Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.05.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 1

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Why would someone bring a rolled up carpet that is wrapped up in a tarp to a place to burn it and take a photo of it? Also, did DM actually state what WAS in the tarp and not just suggest what was in it? If not, why not?

Agreed and he could have easy submitted evidence to provide context to his texts. I mean he didn't even touch the "barn smell check" reminder. He didn't even attempt to address it.

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Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
2m2 minutes ago
"With Shane Schlatman in the hangar, I'm allegedly dragging a body from one vehicle to another, then after my day's routines I go to the farm." #Millard says that's what the crown is suggesting

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
17s18 seconds ago
"Does any of this make sense?" Millard asks. "I say it doesn't make sense," for one, the tarp looks dirty, and if it had been there for a long time it couldn't contain #LauraBabcock
eye roll - what is the time frame here?
I suspect most review's of DM's lawyering are like when you get invited to some dingy, dirty looking restuarant. You walk in and think you're about to get food poisoning but you eat and its actually reasonable food. Suddenly reasonable food becomes a surprise and you give it a decent review.
I wish you guys put the bias aside and gave Dell credit. He did GREAT. First time ever acting as a lawyer? At your own murder trial nevertheless? I wish you guys had the privilege to see him in person. He was outstanding! But giving Dell any credit here is like discussing how great your new mink fur is at a PETA forum...

While I respect the rules of this forum, I find a comment celebrating ‘the privilege to see him in person’ regarding a convicted murderer and likely serial killer to be perverse and offensive.
g00d p0int

Even though motive isn't important to show, I'm still interested in why he wanted AM to keep track of Laura's whereabouts? Sounds like he was worried about something she was going to do or info she had. Remember he was considering how she could be useful to him. Maybe she was a 'wildcard' in that she couldn't be trusted anymore for some reason, maybe to do with her mental instability. JMO
It is hard not to think about the TB trial for those of us who followed that trial closely. Especially since we know the true purpose of the incinerator.

Having said that, I still think there is enough evidence here to convict DM of M1 on the Babcock trial, independent of the TB trial. I think when the Crown closes their case they will tie it together nicely for the jury. And although I agree with you that DM is a smooth talker, he did himself no favours by playing lawyer, as he made himself look like an extreme a-hole, narcissist and a sociopath. I don't think he won any sympathy from the jury. He also slipped up a lot along the way, making mistakes that did not help his case (and in some instances they hurt his defence).

He provided no evidence to suggest that the incinerator was purchased for a legitimate business opportunity. He admitted LB was dead, he implied that LB was in his car when her phone died, he lost credibility in his own witness by showing him a video of LB in which the witness said he didn't think it was LB. He failed to prove that the bones in the incinerator may have been animal bones. He talked about acquiring an illegal firearm and illegal bullets and smuggling them across the border.

As soon as the crown comes out for their closing arguments, they will poke holes in everything DM said today and they will show how some of his claims are ludicrous. Not that he had much to work with. There is overwhelming evidence against him.

He made a good effort to play lawyer, but he would have been much better off with a professional lawyer instead of going up and spending 75% of his time bragging about his past life of cars, girls and drugs.

I value your insite. Were you in the courtroom or are you just going on the one in twenty lines that SM gives us?
It is hard for us all that are sitting at our puters to know how the jury is reacting to all of this.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
What Shane didn't know was where I took all that garbage I took from the hangar, #Millard says. What we do know though, is that police did find old tarps at Millard's barn. #LauraBabcock

This is testimony isn't it? :waitasec:
old DIRTY tarps??
She has not really been "dragged through this". Other than a couple of evidence pictures she appears in, which have not been made public, both trials have been nothing but respectful regarding her.

Well personally I wouldn't want my name associated with his. And we have all seen pictures of her and references of how she was sleeping with DM as was CN?
She's moved away and has her own life. I think it's irrelevant for her to be brought into it but JMO
Next trial I'm sure will be different

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I value your insite. Were you in the courtroom or are you just going on the one in twenty lines that SM gives us?
It is hard for us all that are sitting at our puters to know how the jury is reacting to all of this.

No, I was not in the court. The above statement was just my own opinion. I am looking forward to a persuasive closing argument from the Crown to seal the deal for M1.
He had the ability to subpoena her and call her as a witness. He did not.

After the crap he said about her being fat, telling AM he could sleep with her, sleeping with all these others, buying her nothing, basically saying he was using her but yet telling her the complete opposite at least in letters anyway. I think calling her as a witness was too much of a unknown testimony. We all saw how she acted the last time. Good on the crown though for keeping her on the list as they did with mommy dearest last time. MOO

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$200/hr. but she was homeless? riiiiggghhhttt .....

