MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014

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"Carter engaged in a "systematic campaign of coercion" that targeted Roy's insecurities and that her instruction to "get back in" his truck in the final moments of his life was a "direct, causal link" to his death."

ABSOLUTELY! And what keeps getting left out and I have no doubt will be included in the trial , is that while she was saying that to him she was telling her friends she couldn't find him an was worried - her looking for sympathy. THEN she lied to the family as to if she knew where he was. ALL about HER. If he didn't "GET BACK IN THE TRUCK" (GBITT) she would have looked the fool and liar that she is, IMO

Godspeed Conrad :angel:

I am so sorry you were involved with such a manipulating, evil, lying, narcissistic, psychopath with an agenda all her own and all about her. :eek:verreaction:
This case makes me so mad I want to hit something, hard. I do not condone violence, not that I ever would but it feels good to think it sometimes.
It is so hard to believe a 17 year old girl could even fathom doing this to anyone, much less and adult. Makes me wonder what else she is capable of and that scares the death out of me.
Justice is coming Conrad. I pray your family, friends and loved ones are able to find the peace they need/deserve to help heal their broken hearts, if that's even possible.

Sleep, sleep tonight and may your dreams be realised.
If the thunder cloud passes rain, so let it rain, rain down on he.
So let it be. So let it be.
Sleep, sleep tonight and may your dreams be realised.
If the thunder cloud passes rain, so let it rain, let it rain,
rain down on he.
"Carter engaged in a "systematic campaign of coercion" that targeted Roy's insecurities and that her instruction to "get back in" his truck in the final moments of his life was a "direct, causal link" to his death."

ABSOLUTELY! And what keeps getting left out and I have no doubt will be included in the trial , is that while she was saying that to him she was telling her friends she couldn't find him an was worried - her looking for sympathy. THEN she lied to the family as to if she knew where he was. ALL about HER. If he didn't "GET BACK IN THE TRUCK" (GBITT) she would have looked the fool and liar that she is, IMO


Agree. That get back in the car statement along with her other statements of how she could have stopped him but chose not to while actually telling him to do it.

Is definitely going to be the nail in her coffin. Also let's not forget of how she knew that she would be in trouble due to her actions.

Btw. The nutcase also hosted Suicide prevention baseball games while lying about her involvement in her boyfriend's / friend suicide. Wth.
Agree. That get back in the car statement along with her other statements of how she could have stopped him but chose not to while actually telling him to do it.

Is definitely going to be the nail in her coffin. Also let's not forget of how she knew that she would be in trouble due to her actions.

Btw. The nutcase also hosted Suicide prevention baseball games while lying about her involvement in her boyfriend's / friend suicide. Wth.

ALL About HER. hosting the event as if she were grieving and giving to others. She's definitely narcissistically control oriented. I also wonder if she was into occult.

This is great news!! I wonder if she will be arrogant enough to insist on a trial if she is offered a deal. Not that she should be, but I imagine the DA is a little nervous about making this charge stick. Time will tell.
ALL About HER. hosting the event as if she were grieving and giving to others. She's definitely narcissistically control oriented. I also wonder if she was into occult.


I'm curious why you wonder if she was into the occult. Could you elaborate?
I'm a bit puzzled by that as well. I just don't see the connection. At all.

Sometimes when young people get involved with the occult and/ or witchcraft it is about controlling others for their own needs instead of the love and nature that is inherent in those kinds of cultures.
Her controlling and narcissistic nature makes me wonder if she also was into magic, spells and other types of control. It would be interesting to know.

I don't mean any offense to anyone involved in the natural or elemental beliefs.
Sometimes when young people get involved with the occult and/ or witchcraft it is about controlling others for their own needs instead of the love and nature that is inherent in those kinds of cultures.
Her controlling and narcissistic nature makes me wonder if she also was into magic, spells and other types of control. It would be interesting to know.

I don't mean any offense to anyone involved in the natural or elemental beliefs.

Same could apply to any sort of fundamentalism. Christians, Muslims extremists.

