LeAnna (Mom) #1

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I just thought it was because she was a cat! When I was little I named a cousin's cat "Kittnen".

P.S. What's with the toy fire engines, Ginger Snap has one too?

I think there are a couple others around as well. They are a tribute to Cooper.
I figured, ugh...
Since I am well aware that I'm the "empath" type, I always, always, always FIRST go to, "There has to be an explanation for this" and I'm weird (so I've been told) so I'm always giving people the benefit of the doubt and trying to believe in them -- bleeding heart, whatever you want to call it, I'm "it" -- so when I DO think someone is guilty it is SOOOOOO frustrating because I think, "Hello! I'M CONVINCED!!! ME!!!"

My very first thought after LH/Zimmerman/Wood and trying to figure out their "secret plan" was... I wonder if the CA molestation theory first popped up HERE -- yes, I know that's not what you said they were looking at, but the CA case a millisecond on my mind after Cooper when I was typing my post, and that's what I was wondering.

It's frustrating because you want the justice system to work -- we hear too many stories these days about convicted innocents so you WANT to believe in people even more -- but the LAST thing I want to do is feed into a "defense machine" when someone is guilty as sin....

imo -- Thanks for the wake-up call, Linda7NJ!!

I used to be like you... I'm too old now and have followed true crime for too long to give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore. lol
You should hear me question my own kid about stuff...I think I'm a real Juan Martinez! Roflmao!

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Justice for Cooper.
He loved red trucks.
Fire trucks and would call out to them in the car. "Hey truck, bye truck."

All posts are MOO.

It brought tears to my eyes just reading that and envisioning that baby doing just that.

How in the world anyone can deliberately harm a babe is beyond me.
Is there a possibility of autism with LH? The lack of ability to express emotions, expressing herself oddly, being reported as quiet, don't know about her having/not having friends, doing well in an academic setting? Her wearing the 'kiss a few frogs shirt' was entirely out of scope for a person in her situation. Most autistic people would never associate the shirt's logo with their spouse's most dire position. There's just something off.

According to her own mother... LH was not acting like she believed she should act. That tells me LH wasn't on any spectrum.

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It really is.

My dog sunbathes on her back with her legs in the air and no modesty whatsoever. She is so adorable (and very innocent thankyouverymuch, looks can be deceiving).

Your dog has quite the "reputation" at the dog park...lol
I'm not one to gossip though, so you didn't hear that from me:)

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I just thought it was because she was a cat! When I was little I named a cousin's cat "Kittnen".


Duh, now I feel like a real nerd - I named my first cat Aristotle. But I did have a pet duck that I named Agnes....:giggle:

Anyway, the 'Ms." may just be a moniker from Zimmerman. Still, that kind of implies he's moving her away from being associated with her husband so it could be a defense strategy. Hard to tell right now - but that released statement sure stunk.
It brought tears to my eyes just reading that and envisioning that baby doing just that.

How in the world anyone can deliberately harm a babe is beyond me.

IMO that's precisely why he needed to go. He was walking, talking and required/demanded more attention that RH was willing to give.
It was cutting into his special "penis & sexting & cheating" time. Which IMO was his true passion. It certainly wasn't being a good father or husband.

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Is there a possibility of autism with LH? The lack of ability to express emotions, expressing herself oddly, being reported as quiet, don't know about her having/not having friends, doing well in an academic setting? Her wearing the 'kiss a few frogs shirt' was entirely out of scope for a person in her situation. Most autistic people would never associate the shirt's logo with their spouse's most dire position. There's just something off.

thank you...............have close associations with highly functioning aspies - brilliant at job suck at social stuff

inappropriate behaviors and are unable to read people and lack empathy as a result do inappropriate things in social settings


the ones I know are brilliant in science including math and have gone on to higher learning successfully and have careers and need social coaching like crazy
Justice for Cooper.
He loved red trucks.
Fire trucks and would call out to them in the car. "Hey truck, bye truck."

All posts are MOO.

This breaks my heart. My son is a little over 2 years old and is the same way. Poor baby. I hope all involved are brought to justice.

I don't post much but have been reading - I'm still on the fence about Leanna. My friend lost her young son in September and watching her grieving process has been enlightening. Sometimes I see her and she looks completely pain free and I wonder how she goes on. But I know she looks very different in private. One thing that sticks with me is Leanna's insistence that she wouldn't bring Cooper back if she could. My friend often says that even though she believes her son is in a better place, she would give anything to bring him back. I've seen the same from many grieving parents. That difference is striking to me!

I wonder when exactly the trip to Alabama happened and why. This is purely speculation but I wondered if she had decided she'd had enough of Ross and traveled to Alabama to make plans for an escape him. Although that wouldn't explain why she's standing by him now.

