MA - Four children found hidden in apartment with alcohol, drugs, sex toys & corpse - Boston - June 21 2023

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Oh ok.
Can you point to any other example where fire fighters needed to report on someone's hairstyle or sartorial choices at all in an incident report?

Well they were responding to a death, not a fire, so that makes a difference. They need to report on the physical condition of those present as part of a safety assessment. Not sure if a medic was present
Maybe she wasn't there. Came in later. She says...they saw .... "They saw several transgender people, who are my friends, and one dead on the floor from cardiac arrest, they just assumed the worst..."
Mom: “Nobody was hiding the kids, we were trying to keep the kids away from the person who was dead on the floor."
Initial report, third-hand account from BFD to councillor to Herald: “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father of the kids was found in a back bedroom." "6 adults appearing to be males."
Mom: “Nobody was hiding the kids, we were trying to keep the kids away from the person who was dead on the floor."
Initial report, third-hand account from BFD to councillor to Herald: “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father of the kids was found in a back bedroom." "6 adults appearing to be males."
6 adults have four children and a dead body in the same room? 6 adults were trying to keep the kids away? Her story makes no sense IMO.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed> That is an interesting interpretation of what the mother and police said about the situation.

Mother: They saw several transgender people, who are my friends, and one dead on the floor from cardiac arrest, they just assumed the worst,"

Police:"Information that drugs and other concerning materials were strewn about the home is not supported by what officers encountered or by the information received on the scene."

The police statement also said the adults in the apartment "were fully cooperative with the Boston Police Officers who responded"

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I lived in subsidized housing (Canada) for 9 years. We had shootings, overdoses, fights, a meth lab, possibly a few, drug dealers, anti-social behaviour, burglaries, sexual assaults and on and on. 50% of the time it wasn't even the residents, for some reason subsidized housing attracts people from all over. The complex had police doing drive throughs every hour or so, yet things still happened. Should all the kids from the complex of just over a hundred units be taken into care? when most of the time, the 50% of offences by residents, revolved around a handful of people?
The ones involved had children taken away but they always got them back. I'd watch them acting like perfect parents for the social workers then as soon as they got the kids back everything went back to 'normal'
Articles stated that there had not been issues at this apartment.

Again, if the kids were in danger, I support their being taken until more investigation can occur. Having a dead person there isn't a positive situation, for sure.
It does seem that at least one or two people who spoke to the media early on had some bias. For example, the city councilor who was crabbing at BHA to do a better job (despite no prior complaints) in the video reposted below. Was BHA supposed to look into this apartment without any specific cause because transgender people live there? I find it telling that this same councilor mentioned there being alcohol in the apartment, as though that's outrageous in the same way drug paraphernalia and sex toys would be. He seemed to be deliberately trying to paint a vivid picture of debauchery with irrelevant facts. I'd guess 90% of homes have alcohol in them, how does that matter?

Sensationalizing the alcohol makes me think other things may have been slanted similarly. If there was maybe an outcry of "no!" when first responders went to bring children out past a dead body -- maybe that was slanted as denials children were in the apartment. Who knows? Drug paraphernalia doesn't even shock me, especially if the kids were in a back bedroom. That wouldn't end up in the news any other day. But a report of sex toys lying around -- that's the only thing that makes me see this in a more sensational, nefarious light. Seems like an odd thing to make up, too.

I certainly hope the children are interviewed as to whether they are living in a safe and caring environment, if only because squalor was mentioned. I'd feel the same way about investigating any parent when squalor and a death are involved.

But that's the fire department's alleged report lol!
So we agree, mom's story (and BPD report) makes sense and the fire department account does not?
No we don't agree .
The Fire Department reported finding the apartment “in extreme unsanitary conditions.” Firefighters found four children, ages 5-10, “in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”
I believe the firefighters
one dead on the floor from cardiac arrest,

rsbm bbm

What sort of medical professional qualifications does this person hold, that they are able to state a cause of death?

Would that typically be left for the coroner/medical examiner to determine?
Suddenly everything that every person on the scene witnessed first hand is... inaccurate?

I don't believe it. I call BS.
Someone's covering something or someone up.
Those first responders would have never said what they said if they didn't see FIRST hand, what they said they saw. THOSE are the folks I believe.