In this case, she is just an egomaniac and a sociopath.
Same could apply to any sort of fundamentalism. Christians, Muslims extremists.

In this case, she is just an egomaniac and a sociopath.

None of them cast spells over people to make them act in a way that the practitioner wishes.

To be clear I will not participate in a religious debate. My thought was merely to ponder if she had some interest in the dark arts.
None of them cast spells over people to make them act in a way that the practitioner wishes.

To be clear I will not participate in a religious debate. My thought was merely to ponder if she had some interest in the dark arts.

I cannot make any comments on the dark arts but this girl has an awful dark heart to have encouraged a friend to go through with suicide. So sad but glad she will get her day in court!

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Teen accused of encouraging her boyfriend to kill himself via text back in court

"Her attorney, Joseph Cataldo, filed 22 motions Friday, mostly concerning discovery issues. One, however, was a motion to suppress Carter&#8217;s statements to police.

None of the motions were made available to the public immediately on Friday. The clerk&#8217;s office said Judge Lawrence Moniz needed to review the motions first.

The case could go to trial as early as December, Moniz told the lawyers. The discovery motions will be argued Sept. 2, while the motion to suppress will be argued on Oct. 14."
Trial in teen’s suicide could begin in December

"Cataldo began the hearing on the defensive, as Moniz accused him of filing the motions late.
“I have 22 motions here, every one of them in violation of my scheduling order,” Moniz said.
“Do you want to explain why that happened?”

"Aside from the opening fireworks, the rest of the hearing proceeded smoothly and wrapped up within 15 minutes. The judge will hear 21 of the motions, all discovery motions, on Sept. 2. The motion to suppress will be heard Oct. 14."
Attorney for teen accused of encouraging boyfriend to kill himself raises questions about antidepressant

"One of the motions requests information related to the antidepressant citalopram, also known as Celexa, which apparently both Roy and Carter were taking. Cataldo requested documentary evidence about the drug, noting that the antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thinking, especially in adolescents and young adults."

"Cataldo also asked for an expert with forensic expertise in adolescent development and misconduct, which could hint at an insanity defense." :tantrum:

"The two discussed how he should kill himself, where to get a generator that would produce enough carbon monoxide to kill him and how happy he&#8217;d be once he was in heaven.
&#8220;You have to just do it,&#8221; she wrote " :furious:
Celexa doesn't turn you into a sociopath

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Celexa doesn't turn you into a sociopath

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His out is that every antidepressant comes with a warning that suicidal thoughts may increase and they both were on it. Ergo he killed himself and she didn't.
He'll need statistics relating to how many were coaxed by their "lover" IMO.
This case breaks my heart and is so sad and disturbing. In his vulnerable state, Conrad was manipulated by a sociopath (IMO) and once he began to carry out the act (encouraged by her) rather than calling 911 she told him to get back in the car. This is just not something myself or anyone else on here could ever comprehend doing. I hope to god this girl doesn't get away with this. I'm sure many of us have had the hard but important role of having to tell someone or try to seek help for a friend or loved one experiencing suicidal thoughts. I have experienced this twice. Once right after college with an ex boyfriend in which my only option was to call 911 and then his parents who weren't home at the time to let them know I had to call 911. The other time was junior year of high school when I had no clue what to do about my friend who was having a very difficult time. I went to my guidance counselor and it was handled from there by professionals. Did I mention at this time I was on a low dose of Celexa for a few months? I know everyone reacts differently but it certainly didn't turn me into a person who would coax someone else into suicide. I'm sorry but it does not take rocket science to find and to ask an adult for help or guidance. It's the right thing to do and anyone with a normal, non sociopathic brain would know that. This girl gets no empathy from me. She is a dangerous dangerous person and her behavior after the fact reeks of attention seeking, amongst other things.

Once you tell a suicidal/mental person to get back in there and kill yourself;

You should at least be charged with culpability murder or something. Jmo.

Especially if you don't want people to feel like its okay to tell vulnerable people that they should just commit suicide or something.
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