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
2m2 minutes ago
Take in everything, #Millard tells the jury. #LauraBabcock's mental health problems, her recent work as an escort. "Is it unimaginable someone would choose not to contact home or friends, given those rocky relationships?"

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
Laura Babcock was making more that $200/hour, "a staggering amount of money," Millard says, she was not without resources. "She learned different places she could make that money. Not just Toronto, Montreal as well."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
48s49 seconds ago
No bank activity on Laura's accounts, but that was the case for months, Millard says, "she just never used banks." He asks jury to infer that the escort line of work is a cash business. #LauraBabcock
I cannot call a person who murdered an innocent human being by using the internet to prey and lure them to their death as anything but a homicidal maniac. I don't care what type of performance he put on. HIs comments about Laura s father and family were disgusting. Thank god it is over and it is vile to think he may get the chance to torture people again in the trial for his father. Of course, he is a master at manipulation I am sure he is still maintaining it was all MS's fault that Tim Bosma was murdered.
I would have to say, we all know he's a great "storyteller" based on his many letters that have been released. The way he speaks in them and his dream of how he'd address the jury was a reality for him now. I don't see this as something "great" he's done. While I don't share your sentiment, I definitely don't see this performance as anything other then that. A performance. MOO

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I would have to say, we all know he's a great "storyteller" based on his many letters that have been released. The way he speaks in them and his dream of how he'd address the jury was a reality for him now. I don't see this as something "great" he's done. While I don't share your sentiment, I definitely don't see this performance as anything other then that. A performance. MOO

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Nero's last words were "What an artist dies in me"
Just catching up. Why didn't he call her then as a witness?

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If Crown has a witness and doesn't call him or her, as they did in the TB case with MB, just to keep her out of the courtroom, does that mean that defense can't call them? Doesn't seem fair.
good omen

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
I think I just saw a juror roll his eyes, when Millard said people can get new phone numbers when they get new phones.

Long time reader (kind of) but shy to post my thoughts... I mostly try to only read the testimony and factual information with a wee bit of opinion from a select few I find to be enlightening or educated in the subjects they discuss. Now that DM is done and only Dungey and the Prosecution is left, I have found myself firm in my analysis of what I have heard. The motive is abundantly clear to me... He wanted to ramp his criminal activity up. He wanted to test both his equipment and minions... For profit, the thrill, and most important (to him), boost his ego. Poor LB was an easy mark that he could call, she would arrive and he could do his bidding with ease. She was vulnerable in terms of her mental state and lifestyle, and he knew that because of this, the Police would (at the very least) be slow to investigate by nature of her chosen lifestyle, mental health issues, and history of rebelling from family. It was just a low risk test for him... This was planned! M1 for sure. He was crafting his new trade. Unfortunately he got cocky, TB and possibly WM met their demise in the process. Sorry if someone has said this before... Like I said, I tried to be a selective reader to form my own opinion. BTW Thanks to all who work so hard to post testimony, facts and educated opinions! Lastly, my heart goes out to LB's family and friends. They have been put into a position that no one would ever want, could ever predict, or could possibly imagine for that matter. Their actions were a result of their love and compassion. My heart goes out to them. RIP-LB
I say perverse too, I would feel sickened to be in the same space as this homicidal maniac. Who lured an innocent man to his death for a thrill kill.
While I respect the rules of this forum, I find a comment celebrating ‘the privilege to see him in person’ regarding a convicted murderer and likely serial killer to be perverse and offensive.
My heart goes out to Laura s family and how difficult it was for them to be there today. Justice for Laura.
Long time reader (kind of) but shy to post my thoughts... I mostly try to only read the testimony and factual information with a wee bit of opinion from a select few I find to be enlightening or educated in the subjects they discuss. Now that DM is done and only Dungey and the Prosecution is left, I have found myself firm in my analysis of what I have heard. The motive is abundantly clear to me... He wanted to ramp his criminal activity up. He wanted to test both his equipment and minions... For profit, the thrill, and most important (to him), boost his ego. Poor LB was an easy mark that he could call, she would arrive and he could do his bidding with ease. She was vulnerable in terms of her mental state and lifestyle, and he knew that because of this, the Police would (at the very least) be slow to investigate by nature of her chosen lifestyle, mental health issues, and history of rebelling from family. It was just a low risk test for him... This was planned! M1 for sure. He was crafting his new trade. Unfortunately he got cocky, TB and possibly WM met their demise in the process. Sorry if someone has said this before... Like I said, I tried to be a selective reader to form my own opinion. BTW Thanks to all who work so hard to post testimony, facts and educated opinions! Lastly, my heart goes out to LB's family and friends. They have been put into a position that no one would ever want, could ever predict, or could possibly imagine for that matter. Their actions were a result of their love and compassion. My heart goes out to them. RIP-LB
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