LE wants to interview the parents separately

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Joe T said this morning on GMA that the parents have no problem being interviewed again, but they want different detectives than the first interviews. They want fresh eyes. Its hard for the parents to talk and cooperate when the popo does nothing but accuse them . (I'm paraphrasing).

And what happens if those detectives start to think the parents might have something to do with this? Do they get magically poofed into the cornfields, never to be seen nor heard from again? ;)
Very true Doc. I took a class in Criminal Justice taught by LE, and he said they do use those tactics because perps lie to them all the time, so why should they be excluded from using the same ammo.

It is perfectly acceptable for police to use all manner of deceptive tactics when interrogating a witness. They do it all the time. They are professionally schooled in tactics to break down a witness's psychological defenses. That is why the smartest thing you can do is immediately refuse to answer their questions and ask for an attorney.
They have been questioned separately. At great length.

Let's see>>>>>>>> 11 hours of parents interview plus 6 hours of parent interviews = 17 hours.


do the math:furious:

these parents should be ashamed:furious:
Could you PLEASE post a link that states the parents have been questioned SEPARATELY? I have went back and re read all kinds of interviews and I cannot find it anywhere.
They have been questioned TOGETHER and thats when they stopped the questions and decided to REST.
If they have been interviewed SEPARATELY. IMO that changes A LOT

It is obvious that they have been interviewed separately. DB took a polygraph....those are NOT GROUP PROJECTS!!! It is a process that takes several hours to complete, with prior discussion and many questions asked during preparation.

I can't imagine why LE wouldn't provide that. It's like both sides are just digging in and refusing to come together.

You'd think, actually LE would be doing that themselves. Fresh eyes, fresh perspectives, fresh chance to learn more things.

how do we know LE hasn't tried, seems the parents hold all the cards and no matter what they won't cooperate.

But a baby is still missing while the parents and attys play these hide and seek games with LE and I note the attys are doing it in the press rather than with LE. who can justify that?
I know and it is a great tool. It bothers me though I can't legally lie to them and it really bothers me the president is going to shut off all tv and radio on the 9th. LOL

O/T but...

my husband will be so thrilled to hear about the President's news blackout. Plays right into his conspiracy theories. End times...yay! ;)
but the attys and the parents have made it an either or situation and it appears Lisa lost.
She's still missing.
They're still not cooperating.
Their atty has people believing things that are not trtue.
Sadly Lisa may never be found. But her parents seem to be doing okay with thweir newfound stardom and big shot lawyers.

The parents have requested new detectives to interview them. I think that's a good suggestion regardless of whether you think they're guilty or not. Fresh eyes at this stage can hardly do any harm, can they? Hopefully LE will see the sense of that, and everybody can start co-operating again, because the most important thing is finding the child.

And I really wouldn't call the parents current status stardom - especially not the mothers. Its more like infamy, everybody's jumped to the conclusion that she's the next Susan Smith/Casey Anthony.
And what happens if those detectives start to think the parents might have something to do with this? Do they get magically poofed into the cornfields, never to be seen nor heard from again? ;)

Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with that at ALL if the new cops, with fresher eyes, gained information that made them believe the parents might be responsible. Not just a "hinky meter" thing, but an actual bit of evidence. (For example, what shoes was Deborah wearing when you left for work. Would there be any reason you can think of why we would have found them in the car).

Stuff like that. Don't just lead with shouting that we know you killed your baby.
but the attys and the parents have made it an either or situation and it appears Lisa lost.
She's still missing.
They're still not cooperating.
Their atty has people believing things that are not trtue.
Sadly Lisa may never be found. But her parents seem to be doing okay with thweir newfound stardom and big shot lawyers.

