LHP's Book Preview

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Ugh, I agree. If this exchange about her sex life did happen between LHP and Patsy, I am sure that Patsy did not want it published for the whole world to see. How embarrassing. This excerpt from the supposed book sounds like sordid tabloid trash. It is very badly written, and I will not be buying the book.

One thing I have never understood is this flashlight...why would Patsy be carrying around a flashlight in the middle of the night? If I get up in the middle of the night for something, I turn on low wattage lights, I don't run around with a flashlight. Most people turn on lamps, I would think, if they need light to get to the bathroom or whatever. Why carry around a heavy Maglite all over the house?

Just my 2 cents worth.
I don't find it odd at all to keep a flashlight in a room, or almost all rooms. Sometimes the electricity goes off and you need one. There might be more reasons, but that's why I keep a flashlight somewhere in each room, and I know where to go to get them, in that particular room. Burke also had a flashlight in his room, did he not?
Barbara said:
The TRUTH is that the Ramsey household was not a happy one. Regardless of whether or not Patsy enjoyed performing oral sex, it was not a happy marriage and seemingly not a particularly happy family.
And don't forget... this perception of the family is also corroborated by another housekeeper, Linda Wilcox:

Maikai said:
seem to be in a minority as far as your assessment of the Ramsey family. They had a strong marriage before this happened and an even stronger one afterwards. Many marriages come apart for a lot less. Patsy worked side by side with John to build the business in the early days....and although at the time of the murder she didn't work for $$$---she did a lot of volunteer work

There's no evidence of alcohol abuse in the Ramsey family.

Patsy may not have been the best housekeeper---so what? They had the money to hire the likes of LHP, and pay someone else to do the work---nothing wrong in that.

I disagree with you that the Pugh's had a happy family. Where were the grown kids when LHP needed money to pay her rent? What kind of family functions normally with an alcoholic father? One that was drunk when the police came to the house on Christmas Day? One that was out of work, with Linda working several jobs to make ends meet?

No, I'm far from being in the minority regarding my opinion of the Ramsey marriage and family. Because they weren't planning a divorce doesn't mean the marriage was happy. Marriages fall apart for many reasons, some of them more serious than others, but who can assess what is "less and more" than any other reason? Certainly not us. Yes, Patsy worked side by side with John in the early days. It wasn't for $$$, but it was her parents' money. John wasn't particularly successful in prior businesses. I don't have a problem with that situation, just commenting on the remarks about the Pugh's lifestyle. Who can assess what might have been had the Paughs not financed their daughter and her husband?

No evidence of alcohol abuse? Depends on your definition. In my world, if you can't help the police investigate the murder of your child because you are too zonked, then I call it abuse of whatever has you so zonked.

No, Patsy was a slob and I agree with you. If you have the money, you can afford to pay someone else to do it. I have no problem with that either, although between visits from LHP.........ugh

As far as what went on inside the Pugh home? How do you know whether they were happy or not? Maybe the adult kids couldn't afford to help their parents financially. Maybe LHP loved her husband, despite his drinking (that does happen you know). She asked Patsy for a loan. Big deal. Had the Paughs not helped John make a living, what would they have done? We just don't know do we? John hasn't had a real job since the murder. Why is that? It's easy to blame the murder, but the truth is they are just snobs like the posters who trash the Pughs. I think it is admirable that LHP chose to work the many jobs rather than be placed on public assistance. Her hard work on those jobs shows more character than either of the Ramseys. As far as Merv being drunk on Christmas day.....If he is the alcoholic as is claimed, why WOULDN'T he be drunk on Christmas day? Alcoholics drink every day so why would that day be different?

The Ramseys were zonked on whatever AFTER the murder with a murdered child in their basement. That is a lot more disturbing than Merv being drunk on Christmas day.
Linda Arndt, a complete stranger from what we know, also felt the R's weren't close.
Britt said:
And don't forget... this perception of the family is also corroborated by another housekeeper, Linda Wilcox:


Thanks Britt, It's been awhile since I read that.

I don't know if this was ever answered but during Patsy's illness and more serious, her stays in the hospital, at times, near death, why was Nedra there and NOT John? Has this ever been answered? Patsy seems to have gone through a great deal, and we just don't know where John is. We know he wasn't home caring for the children. He was working?

I don't know anyone going through Cancer or for that matter any serious illness where the spouse isn't by their side. It seems that John just went about his business while Patsy was so sick. What is more important than the illness of a spouse? Especially an illness where the expectation, according to the Ramseys themselves was that Patsy would die.

That speaks volumes about their relationship IMO.

How many of you out there have ever been hospitalized or even just plain sick where your spouse is absent? I'd be curious. My fear of the dentist prompts hubby to arrange to be with me for a simple checkup, let alone something serious. Maybe I just travel in different circles than the Ramseys
I'm not convinced the book chapter is from Darnay.

