Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #17

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Appeal to be released on parole was sent back from Kiel to Braunschweig due to incompetence of court in Kiel!;)

They smoke him out!

Nice game IMO!

Verdächtiger im Fall Maddie McCann: Kieler Gericht schickt Akten von Christian B. (43) wieder nach Braunschweig

For info, here's the Google Translate version of the RTL report:

Suspect in the Maddie McCann case
The Kiel court sends files from Christian B. (43) back to Braunschweig

Christian B. is suspected of the murder of Maddie McCann
There is a lot of back and forth: Once again, the Kiel Regional Court does not see itself as responsible for an early release from prison of Christian B., the suspect in the Maddie McCann case.

Imprisoned in Kiel for drug trafficking
The judicial authority announced on Monday that the criminal enforcement chamber was of the opinion that it was not responsible for the 43-year-old's new application. The man is currently serving a 21-month prison sentence in Kiel for drug trafficking, which the Niebüll District Court imposed a few years ago. The end of the sentence is January 7, 2021, two thirds of this sentence was served on June 7 of this year.

The matter will be given again to the Regional Court of Braunschweig because it is held to be responsible, it said from Kiel. According to a spokeswoman, the court in Braunschweig assumes that the files will arrive soon and will be examined again. The regional courts did not consider themselves competent for the first application. The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) decided that the Braunschweig Regional Court was responsible. However, the suspect's lawyer withdrew the application and submitted it again in Kiel.

Christian B.'s lawyers appealed
Through his lawyer, the 43-year-old had declared that he had lost confidence in the Brunswick judiciary after the regional court there wrongly convicted him of raping a 72-year-old woman. If the application for exemption from detention is successful, the suspect does not necessarily have to be released - for example if a remand arrest warrant in the rape case should then be available. [my blue]

The man is said to have raped a 72-year-old woman in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in 2005 - around a year and a half before the disappearance of the British girl Madeleine McCann. The 43-year-old has appealed against the Braunschweig judgment of December 2019, which has not yet been decided.
Don't think there's much new there, but it's reassuring that even if the Braunschweig court upholds his appeal for early release, he could still be immediately re-arrested - just as several posters here had speculated (the bit I've picked out in blue).
Nobody crosses in and out of European Countries on a regular basis because they have nothing else to do with their time and taking a leisurely drive does not usually involve crossing borders and whatnot. He was no hippie roadster, he was on the run from LE the entire time.

It's reasonably common for younger Germans to decamp to southern europe in a camper van or whatever for extended periods. Especially if you live in the industrial cities or a boring place like Hannover

This is why I think we should be careful about causation. He is a criminal where ever he goes. Personally I doubt he went out there to work with a shadowy gang of kidnappers or because of tourists or whatever - rather the lifestyle attracts these kinds of bums.

It's the same reason you see lots of British creeps and losers in Pattaya

But he is likely to have committed crimes where ever he was.

I do agree these types of people tend to up sticks quickly when they do a big crime, or things go wrong for them
Yes, agree. Essentially a grifter-type lifestyle, no fixed abode, no overheads, no responsibilities, an eye always on the main chance and probably quite canny with the money he 'accumulates'.

Yes - this is my suspicion.

He'll be accompanied by small scale criming and sex offences wherever he goes.

That's why the revelation about his previous offending is interesting - it fits a known and (unfortunately) common profile. Of course people smuggling goes on - but not cases of westerners 3 year olds being kidnapped to order for pedo rings. What is much more common is exactly the kind of offence he committed and sadly, many of these are never prosecuted.

We know from that, he has escalated into violent sexual assault in 2005. I would not be surprised if he has other such offences.
Every country has a version of Casa Pia. We're now finding out about decades of widespread abuse in the care systems of most countries. It is an obvious place for paedophiles. Children that aren't believed.

But also any other area where they can get access to children - eg in the UK and notable junior football coach was jailed last year.

Sadly yes - that is the reality.

Much of this stuff is local, perpetrated by trusted offenders who have access.

Why seaside / tourist spots? I guess lots of children. Lots of parents who've let their guard down. And a police force that is mainly dealing with tourists passing through so have less pressure to investigate fully. Not all paedophiles abduct and kill.

I suspect he was attracted more by the lifestyle and criminal opportunities of burglary and drug dealing.
It was mentioned in Thread16 that a former resort employee recognised someone in grainy footage in the Netflix documentary whom she had cleared from the OC and saw hanging around with MN.