It's usually not a cover up; <modsnip> And, as this site already full well knows - the initial reports aren't usually accurate in the rush to get the news out thee for clicking/sales. I don't recall ANY first responders who were actually in the house being quoted in any articles thus far that spoke to the kids being exposed to drugs, alcohol or sex toys. Unsanitary conditions yes. Link?

With pot being legal here, any LE responding to my home would also find al three (if they searched the matser bedroom), but certainly not where kids are exposed to it.
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It's usually not a cover up; it's usually someone with an agenda writing the headlines. And, as this site already full well knows - the initial reports aren't usually accurate in the rush to get the news out thee for clicking/sales. I don't recall ANY first responders who were actually in the house being quoted in any articles thus far that spoke to the kids being exposed to drugs, alcohol or sex toys. Unsanitary conditions yes. Link?
First responders were not quoted individually in initial reports/articles..but their department is standing behind their assessments as reported. It's loud and clear.

Sam Dillon, president of Boston Firefighters Local 718, defended the firefighters who responded to an incident involving a dead man found in an apartment where four children were present, after the mayor and police department made statements debunking details reported by the fire department and media.

“Local 718 stands squarely behind the actions taken by our firefighters,” Dillon told the Herald on Friday. “The integrity of the firefighters involved in this incident is beyond reproach. Their swift action to address what they encountered should be commended by everyone involved.”

First responders were not quoted individually in initial reports/articles..but their department is standing behind their assessments as reported. It's loud and clear.

Sam Dillon, president of Boston Firefighters Local 718, defended the firefighters who responded to an incident involving a dead man found in an apartment where four children were present, after the mayor and police department made statements debunking details reported by the fire department and media.

“Local 718 stands squarely behind the actions taken by our firefighters,” Dillon told the Herald on Friday. “The integrity of the firefighters involved in this incident is beyond reproach. Their swift action to address what they encountered should be commended by everyone involved.”

“What our firefighters put in our report is accurate and it should not be questioned,” said Sam Dillion, President Fire Fighters Union IAFF Local 718. As for what city councilors were reporting they were told, “As far I am concerned that is all hearsay, that is all politics,” said Dillion. Wu: Reports of kids found with drugs and sex toys inside unsanitary Southie apartment are false

So that 100% confirms that "unsanitary conditions" as in the report is accurate, and "sex toys, drugs" is "hearsay". Interesting!
First responders were not quoted individually in initial reports/articles..but their department is standing behind their assessments as reported. It's loud and clear.

Sam Dillon, president of Boston Firefighters Local 718, defended the firefighters who responded to an incident involving a dead man found in an apartment where four children were present, after the mayor and police department made statements debunking details reported by the fire department and media.

“Local 718 stands squarely behind the actions taken by our firefighters,” Dillon told the Herald on Friday. “The integrity of the firefighters involved in this incident is beyond reproach. Their swift action to address what they encountered should be commended by everyone involved.”

The Boston Mayor made it very clear in her public statement yesterday that the initial reports were FALSE. The Union does not represent the leadership of the Boston Fire Department.


“There have not actually been reports directly from first responders. Some of the information that’s been floating out there have been some second and third-hand accounts from those who are not at the scene and I think this is an important reminder that it’s important to have a grounding in the facts of what’s occurred and to let the proper authorities do the investigations,” said Wu. “We will do whatever it takes to protect our children in this city but that also means not fueling conspiracy theories.”

At this point I have seen an official response from police. Nothing from EMS nor Fire. The police gain nothing from lying. Perhaps someone gave information from hearsay. The story was met with "why is no one reporting this"? Maybe some news agencies wanted to independently verify the facts and couldn't. It is impossible to cover something like this up.
The official response was from the police department and Mayor.


IMO, it’s likely the items in question were hidden before the police got there. People are not dumb and would not want to be scrutinized further after an unexplained death on the premises.

I trust the individuals who were at the scene first., the first responders. They are trained to be observant, also to be nonjudgmental. It’s not judgmental to note that someone is wearing a wig. IMO.
IMO, it’s likely the items in question were hidden before the police got there. People are not dumb and would not want to be scrutinized further after an unexplained death on the premises.

I trust the individuals who were at the scene first., the first responders. They are trained to be observant, also to be nonjudgmental. It’s not judgmental to note that someone is wearing a wig. IMO.
The adults would have enough common sense to hide illegal drugs and sex toys prior to EMT's responding. Especially considering there were children present.

If a police department issues an official statement, I will believe it.


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