LeAnna (Mom) #1

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ONLY if one believes that jh really forgot his son in the car...
and I don't believe that for a nano second.

I don't believe that RH forgot either. But I do think that he and LH were not on the same page because of the movie plan, concocted that day as far as I know. We don't know if he was supposed to pick up Cooper, but the frenzied phone tag may indicate that he wanted to be sure that LH would pick up Cooper and he really needed to know that she got the message and what time she would do it so that he could be sure to leave work before she arrived at daycare. That doesn't discount that she may have been in on the plan just suggests that maybe the logistics changed. I don't know, just thinking about it. JMO

Hey, that's me. What's going on here???

Apparently, I was lacking sleep and interpreted your screen name. in my own head, as you were pissed off you had an inny.....as opposed to an outie ...
(Was thinking belly button...)

Then someone said you were Peed off in NY

That made much more sense..:)

My brain works very strangely when it lacks sleep:/ lol

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Cooper's world was the one that was broken the day his father intentionally left him to die in a hot car! I see nothing broken about Leanna Harris.
Who kills a child they worked so hard to conceive??? I know the pain of infertility and miscarriage. I know the grief. Why would anyone kill especially in these circumstances??? It's extremely selfish of Leanna to decide she's spared Cooper the pain of middle school and high school. Like another poster said, maybe he would've been the most popular kid in school and never lacking for dates!

I agree that LH's involvement makes no sense in the world, but I'm swayed by Dr. Judy Ho's hinky meter. She has weighed in on several HLN shows about LH. I've watched her on other cases for months and she seems to give so many the benefit of the doubt or a probability of a mental illness rather than bad seed diagnosis. She's level-headed and fair, IMO (http://www.drjudyho.com/AboutMe.en.html). She thinks the Eulogy is cause for concern- that LH goes straight to acceptance and gives a happy list for what Cooper will miss in life now that he's dead. Dr. Ho said something like, "That's not very motherly". In my book, that hit the nail on the head. Bonding and attachment take a whole lot more than desiring a baby and working hard to conceive one. Maybe there wasn't much of an attachment between LH and Cooper (it explains that lack of grief and empathy for his suffering). Maybe it was because of depression, narcissism, etc (fill in the blank)... What's clear is that LH does seem to have an unhealthy attachment and dependency on the "leader", RH. Maybe she wasn't in on the planning. Maybe she's covering for him after-the-fact. Either way, her loyalties are messed up- that's why LE took shots at her at the PC hearing.

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I agree that LH's involvement makes no sense in the world, but I'm swayed by Dr. Judy Ho's hinky meter. She has weighed in on several HLN shows about LH. I've watched her on other cases for months and she seems to give so many the benefit of the doubt or a probability of a mental illness rather than bad seed diagnosis. She's level-headed and fair, IMO (http://www.drjudyho.com/AboutMe.en.html). She thinks the Eulogy is cause for concern- that LH goes straight to acceptance and gives a happy list for what Cooper will miss in life now that he's dead. Dr. Ho said something like, "That's not very motherly". In my book, that hit the nail on the head. Bonding and attachment take a whole lot more than desiring a baby and working hard to conceive one. Maybe there wasn't much of an attachment between LH and Cooper (it explains that lack of grief and empathy for his suffering). Maybe it was because of depression, narcissism, etc (fill in the blank)... What's clear is that LH does seem to have an unhealthy attachment and dependency on the "leader", RH. Maybe she wasn't in on the planning. Maybe she's covering for him after-the-fact. Either way, her loyalties are messed up- that's why LE took shots at her at the PC hearing.

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That's what I said..like a zillion posts ago..lol

They both were severely detached ...and it's obvious. IMO

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I went through all of the *tabloid type* articles that I could find earlier, (National Enquirer, Radar Online, Daily Mail), and those articles were all mostly about Ross and Cooper. When Leanna was mentioned, (or Ross' wife was mentioned), the articles only stated her comments that were testified to at the hearing and the comments that she made during the eulogy. I couldn't find one thing that I would describe as damaging or defamation of character in any of those articles.

Maybe she's just responding to the tabloids and newspapers stating the truth about her, and sometimes the truth hurts.


Seems like claiming "defamation" would be a backdoor way to sell your story to the tabloids (through a "settlement") to get some money quickly.

Straight out of the Lin Wood-Ramsey playbook.
Seems like claiming "defamation" would be a backdoor way to sell your story to the tabloids (through a "settlement") to get some money quickly.

Straight out of the Lin Wood-Ramsey playbook.

As I am reading these latest posts one old thing keeps popping up from the ''early'' days of this case. Remember the youtube video that seemed like a PR team had put it together to get pressure on the DA to not pursue the unjust prosecution of JRH whose defense could propel the family into bankruptcy ??? that was the original 'off the scale' hinky reading for me (JMHO)

This whole case seems 'contrived' - there's a lot of ''behind the scenes'' PR from the get go.

feels like this was all about the $$$$$$ for the family

It would be fascinating to see who exactly started the Go Fund Me account appeal for these two
Seems like claiming "defamation" would be a backdoor way to sell your story to the tabloids (through a "settlement") to get some money quickly.

Straight out of the Lin Wood-Ramsey playbook.

