MA MA - Phillip Markoff, Craigslist Killer

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We've all been aware that PM's fiance is completely supporting him, even continuing with wedding plans, yet she hasn't visited him in jail. I wonder if her family is encouraging her to not do so - may not be in her best interests.

IMO she needs to seek someone to talk to, a counselor, psychologist - any professional who can help her. It must be extremely difficult to have your life uprooted and betrayed by someone you trusted.
As far as being "catatonic"? Pul-eeze. No one goes into a state like that random. To be fair, perhaps he is having a major guilt trip and has bottomed out, as it were. That said, he is still responsible and had conscience choices that he made. No free ride from me...

I would say that he is "crashing" from the high of this whirlwind. It sounds almost he was in a manic phase. Part of me also wonders if there was any substance abuse issues, cocaine would be my guess. He looks like he is almost relieved that it is all over.

Regarding the blackberry, I've heard that those things have wireless internet. It is possible that he was online gambling. He was on a binge. I think that helped him to detach from what he was doing to these women. Gambling produces a high just like drugs do for those who are addicted to it. I had a friend in high school whose mother was a gambling addict. She would go on binges where she would just none stop gambling. When I lived in Washington I used to go to the casino to cash my paychecks. I would see people just sitting there playing slots just blanked out staring at the screen, pulling the handle down, putting money in over and over and over again. Creepy.
The step-father probably has a rocky relationship with PM, he is probably fuming about what PM has done to his wife.

If PM's mom's and step-father's marriage survives this I will be shocked. In all likelihood his mom is in as much denial as the fiance so I am sure this is going to cause conflict in the relationship.

QUOTE] Snipped...

From what I understand the he grew up with his stepfather in the home and that his mother and stepfather divorced in the past couple years. The stepfather and mother live close to each other. Also I was thinking the bio dad is the dentist, not the stepdad.
The best thing he can do, without admitting guilt, is to tell her to get on with her life, that he's not going to marry her.

He may have already done so, I think that he told his parents to forget him. His fiancee may be having a hard time accepting that the rest of her life that she was about to embark is over.

I can understand what she is going through. While she hasn't lost a loved one to death, she has lost him. Grieving is a process. Denial is usually the first stage of that process. I don't think that it would be unusual for her to remain in denial until the trial is over, because until the judge reads the verdict she can hold onto the hope that this is all a horrible mistake.

For her sake I hope that she will move on before the verdict is read. And there is hope that could happen. While she is in denial, I doubt that many of her friends and family are to. The evidence against him is quite damning. Hopefully they will help her move on. Even if my some miracle he is found innocent I think those same people will do everything in their power to keep PM out of her life.

Of course he may be prone to being melodramatic. And the declaration is a part of "coming down" from the high. Considering his lab partners comment that he had mood swings it is possible that he frequently employs this tactic to manipulated others. I really get the feeling that the suicide attempt was done so people will feel sorry for him. I wouldn't be surprised if his arrogance is so great he actually thinks that he can get out of it.

But if he told his parents to forget about him you would think that she would see that he is basically admitting that he is guilty and believes that he is going to be in prison for quite some time.

BTW, is the prosecution allowed to use the "forget about me" declaration against him? That statement really does sound like an admission of guilt to me. I can't think of anyway that the defense could "spin" that in PM's favor.

Also, has anyone seen anything that says that the fiancee has visited PM?
Don't forget he is a med student...he knows the basics of psychological/behavioral problems which he could try to use for an Insanity Defense. ;)

He probably knows the basics and not that much more. I think that he is arrogant enough to think he can fool a psychiatrist, but I really doubt that he is. As you pointed out in your definitions catatonic is usually associated with with schizophrenia. He would have to present other symptoms that are in line with that diagnosis.

I would think that catatonia is also associated with Autism. I thought about that when I saw the constant blackberry use. Sometimes people with autism are very sensitive to various sensory stimulus and use walkmans etc to help them deal with that. There is also a form of autism called Asberger's Syndrome. It is a very high functioning form of Autism, and I believe those affected have a very difficult time identifying emotions, kinda sociopathic in a way. They are usually very intelligent. Dan Akroid has Asberger's syndrome.

Besides just because a person is schizophrenic doesn't mean they don't know right from wrong.

I am sure that psychiatrists for the prosecution are very used to dealing with criminals that are acting crazy to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. It would be very easy for the prosecution to disprove mental illness. He would have been displaying symptoms before this even happened, and I doubt very much that anyone will testify to this.

If he is mentally ill, my guess that he is bi-polar. I don't know if bullying is associated with any particular mental illness. If it is, my guess would be one of the personality disorders. However, women are usually diagnosed with personality disorder, men are not.
There is also a form of autism called Asberger's Syndrome. It is a very high functioning form of Autism, and I believe those affected have a very difficult time identifying emotions, kinda sociopathic in a way. They are usually very intelligent. Dan Akroid has Asberger's syndrome.

Besides just because a person is schizophrenic doesn't mean they don't know right from wrong.


(respectfully snipped).

Interesting thoughts.
btw it's Aspergers.
I wish he would just tell fiancee that he is guilty so there is no doubt in her mind and she can move forward! It's obvious she is finding it hard to believe, which I can understand. But with all the evidence mounting how can you she still support him???,2933,517898,00.html

Craig's List founder, Craig Newman, WON'T close erotic section. I really hope someone goes after him. IMO what he's advertising is prostitution.

There is no need to close this section. It's not all prostitution - there are phone services offered there as well. This crime isn't about Craigslist. PM could have just as easily used street hookers but they don't tend to have that much cash on them...
For that matter, your phone book lists escort services... He could have used that as well.
I would think that catatonia is also associated with Autism. I thought about that when I saw the constant blackberry use. Sometimes people with autism are very sensitive to various sensory stimulus and use walkmans etc to help them deal with that. There is also a form of autism called Asberger's Syndrome. It is a very high functioning form of Autism, and I believe those affected have a very difficult time identifying emotions, kinda sociopathic in a way. They are usually very intelligent. Dan Akroid has Asberger's syndrome.

I don't think PM is an Aspie. They generally aren't great at keeping secrets.
What really gets me is how normal he looks - not in the court photos so much, but in the pictures from parties, etc. In court he looks a little glazed over, but in the candid pics, he looks like a regular college kid next door, you know?

Have you ever read "The Sociopath Next Door"? Very good book - by Martha ____, a PhD psychologist.

They blend right in.

then I come here and read about things like this.
What has happened to our world? YAYKS!!! :banghead:

Fiancé should be putting on her roller blades and heading for the hills.
Thanking God she is safe.
And I bet he showered and washed his hair in her room.
He had beat her head in, so I am thinking that he had to wash off the blood. MOO

It doesn't sound like he had time to take a shower. My understanding is that another guest down the hall heard the skirmish. When she looked out her door, the victim was lying in her doorway, already dead. The perp had taken off.

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