LP's Confidence #2

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Yes. Funny how that works, isn't it?! I haven't heard of anyone trying to sue him...yet. ;)

Most of these people are now considered public figures and a lawsuit would have to prove malicious intent - that he intended to harm them. That's not so easy to prove even if it exists.
Well I don't know why I have to keep explaining this: When LP first brought it up on NG, he said "the 15th". Of course folks assumed he was talking about November 15th because that's when the pictures, video were taken. It wasn't until another show, several days later, did he mention that it was in December. And viewers should not have to put up with someone "who doesn't speak as clearly as we would like.. but if we listen carefully...", in fact someone who omitted pertinent information the first time around! JMO.



I could honestly care less what LP has to say about this case because the man has obviously become a joke. He's the Kato Kalin of the Anthony trial.

He doesn't get me angry or upset with his comments. That's like being upset when a 2 year old says something silly that doesn't make any sense.

The reason LP makes my blood boil is that I honestly believe he injected himself into this case for the sole purpose of "Profiting" off the death of a child.

Way back in august he knew that Caylee was dead along with anyone else with any common sense. He saw this case as nothing other than an opportunity to make money, enhance his profile & inject himself directly into the middle of the biggest criminal case since the OJ trial. LP is far from stupid. He's a good business man & the 50k he put up to bail Casey out of jail was just another investment.

That's what this is to LP ....It's just Business.


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Whoa- lets give LP at least 1% credit- the P.I. calls LP in December and tells him about the tape- Lp asks him if he went to LE with it and P.I. says NO- so LP calls Nick S. about it- If LP wasnt told this by the P.I. maybe none of this would of surfaced and the P.I. would of just shut his mouth

No, the article appeared on WFTV first.

It depends. Did he learn to read at the "law" school he founded or at an accredited elementary school?

Didn't LP say last night he knew about this back when it originally happened? Does anybody know if he made any reports to have this checked out? Would he not have to because it would be considered second hand info? I would think even second had info would need to be checked out especially considering the players in this instance.


Yes! Yes! Yes!

It depends. Did he learn to read at the "law" school he founded or at an accredited elementary school?

Didn't LP say last night he knew about this back when it originally happened? Does anybody know if he made any reports to have this checked out? Would he not have to because it would be considered second hand info? I would think even second had info would need to be checked out especially considering the players in this instance.

LP didn't say he knew about this back when it originally happened. He's been saying he didn't find out about it until mid-December and called the FBI right away. Read post #424 in the Nancy Grace 1/8/09 thread for the transcript of what he said last night.
Correction. It was NOT Geraldo. He stated this publically.

well if you are right then I stand corrected but I remember in the beginning of all this GR and LP were talking about being friends.
I don't want to call LP to find out but I thought they were the ones talking and GR had called LP about this case. IF not I do stand corrected...
One thing that puzzles me is the lack of outrage and threats to sue LP when he links a name with an event. It leads me to believe there is some truth to many of his statements about certain people and no one wants to open a can of worms by taking the issue into a court room. Any ideas?

I think you are exactly right. He may not be right about everything, but he gets into an area where noboby wants to go. (for whatever reason)
What do you mean giving clues? What's he giving us a clue to? Don't quite know what you're saying here.

From what I understand LP apparently speaks in some kind of elaborate "Secret Code".

It's very complex and each night on the Nancy Grace Show he Cryptically relays a portion of a "Multi-Faceted Coded Message" and you need to have a certain degree of intelligence in order to understand it's intricacies.

It's all "Mumbo-Jumbo" to me and I haven't sent away for my "LP Secret Decoder Ring" so don't ask me to decipher it.

I have heard that there are a few people out there who have had some success at "Cracking the Code" but good luck getting them to share their secrets.

So unless you happen to have a Super Computer to feed LP's clues into for deciphering or a vintage World War II ENIGMA Decoding Device laying around your attic you'll just have to keep watching Nancy each night and hope that LP reveals the "Message" in plain English.

Either that or you can send away for the "LP Secret Decoder Ring"

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well if you are right then I stand corrected but I remember in the beginning of all this GR and LP were talking about being friends.
I don't want to call LP to find out but I thought they were the ones talking and GR had called LP about this case. IF not I do stand corrected...

Perhaps you are thinking about Geraldo and Jose Baez being friends.
Jose visited Geraldo a few months ago and he took Baez and his wife Lorina on his boat. There was video on one of GR's shows.
From what I understand LP apparently speaks in some kind of elaborate "Secret Code".

It's very complex and each night on the Nancy Grace Show he Cryptically relays a portion of a "Multi-Faceted Coded Message" and you need to have a certain degree of intelligence in order to understand it's intricacies.

It's all "Mumbo-Jumbo" to me and I haven't sent away for my "LP Secret Decoder Ring" so don't ask me to decipher it.