Where's Candy. She'd know if it's legit or a hoax.
Show Me said:
I'm not convinced the book chapter is from Darnay.
Where's Candy. She'd know if it's legit or a hoax.
I think you can believe it really is from Darnay. According to what Tricia at FFJ posted this morning she wrote Darnay back and confirmed it was from him before she posted it:
"Darnay sent this chapter out to many people. All media from what I can tell.
When I wrote Darnay back and asked if Sydney was the "writer" ( he said she is not involved in any way) Darnay also told me that yes, Lin Wood will sue."

So if it is a hoax, then Tricia is in on it--not likely since the *advertiser censored* also posted it over on the Swamp.
Barbara said:
Thanks Britt, It's been awhile since I read that.

I don't know if this was ever answered but during Patsy's illness and more serious, her stays in the hospital, at times, near death, why was Nedra there and NOT John? Has this ever been answered? Patsy seems to have gone through a great deal, and we just don't know where John is. We know he wasn't home caring for the children. He was working?

I don't know anyone going through Cancer or for that matter any serious illness where the spouse isn't by their side. It seems that John just went about his business while Patsy was so sick. What is more important than the illness of a spouse? Especially an illness where the expectation, according to the Ramseys themselves was that Patsy would die.

That speaks volumes about their relationship IMO.

How many of you out there have ever been hospitalized or even just plain sick where your spouse is absent? I'd be curious. My fear of the dentist prompts hubby to arrange to be with me for a simple checkup, let alone something serious. Maybe I just travel in different circles than the Ramseys

I've lived through cancer both with my mother and myself and life does go on. Particularly when its a long term treatment. There are bills to pay, people to feed and insurance coverage to keep up. I would find it very strange if someone dropped all responsibilities to hover around a bedside. Patsy has written about John researching and finding the best, most up to date treatment available and about times when he was at the hospital. My impression is he was there when he was able and made sure she was cared for when he couldn't be there.

I'm sorry you're afraid of the dentist and I'm glad your husband goes with you to your appointments. My own situation is that I only have my husband go with me if, for some reason, I will be unable to drive after the appointment or if a complex decision will have to be made on the spot. Otherwise I feel I would disrupt not only his day but the day of all those who work for him and need decisions, advice, and whatever else it is they pay him to be there for.
tipper said:
I've lived through cancer both with my mother and myself and life does go on. Particularly when its a long term treatment. There are bills to pay, people to feed and insurance coverage to keep up. I would find it very strange if someone dropped all responsibilities to hover around a bedside. Patsy has written about John researching and finding the best, most up to date treatment available and about times when he was at the hospital. My impression is he was there when he was able and made sure she was cared for when he couldn't be there.

I'm sorry you're afraid of the dentist and I'm glad your husband goes with you to your appointments. My own situation is that I only have my husband go with me if, for some reason, I will be unable to drive after the appointment or if a complex decision will have to be made on the spot. Otherwise I feel I would disrupt not only his day but the day of all those who work for him and need decisions, advice, and whatever else it is they pay him to be there for.

I am so sorry about your mom and yourself. I hope you are okay and wish you nothing but the best of health. Yes, life goes on and bills need paying, and responsibilities don't go away, they probably increase during such a stressful time. For people like yourself and me, (assuming you are an average citizen :) ), we don't have a choice. I have no doubt that John made sure that Patsy had the best that money could buy.

I'm basing my comments on the Ramseys' telling of the illness with the understanding that Patsy was "near death". John was in a position that if he chose to, he could have been hovering over her bed. When a person is "dying" as they claim Patsy was, I find it more than a little odd that John didn't stay with her. Despite his high ranking status at his job, I am sure that he could have been in touch by phone, etc.

It may not mean as much to others as it does me, but I find that his absence at the hospitals, treatments, etc. very disheartening. Maybe I'm overreacting due to the fact that he was in a position to be wherever he wanted, considering she was so very sick.

As far as the dentist, that is really the only phobia I have. I don't require company for other types of appointments. Dentist? Did I say Dentist? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Tipper, I understand what you are saying and agree with you wholeheartedly. But you're talking about long-term treatments. That's a totally different story.
John Ramsey chose not to be there when his wife went under the knife for major surgery, what kind of a husband does that? The same guy, by all accounts, didn't comfort his wife in any manner the morning their daughter was missing and assumed kidnapped.

This was NOT a normal husband-wife relationship.
Shylock said:
Tipper, I understand what you are saying and agree with you wholeheartedly. But you're talking about long-term treatments. That's a totally different story.
John Ramsey chose not to be there when his wife went under the knife for major surgery, what kind of a husband does that? The same guy, by all accounts, didn't comfort his wife in any manner the morning their daughter was missing and assumed kidnapped.

