Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

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There has been speculation here on WS that the hijacker(s) were after certain people on board. Mainly the 20 FreeScale Conducter employees.

The intended route was China, and there are terrorist groups there who would have had reason to hijack the plane and crash it in China somewhere.

A friend of mine who was in the Navy for 20 years being a navigator in the back of a plane that flew off of an aircraft carrier believes it was a flight 93 scenario.
Is it confirmed that the pilot and his wife had separated? I thought she was just going to stay with her adult son while he traveled. And even if she moved out the day before, that would be pretty fast to get a girlfriend!

I think it's the way the media is wording things.
From what I understand, she is staying with her son at their second home. The wife has been talked to, and she said she stays there when her husband flies.
Okay new (official) map; same old question...

Why are we concentrating looking for dubious debris in the "wastebin capital" part of the ocean hundreds (thousands?) of miles away from the last known radar showing a northwesterly flight path, (one which didn't deviate in direction and continued steadily away from the satellite according to this Slate article)??

If the debris is in the S arc (ie. the S Indian Ocean), the passengers are most certainly dead by now. Hypothermia would do it if drowning or sea creature attack didn't do it first.

IF the plane is in the N arc, there is a possibility that #MH370 passengers could still be alive and need rescuing before something dire is done. Since BOTH the radar and ping map indicate N direction of flight path, shouldn't we be focusing on that N arc?

I understand the need to check out all conceivable possibilities, but also hope someone is still checking out that northern arc, even if it's not being mentioned in media right now.
Why is it when I used Google Earth and looked up my friend's address, we could see her grandkids swing set, backyard pool and even make out her dog, a boxer, sunning himself on her deck? And yet we cannot see a clearer image of what the searchers are looking for?

Because Google Earth also has those Street View cars that drive up and down the streets snapping pictures. That's why those images are so crisp. They're literally outside the house taking photos. Yes, they also use satellites, but they won't achieve the same effect. The images would be just like the ones China, Australia, France have-blurry.
On the above map, the red arcs show only the possible LOCATION of MH-370 at the 8:11am ping, not its ROUTE.

The ROUTE of MH-370 is estimated by a journalist on the map below (purple dash-lined corridors):


But even this is only an estimate and not the precise MH-370 satellite-ping projected flight-path map investigators are using. For example, published sources have said the potential northern flight path could not have crossed the center of India, but took a more north-easterly route, crossing the coast around Bangladesh (or just over its border with India or Burma/Myanmar).

Thanks for your post, and yes, I understand that pings aren't 'route'--poor choice of words on my part, sorry! Just the approx location at that hourly ping. Still don't know why some people in media have said it couldn't have gone northward without alerting India's expert military radar, though.

(Went back and added a second edit to clarify sloppy post.)
Does anyone know what that dudes T-Shirt says? I'm guessing something like "My friend from Iran went to Malaysia and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!."

I don't think there's actually writing on his shirt.
No other photos of the three have writing on the shirt.
IMO, it's a caption for the picture.
'No accident'
AN aviation expert is certain what happened to MH370 wasn’t an accident — and the evidence pointed to the plane’s crew being involved.
Neil Hansford, chairman of Strategic Aviation Solutions, said: “I think it’s been put there either by one of the crew or both, and they’ve picked an area where the aircraft won’t be found.
“This was a crew-related incident. It wasn’t a catastrophic explosion. It wasn’t hit by military ordnance.”
He said the near full tank of fuel with 117,00 litres instead of the 45 per cent required to fly to Beijing, was an indicator it was not an accident.
Yeah, the full tank.....that puts a whole new spin on things. That is serious premeditation and it would have to be someone that was in charge of the plane in some way or another.
I don't think there's actually writing on his shirt.
No other photos of the three have writing on the shirt.
IMO, it's a caption for the picture.

I think he was pulling our leg. ;D

(Unless people have devised ways of putting logos across buttons?)
France echos, no images?

The statement from Malaysia called the information "new satellite images," while a statement from France's Foreign Ministry said "radar echoes taken by a satellite" had located floating debris but made no mention of imagery.


Details on the French data were not immediately released. The statement from Malaysia called the information “new satellite images,” while a statement from France’s Foreign Ministry said “radar echoes taken by a satellite” had located floating debris but made no mention of imagery.

I read another story that said that the radar echoes were translated to “fuzzy images”.
The language is not Malay, nor Arabic, but Persian...

Persia is what Iran was formerly known as.

Just waiting for it to go through translator - standby...
Yeah, the full tank.....that puts a whole new spin on things. That is serious premeditation and it would have to be someone that was in charge of the plane in some way or another.


If the tank was FULL, then it was able to fly 14-16 hours, not the 8 hours ("7 more hours") that Malaysia told media. This is a 777-200ER ("extended range"). Also puts more juice in my hijack theory (though I still have no reason to think the original pilots were complicit in any way).

Off to read article.

How do you Sleuth -- If you can not *Think out loud* with Opinions....or Throw stuff against the fan and see what sticks.....JMO, IMHO

.......probable versus improbable.....Check every Path


If the journalists in the media can throw around all kinds of theories, some certainly far-fetched and wild, then surely we can "think aloud" too.

They have completely denigrated Captain Shah's character, with absoutely no solid evidence linking him to any of this.

This may be a dumb question but work with me here.

If the evidence of the plane crashing in the Indian Ocean (0%) is the exact same as the evidence we have that the plane landed somewhere (0%), why is this angle not being explored by the media as well?

I am guessing that they are searching elsewhere but are just not telling us about it. They have got to pacify the families of the passengers and the public by showing they are searching, but I would think they would keep a lot of things hush hush, because you wouldn't want to show your hand to a terrorist if that is a possibility.
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