LeAnna (Mom) #1

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The male daycare employee (TJ) asked her to call Ross and find out what happened after she kept insisting that Ross left Cooper in the car and they were trying to console her and were totally confused as to why she was adamant that that was the only explanation. He tells her to call Ross and find out and she responds that Ross' phone was going "straight to voicemail".

That comment bugs me. He was using it at the scene, his friends texted him about being late to the movie and that came through. Why couldn't Leanna get through to him? Was he declining her calls sending them straight to VM? We know he connected to Toddler Room 5 from his phone at the scene. Did she try to text him? Did she call him more than once?

I know its small, but unless Ross was purposely declining her calls when they were coming in, I do not believe his phone was going straight to voicemail. Especially if she tried more than once. BS.

I understand that, but he was USING his phone at the scene. He had a six minute phone call. That is well documented. If she happened to call him while he was dialing out it may have gone to VM. If she repeatedly tried, even one more time, it would have gone through and not straight to voicemail. So either she didn't call more than once, or he was ignoring her and sending her calls to voicemail. Or she just had no sense of urgency. Did she text if she couldn't get him to answer?

He was using his phone at the scene prior to her calling from the daycare, though...almost a half hour difference. Police were already at the mall parking area for some other reason, and so responded in less than 2 min. So they overheard his phone call, asked him to get off the phone, and then confiscated it when he didn't comply. Whether or not LE turned off the phone, I still think they took it from him; wouldn't voicemail still kick in after a certain number of unanswered rings? I think they took the phone from him b/c at that point it was the central thing concerning his lack of cooperation with what they'd asked him to do. (Possibly the fact that he was aggressive toward LE concerning the phone provided them quicker access to it--which, if they thought he was acting suspicious, would be a helpful thing.)
Good info but we don't really know the timeline of the calls yet, or when LE took his phone and cuffed him. Like you said witnesses saw him screaming and yelling, then standing there blankly. Also, a witness reported seeing him pulling branches or leaves off trees at the scene. All of that had to have been before the last call he made when the phone was taken from him. He could have made a call, then yelled, then made another call, then abused some trees.

We need those AT&T records now!

We do know a lot of the timeline of the calls from 3:45 to 4:16. It is from there that we do not know the specific exact times that RH made the three phone calls from the scene. LE knows, but they did not outline the specific times of his calls to Leanna and HDC from the scene. They did state however that he walked away from Cooper while Anthony was giving him CPR which occurred right after he jumped out of the car and pulled Cooper from the car seat. So we can surmise approximately what time those particular calls were made. The ones that occurred while he was still at work were testified to with times by Detective Stoddard. But you are right, It will just become even clearer with the ATT records.
He was using his phone at the scene prior to her calling from the daycare, though...almost a half hour difference. Police were already at the mall parking area for some other reason, and so responded in less than 2 min. So they overheard his phone call, asked him to get off the phone, and then confiscated it when he didn't comply. Whether or not LE turned off the phone, I still think they took it from him; wouldn't voicemail still kick in after a certain number of unanswered rings? I think they took the phone from him b/c at that point it was the central thing concerning his lack of cooperation with what they'd asked him to do. (Possibly the fact that he was aggressive toward LE concerning the phone provided them quicker access to it--which, if they thought he was acting suspicious, would be a helpful thing.)

She said straight to voicemail I believe...which indicates a turned off phone or the decline button etc. I agree that she would have called at 4:51, we can surmise he was on the phone until a little after 4:30. So there is a 20 minute gap I guess, if the police had his phone at that point. I still do not believe that they turned it off.
People believing does not make it true. LE has also not arrested her. And they have seen everything. My guess is that they have found nothing that connects her to this. They know where she was, Who she talked to, What she searched, Her plans for the day, Week, Month... And still no arrest. Just because people want to assume something does not make it true. We don't arrest people on popular opinion.

Why do people who are innocent have to proclaim to people because people want to hear it???

SS, on this ITA w you.

Even though my thoughts about LH's poss involvement differ from yours,
I have to join you in posing this question to people who are arrested or those in their orbits.

Why agree to radio, television, newspaper interviews to publicly proclaim 'innocence'?
Why yammer on talk shows, Good Morning America, Today, etc?

More particularly, why should ppl babble on in SocialMedia?

I can understand responses like this when innocent parents have a child go missing or abducted.
Get up on the rooftops and keep shouting under your child is found.
But let's face it, some guilty parents also climb the ladder and scream that they want their missing child to be found.
Or missing spouse.

