Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 10

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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to jump in really quick and say "hi". Like CaliKid...I am feeling the love...:blowkiss:

Real quick, your discussions as always, are interesting and give me pause to think. I hope someday, someway we can stumple across the "key". We probably won't find it otherwise.

Docwho3: Robert Murat's status as a "suspect" was at his request. He wanted the extra protection it afforded.

I am having a fine time on my road trip though I have to say, Utah is a bit strange for my tastes (no offense to anyone from Utah ;) ) I have never experienced a state controlled liquor store and I thought Colorado drivers were bad...:rolleyes: I will be back full-time on Tuesday.


That's right- Murat requested arguido status so he could only be questioned with an attorney present, etc. He also made comments last month about hoping he wouldn't be an arguido forever because being suspected was ruining his life. When the British LE went to Portugal, one of their jobs was to either find him guilty or obtain enough evidence to release him from arguido status.

off-topic Hey colomom, are you by any chance on my favorite freeway, the great I-70? I have some interesting stories about traveling it into Colorado several years back.
I have now been reading that the parents were asked for urine samples from the twins becasue they seemed so nonresponsive the night Maddie dissapeared. I have only found this in secondary sources so unless it shows up in a primary soruce there is nothing to link. If this is true it gives creedince to this awful theory. I also noticed in the article the parents were quoted as saying we did not give the children sedatives; but, that is not the same as saying we did not give them drugs. Benadryl is probably the most common drug given to children to help them sleep and that is an antihystamine.


I think they dosed the kids. I've heard of parents doing this and have no doubt that these seem like the kind of people who would do something like that.
I have now been reading that the parents were asked for urine samples from the twins becasue they seemed so nonresponsive the night Maddie dissapeared. I have only found this in secondary sources so unless it shows up in a primary soruce there is nothing to link. If this is true it gives creedince to this awful theory. I also noticed in the article the parents were quoted as saying we did not give the children sedatives; but, that is not the same as saying we did not give them drugs. Benadryl is probably the most common drug given to children to help them sleep and that is an antihystamine.


I am so hoping that this is true and LE did get urine samples. I'm also thinking they may just have drugged Maddie, thinking that the twins would continue to sleep. However, given that the twins reportedly slept through all the chaos and being carried around by stangers, etc. my thought is that they probably drugged all three of them.

The McCanns have come out and publicly stated they did not drug the children. We shall see......

"In a further twist, locals now claim that Madeleine did not always settle well. One evening they allege she ran away into the paths between the apartments, hiding for half an hour when it was time for bed."

In addition, there is the recollections of the widow whom lived in the apartment above, about the crying coming from the McCann's apartment on another evening:

"Mrs Fenn also told police that two nights before Madeleine disappeared she heard a child crying in the McCanns’ apartment.

Her screams carried on from around 10.30pm to 11.45pm until family members returned from a night out."

Fabulous find Carpe! Now, who's the detective??


Cali, I-80 this trip, I-70 too far south though we drive it frequently on our trips to Vegas. PM me your "story", I would love to hear it.

Heading home in the AM...
I think they dosed the kids. I've heard of parents doing this and have no doubt that these seem like the kind of people who would do something like that.,,91210-1279448,.html

This is an old video, but if you watch the entire thing, you'll notice that the McCanns make multiple excuses for leaving Madeleine and the twins alone and continually rationalize and deflect criticism and blame for their actions. If they didn't do anything except leave them alone and truly returned to find their daughter abducted, the parents must have realized immediately how tragic their mistake was. Tragic not only for their missing daughter, but also for themselves who had misjudged the "safety" of the resort.

IMO, it was at that second- when they figured out she was gone- that they began putting their own future welfare over Madeleine's. What they needed even more than getting their daughter back was escaping inquiry and punishment for leaving the children alone. They knew they'd be accused of neglect, and I personally think there is something very cold-blooded about the McCanns' need to save face. Every question they don't want to answer, they hide behind "we can't say because of the investigation", but if it's in their best interests they're quite open with an explanation. They have lied about the distance to the Tapas bar and the baby-checking schedule. Their unwillingness in assisting in the investigation (their lies, for example, or possible refusal to allow urine samples from the twins or give up Cuddle Cat for DNA analysis) has hindered finding Madeleine and getting to the bottom of how and why she disappeared.

