Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #33

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Here is a comment from the Wichita Eagle Opinion Line.

"What if little Lucas Hernandez died from complications of falling off playground equipment and Emily Glass was innocent? Did Emily take her life because she couldn’t take the pressure? And what does that say about the rush to judgment?"

Read more here: Opinion Line (July 5)
Opinion Line (July 5)
Rush to judgment? She sat for three months with her mouth shut. Then she led DM to hidden and concealed Lucas A. Hernandez. Even after that, she walked away from jail. No, no rush to judgment. In my opinion, she had a brief moment of clarity, glaring into her own soul. She found her own self guilty, very guilty. Whatever smidgeon of goodness she might have had way down inside, allowed her to play judge, jury, and executioner to her own guilt ridden soul. Some say there is now no justice for Lucas. I disagree. This IS justice for Lucas. Poor baby boy. Run free dude. (No offense meant by calling him dude.). In my opinion.
Here is a comment from the Wichita Eagle Opinion Line.

"What if little Lucas Hernandez died from complications of falling off playground equipment and Emily Glass was innocent? Did Emily take her life because she couldn’t take the pressure? And what does that say about the rush to judgment?"

Read more here: Opinion Line (July 5)
Opinion Line (July 5)
Are they serious? Playground equipment and EG possibly innocent?? Please, she had guilty written all over her forehead. If she was so innocent, why dispose of the body for more than 3 months? She left him under the bridge to decay that his autopsy came back undetermined. She’s irresponsible and a narcissist. She’s all about the drugs. From looking at pictures of Lucas, you can tell he was not taken care of properly while under her so called care. He was very small . She committed suicide because “she couldn’t do jail”, and she was no longer going to see her biological children. They need to keep their opinions to themselves. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING

EG would have probably been best friends with CA if she lived. She followed in almost the same footsteps.

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Here is a comment from the Wichita Eagle Opinion Line.

"What if little Lucas Hernandez died from complications of falling off playground equipment and Emily Glass was innocent? Did Emily take her life because she couldn’t take the pressure? And what does that say about the rush to judgment?"

Read more here: Opinion Line (July 5)
Opinion Line (July 5)

You may panic for a day but not 3 months. Most people do break under pressure they break and tell the truth. She waited till she thought evidence would be gone and she was right .
It is interesting that JH spared JH the tough questions. I think she might be going soft.... It also bothers me that she would make crapola up. Maybe, she figures a majority of the public doesn't follow the case very closely... so they will just take her word for it? I am sure that many people don't follow certain cases very closely. They just accept the stuff that NG says and don't really look to certify her claims.

On here it is easier to catch NG's lies since we follow Lucas' case closely. I wonder what other stuff she has lied about with other cases.
I think Nancy only knows what is reported to her. SO if her staff lied to her, she reported what she thought was correct. I don't know why she isn't asking the hard questions, but maybe since she has her own show now, and not backed by major money, she's afraid of a lawsuit. She was sued for going hard on Melinda Duckette, who's son was missing and hasn't been found, but Melinda committed suicide before the airing of that show, and the show was aired after her death. I don't know what the final outcome of that lawsuit was. Many blamed Nancy for grilling Melinda and causing her to commit suicide. Many believed Melinda was guilty of killing Trenton and disposing of him in the national forest. The FBI was on it's way to her grandparents house to interview her when they found her dead.

I don't think Nancy would have the time to read up on every detail on every case she has done. I really think she has staff that is suppose to investigate and get her the details.
When do they think Lucas died?
What other things happened that week, for instance V-day?
Who was the last person to see Lucas alive and the time and circumstances. What was Lucas' condition as far as that person could tell.
What did forensics find in the house? Did cadaver dogs find a particular place where Lucas may have died?
What clothes was Lucas wearing when he was found? Was he wearing a pull-up?