I have heard that there are a few people out there who have had some success at "Cracking the Code" but good luck getting them to share their secrets.

So unless you happen to have a Super Computer to feed LP's clues into for deciphering or a vintage World War II ENIGMA Decoding Device laying around your attic you'll just have to keep watching Nancy each night and hope that LP reveals the "Message" in plain English.

Either that or you can send away for the "LP Secret Decoder Ring"

Only $19.99 + Shipping & Handling

What's that address again? :p
From what I understand LP apparently speaks in some kind of elaborate "Secret Code".

It's very complex and each night on the Nancy Grace Show he Cryptically relays a portion of a "Multi-Faceted Coded Message" and you need to have a certain degree of intelligence in order to understand it's intricacies.

It's all "Mumbo-Jumbo" to me and I haven't sent away for my "LP Secret Decoder Ring" so don't ask me to decipher it.

I have heard that there are a few people out there who have had some success at "Cracking the Code" but good luck getting them to share their secrets.

So unless you happen to have a Super Computer to feed LP's clues into for deciphering or a vintage World War II ENIGMA Decoding Device laying around your attic you'll just have to keep watching Nancy each night and hope that LP reveals the "Message" in plain English.

Either that or you can send away for the "LP Secret Decoder Ring"

Only $19.99 + Shipping & Handling

Bold by me: I will send you a PM with my email address. And yes, I will accept your check :)

Another good post Boston, at least you have a sense of humor when it comes to your feelings about LP.
LP admitted he was wrong about his theory of it being an accident and he also admitted he was wrong about his theory on the 24th being the date she moved the body on NG tonight. Takes a big man to admit when they are wrong on national tv, imo. Not something we see too often with talking heads or with "blowhards".

I admire him for it. You could tell he was more reserved and contemplative tonight, too...at least...I could tell.
LP admitted he was wrong about his theory of it being an accident and he also admitted he was wrong about his theory on the 24th being the date she moved the body on NG tonight. Takes a big man to admit when they are wrong on national tv, imo. Not something we see too often with talking heads or with "blowhards".

I admire him for it. You could tell he was more reserved and contemplative tonight, too...at least...I could tell.

Oh SS, thank you so much .....:blowkiss: for the update. I was watching NG and a dang eyelash had the nerve right when LP was coming on to fall into my eye. Ouch, I didn't want to rub; I didn't want to leave the set, but I did.

I will tape the 10p show and fast forward to him. Thanxs again.

Oh did ya catch the NG snide remark about "talkheads" - that they are all professionals, former and current practicing lawyers. I immediately thought of WS and who on her staff has been reading us .:woohoo:
LOL Yes, I did hear her comment on the "talking heads". ;)

I have it on dvr, but I am too tired to watch it again tonight. Note the difference in LP's demeanor tho.
Perhaps you are thinking about Geraldo and Jose Baez being friends.
Jose visited Geraldo a few months ago and he took Baez and his wife Lorina on his boat. There was video on one of GR's shows.

No, I am for sure about LP and GR being old friends. Can anyone back me up on this. I am really tired and dont want to look for it now but they were both on in the beginning. That is why I was wondering what happened to their friendship as GR was admitting to be LP's friend before JB was in the picture a lot, right before KC got out of jail the first time.
LOL Yes, I did hear her comment on the "talking heads". ;)

I have it on dvr, but I am too tired to watch it again tonight. Note the difference in LP's demeanor tho.

I noticed that too- something else is going on, perhaps it is the new news of the MR? he really looked deep in thought.
Maybe he wanted to talk about something else and didnt get the chance too?
No, I am for sure about LP and GR being old friends. Can anyone back me up on this. I am really tired and dont want to look for it now but they were both on in the beginning. That is why I was wondering what happened to their friendship as GR was admitting to be LP's friend before JB was in the picture a lot, right before KC got out of jail the first time.

I remember GR interviewing LP and his crew in their RV that they had parked outside.
I noticed that too- something else is going on, perhaps it is the new news of the MR? he really looked deep in thought.
Maybe he wanted to talk about something else and didnt get the chance too?

I noticed it in his eyes when said he now realized that Caylee was intentionally murdered. Looked like deep, genuine sadness to me.
Here are the facts.
♣ LP is a 70 year old man.

♣ He has devoted his life to law in one form or another and even served his country in the United States Air Force for several years.

♣ He does make money at his living (bounty hunter) but then again, don't we all?

Do we all get to catch and put away BAD PEOPLE for that money? NOPE-I sure don't anyhow.

♣ He is a father and a grandfather to quite a large number of kids.

