LE wants to interview the parents separately

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Sean O'Brien who represented at the last unrestricted interview said they were very heavy-handed accusing the Irwins of shaking the baby to death, etc.

I don't doubt it, one bit. LE is going to be aggressive and heavy handed when confronting inconsistencies and gaps in the investigation of a missing child. Right or wrong. Time is clicking away and a child's life is on the line. JMO.

Do you have the link katshep? I'd like to check out his/her comments. TIA!
I'm behind for today, only on the first page of the thread, so this may of already been discussed.....

I feel comfortable estimating that the parents have done more than 17+ hours of interviews with the media in these weeks (3 now?) that Lisa has been missing. Why won't they interview more with the police?

It hurts my heart for baby Lisa. :(

Playing devils advocate here may I offer a suggestion? If JI and DB feel the police are only focused on searching woods, rivers, landfills, etc. they may feel like they have to do the media interviews to keep it out there in the hope that someone knows something.
Thanks for the link. Mark Klass has stated that when his daughter, Polly, was abducted, he begged LE to give him a polygraph so he could be eliminated as a suspect and LE could move onto finding Polly's abductor.

In every case of a missing child or missing adult the family members are questioned first, and in most cases the family is cleared and LE moves on to searching for the missing person.

THIS case is three weeks old and the parents aren't cleared yet. This tells me that LE has valid reasons for continuing to question Lisa's parents. DB's story has changed. LE needs to get straight and honest answers to whatever tough questions they need answered.

BTW, his name is Marc Klaas. He would not have needed to submit to a poly graph - no one ever suspected he was guilty of anything. His daughter was abducted from a slumber party and there were two 12 year old girls who had iron clad stories of what happened - and Marc was not involved. The girls eventually untangled themselves from their bondage, and notified Polly's mother what happened.

Marc was never a suspect.
Personally I try to keep an open mind to all things. I also feel that everyone has the right to be on the fence or on either side of it. JMO.


I've been on the fence in other cases, myself.

I appreciate the perspective of those on the fence on any case I follow - it helps me to see things from another angle and helps me to question what I think I know or believe (just as I hope that my fence-sitting opinions might help others see things from another perspective).

Thank You to everyone who is a fence-sitter (whether in this case or in another)!
Thanks for the link. Mark Klass has stated that when his daughter, Polly, was abducted, he begged LE to give him a polygraph so he could be eliminated as a suspect and LE could move onto finding Polly's abductor.

In every case of a missing child or missing adult the family members are questioned first, and in most cases the family is cleared and LE moves on to searching for the missing person.

THIS case is three weeks old and the parents aren't cleared yet. This tells me that LE has valid reasons for continuing to question Lisa's parents. DB's story has changed. LE needs to get straight and honest answers to whatever tough questions they need answered.

I heart Mark Klass. What a classy gentleman!

I have a stupid theory bit want some feedback. I am not sleuthing the kids at all here, but what if one of the kids were playing with Lisa or with in and out of the house, she somehow got out and crawled away while everyone assumed she was in her crib? I know she is little bur remember Baby Jessica? She slipped away and fell into a well.

Maybe this is a good question for a local like indamiddle- is it remotely possible that Lisa could have wandered off into the dark somewhere and fell into a sewer drain, ditch, etc??? I know it is far fetched but stranger things have been known to happen. I am also thinking of the case where the three missing children were found in the trunk of a car right in the back yard. Sometimes something or someone can be hidden right under your nose.
Re Restrictions. This is what is mentioned in the article. Nobody's trying to get them to talk without a lawyer, for heaven's sake.

When asked if there are restrictions on the conversations Lisa's parents will have, Tacopina said, "Oh, there's a restriction. I'm imposing that the questioning is going to be in good faith and fair and not the questioning that was done within an hour of baby Lisa's disappearance."

Tacopina claimed police accused Bradley of murdering her child within an hour of beginning to interrogate her.

"That's just not good investigatory tactics and it doesn't build good faith in them," Tacopina said.

He said Bradley would be willing to sit down for questioning "as long as the investigators doing the questioning are ones who have not previously determined guilt before having a stitch of evidence. We want a fair investigation."