I'm sure there are other things, but those are the first things that come to mind.
Excellent questions! I'll add:

Did she act alone?
Did the cadaver dogs pick up Lucas scent in her vehicle?
Did JH really FaceTime with Lucas on Valentine's Day or that Thursday after Valentine's Day?
Did they ever find her drug paraphernalia?
Was she alone with the baby that Friday night she went to Olive Garden, or was someone else with her?
Who was Emily talking to during those two phone calls at Olive Garden? If it was the landlord, did he/she really see Lucas that night at home alone?
Was Lucas there in that culvert the entire time, or was he moved? We have a wonderful searcher from here (perfectingpink) as well as her husband, who checked that culvert and knows he wasn't there when they searched that area. I believe them with all of my heart. If he wasn't there all along, where was he before, and who moved him?
That doctor's note- how did they conclude that Lucas' injuries occurred from a fall?
How long was Lucas on Zofran?
Excellent questions! I'll add:

Did she act alone?
Did the cadaver dogs pick up Lucas scent in her vehicle?
Did JH really FaceTime with Lucas on Valentine's Day or that Thursday after Valentine's Day?
Did they ever find her drug paraphernalia?
Was she alone with the baby that Friday night she went to Olive Garden, or was someone else with her?
Who was Emily talking to during those two phone calls at Olive Garden? If it was the landlord, did he/she really see Lucas that night at home alone?
Was Lucas there in that culvert the entire time, or was he moved? We have a wonderful searcher from here (perfectingpink) as well as her husband, who checked that culvert and knows he wasn't there when they searched that area. I believe them with all of my heart. If he wasn't there all along, where was he before, and who moved him?
That doctor's note- how did they conclude that Lucas' injuries occurred from a fall?
How long was Lucas on Zofran?

I now think we just missed him. Mr. Pink thinks he must have looked down the tunnel from the northeast side and did not realize there was a slight turn and this turn is what kept him from seeing the pile of brush Lucas was under. I also think my memory of seeing Mr. Pink crouch down on top of the wall of the sluice was either a created memory or a memory of another area that looked like this one. I will say the strangest part is I remember being on the phone with my daughter when we stopped here and I need to go back and check the records to see if I really was or if that is another created memory as well.
Here is a comment from the Wichita Eagle Opinion Line.

"What if little Lucas Hernandez died from complications of falling off playground equipment and Emily Glass was innocent? Did Emily take her life because she couldn’t take the pressure? And what does that say about the rush to judgment?"

Read more here: Opinion Line (July 5)
Opinion Line (July 5)

ThaT^^^ wouldn't make her innocent.
If he was badly injured from a playground incident, he should have been in the ER getting x-rays and treatment. He should not have been left alone while she went to dinner. That is negligence.
I think Nancy only knows what is reported to her. SO if her staff lied to her, she reported what she thought was correct. I don't know why she isn't asking the hard questions, but maybe since she has her own show now, and not backed by major money, she's afraid of a lawsuit. She was sued for going hard on Melinda Duckette, who's son was missing and hasn't been found, but Melinda committed suicide before the airing of that show, and the show was aired after her death. I don't know what the final outcome of that lawsuit was. Many blamed Nancy for grilling Melinda and causing her to commit suicide. Many believed Melinda was guilty of killing Trenton and disposing of him in the national forest. The FBI was on it's way to her grandparents house to interview her when they found her dead.

I don't think Nancy would have the time to read up on every detail on every case she has done. I really think she has staff that is suppose to investigate and get her the details.
Nancy tried that case for 250k if I remember correctly. The money would go to the baby if he was found alive before age 13. If after, it would go to a charity of their choosing.
I now think we just missed him. Mr. Pink thinks he must have looked down the tunnel from the northeast side and did not realize there was a slight turn and this turn is what kept him from seeing the pile of brush Lucas was under. I also think my memory of seeing Mr. Pink crouch down on top of the wall of the sluice was either a created memory or a memory of another area that looked like this one. I will say the strangest part is I remember being on the phone with my daughter when we stopped here and I need to go back and check the records to see if I really was or if that is another created memory as well.
I feel so hard for you two. You are beating yourselves up. DM said he could ha e missed it as well. He had EG witj him to detail how she left him. There was probably enough brush to hide him well and his dark clothing and decay camoflauged him. The smell was probably gone too. Dont be so hard on yourselves. I know i would be the same way, but none of us judge you that way. MOO
Here is a comment from the Wichita Eagle Opinion Line.