There are 2 possible pieces of footage
1. Cell-mate of João Cipriano
2. Man in white van at market stall selling t-shirts.

(The only still picture is the garage one we are familiar with which could be the back of CB.)

Sorry I can’t screenshot Netflix.

Episode 6 towards end: JC’s cell-mate was unidentifiable, he wore a black leather jacket with chest pockets. (Interesting comment from Metodo3 Julian that the guy was afraid of a gang to whom João had sold Joanna.)

Episode 7, 32m: guy in the white van at the market stall. I don’t know this guy but they obviously wanted to highlight him. Can anyone ID him?
Can you screenshot on computer?
Can you screenshot on computer?
I will try later.

He fits the description of a guy with black hair, leathery skin that a child described as having laid beside her in bed with a medical mask.

(Also of note, re MT’s evidence: the charity collector found in the house talking to her daughter by the mum doing laundry upstairs had black unkempt hair and was not described as pock marked.)
I wonder about contacts MN might have made in South America.

We heard nothing about organised human trafficking from Brazil (Eastern Europe or Africa).

The UCKG (Universal Church of the Kingdom of God), a Brazilian church with a branch in Faro, has recently been investigated for human trafficking & illegal adoptions.
Oh, I didn't know that. I'll look it up.
In one of my links about the early internet childporn traffick by G. Ulrich and Robby;
Robby, from Belgium, was used as a boy-prostitute as from the age of 12. In a young boys brothel in the Netherlands run by a German guy named Lothar G.
At a young age Robby also starred in a *advertiser censored* film that was shot in Portugal.
Oh, I didn't know that. I'll look it up.
In one of my links about the early internet childporn traffick by G. Ulrich and Robby;
Robby, from Belgium, was used as a boy-prostitute as from the age of 12. In a young boys brothel in the Netherlands run by a German guy named Lothar G.
At a young age Robby also starred in a *advertiser censored* film that was shot in Portugal.

Apparently those networks - Temse Zandvoort Dutroux (Jersey? Spinks?) were run by Stasi for KGB as a blackmail operation. The stepfather of Manny Schadwald was Rainer Wolf, Stasi employee, run by Wanja Götz, liaison officer between KGB-Stasi, who has spoken about it. Last KGB cabal leading Marcel Vervloesem in prison

Google Translate

GU was also run by WG according to this: Rolodex, Kompromat, Demmink, Brongersma, Ulrich, Brabant Killers, Dutroux, Nihoul, Negatif clan & KGB... UPDATED | Facebook
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Yes. And although NM was more likely into boys, i see similarities to CB, according to the known behavior.

Both are paedophile, thats known so far. Both are also keen on travelling.

But both know how to sneak into buildings to steal, without being recognized, because they spied out the crime scences carefully. Both used to do this in disguise, to carry out sexual acts on others without being recognizable.

Both were into making money either. CB into burglaries and other crimes, NM into blackmailing and even parenting an orphan. In germany you get paid for that and he never touched his "source of income", although it was a little boy. IMO very calculating behavior.

Both of them are trustworthy enough, to snatch children to order for making money. And therefore the sex of the victim is unimportant. And one of them even spoke about doing jobs the next day.

The similarities in the behavior make me think, CB could have developed his actions due to a role model oder mentor. We got two e-fits in the MM case, that look like MN and CB. Two single blond men lurking around from April 30th near the apartment, with german or dutch accent.

MN has been ruled out to be at the time in PDL. But has he been ruled out to be in portugal on may the 3rd at all? I'm pretty curious, whom MWT made out as the assumed second peado-caller, i must admit!

I'm not sure MN has been ruled out in being in Portugal at the time either.
Both CB and MN have been reported as being in homeless shelters at some point in their lives.
MN, working in one and CB going to one in Portimao.

CB - later date than 2007
Madeleine McCann suspect 'stared at a Brit woman and her daughters for hours'

MN - date ?
According to these reports working in a shelter "near PDL" at the time of M's disappearance.
New Madeleine McCann suspect: German paedophile was in Portugal when she vanished
Madeleine McCann suspect was in Portugal the time she vanished - before he was caged for killing three boys

Interesting reading that NZ report and the similarities in MN's attacks and CB's.
Apparently those networks - Temse Zandvoort Dutroux (Jersey? Spinks?) were run by Stasi for KGB as a blackmail operation. The stepfather of Manny Schadwald was Rainer Wolf, Stasi employee, run by Wanja Götz, liaison officer between KGB-Stasi, who has spoken about it. Last KGB cabal leading Marcel Vervloesem in prison

Google Translate

GU was also run by WG according to this: Rolodex, Kompromat, Demmink, Brongersma, Ulrich, Brabant Killers, Dutroux, Nihoul, Negatif clan & KGB... UPDATED | Facebook
Involvement by Demmink will always be denied...

