Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #6

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I don't think his reaction or lack of it tells us anything. He wanted to talk about the letter. He may have wanted to feel the control of being able to get the response from his friend that he wanted. He may have wanted to forewarn his friend that he was being investigated, to hear it from him first and demonstrate "he had nothing to hide". He may have wanted to start to gather support from those around him who he thought may hear about it or even be interviewed. It's all about control.
I hope so in relation to that first point.
But again, I would not expect any reaction for now. Any immediate deny from him, at this point, rather than just refuse to talk, can make him apparently looks stronger and out of scene?! Final proof needs to come.
Noah Kruger, the chief prosecutor, said there was so far no evidence linking him to the case.

I understood that to refer to the Tristan Brubach case, not Inga's.

Tristan Brubach was killed in 1998 and witnesses produced an e-fit of the suspect, which bears a striking similarity to Brueckner. However, Noah Kruger, the chief prosecutor, said there was so far no evidence linking him to the case.
I understood that to refer to the Tristan Brubach case, not Inga's.
Here is the quote in the Sydney Morning Herald,
“The search was in connection with the disappearance of five-year-old Inga Gehricke, known in the German media as "the German Maddie". The police last week confirmed the 43-year-old had been ruled out as a suspect.”

I want to know if that’s true that he’s been ruled out. They said he was in the area at the time she went missing. Hard to understand how he’s been ruled out.
Here is the quote in the Sydney Morning Herald,
“The search was in connection with the disappearance of five-year-old Inga Gehricke, known in the German media as "the German Maddie". The police last week confirmed the 43-year-old had been ruled out as a suspect.”

I want to know if that’s true that he’s been ruled out. They said he was in the area at the time she went missing. Hard to understand how he’s been ruled out.

CB was investigated re Inga at the time. As I understand it the police in the Inga case prefer a different perp.
Here is the quote in the Sydney Morning Herald,
“The search was in connection with the disappearance of five-year-old Inga Gehricke, known in the German media as "the German Maddie". The police last week confirmed the 43-year-old had been ruled out as a suspect.”
I want to know if that’s true that he’s been ruled out. They said he was in the area at the time she went missing. Hard to understand how he’s been ruled out.

I was replying to Owlpellet's post which responded to your question about the Inga case with the Noah Kruger quote. That quote referred to Tristan's case, not Inga's.
Yeah and he likes his victims to be defenceless (bounded, gagged and blindfolded) his victims appear to be anywhere from 3 years old to 72 years old, and they are only ones we actually know of. I’m trying to work out what this guys MO is. The videos of sexual acts with dogs has threw me also. There is nothing off limits with this bloke. Literally nothing it seems...
I wish we could get past all this dog talk. I'm scrolling quickly past anything referencing it as I just cannot handle animal abuse in this discussion.
You haven't missed much ...... 5000 posts in the past 12 days ..... about 300 are very good ..... the rest is just filler & chit chat ......

Re the swimwear that was found in the winnebago, I'm assuming none of it could be directly linked to any of the missing kids?
And this then fits with what I keep shouting about, about the Police needing to speak to the couple who were on Meridian news First week of September of same year Madeleine went missing as they had a man hanging around their Algarve holiday complex taking lots of photos and one Dad had a scuffle with him, demaned he remove photos of his daughter and then asked Reception to call Police, whilst the Dad hung onto this man, but Police arrived the next day. I'd like to know what this man's description was too. I'm pretty sure the family/Dad were from Kent.
Are you talking about the incident in Sagres or is this another person taking photos?

I can’t believe he would break into someone’s apartment naked with swimming goggles on. What on earth is that all about? Surely that will leave behind more dna, body hair or shedded skin cells. It makes no sense. Although he does say he was high at the time.... but still???

Another Mr. Bean logic, add that to hiding under the bed / girlfriend, he's on another planet.
I understood that to refer to the Tristan Brubach case, not Inga's.

The e-fit is scarily similar to CB. Not sure why this case hasn't been mentioned more. Reading what happened to Tristan Brübach is horrifying and if linked to MM, it doesn't bare thinking about what CB did to her

If he is guilty of these crimes (seems that he very likely is), he is a sadistic, possible psychopath who has no boundaries or sexual preference in who he abuses - it's all about the control he has over his victims, their vulnerability. As I say it's big if, it feels like they have the right person and if not, they have at least caught a very dangerous predator.


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Sounds like there has been a letter, and again the message in it seems to be down to interpretation. Remember that the parents are still hopeful of finding Madeline alive, and will hold on to this especially when to think otherwise seems to mean a horrendous alternative fate for her. I don’t blame them for this, many would react in the same way.

8000 images, and officers will have had the horrendous job of trawling through those to try to identify victims. If there is photographic or video evidence I can understand why this might take a while to be found.
The e-fit is scarily similar to CB. Not sure why this case hasn't been mentioned more. Reading what happened to Tristan Brübach is horrifying and if linked to MM, it doesn't bare thinking about what CB did to her

If he is guilty of these crimes (seems that he very likely is), he is a sadistic, possible psychopath who has no boundaries or sexual preference in who he abuses - it's all about the control he has over his victims, their vulnerability. As I say it's big if, it feels like they have the right person and if not, they have at least caught a very dangerous predator.
That's uncanny!
The e-fit is scarily similar to CB. Not sure why this case hasn't been mentioned more. Reading what happened to Tristan Brübach is horrifying and if linked to MM, it doesn't bare thinking about what CB did to her

If he is guilty of these crimes (seems that he very likely is), he is a sadistic, possible psychopath who has no boundaries or sexual preference in who he abuses - it's all about the control he has over his victims, their vulnerability. As I say it's big if, it feels like they have the right person and if not, they have at least caught a very dangerous predator.

if you view on your phone or on a smaller screen, it actually looks like a photo of him :eek:
Madeleine McCann: German police want to retest mystery saliva sample

Portuguese forensic tests on the sample apparently found no DNA match to the new suspect, German drifter Christian B.

But the German authorities believe their scientists should carry out their own tests because the sample - thought to have been found on Madeleine's bed - is potentially vital evidence and they hope they can match it to their suspect.

But the Portuguese police (PJ) are unlikely to send the sample, partly because of recent criticism by the German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters.

He said last week the PJ still believed that Madeleine's parents were responsible for their daughter's disappearance from the apartment in Praia da Luz in 2007. The PJ ruled them out as suspects in 2008.
But the Portuguese police (PJ) are unlikely to send the sample, partly because of recent criticism by the German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters.

WTF?!. They'd prefer to not put a perp behind bars because they are precious? ..they couldnt even prove that CB raped a woman on his route to the beach that he took most days - even knowing his history.
"In 2012, Scotland Yard detectives visited a Portuguese forensic laboratory when they were about to launch their own investigation and their request to retest hairs found in the apartment was turned down."

So there are more things to test than just the saliva. Could the case go to higher European Court or something to override PJ?
Out of interest, since this was a PJ case initially, what happens if they decide to re-open their case in the event the German LE divulge sufficient strong evidence against CB to dicatate they should? Is there any precedent for this? A British victim, a German national as the suspect and a crime committed in Portugal. What would happen IF all LEs became informed of the full evidence, who has the priority to take him to court? I'm assuming Germany but as the case was initially PJ and committed in their country, would they be able to pull rank?

They might have but he would fight extradition wouldn't he, which could take a long time. One of the interesting things for me in this, is that if he is charged in Germany then he can present his own evidence and call on witnesses to prevent an alternative case...that would prove interesting as no doubt he/lawyers would question the McCann's given timeline of events and the dog evidence in the apartment.
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