Nice post.Now, I'm confused: ThinkHard, you have been writing "bi-weekly" in your posts, and if she was actually going home 2x/week, then, I would consider that "a lot" because I'm not even sure how that's possible if she was working a normal 8-5 work schedule (How could she find the time to go to MA in the middle of the week?)
However, if she went home bi-monthly, or 2x/month, I don't think that's unusual at all. It would seem as a good balance of time between the city and "home" ... And many companies now offer more flexible work schedules with alternating Friday's off, or half day work schedules. Maybe VM had an alternating Friday every other week where she had enough time to make the trek back to MA? It would make sense.
I'm an only child and am very close with both of my parents. I have never hid anything from them, either, even when I was younger. I typically tell them if I *just* met someone, no matter how insignificant that new person may turn out to be. I believe VM was also an only child, and we do tend to tell our parents more than the average kid... I think it's because most children have siblings to tell things to and to bond with, but, we don't, so our parents fill that role. (At least they do for me.)
I also wouldn't think it odd if she went home every weekend, or three times a month... some people are closer to their family than others... who knows? But, it doesn't strike me as atypical or odd in any way... Some people never go home, or just visit for special occasions, and that's not really atypical either; just their preference.
FWIW: My opinion, after reading all of the threads and links here (as I have been since the story of her death broke) and (don't laugh at me) after doing some forensic astrological analysis (learning same person who used to do that here at Websleuths) it looks to me as she was probably lured in some way off that path shortly after she began her route. Maybe she recognized him, but, I don't think it was someone she was actually friends with. I do think he was laying in wait for her and I think he might be younger than her. I do think he watched her, or stalked her and I do think he's relatively "local" -- I'm not sure... I just began trying to apply the whole forensic astrology thing to better understand what happened to her and KV because both of their cases are so brutal and sad.
I check for updates everyday hoping that they catch him and KV's killer. It just frightens me a little more everyday as time goes on that their killers will go free and or do it again. VM and KV deserve some justice after what happened to them and I hope it comes soon.
I agree with everything you said. There is only one thing that I would have posted that may be different, and that is I think that she stayed on the road, and was ambushed from behind, rather than she was lured off the road. Nothing to base that on, just my hunch.
If this is a younger person, that would explain one reason why they may not be able to get a match in the codis, because he may have not been caught and arrested for anything yet. That is if they have DNA, and although I am leaning more like they do, there are a few things that I question. One is, if they do have DNA, then why haven't they included/excluded the Queens murderer as being the same person? I don't see where that would harm the investigation at all. In fact, why don't they admit if they have it at all, as they did in the Queens murder. Only one reason comes to my mind. They can bluff if they swab people, to see their reaction when asked to submit a DNA sample.
I know it's been said here that the only way they know it's a man is because they have DNA, and I disagree. When I first heard about this murder, a woman perp never entered my mind, Law of average itself points to a man. If I was an investigator, and I came upon a size 12 shoe, and a package of skoll chewing tobacco that was left at the scene I wouldn't be looking for a woman. DNA hasn't been around forever, and although it can rule anyone out, or in, it isn't the only way to solve a murder case.
As I have said before, and I hope that I am wrong, but they may have nothing, and are at this point trying to catch flies. I am not saying I am right, but untill I see more evidence, I am not going to say I am wrong either.