I can only think that if Leanna was involved in Cooper's death then it goes back to her eulogy - she convinced herself that Cooper would be better off.

Thank the Lord for progress! Do I hear an Amen?


I actually try to circumvent all of the Mrs./Ms. stuff by simply referring to myself with my whole name and referring to my ex as "The Ex Mr. SnoopyDawgDawg." As a divorced woman (gasp!) it makes me mad as all get-out when someone refers to me as "Mrs." If a title must be used, I much prefer the "Ms. (Gasp!)"

Along similar lines, I agree with the theory that the "Ms." LH is trying to distance herself from Mr. LH.
I used to be like you... I'm too old now and have followed true crime for too long to give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore. lol
You should hear me question my own kid about stuff...I think I'm a real Juan Martinez! Roflmao!

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I'm sure my day is coming... sigh
MyBelle said:
Even if she knew there was a strong possibility Ross left Cooper in the car, if she's truly innocent she would not know the baby was dead. iow, if Ross had threatened to do it or had done it in the past, wouldn't she assume he left the windows down or left the car parked in the shade and that Cooper was still alive? Instead of summoning 911, she took a witness with her to Ross' office. It is possible she believed Ross was still at work and the child was in his car, still alive. The witness would help her get an order of protection and full custody of the child, if that was her plan. We still do not know her side of the story.


I could buy this except for one thing:

"Did you say too much?"

Just to play devil's advocate, here...though LH's actions and comments are really puzzling and odd, personally I'm not quite ready to convict her based on the overriding strangeness of just one of those odd comments/actions. Deserving of investigation, for sure, but not conviction quite yet...(IMO).

I've been trying to formulate a rough timeline of events AFTER the Akers Mill scene, and realized something I hadn't read anywhere, yet. When Leanna says that comment to RH, it's after LE has been interrogating RH for about an hour and a half, and 2-1/2 hours after their son has been declared dead. From what I can determine, it's roughly around 7:30 PM when she is first allowed to visit with him in that interview room. He's already been at the police station for over a couple hours; she's been asking to see him for the past 2-1/2 hours. So, in the context of how LONG they've been questioning him, that question from a wife to husband could conceivably come up.

Here's the timeline:

At 4:51 p.m. LH walked into the day care, she walked back into Cooper's classroom where she ran into Michelle who asked, "What are you doing here?". Leanna said, "I'm here to pick up Cooper". ... said, "Ross never dropped Cooper off." Leanna got really calm and said, "I don't know what to do". They walked back out into the lobby and in front of several witnesses, all of a sudden she states, "Ross must have left him in the car!" TJ [Terrell] was at the front desk and they were like, "What?" Leanna said, "there is no other explanation, Ross must have left him in the car!" They tried to console her and said, "No, there are a thousand reasons, he could have taken him to lunch or something, we don't know yet." Leanna was like, "No!". TJ said, "Have you tried calling him?" She said, "it's going straight to voice mail." Then LH said, "Can you come over with me to his work?"

They got in her car and drove over to the Treehouse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff6SR0oHFQ8

Once she got to Treehouse, LE told her what happened to CH. She showed no emotion of Cooper's death, but said, "this is my worst nightmare".

While the officers were speaking to her, she either received or made a phone call from her mom, who screamed and cried loudly and asked her why she wasn't crying. Leanna Harris' reply was, "I must be in shock."

She then asked to see her husband.


4:58 p.m.: Cobb County police spokesman Officer Mike Bowman confirms the toddler has been pronounced dead. A crowd has gathered on the sidewalks of the shopping center. Harris, police later confirm, is now in handcuffs and in the back of a patrol car because he refuses to cooperate with officers. The SUV and child’s body are soon part of a crime scene investigation, and Harris is driven away. Taken to “Persons” to be interviewed (per CNN Transcript 5).

5:07pm (per CNN hearing transcript 5) – Stoddard gets to Akers Mill crime scene. Crime scene is being secured; detectives are walking scene; they are starting to take photographs. “Learns during interviews with LE (or later with RH?) that RH tried to call Little Aprons Academy to tell staff there to keep LH there...that their son had died” (per CNN hearing transcript 5).

Leanna goes to the police department where she remains unemotional and...(*AFTER 7:30--see below) where she finds a fretting Ross in the interview room, concerned that he will be punished. Leanna asks Ross "Did you say too much?"

5:30 P.M.(appx). Ross' friend JAH texts him from the movies asking him where he is. *JAH also testifies that his phone call to RH goes straight to voicemail.