Sometimes (often?) imo it's an ego feeding move, but I could be altogether wrong.
We do know a lot of the timeline of the calls from 3:45 to 4:21. It is from there that we do not know the specific exact times that RH made the three phone calls from the scene. LE knows, but they did not outline the specific times of his calls to Leanna and HDC from the scene. They did state however that he walked away from Cooper while Anthony was giving him CPR which occurred right after he jumped out of the car and pulled Cooper from the car seat. So we can surmise approximately what time those particular calls were made. The ones that occurred while he was still at work were testified to with times by Detective Stoddard. But you are right, It will just become even clearer with the ATT records.

I think they already knew the specific times and left it out of the hearing because it wasn't necessary to include it. They had more than enough to persuade the Judge not to grant bail.
I don't believe it for a minute. No way were the police like " Let me just turn off this real time evidence machine."

I could be wrong of course, but that is just my :moo:

I wonder if he shut off his own phone? In case LE saw an incoming sext from one of his hunnies. JMO
Im not sure where the "our child is dead" came from. I think one of the many witnesses but they all say something a little different. If that really is what he was heard saying then he was either talking to or leaving a message for Leanna. But who knows if that is precisely what he said. Then when LE asked later who he was talking to he said he was not talking TO anyone. In any case, it seems that while he was standing there on the phone, allegedly talking, LE told him to get off the phone and that's when he said F U. And was promptly handcuffed. Witnesses basically agree with that. He couldn't have been faking it because it was part of the 6 minute phonecall...but he could have been on hold I suppose and was blabbing to nothing to avoid talking to LE. He may have said "our child is dead" to nothing and nobody. JMO
Yeah that outcry from Ross seems bogus IMO. What have I done? I can believe that. He is blaming himself because he is at fault. He killed his own kid. Why doesn't he speak directly to Cooper? Like my poor baby? I'm sorry. Cooper, Cooper, etc. etc.
Good info but we don't really know the timeline of the calls yet, or when LE took his phone and cuffed him. Like you said witnesses saw him screaming and yelling, then standing there blankly. Also, a witness reported seeing him pulling branches or leaves off trees at the scene. All of that had to have been before the last call he made when the phone was taken from him. He could have made a call, then yelled, then made another call, then abused some trees.

We need those AT&T records now!

We know close enough. ;) Here's the timeline again--and remember, the 6-minute call to the daycare was the LAST call made, according to the PCH testimony.

4:16 p.m.: Harris leaves his office, located at 2600 Cumberland Blvd., near Smyrna and Cumberland Mall. While driving from work to U.S. 41, Harris realizes his son is in medical distress, he later told police.

4:23 p.m.: After driving about a mile, Harris turns onto Akers Mill Road and makes a right turn into the parking lot of a shopping center. He then makes an abrupt right turn, stops the SUV and quickly gets out, leaving the driver’s side door open as he gets his son out of the car.

4:24 p.m.: Witnesses at the shopping center watch as a frantic Harris tries to revive the boy, whose color is off and doesn’t appear to be breathing. Harris is frantic and is screaming “What have I done? What have I done?” as bystanders start CPR on the boy, who is on the ground of the parking lot. Cooper’s lifeless body is still in a sitting position, witnesses said.

4:24 PM - Police, already patrolling the area, respond to the ruckus at Maddio’s, and firefighters, arrive at the scene within seconds of a 911 call [believed to have been placed by Harris. ←NO ON THAT.]

4:21-appx 4:25 [spice's post] - Ross pulls over and "Discovers" Cooper, witnesses report he was erratic, screaming "what have I done" Ive killed our child, and then stopping and just standing there with no emotion, just a blank look on his face. Ross lays Cooper on the pavement and begins CPR. Witness Anthony states that it looked like Ross was just "messing ' around and Anthony could not understand what Ross was doing. Anthony, states to "Ross What are you doing ?" We have to help this child.It is at that point that Ross just stops. Walks away and gets on his phone.

However long it took the above to occur, probably minutes, we can reasonably assume the following calls occur around 4:25 p.m.

LE hear him talking on the phone and specifically state that they heard him tell someone on the other end that "his child was dead". Ross later denies to detectives that he ever reached anyone on the phone.

LE Finds Three Phone Calls from his phone during that time period: (and somewhere in here he snaps and is cuffed, I wonder when)

4:25 (approximate)

1. Ross Calls Leanna. She does not pick up
2. Ross Call Home Depot Corporate Center Main Number
3. Ross Calls Home Depot Corporate Center Main Number again, 6 minute phone call that is tracked back to Toddler Room #5.

