Lisa Stebic-Plainfield, IL mother of 2 Part 3

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<<I do fear for the kids. I don't believe CS got rid of Lisa as a spur ofthe moment thought, based on his comments prior to this happening I believe he planned carefully for a long time.

I believe the disposal site was planned a long time ago, but the time of the killing may have been a spur of the moment decision...motivated by a fight over the eviction notice or realization that he was going to have a couple weeks off after than Dial job ended.

If this was so well planned, why did the police find any blood? She could have been strangled or smothered with no blood evidence. If there is more blood in the home (besides what was found on the tarp), I believe was a fight that escalated to murder.
<<I do fear for the kids. I don't believe CS got rid of Lisa as a spur ofthe moment thought, based on his comments prior to this happening I believe he planned carefully for a long time.

I believe the disposal site was planned a long time ago, but the time of the killing may have been a spur of the moment decision...motivated by a fight over the eviction notice or realization that he was going to have a couple weeks off after than Dial job ended.

If this was so well planned, why did the police find any blood? She could have been strangled or smothered with no blood evidence. If there is more blood in the home (besides what was found on the tarp), I believe was a fight that escalated to murder.

I think the time of the killing coincided with the kids being out of school, or close to being out of school. It gives CS plenty of time to influence or attempt to influence the story of why mom went "missing" to his kids without the added influence of friends, associates, other parents and teachers at school. He's hoping the few months off will allow the shock to lessen, give him some time to "comfort", convince and influence them before the next school year starts.

His kids are too young to understand if dad really cared about his children having a mother, or attempts at "coparenting", regardless of marital problems and an upcoming divorce, he'd be out there shoveling shiot, if he had to in order to help find his childrens mother. Problem is he simply can't, not only because he doesn't give a rats batooty, but there is far too much of a risk that he'd make a mistake of some sort further implicating himself.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the kids this upcoming school year. Will they attend the same school? Will he send them to another school under the pretense "he's protecting them" or will he decide to home school them. The latter two will further imply guilt...... and the first, well, I guess that will be testimony to how well he influenced them and whether or not they share with a confidant.

Again, this is just speculation and my "gut" on this one.
The children are old enough to formulate their own opinions of what happened to their mother. Relatives of Lisa haven't asked them those opinions yet and have said the children haven't offered them. The kids also know how tense life really was inside that house before she went missing. They are smarter than anyone is giving them credit here and I don't see them being "swayed" by whatever CS tells them in the long run. Especially the girl. She is going to be the key in all of this, IMO, as soon as LE can figure out a way to get guardianship turned over to Lisa's family and gain permission for interviews. I believe they are looking at a Grand Jury myself.
I noticed last night on Fox they showed an older picture of the family sitting down on the floor but there were 3 children...Craig was in the back, a baby in front of Lisa that she was holding and the two older children, a girl and boy (probably the now 10 & 12-year-olds) on each side of them.

Did they have another child that I missed somewhere in all of this? Or could it have been a niece or nephew in the picture, something like that?
I would think there would have been some mention of a child they might have lost recently.
The children are old enough to formulate their own opinions of what happened to their mother. Relatives of Lisa haven't asked them those opinions yet and have said the children haven't offered them. The kids also know how tense life really was inside that house before she went missing. They are smarter than anyone is giving them credit here and I don't see them being "swayed" by whatever CS tells them in the long run. Especially the girl. She is going to be the key in all of this, IMO, as soon as LE can figure out a way to get guardianship turned over to Lisa's family and gain permission for interviews. I believe they are looking at a Grand Jury myself.

I'm thinking Grand Jury too. He obviously does not care about the mental torture he will cause. I am concerned he may "sway" the kids. God only knows what he has told them. Over and over then you start to be brainwashed by the lies. OJ's kids are grown now. Do they still think their father is trying to find the "real" killer?? JMO.
I noticed last night on Fox they showed an older picture of the family sitting down on the floor but there were 3 children...Craig was in the back, a baby in front of Lisa that she was holding and the two older children, a girl and boy (probably the now 10 & 12-year-olds) on each side of them.

Did they have another child that I missed somewhere in all of this? Or could it have been a niece or nephew in the picture, something like that?
I would think there would have been some mention of a child they might have lost recently.