I also recall in the Ramsey case, the Ramseys sued CourtTV, and as a result of the settlement, they had to air more-than-one pro-Ramsey TV Specials. I don't know if LW would try the same thing here.
Honestly, I don't think she cares that Harris was sending those pics to other women or was even sexting/hooking up with other women. I just think she cares that their image was being tarnished to the public. I still firmly believe that once the computer forensics is completed that it will be found out that they had an "open marriage" and/or are "swingers" and that Leanna was as active as Harris with outside the marriage relations.


Oh ok how about this (your post made me think)- WHAT IF- RH cheats. LH finds out. Decides she wants to "explore options" or have an open marriage. Does so. RH loses his mind, bc he is a sociopath or narcissist or whatever and does this all on purpose to get revenge, possibly would have gone home and hurt LH etc? IMO. Just one theory.

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Oh ok how about this (your post made me think)- WHAT IF- RH cheats. LH finds out. Decides she wants to "explore options" or have an open marriage. Does so. RH loses his mind, bc he is a sociopath or narcissist or whatever and does this all on purpose to get revenge, possibly would have gone home and hurt LH etc? IMO. Just one theory.

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Interesting theory.

My intuition tells me if LH had handled RH's philandering by playing it cool like that, It would have solved the intimacy problems. I predict that RH would have (at least temporary) renewed his interest in LH and started behaving as a family man. He'd probably become jealous and paranoid, checking her phone logs, etc.

No, I think she was flipping out on him and scared to death he'd leave, which just empowered him more to cheat and discard anything and anyone (Cooper) in his way. I think he had sooooooooo badly disrespected LH in his mind that he was leaving her for good and was determined not to pay child support.

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I agree that LH's involvement makes no sense in the world, but I'm swayed by Dr. Judy Ho's hinky meter. She has weighed in on several HLN shows about LH. I've watched her on other cases for months and she seems to give so many the benefit of the doubt or a probability of a mental illness rather than bad seed diagnosis. She's level-headed and fair, IMO (http://www.drjudyho.com/AboutMe.en.html). She thinks the Eulogy is cause for concern- that LH goes straight to acceptance and gives a happy list for what Cooper will miss in life now that he's dead. Dr. Ho said something like, "That's not very motherly". In my book, that hit the nail on the head. Bonding and attachment take a whole lot more than desiring a baby and working hard to conceive one. Maybe there wasn't much of an attachment between LH and Cooper (it explains that lack of grief and empathy for his suffering). Maybe it was because of depression, narcissism, etc (fill in the blank)... What's clear is that LH does seem to have an unhealthy attachment and dependency on the "leader", RH. Maybe she wasn't in on the planning. Maybe she's covering for him after-the-fact. Either way, her loyalties are messed up- that's why LE took shots at her at the PC hearing.

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Just want to point out one thing quickly about the list of things cooper would miss in life- that's actually a grieving/coping strategy that grief counselors recommend for when young people pass away. Most people wouldn't use it at their bereaved's funeral though. I think her "what is socially acceptable" meter is broken... Or she doesn't give a ***** bc she's guilty or both (totally my own opinion/speculation)

I am still on the fence though.

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Interesting theory.

My intuition tells me if LH had handled RH's philandering by playing it cool like that, It would have solved the intimacy problems. I predict that RH would have (at least temporary) renewed his interest in LH and started behaving as a family man. He'd probably become jealous and paranoid, checking her phone logs, etc.

No, I think she was flipping out on him and scared to death he'd leave, which just empowered him more to cheat and discard anything and anyone (Cooper) in his way. I think he had sooooooooo badly disrespected LH in his mind that he was leaving her for good and was determined not to pay child support.

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Yep I lean strongly towards the "remove all obligations - physical/financial/emotion to this child" motive behind it.

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Only if it's a sudden change. I myself have preferred the term "Ms" since the 8th grade, when my teacher Ms. Pearson introduced me to the concept of feminism.

I've used it since way before feminism took off because I am southern, and we just talk "lazy" that way. lol Everything was either "Miss" or "Ms" So-and-So.

The one exception was my nephew when he changed my cat's name from "Miss" Kitty to "Mrs." Kitty. When asked why, he informed us that since Miss Kitty had kittens, she was obviously married. I guess he really wanted to stress that fact to save her "reputation," and so he stretched the pronunciation out to the full missus.

None of which has a thing to do with anything except between this case and the flight being shot down and the (now second) personal week(s) from hades, I needed a bit of levity. Figured others are in the same boat.
LOL maybe she and Zimmerman are reading us! We have given her some good advice, though and always say it's just our opinion. JMO

Slightly O/T -- I'm sure it's occurred to someone before me right now, but what are the chances of defense teams combing forums such as WS looking for viable defense theories?


I'm all for 1st Amendment and our ability to do this... but the thought makes me nervous... and a little sick

What is this about? They didn't spend father's day with Ross?

baby died just after father's day (we don't have accounting of that day and how it was spent ) but two weeks prior to the event of his death apparently mom and babe were in AL IIRC without dad
baby died just after father's day (we don't have accounting of that day and how it was spent ) but two weeks prior to the event of his death apparently mom and babe were in AL IIRC without dad

They for sure didn't go to Chik fil-a on Father's Day.
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