BUT I honestly do believe in my heart of hearts that he got as obssessed with Caylee as WE all have, and he happened to be a TV personality and a very wealthy man of means and had the ability (along with the obssessive motivation that has kept US at it all this time:crazy:) to delve in just a wee bit deeper than any of us have. I would bet you money that it was because of his love of his own children/grandchildren that he ever accepted the invite into this HELL in the first place. He is a man of depth and of intelligence and he is also out to make a buck...aren't we all? Do we not each and every one attempt to further OUR careers in one way or another each and every day? So does he. Unfortunately, like it or not, HIS particular career puts him in the crime-light/lime-light, and a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...Should he turn down the Nancy Grace shows from which he makes money each day that adds to his own family's upkeep? Why should he? He is a player in this the same as all the rest and if the Anthony family can market Caylee and try to TRADEMARK her very name, then why should any of the lesser players not also take a few crumbs as they fall from the table? (The Anthony's, the entire crooked defense, KidFinders, the PI's all corrupt ALL profiting BIGTIME!) Obviously someone somewhere thinks something of LP, because he is a REGULAR on NG and has been interviewed many times by several news agencies. He is a man in the know, and THAT seems to bother so many people...that little old Leonard P. KNOWS things that WE are not priviledged to know. Why would this bother anyone? No idea...It does not bother me in the least.

♣ LP knew that whatever was purchased at JC PENNY was to REPLACE something else that might have been lost while disposing of Caylee...we do not know the end of this one YET, but we DO know that receipt was with-held by Cindy and there had to be a REASON for it. LP KNOWS...we do not.

♣ LP knew about the chloroform and many other things before any of us knew and he told us in advance that as details began to emerge we would be SHOCKED! I do not know about ya'll, but I have had the pants shocked off of me on a regular basis since then.

♣ Nobody brings any kind of legal action against LP even though he has said some OUTLANDISH things...why is that? Because he is "swatting the hive" so to speak, and INVITING someone to bring legal action so he will have the right to DEPOSE. He WANTS someone to sue him as far as I can tell and then he will get the sweet nectar of deposing them to the nines. Nobody bites.

♣ LP told us the Anthony's refused lie detectors (all of them) and that LEE was instrumental in convincing them all NOT to do poly's.

It is remarkable to me that any of us believe that a good or bad comment about LP will not be responded to. There are 2 camps and one camp hates him and everything that he stands for in THEIR opinion, and they are ready and willing to let everyone know it at EVERY turn. The other camp is standing at the ready to defend LP when these "turns" turn into a winding road to nowhere except saying the same things again and again in a different structure of sentences.

♣ Some folks hate LP.
♣ Some folks love LP.
♣ Some folks sit on the fence and hate him some days and praise him other days.

For all of us there are choices.

► We can NOT go to the LP threads if they bother us so much whether we be lovers or haters.
► We can NOT watch his interviews.
►We can skip the discussion if we do not have anything NEW or PRODUCTIVE to add besides negativity based singularly on opinion or positivity based soley on opinion.

We need to look for the FACTS and if we are going to express our opinions, good or bad, especially about Mr. Padilla, then we may as well EXPECT the retaliation of one camp or the other issuing an assault on WHATEVER we stated, be it good or bad. It is just the nature of this beast and like it or not, he IS a player in this case.

In the words of a great moderator, let's just agree to disagree...:) and be nice while we do it. I mean, we ARE after all Websleuths, and what we are ABOUT is solving the case, not all this bickering that we seem to not be able to get beyond for any length of time. It is not helping Caylee for us to hate or to love Leonard Padilla...so let's figure out a way to disagree and keep on looking for ways to bring JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!

As for me, I admire and like Mr. Padilla from what I can tell from afar. I think he is more determined than ANYONE to see Caylee vindicated and I applaud him for his efforts, no matter WHAT his motivation IS...Kudos Leonard-thanks for the laughs and the thought provoking tidbits and the even outlandish lies!(I mean "theories"...but when YOU have a wrong thought/idea it is a lie and when anyone else does, it was a wrong "theory" :rolleyes:) I wish you had been MY grandpa as I am sure that you and I would have been great friends because I sometimes like to "swat the hive" myself...sometimes there is nothing else TO do.:waitasec:
<respectfully snipped>

As for me, I admire and like Mr. Padilla from what I can tell from afar. I think he is more determined than ANYONE to see Caylee vindicated and I applaud him for his efforts, no matter WHAT his motivation IS...Kudos Leonard-thanks for the laughs and the thought provoking tidbits and the even outlandish lies!(I mean "theories"...but when YOU have a wrong thought/idea it is a lie and when anyone else does, it was a wrong "theory" :rolleyes:) I wish you had been MY grandpa as I am sure that you and I would have been great friends because I sometimes like to "swat the hive" myself...sometimes there is nothing else TO do.:waitasec:


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