5:30 p.m. - When Harris didn't show up 30 minutes into the movie, James Alex Hall stepped outside to contact him. Harris didn't respond to texts, and phone calls went straight to his voice mail, Hall said.


5:45 p.mJust steps away from the little boy’s body [**ME has not yet driven away with body], Sgt. Dana Pierce tells reporters Harris told police he went to work, worked 7 hours, then left work and realized he had forgotten to take the child to daycare. Harris is taken to police headquarters for questioning, Pierce said.


Abt 6 PM – Ross has been in interview room, unhandcuffed for “< 1 hour”, and then Stoddard and Detective Waldorf interview him LESS THAN 3 HRS AFTER HE’S SEEN BODY OF SON – “maybe” even less than 2 hrs (per CNN hearing transcr.5):

KILGORE: “...at this point in time, when you spoke to him in that interview room, he had not had an opportunity to see his wife, speak to his wife, or have any interaction with her at all, had he?”

STODDARD: That is correct.

KILGORE: During the interview, was he expressing to you concerns about what in the world he was going to say to his wife?


KILGORE: And he wanted to talk to her.

STODDARD: Correct.

KILGORE: And that would not be a remarkable or unusual concern for somebody in this situation, would it?

STODDARD: I would say no.

KILGORE: How long was the interview?

STODDARD: I believe the interview was about -- I'm going to say approximately, but around an hour, hour and a half. **SO LEANNA SEES HIM for 1ST TIME roughly AFTER 7:30 PM.

KILGORE: And it's audio and video.

STODDARD: It is audio and video.

KILGORE: OK. So you went through the events of the day.

STODDARD: That is correct.

Aft 7:30 pm – LH visits with RH in interview room (with LE watching on other side of mirror); RH starts being upset with her about the possibility of losing his job, being charged with a felony, etc., and "one of the first things" she asks him (per Stoddard) is if he said “too much.”

In the context of how long it's been that Ross has been there (probably since shortly after 5 PM), and how long she's been trying to see him (since about the same time), it's not quite a slam-dunk that LH said this because she was in cahoots with him in planning the murder of their baby. It does raise eyebrows, and is exactly the sort of comment the state and a detective would bring up during a PCH for the purposes of a PCH--in order to add to the big picture of the severity of what MIGHT be going on...but this hearing was not a "trial." So what we don't know at this point is conceivably every bit as important as what we do. The PCH was largely about RH (the accused), so to try to piece together the mystery of LH's involvement with bits gleaned from her husband's pretrial hearing is like trying to work a 2000-pc. jigsaw puzzle with only 50 pieces. Such an attempt eventually requires that we bring our own 'creative' pieces to the table in an attempt to complete the puzzle (eg. speculating that she's half of a "swinger" couple who pretends to be religious but doesn't take her faith seriously.) Sorry, but with the limited evidence we have right now, that crosses a line with me. JMO, but don't think I'm ready to join in creative speculation that's possibly as unfounded as it is destructive.

I actually try to circumvent all of the Mrs./Ms. stuff by simply referring to myself with my whole name and referring to my ex as "The Ex Mr. SnoopyDawgDawg." As a divorced woman (gasp!) it makes me mad as all get-out when someone refers to me as "Mrs." If a title must be used, I much prefer the "Ms. (Gasp!)"

Along similar lines, I agree with the theory that the "Ms." LH is trying to distance herself from Mr. LH.

I agree, she was definitely trying to distance herself from JRH. Or, her lawyer was trying to. I think the statement was saying 3 things: 1. LH is grieving no matter what you say. 2. LH should be considered separate from JRH. 3. The media better stop talking about LH or face the consequences. Basically, trying to repair damage she has done in her public appearances and warn people from continuing to talk about her behavior.
Just to play devil's advocate, here...though LH's actions and comments are really puzzling and odd, personally I'm not quite ready to convict her based on the overriding strangeness of just one of those odd comments/actions. Deserving of investigation, for sure, but not conviction quite yet...(IMO).

I've been trying to formulate a rough timeline of events AFTER the Akers Mill scene, and realized something I hadn't read anywhere, yet. When Leanna says that comment to RH, it's after LE has been interrogating RH for about an hour and a half, and 2-1/2 hours after their son has been declared dead. From what I can determine, it's roughly around 7:30 PM when she is first allowed to visit with him in that interview room. He's already been at the police station for over a couple hours; she's been asking to see him for the past 2-1/2 hours. So, in the context of how LONG they've been questioning him, that question from a wife to husband could conceivably come up.