You know...I have wondered the same thing after seeing that photo. I had assumed it must be a niece or nephew, but it did look like a family photo. Strange. Anyone know?
Just A Theory: “Whoever” did the dirty deed, hid Lisa before the kids even got home from school. When they got home he told them she went for a workout. He sends the kids for candy to allow time to think of a plan. He’s not dumb enough to use the house phone, so uses Lisa’s cell phone to call an accomplice. (Provided her cell was a throw away… TracPhone etc… can’t be traced) While he’s out birthday present shopping at Target with the kids, the “accomplice” goes to the house to take Lisa out. When all is clear, the “accomplice” signals CS on his throw away phone. CS and children go home, and have what appears to be a normal evening.

No one but “CS” told LE who saw who, or at what time on April 30th. I never read anything anywhere regarding what time they arrived home from Target. They could have stayed for a couple of hours. I wonder if LE got the Target surveillance video?

“Assuming” this “theory,” there’s no way he’s going to allow the children to speak with LE for as long as he can possibly get away with it. Too bad for him this “will” happen eventually. I doubt Lisa's children will ever forget April 30th.

Footnote: Who ever heard of an estranged spouse who has recently filed for divorce, go out and buy their spouse a birthday present :liar: THREE WEEKS EARLY??? He probably has the excuse, “It’s from the kids” lie made up already! I wonder if he really bought anything??

Curious? I wonder if hampering an investigation could be considered criminal in some remote way? Anyone know the law on this?
How did I miss the trip to Target?! OK...I have looked and looked. There wasn't a trip to Target that I have found yet! Craig said he was in the backyard. The kids said the last time they saw their mom was late afternoon before going to get candy.

BytheBay? Do you have a link to Target and buying a present story?! I simply can't find it anywhere.
I'm not read one artical nor seen any news media say anything about Craig S shopping at Target the evening that Lisa went out and never returned home.
Snippets from July 13th article:

On May 3 when CBS 2 sat down with Craig Stebic, he said he was the only one home when Lisa left around 6:00 p.m. April 30.

"She left to go, supposedly, to work out," Craig Stebic said. "Somebody picked her up. I was in the backyard, working in the backyard. When I came in she'd already left."

The kids were at Walgreens at the time Craig Stebic says they then came home around 6:30 or 6:45 p.m., and then promptly left with him to go to the store.
"We went out shopping over at the local Target store for a birthday present, and she just never came back the next morning," Craig Stebic said.

A neighbor reported Lisa missing May 1 when Craig Stebic called her that morning, asking if she knew where Lisa was.

The entire article linked above is well worth reading, imo.
Snippets from July 13th article:

On May 3 when CBS 2 sat down with Craig Stebic, he said he was the only one home when Lisa left around 6:00 p.m. April 30.

"She left to go, supposedly, to work out," Craig Stebic said. "Somebody picked her up. I was in the backyard, working in the backyard. When I came in she'd already left."

The kids were at Walgreens at the time Craig Stebic says they then came home around 6:30 or 6:45 p.m., and then promptly left with him to go to the store.
"We went out shopping over at the local Target store for a birthday present, and she just never came back the next morning," Craig Stebic said.

A neighbor reported Lisa missing May 1 when Craig Stebic called her that morning, asking if she knew where Lisa was.

The entire article linked above is well worth reading, imo.

If CS gave this report to CBS as recently as Friday, July 13th, then it sounds to me like he's changing his story! No previous article has mentioned a trip to Target for a birthday gift. Sounds like he's trying to put up more smokescreens to me.
Snippets from July 13th article:

On May 3 when CBS 2 sat down with Craig Stebic, he said he was the only one home when Lisa left around 6:00 p.m. April 30.

"She left to go, supposedly, to work out," Craig Stebic said. "Somebody picked her up. I was in the backyard, working in the backyard. When I came in she'd already left."

The kids were at Walgreens at the time Craig Stebic says they then came home around 6:30 or 6:45 p.m., and then promptly left with him to go to the store.
"We went out shopping over at the local Target store for a birthday present, and she just never came back the next morning," Craig Stebic said.

A neighbor reported Lisa missing May 1 when Craig Stebic called her that morning, asking if she knew where Lisa was.

The entire article linked above is well worth reading, imo.

Hey Liz, Thanks for bailing me out on that one! I only recalled the comment from memory. Next time, I will validate with a link. In re-reading the article, it doesn't mention that CS went shopping to buy Lisa a birthday present. Only that he went to buy a BD present. However, the fact remains that he did say he was at the Target store. Possibly a big smelly red herring IMO.