4:32 Ross ends the 6 minute phone call (approximate) which was connected to toddler room #5

LE overhear him saying his child died. LE ask him to get off phone—he denies talking on phone. LE take phone? Cuff him, put him in patrol car after he responds to LE a second time, saying “F--- you!”

So, if RH pulls in at 4:23-4; gets on the ground at 4:24 (and LE arrive); gets up and walks away...he is on the phone between 4:25 and 4:32. Spice says the 6-min. call (his last call) ended at 4:32. That works about right, as with his other two calls he apparently does not connect or talk to anyone.
Yeah that outcry from Ross seems bogus IMO. What have I done? I can believe that. He is blaming himself because he is at fault. He killed his own kid. Why doesn't he speak directly to Cooper? Like my poor baby? I'm sorry. Cooper, Cooper, etc. etc.

Because it's not about Cooper it is all about himself. Sounds like he was already anticipating profits from the tv movies and books.

I wonder if he shut off his own phone? In case LE saw an incoming sext from one of his hunnies. JMO

Not sure if he'd had time. Sounds like it was practically at altercation point, and if that was the case, I still believe they'd have confiscated the phone (whether or not they turned it off). He was cuffed, put in the patrol car, and taken in because of the phone insubordination, not simply because he was acting suspiciously about his son's death. So at that point, IMO, the phone could be confiscated for evidence as to the refusal to get off when they asked him to and subsequent cursing/aggression towards the female LE who was talking to him. He did make it easy for them, didn't he...
And then, directly after, he has a 6 minute long call tracked back to Coopers room, Toddler Room #5 at the daycare.

It is so weird.

yes. And remember that one of the daycare employees (a female) was called by the DEFENSE at the bond hearing, but was unavailable. She may have just been a character witness, because if it had anything to do with the 6 minute phonecall she wouldn't have been called to testify. Grrr. Somebody at daycare has to know something about that call! Who? JMfrustratedO
To answer the "why do people take this to Social Media?" question (my quote disappeared as I was typing this)...

Because Social Media is one step away from someone setting up a G-$F$-M account for you. If you are a convincing and tragic enough victim ("Why did this happen to ME?") it follows, time and time again.
Because it's not about Cooper it is all about himself. Sounds like he was already anticipating profits from the tv movies and books.


I don't think so. I think he was anticipating lots of sympathy and a whole bunch of donation money. (surprise, Bucko!) JMO
cady said:
yes. And remember that one of the daycare employees (a female) was called by the DEFENSE at the bond hearing, but was unavailable. She may have just been a character witness, because if it had anything to do with the 6 minute phonecall she wouldn't have been called to testify. Grrr. Somebody at daycare has to know something about that call! Who? JMfrustratedO

The call was connected to Toddler Rm 5. We can probably assume it wasn't a toddler who answered it. It had to be the adult or one of the adults who were in the room. My likely guess would be the teacher. Or an assistant if she had one. It'll come out at trial.
yes. And remember that one of the daycare employees (a female) was called by the DEFENSE at the bond hearing, but was unavailable. She may have just been a character witness, because if it had anything to do with the 6 minute phonecall she wouldn't have been called to testify. Grrr. Somebody at daycare has to know something about that call! Who? JMfrustratedO

BBM. Are you referring to the witness who had the medical emergency? If so, did they actually say she was from the daycare? In previous threads there was confusion between MG (the daycare worker, Cooper's teacher) and MS (the witness who was called to testify, but didn't, due to medical emergency). MG was not called to testify, she was only mentioned in Det. Stoddard's testimory. MS was called to testify, but I don't remember her being identified as a daycare worker. Not saying she wasn't, I just don't remember that being said, just trying to verify.
I've been thinking the same thing. What happened in those 22 months to make the world so broken that her son was better off not being in it.
Hold on, he only tried Leanna's telephone once? Just comparing it to my own experiences but when I heard my grandfather passed away I kept calling my parents nonstop to hear confirmation, share my grief. I find it kind of weird he didn't (hysterically) keep dialling Leanna to tell her what was happening to their son. Or another friend or family member. I might be nitpicking though lol.

Right - or his parents or her parents? BTW did we ever establish if that was fact or fiction that he called his landlord? IF that is true - that is weird to me.....
I think the detective testified the Governor's campaign had no bearing on their research. There is no innocent explanation on why either of them did such research. Their son did die in a hot car.


Exactly, even after all that research.
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