I think they are terrified the secret may come out and are definitely trying to hide the fact that they sedated their kids. They may even be hiding the fact that something horrible happened to Madeleine because of the sedation.
I think they dosed the kids. I've heard of parents doing this and have no doubt that these seem like the kind of people who would do something like that.
I read this thread everyday but do not post often....but I feel that there is a good possibility that the littlies were drugged to help them settle.I like all of you cannot get over the fact that these kids were abandoned in a room on there own with no one to protect them..The McCanns should be charged with something inrelation to this...
This case will break soon....
Turns out Murat is not the guy then who else is a suspect? LE are zeroing in on the McCanns and there friends. Poor Maddie is not going to turn up alive of this I have no doubt.
McCanns returning home to the UK, claim to have emptied their accounts because they are not using fund for personal living expenses.
Interesting information about abducted children in the UK vs. Portugal. BTW, Portugal has a far better track record of locating their missing kids.
Discussing the possibility that Gerry McCann has been using coded messages in his blogs to contact friends (maybe afraid of direct contact now that e-mails and telephone calls are being monitored).
Discussing the possibility that Gerry McCann has been using coded messages in his blogs to contact friends (maybe afraid of direct contact now that e-mails and telephone calls are being monitored).

Wow!!! We talked about this here, all the misspellings and stuff. Hmmmm....
Maddie had been the least of their worries as far as I can see. Their own profiles have been protected and those of their friends. We shall soon find out what happened. It isn't long until they (LE) will blow the lid off this one.
I think the McCanns are running scared, and so they should be.,,91210-1279448,.html

Had to share....

From the mirror forum:

Watch this video of the SKY interview. Watch Gerrys face from 16 seconds onwards. The interviewer asks them:

"Take us through the moment when someone says Im definite that Ive seen Madeleine"

An uncontrolled and rather evil and disturbing smile appears on Gerrys face, also his eyes light up and he is entirely amused.

Watch it again and again. It has seriously disturbed me. That smile - the eyes lighting up.

He actually has to force himself to close his eyes and look down, before he can get back to his serious face. Im disturbed by this. Is it just me????

Opinions please....

The McCann family were never alone. Dozens of members of staff at the resort appealed to the local population, mostly English citizens, and the surrounding areas were searched thoroughly. The couple was busy making phonecalls.*

Biological traces@ of Madeleine have been found in the rented car of one of the McCanns' friends.

*So while friends and the resort staff were out calling for Madeleine and looking in shrubbery, trash cans and the swimming pools, the parents were on their cellphones making calls. Does anyone besides me see something wrong with this?

@There is no mention what kind of traces these were. But if they were traces of a dead body, I'd assume that this friend will become the top suspect very quickly.

Were they calling Scott Peterson? For advice on how to remain calm and seemingly care-free whilst someone you love is "missing"?

Biological traces on Madeleine in a car? Yikes, that poor girl....

Hoping for the truth to come out and justice for Madeleine,
I read this thread everyday but do not post often....but I feel that there is a good possibility that the littlies were drugged to help them settle.I like all of you cannot get over the fact that these kids were abandoned in a room on there own with no one to protect them..The McCanns should be charged with something inrelation to this...
This case will break soon....
Turns out Murat is not the guy then who else is a suspect? LE are zeroing in on the McCanns and there friends. Poor Maddie is not going to turn up alive of this I have no doubt.

They should thank God that they didn't do this here in the states. I feel they would have been charged with neglect at the very least and their other children would be taken by CPS.,,91210-1279448,.html

Had to share....

From the mirror forum:

Watch this video of the SKY interview. Watch Gerrys face from 16 seconds onwards. The interviewer asks them:

"Take us through the moment when someone says Im definite that Ive seen Madeleine"

An uncontrolled and rather evil and disturbing smile appears on Gerrys face, also his eyes light up and he is entirely amused.

Watch it again and again. It has seriously disturbed me. That smile - the eyes lighting up.

He actually has to force himself to close his eyes and look down, before he can get back to his serious face. Im disturbed by this. Is it just me????

Opinions please....


