Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #6 *Arrest*

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And who knows maybe she drugged Lucas also. You just never know with people like this.

It's also possible if Lucas was drugged his breathing slowed way down, EG panicked, couldn't take him to ER without getting busted herself, and just buried him somewhere.
What I'm really heading towards is chloroform, the night before, to get him to sleep. That seems to be a popular method nowadays with some of these less than nurturing parents.
She probably had a drug test done the day of reporting or soon after reporting Lucas missing. Her parole officer could have requested this at any time because of prior custody arrangements from Butler County Courts. They (LE/Medical) are able to tell how long drugs are in the body, how much and what kind. Testing positive for drugs would put the 1 yr old in danger....and possibly violating her requirements with issue of custody of her other children, although no charges have been brought forth. The conditions on her custody pertaining to her two other children has been mentioned here on WS several times the past days.

Info on this in in several media sites, one being the Wichita Eagle, Feb 23, 2018. The court pertaining to custody of her other two children is Butler County, Judge David Rickie.

Lucas Hernandez case is in Sedgwick County.

On Ipad cannot link directly right now.

They can also test Baby Girl's hair/blood for drug exposure, also. They tested Noah Thomas' baby sister after he disappeared (into the septic tank), and found her to have opiate exposure. Fortunately this gave them the ability to sever her parents' parental rights and she was adopted by a family member.

It may not show anything but I sure hope they at least try testing her for evidence.
Haleigh Cummings was left with Misty Croslin who is in prison for drugs. It was always thought Haleigh might have been drugged, accidentally or on purpose.
Of course she's never been found and it seems that someone else/s would have helped to hide that poor child.
And Caylee was found so late that because of the conditions her actual cause of death could not be proven. Although obviously homicide.
Hoping Lucas is located very soon.
There is no telling who she has had in the house around both children. If she is being supplied drugs is she looking the other way for people? Or just not seeing?

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Indeed. No teeeelllling who she has had in that house. Hmmmm...

We know that drugs don't just magically appear...

So, IF she's an addict, did she go get the drugs, or did someone bring them to her?
Yes. I don't know the science, but I have read multiple times that a body begins to release certain chemicals immediately after death, and within 2-3 minutes it will already have been too late to hide the scent. That's how I understand it, and like I said, I am not certain of the science. If I have that wrong, I would appreciate being corrected.

One study I read suggests pretty much what you say., noting that the accuracy increases at longer than 2 minutes. Here's a summary from a news article, followed by the actual study:

One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognise a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there. In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.

Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation. 1998.pdf

There have also been studies on what materials the body touched like metal, wood, cloth, etc. (the bodies in the quoted study were wrapped in thin cotton to simulate clothing) and the best methods and scent models for training a HRD so it seems like there are a lot of elements in determining accuracy.

What I haven't found is the impact when a body is quickly wrapped tightly in a nonporous item like a garbage bag. In an unplanned murder I'd think there would be a longer time gap than a premeditated murder but again, maybe the location could affect the scent. For example, a body on ceramic tile vs. carpet, or vinyl flooring vs. wood.

I'm sure LE collected many samples and those samples are being examined in the lab right now. IMO it's just a matter of time when - not if - LE has enough evidence for probable cause.
If it meant that he felt absolutely no pain or suffering while she killed him, then I hope she did drug him. That poor darling suffered enough abuse, he deserves, at the very least, as peaceful of an ending as possible.

I am trying to hard not to hate her.......but it's getting hard for me not to.
I know how you feel. I don't want to hate anyone. I have to hate what they do though:(
Indeed. No teeeelllling who she has had in that house. Hmmmm...

We know that drugs don't just magically appear...

So, IF she's an addict, did she go get the drugs, or did someone bring them to her?

I would say both occurred according to need and situation at hand.

I would think such folks would be visible via cell records....unless she had a burner...

What if she communicated online with some kind of messager or app. Could they find those conversations even if they were deleted?
It's also possible if Lucas was drugged his breathing slowed way down, EG panicked, couldn't take him to ER without getting busted herself, and just buried him somewhere.
What I'm really heading towards is chloroform, the night before, to get him to sleep. That seems to be a popular method nowadays with some of these less than nurturing parents.
Yes and unfortunate shades of "zannie" the nanny. (xanax). Also benadryl will cause respiratory depression causing the brain to forget to sleep in high enough doses. Lucas was seemingly very light in weight.
She appears almost childlike, mousy to me...her side by side with Lucas is such a stark comparison, his bright eyes and chubby cheeks, her dead eyes and gaunt thin face, moo.
I’m not sure if this article has been brought forward, but it was updated today and seems to state that the child endangerment charge is indeed related to drug use:

“The criminal complained (sic) shows the one count of child endangerment involving a one year old on February 16, the day before she reported Lucas missing. A police report obtained by KAKE News states she was suspected of using drugs”.

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Indeed. No teeeelllling who she has had in that house. Hmmmm...

We know that drugs don't just magically appear...

So, IF she's an addict, did she go get the drugs, or did someone bring them to her?
Could be either way. Around my major metro area they will deliver or you can meet them in a walmart parking lot and just bump into them where the exchange is made. Also most gas/convenience stores.
The dealers are usually young males who are working for suppliers and keep the heroin in balloons in their mouths so they can swallow them if they are startled.
Unfortunately I learned this when my roommate recently died of an overdose.
Maybe she met her dealer at the park...

Right, but then how did Lucas get there? If he was already dead, they would detect that there had been a dead body in the car. If he was alive, wouldn't he have had his shoes and coat on? Unless he was already injured or he didn't get ready fast enough for her and she drug him out to the car without shoes or a coat...
I hate to say this as I'm still holding onto the slightest glimmer of hope that precious little Lucas will be found alive. I know that's a long shot though.

Keep in mind, many trials have been won in absentia (without a body) :(

Indeed, but they are going to need sooomething to prove first degree murder, and without a body and COD/tox this might be tough, she could plead to saying it was an accident, he fell, or say nothing at all, etc, maybe involuntary manslaughter, idk..not the legal eagle here...

Eta: we saw in Mariah's case how the chloroform...
Is Lucas' home shown here? (

The house on the corner with the red sidewalk is where they live;!8m2!3d37.6757302!4d-97.2716291
Ever since EG's court appearance yesterday, something has seriously bothering me. According to the pc (anyone have a link?) on February 21, she was placed in jail on 2 counts of child endangerment and now just charged with 1. If both of those original charges are from Friday, February 16, that would have to mean that Lucas was indeed with her and alive on that day, correct? I wish we know where and what time of day she was endangering them and who saw it. Also, if LE had direct contact with EG on Friday, February 16 and observed her endangering the baby and Lucas, why didn't they place her in jail that day instead of waiting until Feb. 21??? It breaks my heart to think that he might not be missing if she was placed in jail that day instead of waiting. All just IMO and only if he was indeed not already missing on Friday.
Could be either way. Around my major metro area they will deliver or you can meet them in a walmart parking lot and just bump into then where the exchange is made. Also most gas/convenience stores.
Unfortunately I learned this when my roommate recently died of an overdose.
They'll deliver them under your front door mat!

"They can put a pizza delivery globe on their car and bring it to you in a pizza box or pick up an envelope left under a doormat and leave the drugs in its place, he said."

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Right, but then how did Lucas get there? If he was already dead, they would detect that there had been a dead body in the car. If he was alive, wouldn't he have had his shoes and coat on? Unless he was already injured or he didn't get ready fast enough for her and she drug him out to the car without shoes or a coat...
I don't think he would've needed a coat, based on earlier threads.

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