The parents seem to be doing "okay" to you? To me, they look absolutely crushed and drained, like they can barely stand.
Everything I read about LE reminds me of how Yuri Melich was onto CA from the very beginning. JMOO

And the DT disgustingly tried to tear that man's reputation apart...the good guy...I just don't get it. How unfair is that? A DA can tear apart innocent people and then turn around and lie, and lie and lie to save their guilty client..
And sadly it worked because we all know MOTY is now a free woman:furious:
And this we call Justice???
And the DT disgustingly tried to tear that man's reputation apart...the good guy...I just don't get it. How unfair is that? A DA can tear apart innocent people and then turn around and lie, and lie and lie to save their guilty client..
And sadly it worked because we all know MOTY is now a free woman:furious:
And this we call Justice???

No, but we do call it off topic. Casey Anthony has nothing to do with this case, and you cannot draw a conclusion that this mother is guilty just because some woman down in Florida got away with killing her child. Casey Anthony should be left firmly out of the discussion.
IMHO the only mind games being played is by the family refusing to sit down with detectives who have earnest questions ONLY the people IN THAT HOUSE can answer.

This is blatant stalling. Sad, sad, sad. I feel so sorry for poor Baby Lisa.

LE will get the answers eventually, without any help from the poor grieving family who is afraid to answer the tough questions. What a utter shame.

Oh I do believe LE play mind games.....The'll pretend to be you're bestie, and be there to let you release that weight off your shoulders by confessing.
They can and will lie about evidence they have to try to get a person to admit guilt,or reveal some detail they've kept to themselves.
There's even mind games in revealing this need for separate interviews to the media. It's putting the pressure on about public perception.

It's sad that it's come to that. And they wouldn't have had to do it if DB and JI would answer those tough questions.

But.... even knowing about the mind games, it would never in a million years stop me from sitting down with them every single day if it were my child missing and I had no idea where she was.
Especially if I 'possibly' blacked out that night and didn't have a clear recollection of that. I would want them to help me find the answers.

Because I know that the majority of the time, they are doing it for the right reasons....to find the real perp and solve the case.

Just answer the tough questions already. JMO
It is obvious that they have been interviewed separately. DB took a polygraph....those are NOT GROUP PROJECTS!!! It is a process that takes several hours to complete, with prior discussion and many questions asked during preparation.


Im sorry but those are 2 different things. Have you ever been put through a LDT? A LDT and an interview are not the same.
Just because CA killed her daughter and Susan Smith killed her kids does not mean that DB killed Lisa.
Neither side can be trusted. Both LE and the Defense attorneys twist things.
Im sorry but those are 2 different things. Have you ever been put through a LDT? A LDT and an interview are not the same.

A pre-polygraph interview is always done before they hook you up to the machine. It would be highly unusual for them to allow anyone else to be in the room during any stage of the process, so common sense would dictate that DB has been interviewed without her husband present.
What about Lisa's right? Right now, the rights of her parents are not a concern of mine...sorry, they just aren't. They would be, if they had not changed stories, declined to talk to police when asked, etc....but right now Lisa can't help LE and she needs to be helped. The police are learning bits and pieces perhaps, after searching the home, reviewing the computers and phone logs and probably have brand new questions. Who to answer them, if not the parents? And because the parents are in a huff, they avoid doing so? I know I am rambling but this is just beyond ludicrous to me, not to mention totally creating and maintaining the circus-like atmosphere that this case has taken on.

LE is NOT in the business of stringing people up just to close a case. There may be the occassional "bad" cop, but just as often, if not more often, there are parents killing their own children; we read about that everyday.

Anyone who saw the tapes of LE questioning the Anthony's or Casey cannot tell me LE was being cruel or abusive towards any of them. You heard people (LE) who wanted to find a missing child. The Anthony's were angry at LE. WHY??? - because they didn't want anyone to find out the truth about what happened to Caylee, they made LE out to be the "bad" guy. That certainly didn't help bring Caylee home, did it?

Believe me these "bad cops" are taking this very hard. They want to find this little girl, and other missing children. It breaks their hearts dealing with this, they are working towards bringing justice to Lisa and they can't do that until the parents are open and honest.

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