Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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Just wanted to thank you personally and tell you how much I enjoy & appreciate your always informative posts. Sometimes the thanks button just isn't enough! :)

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Awww Shucks! :blushing: I pressed "Thanks" but that would be ironic considering the above post hahahaha :)
CNN just called me. They saw my posts on Websleuths. They wanted to know if I had ever been in a big airplane, seen a big airplane, heard a big airplane, or had relatives that had been in airplanes. I said YES to all of the above. They want me to come and be on a show as an "expert" on airplane flight. Is that cool or what !!?? Wolf sounds a lot different on the phone than he does in person.

:giggle: cute
A few more days of this and we all will be building planes and flying them in our sleep :seeya:
Hannity is on 10 pm eastern. I wish they would be more forthcoming as to why they think Pakistan is involved.The general says Pakistan would never admit to knowing the jet is there because it would make them complicit. When I saw him this morning he felt more info would be coming out in the next 24-48 hours on this. Makes no sense to me. But I'd still like to know if they had enough fuel.

I would think Pakistan would never do something like that in case they get know, risk cutting off US goodwill and all.....wouldn't want to damage that relationship IMO.
This is just mind-boggling and will we EVER know what happened?

Yes, IMO I firmly believe that we will! This isn't an Amelia Earhart situation, this is an enormous plane. We will find out what happened whether it's a hostage situation, attempted hostage situation that crashed, any of the theories floated. Of course, just my humble opinion.
Programmed in on his simulator, or in the cockpit? Sorry for being confused! (I hadn't heard any details about what the pilot had on his simulator). I do find the purposeful reprogramming described by authorities in the cockpit to be suggestive of a hijacker (whoever it was).
On his flight simulator.

About halfway through the article, there's a theory that a meteorite hit the plane:

Meteor strike
One commenter on China’s popular social media site Sina Weibo suggested that MH370 could have been struck by a meteor. "It would have been a more powerful impact than a missile,” said the user, “laxnic,” and “would have split the plane into tiny pieces."

Would that even be possible? Sure would explain the lack of may be too small to see. I don't believe this is what happened, but it's one of the many theories out there!
back to the Maldives, other MSM picking up on this report now:

Islanders claim they were disturbed by an incredibly loud noise at about 6.15am local time on March 8 and saw a plane travelling from north to south-east, towards Addu – the southern tip of Maldives, it is reported

One witness told HaveeruOnline: ‘I’ve never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We’ve seen seaplanes, but I’m sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly.

‘It’s not just me either, several other residents have reported seeing the exact same thing. Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too.’

The last ‘ping’ signal from the aircraft was detected by a satellite in an area near a US naval base on Diego Garcia and Maldives.

HaveeruOnline has also quoted a local aviation expert as saying the plane spotted above Maldives is ‘likely’ to be missing MH370 as instances of any aircraft flying over the island at the reported time was rare.

Would it be dark in the Maldives at 06:15 local time? I'm just wondering if they could have gotten the time pretty wrong. Chances are they'd know whether the sun had come up or not, though, so if it was light out that makes a difference.
I don't believe it's in Pakistan but.....didn't Pakistan hide Bin Laden for a while? Or did they claim not to know he was there? I think they knew he was there, and I'm not going dismiss the possibility there are people with influence in Pakistan capable of sneaking a jet in and hiding it.
I'm sure any and everything has been written about this plane so far, but I have noticed quite a few people on forums and on the news saying there is no way this plane was taken to be used as a weapon later, because it would be seen and shot down, etc. How does anyone know that? I really feel people are underestimating terrorists, this is what they do... they watch and look for holes or lapses in security to exploit. How do we know they haven't found one? One that nobody has even noticed. Heck this could have been a long time in planning, they could easily have someone(s) in positions to create these holes to exploit.

They did it on 9/11, and while we have a more secure world now (to an extent), no amount of security is foolproof. It's becoming more and more likely they proved that very thing here, if I told the "anti-airplane as a weapon" crowd over a week ago that terrorists would hijack a 777 and make it vanish into thin air they would naysay that as well.

BBM ~ Great wording, because with all the signs and weirdness this is a not a "crashed" aircraft, IMO.

I wish they would stop insisting there was a mechanical issue, because it just doesn't add up.

History is in the making.

I am just trying to figure out the dates. 07/03 was the date the flight left? MH370? Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
I'm on CNN overload. So currently watching 2 Housewives from N.Y. get drunk.
What a beautiful way Mr. Wood's partner worded it just now on CNN.
BBM~ I have to agree, if Pakistan has MH370, they would not admit to it. And, I don't think there is a ransom.

It's been 9 days and i'm going :scared:

We have a moment in history coming up, Remember osama bin laden's death three years ago? May 2, 2011, in Pakistan. Joe Biden was so proud.
I would think Pakistan would never do something like that in case they get know, risk cutting off US goodwill and all.....wouldn't want to damage that relationship IMO.

IMO, the relationship between US and Pakistan is unrepairable.

I do believe the plane landed there, but, I really believe it is anywhere where it can be stuffed with bombs. Hopefully let the passengers off. :please:
Two fiancée stories:

Pictured: The distraught captain fiancée who was about to marry missing Malaysian co-pilot after nine-year relationship

(This one to air tonight):

Anderson Cooper 360° ‏@AC360 1m
She was planning to marry her partner #PhilipWood when he boarded #MH370. @sjhbajc talks to @andersoncooper. #AC360 8p on @CNN

Just saw Phillip Wood's fiancee on Anderson Cooper's program. Heartbreaking.


Are they testing Bill Weir as a possible replacement for Piers Morgan?
Thoughts on Andaman/Nicobar islands? Could the plane seen on Tomnod flying over/landing there be MA370? It seems to be within the "Northern Arc" zone!
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