Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.21.17 - Day 19

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I think it was more of a Bro Code -type thing. You don't date/sleep with a friend's partner (or ex-partner realistically) without their permission. Not unusual imo.

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totally agree......I actually don't find this all that weird.....I would never date a friend's ex without first discussing it with them.....MOO
Nov 21 2017 3:15 PM

Crown Lockhart asks Michalski about "friction" between Millard and Babcock.

Michalski, "Dellen and Laura were still hooking up, and Dellen and Christina were a thing now."

Shannon Martin
According to DM he was not hooking up with LB

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They were best friends...its common "bro code" violation to not ask.

And pretty much a cardinal sin for best girl friends to even consider asking your bestie if you could hook up with her previous man. IMO. :gaah:
Lisa Hepfner’s tweets:

Looking at a text conversation between Michalski and #LauraBabcock. She's sharing "what she got from Dell," about her "disorder. " He tells her not to cry or whine about her disorder, that she was harmful to him, and "good luck with life."
3:19 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Michalski tells #LauraBabcock she's not a bad person she should just think before she speaks. "Gnight gorgeous," he tells her.
3:20 PM - 21 Nov 2017
totally agree......I actually don't find this all that weird.....I would never date a friend's ex without first discussing it with them.....MOO

I wouldn’t date or sleep with a friends Ex. So I guess I find this ”bro-code” weird and see it in a different light I guess!
These people are off their rockers! Permission, really? :laughing:

Sounds worse than it is. Many friendships have been ruined by guys hooking up with their buddy's ex. A heads up is a pretty common thing.
Nov 21 2017 3:21 PM

Crown Ken Lockhart pulls up text messages from Babcock to Michalski:

Babcock, "This is what I got from dell. I just looked at my cell...

of course i don't know your disorder. its yours and you dont know anyone else's. it's unfortunate you got dealt a bad hand. i don't blame you for your disorder but it is up to you to manage it. this your life Laura. It's all you'll ever have, you can cry and wine (his spelling) about your malformations or you can be appreciative that you have five fingers, five toes and enough comprehension to read & write. believe it or not that netter than the truly unfortunate get

you are harmful to me. please don't try to contact me until you've made some huge leaps of self discovery.
as i said before, good luck with life.

Babcock: Am I that bad of a person?

Michalski: No your super nice and mean well but you just need to think bf you say something sometimes.

Babcock: ya dells def not a fan of me. He told me he told xtina when he slept with me before. Erg these ppl cause do much unwanted drama for me. and bring me into it.

Shannon Martin
Lisa Hepfner‏ [FONT=&quot]@HefCHCHNews 56s56 seconds agoMore


[FONT=&quot]Michalski may have discussed the conversation with [/FONT]#Millard[FONT=&quot]. "I'm gonna say yes," Michalski says. Stops. Changes mind. I'm going to say I didn't have a conversation with him about that specific text conversation."[/FONT]

I'm gonna tell the truth. Wait... not that truth, rather, this truth instead. Honest. Trust me.
totally agree......I actually don't find this all that weird.....I would never date a friend's ex without first discussing it with them.....MOO

I had this happen with my best friend's ex-husband. They had recently gotten divorced and (unknown to me) he wanted to date me. Apparently they had talked between themselves about it and one day out of the blue she phones me up to give me her 'blessing' and I could date her ex-husband if I wished to (I considered him just a friend). Anyway we went out a couple of times but it was all too weird for me (like I said I saw him as a friend) and I was still getting over my ex boyfriend.
Nov 21 2017 3:26 PM

Texts between Millard and Michalski, May 4, 2012.

Millard: "if you could keep me updated on where Laura goes to thatd be of use to me"

Michalski "Lolz I'll try"
Nov 21 2017 3:29 PM
Michalski says he only learned Babcock was missing, after seeing a post on Facebook.

Another text message, a photo attached, from July 17, 2012. It's a news article, the headline:

Police looking for woman last seen in Roncesvalles 3 weeks ago.

Michalski sent it to Millard.
Nov 21 2017 3:26 PM

Texts between Millard and Michalski, May 4, 2012.

Millard: "if you could keep me updated on where Laura goes to thatd be of use to me"

Michalski "Lolz I'll try"

This is the one piece of evidence that says it all for me. Guilty M1 for DM.
MS? Still waiting for the bombshell there.
Just MMO.
Nov 21 2017 3:31 PM

Beyond this, Michalski says he never spoke to Millard about Babcock's disappearance.

"I never had a conversation... nothing."

Crown Lockhart asks, why not?

"Just cuz we didn't think highly of her at that time."

Michalski says Millard shared the same opinion of Babcock - Crown Lockhart asks what he means.

MIchalski, "Just because of the bad blood between them."

Crown Lockhart finishes questions.

We're on the afternoon break. Back in 15 minutes.
Lisa Hepfner’s tweets:

Michalski may have discussed the conversation with #Millard. "I'm gonna say yes," Michalski says. Stops. Changes mind. I'm going to say I didn't have a conversation with him about that specific text conversation."
3:22 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Now the text conversation where #Millard asks Michelski to "keep updated on where Laura goes out to. that'd be of use to me." May 4, 2012. #LauraBabcock
3:24 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Michalski responds to #Millard request as Lolz i'll try and Millard says, thanks bud. Tells court he didn't ask Millard why he wanted to know where #LauraBabcock was going. Was aware of friction between her, Millard, and Noudga.
3:25 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Michalski saw an ad on Facebook and learned #LauraBabcock had gone missing. After the text conversation where Millard is asking about where Laura goes. Michalski asked #Millard about the missing post.
3:27 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Michalski took as screen capture and sent the missing poster of #LauraBabcock to Millard. "what did you do?"
3:29 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Michalski was still in Winnipeg at that point. He didn't speak to Millard about #LauraBabcock disappearance other than this text conversation. Didn't talk about it in August. "We didn't think highly of her at that time."
3:30 PM - 21 Nov 2017
WTF!! What about the "What'd you do?" comment? Why the hell are these loose ends being left everywhere????
Nov 21 2017 3:31 PM

Beyond this, Michalski says he never spoke to Millard about Babcock's disappearance.

"I never had a conversation... nothing."

Crown Lockhart asks, why not?

"Just cuz we didn't think highly of her at that time."

Michalski says Millard shared the same opinion of Babcock - Crown Lockhart asks what he means.

MIchalski, "Just because of the bad blood between them."

Crown Lockhart finishes questions.

We're on the afternoon break. Back in 15 minutes.

BBM-- I find it hard to believe they NEVER discussed LB after this. AM Just testified he was interested in Hooking up with her.. SMH
Lisa Hepfner’s tweet:

There was bad blood because Millard and #LauraBabcock had hooked up, Michalski says. He didn't ask #Millard what he thought happened to their former friend. Afternoon recess.
3:31 PM - 21 Nov 2017

Sorry for the delay in posting but I'm at work. Can anyone else take over Lisa Hepfner's tweets after the break? If not I'll do my best to keep up. :)
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