, he has made me appreciate my jerk of a teenage daughter because at least she is HERE to be a jerk.
Lucas, you are a superhero, but not like the ones you loved, no sir - you have exceeded all the known super heros out there, because you are REAL! Please play with my son in heaven, sweet Lucas! Make mudpies with him and fall asleep with the lullabyes of angels. And look down on your momma and her family, and send them rainbows to show you are still here!

Okay, enough of that, Im a crying mess! Thank you to WS for existing to bring us awareness of so many things, and to the mods for upholding TOS that set us apart from other sites, and most of all, for the community of friends I have developed through this case and who share the common bond of those who want to make a difference in the world! Lucas would be proud of us all!
My heart just breaks so much for this poor family :( I remember writing obituary for my son, it was the hardest thing I ever wrote because my son passed in pregnancy and I had no cute stories to share.. I think his obituary (Lucas') is beautiful and I want to yet again offer my deepest condolences to his entire family ( @FindLucasAllen ) who will forever miss him and wonder who he would have been, who will never get Kindergarden graduation photos, go to a school play, shout for him in a sporting event, celebrate his 6th birthday, see him fall in love, and back out of love. To see him go to prom, and graduation, and marriage, and have his grandchildren.. This horrid woman stole so much from this family that I don't think she was even a little capable of understanding just how much she was robbing them... I've been so blessed to fall in love with this little boy I had never met, he has changed my life, he has made me think twice about the children I see in the grocery store with bruises, he has made me appreciate my jerk of a teenage daughter because at least she is HERE to be a jerk.
Lucas, you are a superhero, but not like the ones you loved, no sir - you have exceeded all the known super heros out there, because you are REAL! Please play with my son in heaven, sweet Lucas! Make mudpies with him and fall asleep with the lullabyes of angels. And look down on your momma and her family, and send them rainbows to show you are still here!

Okay, enough of that, Im a crying mess! Thank you to WS for existing to bring us awareness of so many things, and to the mods for upholding TOS that set us apart from other sites, and most of all, for the community of friends I have developed through this case and who share the common bond of those who want to make a difference in the world! Lucas would be proud of us all!
AHTH- I am sorry you had to endure this heartache
SO SO SO much about this encounter upsets me. How was this poor kid released back into Emily’s care? How did it even get this far? If I recall correctly (until the past few days it’s been months since I’ve actively followed here) members of JHs family contacted him regarding suspected abuse at the hands of EG. Did he really believe the bruises were from Lucas falling off a truck by accident (which if so, he should have been furious that she let Lucas in the back of the truck, it’s not 1988 anymore). I’m sorry - he knew damn well that she was abusing Lucas. But hey, he got to leave for days at a time to work, so he had a built in babysitter. I’m actually shocked he was even interested in having full custody of Lucas. Idk man, he really, really rubs me the wrong way. I think he was far more compliant than he tries to appear. I think he 1000000% knew in his heart that EG killed Lucas, and instead of seeking justice for his baby boy, he stood by his girlfriends side because he knows he is partially to blame. Of course the system failed Lucas, but most of all, his own father failed him miserably. Jmo

BBM - he seems like a lot of men I know. They want the pride of having custody of a child and being able to say they are the provider, caretakers, etc. but they don't understand that part of that responsibility is putting that child first EVERY time, no matter what. They don't want to hear that the life they've worked so hard to build could have some really jacked up inner workings - that would mean they aren't doing as good of a job as they want to think they are. Admitting defeat. They'd rather go along with whats easy (believing the live in piece of ***, ignoring family members pleas, letting said piece block people out of their lives) instead of doing the hard thing - admitting they have problems - and addressing them.

My kids' dad is just like this and doesn't understand why I won't let him take my children out of my care, even for one night. He has proven himself faulty too many times. A year ago, my son came home with a black eye and my children haven't been left alone with him since. Just a few weeks later, his piece was arrested for assaulting him and his infant son, yet as soon as she called him, he was playing right back into her nonsense. Ugh. Lucas' case does hit close to home for me for this and other reasons, I'm so sorry for going OT - but I feel like JH had the same issues. It's like their whole mindset is "I feel like I'm doing good and the things I'm doing "right" look good on paper, so HOW could I be wrong?" They fail to take into account the things that make them look bad, because they always have a reason or excuse that is easier than doing something to fix what is wrong.
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It's a real shame that Emily didn't live to see how the world is pouring out their love for this little guy. Oh how she wanted to be the certain of attention in everything. How did that work out for you,Em?? In less than 15 days,people are planning a celebration of the life of the boy that you threw away like garbage. No one is going to come out and celebrate your light and kindness motherly sham of a life..the one person that you thought was worthless has become great indeed! (If she had shown any true penance for what she had done,I would feel for her,but to the end,it was all about her.) Moo
If you want what is best for your child when someone calls you and says they have two black eyes, bruises all over their body - you say yes please take him to ER and call me as soon as you know something - you don't send the woman back to pick him up that dropped him off that way so that family will not take him to ER IMO.
I so agree with this. This has angered me on several occasions. People are telling him and even showing him, on separate occasions, that his son was clearly abused. He failed to protect his only son, and Lucas payed dearly for it, over and over again. The more I learned about Lucas' home life, the more angry and disgusted I get. Two people were responsible- EG and JH. EG shouldn't even have had him in her care- how did that happen, that a woman who was abusive to her ex and lost custody of her older children, became his sole caregiver for 20 days out of the month? How does this happen?
I'm so thankful that Lucas's body was found and that she didn't kill herself before leading them to Lucas. It would've been so much worse than this already is.
Amen to that. And she obviously regretted it, leading them to his body. DM tricked her. She couldn’t handle the results, thus her suicide. I am so very thankful DM tricked her.
My heart just breaks so much for this poor family :( I remember writing obituary for my son, it was the hardest thing I ever wrote because my son passed in pregnancy and I had no cute stories to share.. I think his obituary (Lucas') is beautiful and I want to yet again offer my deepest condolences to his entire family ( @FindLucasAllen ) who will forever miss him and wonder who he would have been, who will never get Kindergarden graduation photos, go to a school play, shout for him in a sporting event, celebrate his 6th birthday, see him fall in love, and back out of love. To see him go to prom, and graduation, and marriage, and have his grandchildren.. This horrid woman stole so much from this family that I don't think she was even a little capable of understanding just how much she was robbing them... I've been so blessed to fall in love with this little boy I had never met, he has changed my life, he has made me think twice about the children I see in the grocery store with bruises, he has made me appreciate my jerk of a teenage daughter because at least she is HERE to be a jerk.
Lucas, you are a superhero, but not like the ones you loved, no sir - you have exceeded all the known super heros out there, because you are REAL! Please play with my son in heaven, sweet Lucas! Make mudpies with him and fall asleep with the lullabyes of angels. And look down on your momma and her family, and send them rainbows to show you are still here!

Okay, enough of that, Im a crying mess! Thank you to WS for existing to bring us awareness of so many things, and to the mods for upholding TOS that set us apart from other sites, and most of all, for the community of friends I have developed through this case and who share the common bond of those who want to make a difference in the world! Lucas would be proud of us all!
I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby son and I know the loss of Lucas brings painful memories. This is a beautiful post. Hugs.
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