Thankyou!! :tyou:

Even JT and DB have different versions of how long it took for LE to accuse her of being involved in Lisa disappearance.:waitasec: What's up with that? I'm not sure how long I'd keep an atty who kept saying different things to what I have.
IMO Right now, JT seems to be making the parents look worse with his different accounts.

RE: BBM.....what is he expecting the investigators to do? Take a LDT to ask if they think the parents might possibly be guilty before they'll agree to be interviewed by them? This is getting beyond ridiculous.

And I'm curious ......why does he only mention DB being willing to sit down for an interview ? JI has said they accused him too. So does that mean JT is only representing DB? Or that JI won't sit for another interview at all? Or did he just accidently leave JI out of the good faith interview scenario?

Supplying link again....re: DB saying it took a couple of hours for them to accuse her and JI saying he was accused too.

BTW, his name is Marc Klaas. He would not have needed to submit to a poly graph - no one ever suspected he was guilty of anything. His daughter was abducted from a slumber party and there were two 12 year old girls who had iron clad stories of what happened - and Marc was not involved. The girls eventually untangled themselves from their bondage, and notified Polly's mother what happened.

Marc was never a suspect.

I think you missed Leila's point.

Marc Klaas WANTED LE to give him the polygraph. He wanted to be eliminated immediately as a possible suspect in LE's eyes, so they would move on and not rest on their laurels that he possibly had something to do with it and waste precious time in hunting down the real (what turned out to be) killer!!

So now Marc encourages family of victims to take the polygraph and have themselves eliminated. If you are innocent, then it should not be a problem.

Polly was kidnapped from her own home, where she was having a sleepover.
I have a stupid theory bit want some feedback. I am not sleuthing the kids at all here, but what if one of the kids were playing with Lisa or with in and out of the house, she somehow got out and crawled away while everyone assumed she was in her crib? I know she is little bur remember Baby Jessica? She slipped away and fell into a well.

Maybe this is a good question for a local like indamiddle- is it remotely possible that Lisa could have wandered off into the dark somewhere and fell into a sewer drain, ditch, etc??? I know it is far fetched but stranger things have been known to happen. I am also thinking of the case where the three missing children were found in the trunk of a car right in the back yard. Sometimes something or someone can be hidden right under your nose.
Strange things do definitely happen! But I dont think that is very likely only because of how nice it was that night out. I know on my end of the neighborhood most of us had our windows open I think we can expect that a lot on that end did too. I think she would have been upset fairly soon if she got out and somebody would have probably heard it. I can understand not hearing the dog barking if it did because some of them bark at everything and you just dont even realize they are barking anymore. An upset baby would grab attention I think.
Just read this thread, and I have to say that I'd like the entire extended family to have another interview with LE. It's patently absurd that information is being kept from the agency that will resolve Lisa's disappearance. Call them all in, imo. One by one... JI, DB, his folks, her folks, siblings, cousins, children... this isn't a game and no one should be playing with the results of this investigation. It's a matter of life and death, fhs, it simply doesn't get any worse than this! JMO

I agree. I don't understand the need for a break, or the need not to be uncomforable or inconvenienced because they already were questioned for 17 hours. And maybe that's enough for them. Or the need for new investigators because they don't like the current ones. Absolutely ridiculous!

Can you imagine just how uncomfortable baby Lisa is right now...or if she's no longer with us, how her body is being treated out there in the elements or stuffed/buried somewhere.

I can't even wrap my head around it.

My opinion only.

You should all be glad to know that after 3 weeks DB changed her facebook profile picture to a "Kidnapped" picture of Lisa. Good cover...

Her Netz page is no longer accessible nor are her brothers' and father's pages...gone gone & gone.

Correction: The only one that I am finding anymore is DLN
BTW, his name is Marc Klaas. He would not have needed to submit to a poly graph - no one ever suspected he was guilty of anything. His daughter was abducted from a slumber party and there were two 12 year old girls who had iron clad stories of what happened - and Marc was not involved. The girls eventually untangled themselves from their bondage, and notified Polly's mother what happened.

Marc was never a suspect.

Marc Klaas and Eve Nichol (Polly's mother) both were asked and agreed to take polygraph tests right away. They passed and were eliminated as suspects.