The most telling thing for me was the fact that they don't get their hopes up. I can tell you that I find that very, very hard to believe. During the 11 years that my little sister was missing, we rode the rollercoaster of emotions constantly. I don't think it would have been possible to "protect myself" my not allowing myself the possibility of hope that she'd be found. They've already decided that they're never going to see her again and that says it all.
:( I just want to cry.

And, they're going to go back to the UK and get away with all of this nonsense. :banghead:
The most telling thing for me was the fact that they don't get their hopes up. I can tell you that I find that very, very hard to believe. During the 11 years that my little sister was missing, we rode the rollercoaster of emotions constantly. I don't think it would have been possible to "protect myself" my not allowing myself the possibility of hope that she'd be found. They've already decided that they're never going to see her again and that says it all.

I agree wtih you. I think it would be almost inhuman not to get your hopes up if you have a loved one missing and there is a potenital sighting. This is IMO not the kind of emotional response one controls it is an instinctive injection of positivisum into a very black hole. If a person dose not have that reaction then I have to believe that black hole is not there and the reasoning for that is there is no hole at all...


Had to share....

From the mirror forum:

Watch this video of the SKY interview. Watch Gerrys face from 16 seconds onwards. The interviewer asks them:

"Take us through the moment when someone says Im definite that Ive seen Madeleine"

An uncontrolled and rather evil and disturbing smile appears on Gerrys face, also his eyes light up and he is entirely amused.

Watch it again and again. It has seriously disturbed me. That smile - the eyes lighting up.

He actually has to force himself to close his eyes and look down, before he can get back to his serious face. Im disturbed by this. Is it just me????

Opinions please....


Video has been removed?? I couldn't get to it...just got a gray page.
They should thank God that they didn't do this here in the states. I feel they would have been charged with neglect at the very least and their other children would be taken by CPS.
Same deal if it had happened here.Public outcry would have demanded intervention if it had not already occurred.I find it astonishing that these people can even talk to the media without breaking down into tears.I think they are very calculating In there responses...But I also must say that like the Ramsays they are not likeable. This does them no favours IMO.
The most telling thing for me was the fact that they don't get their hopes up. I can tell you that I find that very, very hard to believe. During the 11 years that my little sister was missing, we rode the rollercoaster of emotions constantly. I don't think it would have been possible to "protect myself" my not allowing myself the possibility of hope that she'd be found. They've already decided that they're never going to see her again and that says it all.

I thought exactly the same thing! It's good to have that validated as having no personal experience, I wondered if I was being totally fair--but I felt in my gut that it was odd that they said things like "We can't get our hopes up" and seemed so dismissive of any sightings.

I've heard that there is a certain point at which parents do become more accepting of the fact that their child might not ever return, but it is far, far into the future in terms of time frame for the McCanns, compared to everything I've ever head. And even then, it's not an attitude that rules lives and hearts, as long as uncertainty remains.

The willingness of the McCanns to make Maddie the "poster child" for abducted children concerns me--if she's returned safely, she's no longer the poster child, is she? Why were they so quick to want to make her some kind of symbol?

I'm really afraid that the answer is because they knew she was dead, it was some kind of accident or mishap, and they want her life/death to have "meaning."


Had to share....

From the mirror forum:

Watch this video of the SKY interview. Watch Gerrys face from 16 seconds onwards. The interviewer asks them:

"Take us through the moment when someone says Im definite that Ive seen Madeleine"

An uncontrolled and rather evil and disturbing smile appears on Gerrys face, also his eyes light up and he is entirely amused.

Watch it again and again. It has seriously disturbed me. That smile - the eyes lighting up.

He actually has to force himself to close his eyes and look down, before he can get back to his serious face. Im disturbed by this. Is it just me????

Opinions please....


It's a smirk, all right. It's as if he's amused in a derisive kind of way, by the thought that people think they've seen Maddie.

And then he gets his game face back on. You were very sharp to catch it. If he had been genuinely happy at the thought that there are Maddie sightings, he would have kept making eye contact, or looked at Kate to confirm that emotion.

Instead Kate dismisses the sightings entirely and then says "well they are good because it means that people are looking."

I don't see glee in Gerry's face, but I do see a kind of contemptuous smirk of amusement at people who "think" they've seen someone missing.
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