"What if little Lucas Hernandez died from complications of falling off playground equipment and Emily Glass was innocent? Did Emily take her life because she couldn’t take the pressure? And what does that say about the rush to judgment?"

Read more here: Opinion Line (July 5)
Opinion Line (July 5)

Murder or no murder, there is no way that b is innocent of anything. Emily and innocent do not fit well together in a sentence.
This is where I have been at too. I feel sorry for JH. I can't help it nor do I want to. It's the humaneness in me. I do believe that he loved his son and EG and loves his daughter. Do I think he has made some terrible choices? You betcha! Do I think he is hurting beyond belief? You betcha. Now he's sick and in the hospital. All of this since February 16th! How much can one person take? His depression must be deep imo.

^ This. All of this. As much as my heart aches for what poor Lucas went through, I also can't help but feel a tremendous amount of sorrow for his dad. I mean, his son went missing and was found deceased, and the woman he thought he loved was not only responsible, but then she blows her own head off in his rental home and he's the one to find her. Yeah... that's a LOT of painful tragedy in a short period of time. Even for a guy who did ignore his own son's abuse.
I feel sorrow for JH and everything he’s been through since Lucas went missing in February until now. I’m sure this pain will be with him for life and never fade away. He’s going to have to live with it. I still feel he is responsible for putting Lucas in the “care” of a monster and for everything to escalate to where it went from abuse to death. Sometimes I feel that EG was getting back at him for revenge of some type. I mean she did abuse his son and he passed and she hid his body for 3 months leaving to decompose. Searchers went out and a PI was hired. Then she makes sure he finds her with her brain splattered on the floor, all without the decency of leaving him some type of note as to what happened with Lucas. She wanted to be in control of the whole situation.It makes me feel she never loved JH and just used him for the financial stability of having a roof on her head and a car and food.
Just let all the kids involved in this get through this difficult time without too many scars on their souls. Lucas hopefully rests in peace now. I felt some hatred for JH too, but that doesn't change anything that happened. A caring, loving family for Baby M is my biggest wish right now:)
I’ve never spoken of my feelings about JH but I will now:
* I work with people in ill health and don’t ever wish it on anyone.
* He should have, and was required to, put Lucas first, and didn’t, and should answer to that legally. He was warned of the abuse and did nothing about it, did not report it, did nothing to stop it, or remove Lucas from further harm; in fact, stopped visits with those who warned him about it. He had full custody of Lucas.
* He should answer legally for knowingly having his child in the care of a person who was on drugs which is evidenced-based on texts between JH and EG. He had full custody of Lucas.
*He has been charged with assaulting EG’s son and I don’t believe those charges were brought, as some have said, by the father, to stop visits to EG. He assaulted the child, which is evidence-based, and JH should be tried for those charges. I believe it was a volatile household, based on past police reports, and it carried on past those reports. Let a judge or jury decide.
*Finally, people have said “JH has suffered enough with the loss of Lucas and will suffer the rest of his life.” Yes, he will suffer the rest of his life. But so will the parents who accidentally, and stupidly, leave children in hot cars...and then are charged with crimes in the child’s death, even though they didn’t do it on purpose. I feel JH culpable. I don’t know what of, but culpable. He had full custody of Lucas.
I’ve never spoken of my feelings about JH but I will now:
* I work with people in ill health and don’t ever wish it on anyone.
* He should have, and was required to, put Lucas first, and didn’t, and should answer to that legally. He was warned of the abuse and did nothing about it, did not report it, did nothing to stop it, or remove Lucas from further harm; in fact, stopped visits with those who warned him about it. He had full custody of Lucas.
* He should answer legally for knowingly having his child in the care of a person who was on drugs which is evidenced-based on texts between JH and EG. He had full custody of Lucas.
*He has been charged with assaulting EG’s son and I don’t believe those charges were brought, as some have said, by the father, to stop visits to EG. He assaulted the child, which is evidence-based, and JH should be tried for those charges. I believe it was a volatile household, based on past police reports, and it carried on past those reports. Let a judge or jury decide.
*Finally, people have said “JH has suffered enough with the loss of Lucas and will suffer the rest of his life.” Yes, he will suffer the rest of his life. But so will the parents who accidentally, and stupidly, leave children in hot cars...and then are charged with crimes in the child’s death, even though they didn’t do it on purpose. I feel JH culpable. I don’t know what of, but culpable. He had full custody of Lucas.