Also, yet another comment by CS about Lisa leaving in that same article. I've read varying statements on this. I wonder which one is true?

"She left to go, supposedly, to work out," Craig Stebic said. "Somebody picked her up. I was in the backyard, working in the backyard. When I came in she’d already left."
Well..this is certainly the VERY first time I have heard of it! No mention of this in any other story or article before now. I wonder how accurate this story is. LE has stated that it was CS who called in the missing persons report. Walgreens was never mentioned, but it was said that Jewels was the store the children rode their bikes to. A trip to Target has not been mentioned before either. So either CS HAS changed his story completely...or CBS has. Either way, it is quite interesting. It does seem strange all the way around. I don't know what to think!!!

Does CBS have this interview on video?!?!?!
Well..this is certainly the VERY first time I have heard of it! No mention of this in any other story or article before now. I wonder how accurate this story is. LE has stated that it was CS who called in the missing persons report. Walgreens was never mentioned, but it was said that Jewels was the store the children rode their bikes to. A trip to Target has not been mentioned before either. So either CS HAS changed his story completely...or CBS has. Either way, it is quite interesting. It does seem strange all the way around. I don't know what to think!!!

Does CBS have this interview on video?!?!?!

The story link is There is a video attached, but I haven't watched it (I'm at work right now). However, this is very strange - every single other story I've read says that CS sent the kids to Jewel for candy, which is further from their home than Walgreens' is, and there is NO MENTION of a trip to Target or an outing to purchase a birthday gift. I think CS has either changed his tune, or CBS has made a gross reporting error. I guess we'll just have to wait and see which pans out.
<<I think the time of the killing coincided with the kids being out of school, or close to being out of school. >>

I don't think he thought of the kids one bit other than making sure they were at Walgreens/Jewel/Target.

If you don't have sell your house or lose half your net worth in a community property settlement, I imagine it leaves you with enough left over for a nanny. In this case, finances be so bad he may have to rely on Grandpa for free daycare.
Well..this is certainly the VERY first time I have heard of it! No mention of this in any other story or article before now. I wonder how accurate this story is. LE has stated that it was CS who called in the missing persons report. Walgreens was never mentioned, but it was said that Jewels was the store the children rode their bikes to. A trip to Target has not been mentioned before either. So either CS HAS changed his story completely...or CBS has. Either way, it is quite interesting. It does seem strange all the way around. I don't know what to think!!!

Does CBS have this interview on video?!?!?!

Go to the below Web page. There's a video archive to the right of the story. Above the video screen, scan across the video thumb nails with your mouse until you see the one captioned: Neighbors React to Craig Stebic Being "Person of Interest" Listen to all of it. It's all there.

It was sad going through those videos.
Found it and it is all there! Wow! Target, Walgreens, and all! Go watch...he looks even MORE guilty (if that is even possible)!

Thanks, BytheBay!!! This does change things!
Found it and it is all there! Wow! Target, Walgreens, and all! Go watch...he looks even MORE guilty (if that is even possible)!

Thanks, BytheBay!!! This does change things!

Yes, thanks, bythebay, for catching that. I agree, he sure looks guilty! Did anyone notice him "spit" at the end? And his body language, including the "cough" sure gives him away! And he seems to be looking away from the person interviewing him the whole time. This story is definitely contradictory to all the others we've seen and read. I'm convinced his free days are coming to an end.
For those of us that don't have the ability to view the video, can someone be kind enough to enlighten us about what's all there that makes CS look even more guilty?


By the way, ByTheBay, you're welcome for the link! :)
For those of us that don't have the ability to view the video, can someone be kind enough to enlighten us about what's all there that makes CS look even more guilty?


By the way, ByTheBay, you're welcome for the link! :)

Hi Liz, The link you provided contains the story of what CS said as reported. Walmart~Target~Somebody picked her up etc. Using that info, (thank you very much again!) I Googled "Craig Stebic Target" hoping to find the story with a video elsewhere. *Pay Dirt* It turned out to be CBS2 again. Odd how they chose to split up the videos on different pages containing the same story. Date thing maybe. I think they should provide a video archive just for us!!!

I'm not sure I understand your meaning: "For those of us that don't have the ability to view the video." Do you mean you can't find the video or are unable to view it for lack of computer capability? If the first meaning: follow the instructions in my last post. Second meaning: I might be able to help you with that. Let me know, and we'll go from there.
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