I've never heard of Rainer Wolf before (untill now).
I do know of Markus Wolf, head of Stasi.
Yes - this is my suspicion.

He'll be accompanied by small scale criming and sex offences wherever he goes.

That's why the revelation about his previous offending is interesting - it fits a known and (unfortunately) common profile. Of course people smuggling goes on - but not cases of westerners 3 year olds being kidnapped to order for pedo rings. What is much more common is exactly the kind of offence he committed and sadly, many of these are never prosecuted.

We know from that, he has escalated into violent sexual assault in 2005. I would not be surprised if he has other such offences.
The busting of The Wonderclub, global paedophile ring in the late 90s, proved beyond doubt that European children were being kidnapped (and kept) for sexual abuse purposes. Members of the group had to be recommended by fellow members before being sent an invitation to join. It came to the attention of LE in 1996 when an abuser raped a 6yr girl for live web cam viewing. The group had under 200 members across 15 Countries. Only a handful of the children involved were ever identified. The Portuguese National, Rui Pedro 11-12 yrs old (whereabouts still unknown) was identified from the thousands of images by his Mother. The group was under investigation at the time of Rui abduction. The sad thing for all them kids is the lack of proper police investigations taking place once they are reported missing. I don't think Portuguese LE had ever seen anything like the amounts of Police and experts and liaison officers that turned up for Madeleine. The PJ files proves that GA was sent email after email urging and reminding him that he must inform Interpol of MM disappearance'. None of them kids from The Wonderclub stood a chance of ever being located unharmed. I doubt very much that they are all murdered, but they will be grown up now and there is still huge demand for this sort of sicko behaviours involving children. Sadly, the Dark Web will still have these sick groups operating on line. But the helpless kids don't have the protection or attention from LE that they so deserve! X
Involvement by Demmink will always be denied...

I've never heard of Rainer Wolf before (untill now).
I do know of Markus Wolf, head of Stasi.

Nor me ‘til today! RW was a client of the Pinocchio bar, w Berlin.

MW also used JS as his lawyer, made me wonder if CB might be a Ru asset but Germany probably has legal aid.

Seems though that the only source for Götz/KGB involvement is Götz himself - releasing the info was probably some sort of disinfo/operation. Iwan Götz - Psiram
I agree. CB has been 1 step ahead of the game since fleeing Germany in the late 90s. Nobody crosses in and out of European Countries on a regular basis because they have nothing else to do with their time and taking a leisurely drive does not usually involve crossing borders and whatnot. He was no hippie roadster, he was on the run from LE the entire time. Also, I don't think it by any means a coincidence that his whereabouts, timeline and physical description seem to tie in with murder and rape victims throughout Europe during his years on the run. He has gotten away with so much by simply fleeing 1 crime scene to create another IMO. X
Totally agree x
Did they ever find out whose blood that was? And did they compare it with Madeleine?


ETA: as I understand that, those human blood stains from Quinta dos Figos were from a male. Of course not MM, but could it be someone of interest? This part is enigmatic where they say no identity with "profiles sent by email on 8th November 2007 and in the letter number 034308 of the 4th October 2007". Who's those profiles?
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ETA: as I understand that, those human blood stains from Quinta dos Figos were from a male. Of course not MM, but could it be someone of interest? This part is enigmatic where they say no identity with "profiles sent by email on 8th November 2007 and in the letter number 034308 of the 4th October 2007". Who's those profiles?
When I searched for "PJ Files Missing Pages", it came back with a page explaining that the missing pages were held back because they were things like "list of known sex offenders, names of local paedophiles etc. I understand why that info would not be released to the public. But the page also revealed that lotsss of the pages held back were in relation to SM, RM & M, LA and vehicles and phone records belonging to them... I don't understand why they held back pages containing info on them though! One thing is for sure,. It seems they only released what they want us to know IMO and without much of that info, I doubt we could ever put the connections together in here X
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