They were divorced. Marc had moved around to stay near Polly when his ex-wife moved. Eve did not hear the the abductor. Had they not readily volunteered to whatever cooperation was needed to clear themselves, there was plenty of room for one or both of them to be suspected of having arranged an abduction. No one knew who Polly's abductor, Richard Allen Davis, was at the time. Polly's parents readily subjected themselves to LE and immediately began flooding the area with missing flying posters, talking to any and all media, contacting America's Most Wanted, and staying all over LE to find Polly.

We can agree to disagree here. But, IMHO, the reason Marc and his ex-wife were quickly eliminated as suspects is because they put Polly first, behaved like parents rather than complaining about being subjected to LE scrutiny, and didn't lie or refuse to cooperate with LE - they put Polly first and foremost, it was clear.

This is why, though I don't always agree with Mr. Klaas in every case, I respect him and I believe he has sage advice for folks like Debbi and Jeremy (if they're innocent; otherwise, his advice will defeat their purposes).

Just read this thread, and I have to say that I'd like the entire extended family to have another interview with LE. It's patently absurd that information is being kept from the agency that will resolve Lisa's disappearance. Call them all in, imo. One by one... JI, DB, his folks, her folks, siblings, cousins, children... this isn't a game and no one should be playing with the results of this investigation. It's a matter of life and death, fhs, it simply doesn't get any worse than this! JMO
They need to call in Bill Stanton too and find out why he lied on Fox today and said the boys were in bed with Deb.
If they still can't see time to talk to LE if new investigators are offered, then I can say I have a problem. They are now represented and I don't think a fresh set of eyes and ears is asking too awful much. In fact, it is probably a real good idea.
I don't doubt it, one bit. LE is going to be aggressive and heavy handed when confronting inconsistencies and gaps in the investigation of a missing child. Right or wrong. Time is clicking away and a child's life is on the line. JMO.

Do you have the link katshep? I'd like to check out his/her comments. TIA!
--that was from here..


Lawyers for Lisa Irwin's parents say police pushed for a confession


During the Oct. 8 interview, O'Brien said, police advanced theories that perhaps Lisa had died in a simple accident at the home, or that one of the parents had shaken the baby to death in a fit of irritation or anger.

"I'm sure if I wouldn't have been there, it would have been more heavy-handed," O'Brien said.

Young rejected O'Brien's suggestion that investigators pushed unreasonably for a confession.

"I'm sure all reasonable people understand that finding out what the parents in the home know is a crucial step in finding the girl," Young said.
I have a stupid theory bit want some feedback. I am not sleuthing the kids at all here, but what if one of the kids were playing with Lisa or with in and out of the house, she somehow got out and crawled away while everyone assumed she was in her crib? I know she is little bur remember Baby Jessica? She slipped away and fell into a well.

Maybe this is a good question for a local like indamiddle- is it remotely possible that Lisa could have wandered off into the dark somewhere and fell into a sewer drain, ditch, etc??? I know it is far fetched but stranger things have been known to happen. I am also thinking of the case where the three missing children were found in the trunk of a car right in the back yard. Sometimes something or someone can be hidden right under your nose.

If that were the case, I think they would have found her by now. Dogs would have picked up on the scent trail and, sorry, but I think humans would have smelled her by now as well.
Just wondering if the boys had a bath that night?

Could this have been a possible drowning? In her drunken state, did DB possibly forget that she had put her daughter in the tub.

Also, noticed that with Lisa's crib, it didn't seem to look like the mattress was at its lowest level. An active 10-month-old could easily tumble out of a crib and sustain an injury.

I don't understand how these parents can go to bed each night, knowing another day has passed and that day is one more that they did not allow interviews with LE about their baby. Does that righteous feeling that I assume they must have really make up for it?
She was supposedly drunk, taking anxiety medication and sleeping pills according to BS on Joy Behar. I don't think anything would make someone on that cocktail jump out of bed 5 hours after "passing out". And yet JI says she did.


This is a perfect example of the addition of facts.
First no mention of the alcohol
Then I was drunk
Then I was drunk and I take anti-anxiety drugs every morning.

Now, her rep adds one more thing to the long litany of excuses for her not hearing/remembering the events of that night.

I was drunk, I take an anti-anxiety drug every morning and, oh yeah I forgot, I took a sleeping pill.

I guess having the fan on high was keeping her drunk self awake.

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