Here's the timeline:

In the context of how long it's been that Ross has been there (probably since shortly after 5 PM), and how long she's been trying to see him (since about the same time), it's not quite a slam-dunk that LH said this because she was in cahoots with him in planning the murder of their baby. It does raise eyebrows, and is exactly the sort of comment the state and a detective would bring up during a PCH for the purposes of a PCH--in order to add to the big picture of the severity of what MIGHT be going on...but this hearing was not a "trial." So what we don't know at this point is conceivably every bit as important as what we do. The PCH was largely about RH (the accused), so to try to piece together the mystery of LH's involvement with bits gleaned from her husband's pretrial hearing is like trying to work a 2000-pc. jigsaw puzzle with only 50 pieces. Such an attempt eventually requires that we bring our own 'creative' pieces to the table in an attempt to complete the puzzle (eg. speculating that she's half of a "swinger" couple who pretends to be religious but doesn't take her faith seriously.) Sorry, but with the limited evidence we have right now, that crosses a line with me. JMO, but don't think I'm ready to join in creative speculation that's possibly as unfounded as it is destructive.

If a person is innocent, how can they say "too much?" And if the person asking is so innocent, what would be "too much" to say? Is there such a thing as "too much truth," "too much innocence?"

I respect your opinion, but I think they are in cahoots big-time and certainly not just because of this comment...but as far as LH's involvement, it was definitely the tipping point for me.

I actually try to circumvent all of the Mrs./Ms. stuff by simply referring to myself with my whole name and referring to my ex as "The Ex Mr. SnoopyDawgDawg." As a divorced woman (gasp!) it makes me mad as all get-out when someone refers to me as "Mrs." If a title must be used, I much prefer the "Ms. (Gasp!)"

Along similar lines, I agree with the theory that the "Ms." LH is trying to distance herself from Mr. LH.

FYI, I learned that Ms.= Miss, or Mrs., single or divorced. Men are Mr. no matter what they are so why should society know/judge you based upon your status??? It's rare for me to use Mrs., and I've been married for 20 years. Only my mother referred to me as Mrs. K.
I could buy this except for one thing:

"Did you say too much?"


This is what I did to that statement. Did you say to much? About what? The 'accidental death of Cooper'? WTH?

Go ahead. Add your own phrase after the About what? Try to find an answer that makes any sense. I surely couldn't.
FYI, I learned that Ms.= Miss, or Mrs., single or divorced. Men are Mr. no matter what they are so why should society know/judge you based upon your status??? It's rare for me to use Mrs., and I've been married for 20 years. Only my mother referred to me as Mrs. K.

Yes that's what it is/was supposed to be all right, even "back in the day." But a lot of "Mrs.'s" saw that "Ms." as "failed woman."

I remember when my grandfather died (in 1971) and my grandmother was informed that legally she would now have to refer to herself as "Mrs. Her First Name Their Last Name" as opposed to the "Mrs. His First Name Their Last Name" she'd used all their married life. It just about put her over the edge. But the final straw was when Ma Bell informed her that since he was no longer alive, the phone listing could no longer appear in the phone book under his name. I honestly feared that she would lay down and willfully die. She'd totally lost her identity. But then that was another (even-then dying) era and another way of life.

ETA: Bear in mind that this is the same woman that informed me that the only two gifts a proper young lady could give her gentleman friend were handkerchiefs or a parasol! And the same woman that warned me that men would try to get into my "neighborhood." Oh yeah, and if I ever had to sit on a gentleman's lap while riding in a car to put the phone book between us! Gosh I miss that woman! lol

This is what I did to that statement. Did you say to much? About what? The 'accidental death of Cooper'? WTH?

Go ahead. Add your own phrase after the About what? Try to find an answer that makes any sense. I surely couldn't.

I think as soon as he said "f--- you" to the police officer, he had said too much. LH is probably very aware of his anger issues and his attitude toward LE... and how that would've gotten him where he was at that point.
He's crying to her "poor me".He's pacing and rubbing his face, He's all like upset and saying I'm gonna lose my job, they are gonna arrest me for a felony.
(From my memory)
She tells him to come sit down by her and asks
"Why? Did you say too much?"
Its really hard to know what she meant and how much she knows about the law.
By saying too much she could mean was her cursing, raising his voice, "say too much"
Could mean did you verbally threaten an officer.
She could have thought did he tell them he slept with an underage girl?
Heck she could think since having an affair is "illegal" he was getting arrested for admitting it to them.
In other words did he implicate himself in another crime by blabbing on and on.
If I really thought it was an accident, felony murder makes no sense.
Manslaughter dose.
I really want to hear that tape!!
I imagine he is really good at pulling her chain.

And why was he telling her how the baby looked?
Why was he lying to her? I don't get that. He didn't want her to think he was responsible for what he saw when he took the baby out of the car.

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