This was NOT a normal husband-wife relationship.

Agreed. Further, and I believe this came from Cyril Wecht's book, when John and Patsy were out to dinner with a couple of folks who could be considered by some to be 'names', Patsy began to cry at the dinner table and John was oblivious to her pain. Patsy left the table to pull herself together, and John still didn't comfort her as she left or upon her return, causing the dinner companions to be somewhat uncomfortable in their compassion for Patsy.
Shylock said:
Tipper, I understand what you are saying and agree with you wholeheartedly. But you're talking about long-term treatments. That's a totally different story.
John Ramsey chose not to be there when his wife went under the knife for major surgery, what kind of a husband does that? The same guy, by all accounts, didn't comfort his wife in any manner the morning their daughter was missing and assumed kidnapped.

This was NOT a normal husband-wife relationship.

You'll have to point me towards the major surgery story. At the moment it doesn't ring any bells but that doesn't mean anything these days :)

As far as the not comforting on the 26th, I'll take the word of Jedamus and Morlock who say he did hold and comfort her.
Patsy, in the NE Police Files book, acknowledges the 'distance' of the couple that morning and explains it in her terms there.
Legal question: Spade is saying that Sydney Barrows (Darnay's wife) is listed as the author under Properties. ALL our word files have Mr. tipper listed as the author simply because that is how the computer got set up. How much weight would the 'Properties' listing of authorship carry in court?
tipper said:
Legal question: Spade is saying that Sydney Barrows (Darnay's wife) is listed as the author under Properties. ALL our word files have Mr. tipper listed as the author simply because that is how the computer got set up. How much weight would the 'Properties' listing of authorship carry in court?

Tipper - I wondered this too. The properties are set in the computer - not by the user on creation of the document. All this means is that the file originated on Sydney Barrow's computer. If you think about it, this book is supposed to be complete/near completion, so if Chapter 1 had been copied and pasted into a new Word document on Sydney Barrow's computer, it would have her as the author on the properties.

I imagine that Lin Wood would need to establish that the foriginal file containing the entire book also had Sydney Barrows as author before he would have a case.
tipper said:
Legal question: Spade is saying that Sydney Barrows (Darnay's wife) is listed as the author under Properties. ALL our word files have Mr. tipper listed as the author simply because that is how the computer got set up. How much weight would the 'Properties' listing of authorship carry in court?
No weight at all. Let's assume LHP wrote and sent the entire book to Darnay in the form of a MS Word file. Darnay, using a computer with his wife registered as the author (the same way yours is registered to Mr. Tipper), highlights the first chapter, copies it, then pastes it into a new document that he saves before attaching it to the email he sends out. That new document he created would have his wife's name as author even though she didn't write a single word of it.

Spade's observation is interesting, but it proves nothing except that Darnay sometimes uses a computer that has his wife listed as the registrant in at least one software program.
Imon128 said:
Agreed. Further, and I believe this came from Cyril Wecht's book, when John and Patsy were out to dinner with a couple of folks who could be considered by some to be 'names', Patsy began to cry at the dinner table and John was oblivious to her pain. Patsy left the table to pull herself together, and John still didn't comfort her as she left or upon her return, causing the dinner companions to be somewhat uncomfortable in their compassion for Patsy.

I believe the couple of folks were Michael Tracey and another journalist who were just beginning the documentary aired in the UK.

Unbelievable! The man would not comfort his despondent wife...not a hug, a pat of reassurance...NOTHING! He sat there cold and hard as a rock. He told Patsy to get hold of herself!

John Ramsey was a MILLIONAIRE at the time Patsy developed her cancer. He could have taken time off to accompany her to Maryland. Nobody is indispensable...not even a CEO. The man ran his household like he did Access Graphics...have the little guys take care of problems that arise. Poor Nedra not only had to accompany Patsy, but also to care for her when she came back to Boulder AND take care of the children.

Nedra slept in JonBenet's room and Patsy slept in JAR's room...in order to be "near" the bathroom and her mother. Where was John during this time...sleeping upstairs? Creeping into JonBenet's room at night...causing Patsy to become suspicious of him?
Maybe Darnay is just testing the waters as to how a book would fly or wants to get LHP's word out? I haven't seen much (and gawd knows I could have missed it) that this book is ready to print or even market. I'm waiting for what I missed, LOL.
It does not necessarily mean Sydney Barrows authored that document rather her name was typed into the computer as the user. Anyone can go into their control panel and add a user name, sign in as that user and produce documents listing that user responsible. With word documents all you have to do is install word and register any name you want for it to appear. This is very fishy.

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