Absolutely Phili. He was the person appointed to be responsible for Lucas' care. And he failed someone who couldn't help themselves... I'm sorry, but if you insist on having sex, you better be up to the challenge of taking the best care you possibly can of the child you might create, and if you can't do that, then leave the child with someone who loves them... don't keep that child away from family members who love Lucas so much that they reported them to CPS... don't ignore the cuts, bruises and ill health of your child in the care of your girlfriend, don't endanger that child... I don't care if you are a doctor, a bank clerk, a truck driver or whatever... raising and keeping your child safe is the most important job you will ever have... and if you would rather protect your b* *advertiser censored** girlfriend than do so then you don't deserve to have that child in your company.

This guy does not get a hall pass from me and I don't care one bit about his health problems... look at the health problems Lucas had from the pain inflicted by the person JH chose over Lucas... and get out of the freakin' way with your 's... he doesn't deserve the money and poor MH doesn't deserve to be made to live with that monster ever again.
Absolutely Phili. He was the person appointed to be responsible for Lucas' care. And he failed someone who couldn't help themselves... I'm sorry, but if you insist on having sex, you better be up to the challenge of taking the best care you possibly can of the child you might create, and if you can't do that, then leave the child with someone who loves them... don't keep that child away from family members who love Lucas so much that they reported them to CPS... don't ignore the cuts, bruises and ill health of your child in the care of your girlfriend, don't endanger that child... I don't care if you are a doctor, a bank clerk, a truck driver or whatever... raising and keeping your child safe is the most important job you will ever have... and if you would rather protect your b* *advertiser censored** girlfriend than do so then you don't deserve to have that child in your company.

This guy does not get a hall pass from me and I don't care one bit about his health problems... look at the health problems Lucas had from the pain inflicted by the person JH chose over Lucas... and get out of the freakin' way with your 's... he doesn't deserve the money and poor MH doesn't deserve to be made to live with that monster ever again.

I’ve never spoken of my feelings about JH but I will now:
* I work with people in ill health and don’t ever wish it on anyone.
* He should have, and was required to, put Lucas first, and didn’t, and should answer to that legally. He was warned of the abuse and did nothing about it, did not report it, did nothing to stop it, or remove Lucas from further harm; in fact, stopped visits with those who warned him about it. He had full custody of Lucas.
* He should answer legally for knowingly having his child in the care of a person who was on drugs which is evidenced-based on texts between JH and EG. He had full custody of Lucas.
*He has been charged with assaulting EG’s son and I don’t believe those charges were brought, as some have said, by the father, to stop visits to EG. He assaulted the child, which is evidence-based, and JH should be tried for those charges. I believe it was a volatile household, based on past police reports, and it carried on past those reports. Let a judge or jury decide.
*Finally, people have said “JH has suffered enough with the loss of Lucas and will suffer the rest of his life.” Yes, he will suffer the rest of his life. But so will the parents who accidentally, and stupidly, leave children in hot cars...and then are charged with crimes in the child’s death, even though they didn’t do it on purpose. I feel JH culpable. I don’t know what of, but culpable. He had full custody of Lucas.
Philigumbo and Ana thank you both for your post! I made a short post a while back saying bad things about JH and felt a little guilty for it. Now I don't feel so guilty saying I don't feel sorry for him because others like you 2 are standing up to him and voicing your opinion about him. He couldn't see what was happening to Lucas because he was so focused on EG and what she had to offer him it literally makes me sick. I still can't believe he didn't protect Lucas and turned his back on him. JH deserves no sympathy from me!
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