LE wants to interview the parents separately

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Well maybe they are convinced their attorneys can find Lisa and the police are not needed for anything.

Honestly, rights are all well and good and it is a relief we have them, but I just don't understand how people even think of their own rights if their child is gone, maybe in danger, maybe deceased, maybe being kept by a pervert...only LE seems concerned about Lisa's rights as a person. JMO

ITA. Thank you for saying what I haven't been able to put into words.

You said it perfectly.

So she told the blacked out story just to get some brownie points for being so honest?

I think it was supposed to make us all say "oh she blacked out... let's let the poor dear off the hook for helping find her missing baby"
What about Lisa's right? Right now, the rights of her parents are not a concern of mine...sorry, they just aren't. They would be, if they had not changed stories, declined to talk to police when asked, etc....but right now Lisa can't help LE and she needs to be helped. The police are learning bits and pieces perhaps, after searching the home, reviewing the computers and phone logs and probably have brand new questions. Who to answer them, if not the parents? And because the parents are in a huff, they avoid doing so? I know I am rambling but this is just beyond ludicrous to me, not to mention totally creating and maintaining the circus-like atmosphere that this case has taken on.

LE is NOT in the business of stringing people up just to close a case. There may be the occassional "bad" cop, but just as often, if not more often, there are parents killing their own children; we read about that everyday

color by me

thank you
I think LE has done a great job looking for Lisa-We do not know what evidence they have and I applaud them for keeping it so close to the vest,they need to-because its the only way hopefully they are going to find Lisa-I can only say that-Not all LE are bad-Some of these PO have children themselves.They are not rookies-when it comes to solving crimes.I have a lot of faith in them that they know what they are doing!
No. They want to do it SOME MORE. More unrestricted interviews, like the ones they were conducting while LE said they were fully cooperating. Now, they have "stopped cooperating". Means they were.

after all they have rights, too bad about a missing child but let's focus National media. Priorities after all.

and still a baby is missing but thank God her parent have attys to help them avoid cooperation.
I think LE has done a great job looking for Lisa-We do not know what evidence they have and I applaud them for keeping it so close to the vest,they need to-because its the only way hopefully they are going to find Lisa-I can only say that-Not all LE are bad-Some of these PO have children themselves.They are not rookies-when it comes to solving crimes.I have a lot of faith in them that they know what they are doing!

They do indeed seem to be doing a very thorough job. I hope the parents will go back and talk to them, with their attorneys present, and answer any questions they have.
Let's say that someone has taken your child and you know this without a doubt. When you report it the police get in your face for hours and accuse you of killing your child. Every time that you talk to them they don't ask you anything about anything that has anything to do with your missing child unless it is them pointing a finger at you and asking you what you did with that child.

How long do you put up with it even though you know you are innocent and had nothing to do with it? A to of people keep saying if you have nothing to hide then you won't mind talking to the police but if their actions are abusive and appear to be useless how long do you put up with the abuse?

Abusive??? Are you kidding? These men and women have been desperately searching for this baby for over 3 weeks now. If that 's how the parents feel,as if they are being "abused" let them tell the police that (wish they could walk right off the case" and let them go out and find their dtr!!!:furious:
It is done all the time. Why do you think LE defends their right to lie and use trickery against people?

Very true Doc. I took a class in Criminal Justice taught by LE, and he said they do use those tactics because perps lie to them all the time, so why should they be excluded from using the same ammo.
People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

17 hours is a drop in the bucket. If it were my daughter I would be LIVING at the police station.


One of my fav quotes. Nothing truer.

Everything I read about LE reminds me of how Yuri Melich was onto CA from the very beginning. JMOO
Originally Posted by marge_rita
It often seems to me that a few are more concernerd with the 'poor parents' than the child who is missing and desperately needs to be found. Baby Lisa deserves justice.


You expressed exactly how I feel, thank you!
LE doesn't want a lawyer present, is that it? Well, that is unconstitutional. No reason for anyone to waive their constitutional rights in this investigation.

Perhaps they did talk to them first, separately, but then it became known that the baby had not been seen since about 6:40PM, rather than 10:30PM. Or perhaps they refused from the start. In any case, it can never be too late to talk with LE as long as this remains unresolved and Lisa is still missing.

The last unrestricted interview was October 8 in which law professor Sean O'Brien briefly represented them. He claims that it would have been extremely heavy-handed if he had not been there. LE and defense agree that the Irwins have been cooperative, LE wants to take it to another level. Maybe they will be able to work out the terms for another interview.
No. They want to do it SOME MORE. More unrestricted interviews, like the ones they were conducting while LE said they were fully cooperating. Now, they have "stopped cooperating". Means they were.

Could you PLEASE post a link that states the parents have been questioned SEPARATELY? I have went back and re read all kinds of interviews and I cannot find it anywhere.
They have been questioned TOGETHER and thats when they stopped the questions and decided to REST.
If they have been interviewed SEPARATELY. IMO that changes A LOT
Everything I read about LE reminds me of how Yuri Melich was onto CA from the very beginning. JMOO

Every one was on to CA from the very first moment, even her own mother making the 911 call. Then immediately her mother went through "cognitive dissonance" and couldn't stand the fact that her darling grandchild was gone forever, so immediately her brain built up a defense against the unimaginable.

But she did know, from the first moment, Caylee was gone as did every single person reading the story from the very beginning.

I don't really think that LE also knew it from the beginning has much to do with Lisa Irwin's disappearance circumstances.
I'm not saying they are being railroaded, and I can already see that LE here is nothing like the West Memphis "police" department. I was just responding to the poster above me who seemed to think that posters who supported the parents right to lawyer up were overlooking the rights of baby Lisa.

Its not an either or situation - the parents rights can be upheld without damaging the search for the child. MOO an all that.

but the attys and the parents have made it an either or situation and it appears Lisa lost.
She's still missing.
They're still not cooperating.
Their atty has people believing things that are not trtue.
Sadly Lisa may never be found. But her parents seem to be doing okay with thweir newfound stardom and big shot lawyers.
Joe T said this morning on GMA that the parents have no problem being interviewed again, but they want different detectives than the first interviews. They want fresh eyes. Its hard for the parents to talk and cooperate when the popo does nothing but accuse them . (I'm paraphrasing).
Joe T said this morning on GMA that the parents have no problem being interviewed again, but they want different detectives than the first interviews. They want fresh eyes. Its hard for the parents to talk and cooperate when the popo does nothing but accuse them . (I'm paraphrasing).

I can't imagine why LE wouldn't provide that. It's like both sides are just digging in and refusing to come together.

You'd think, actually LE would be doing that themselves. Fresh eyes, fresh perspectives, fresh chance to learn more things.
Very true Doc. I took a class in Criminal Justice taught by LE, and he said they do use those tactics because perps lie to them all the time, so why should they be excluded from using the same ammo.
I know and it is a great tool. It bothers me though I can't legally lie to them and it really bothers me the president is going to shut off all tv and radio on the 9th. LOL

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