Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #15

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:doh: Nevermind. The pilots are dark blue too. Hmmm.

Thanks JerseyGirl for this! :loveyou:
Look again. Light Blue- Malaysian.

Thanks JerseyGirl for this! :loveyou:

Still doesn't make sense.
There's light blues in every category, except the Canadians and both pilots. The pilots are Malaysian, so they shouldn't be dark blue.

ETA: Never mind! I see this has been answered!
According to the satellite pings and arc information, yes.
If this is the plane's debris in the Indian Ocean, then it had to have flown until it ran out of gas (about 7-8 hours worth).

So it's definitely 7-8 hours out of the way, excluding drifting? I didn't see that confirmed, but I know it seems to have gone a long way.

If that's true, I agree that a fire would not have burned that long without taking out the plane, but I wonder if it's possible one started, smoke asphyxiated most or all of the people, and then it burned out/was extinguished. Smoke gets people a lot faster than fire.

If it flew that long, I definitely think decompression, but it's all so confusing. Very bizarre way to commit suicide, and I can't picture a botched hijacking scenario that goes with that very well. And it doesn't explain the tracking device issue, unless the decompression managed to damage all the systems without bringing down the plane.
I lean towards pilot involvement because one of the transponders was turned off before the co pilot said good night. They have a code to say if there is a hijacking in progress, the code was not used. Just my thoughts.


Let me just say that I am verrrrrrryyyyyyy unsure as to whether Malaysia is telling the truth about whether it was actually the co-pilot who said "all right, good night," the last communication.

Malaysian officials are saying they have verified that it's the co-pilot. No independent source has confirmed it.

These are the same people that gave us a doctored-up photo of the Iranian man, with his legs cut off the image and the other man's legs pasted on, and claim that it's just a "photocopy" error.

I saw the copy of the supposed transcript on the Telegraph, and I posted that IMO, it could be that that was NOT the co-pilot who said "all right, good night." In every other response to an instruction he was given by ATC, he would reply with "copy that" in some part of his answer, to show that he understood them.

His last answer, "all right, good night" was in response to an instruciton by ATC, yet he did not include "copy that" in it.

Agree. This could have equally been a case where pilot and copilot were instructed to do xyz and fly to xyz and instead of doing the latter, they have saved many more from harm. I think the pilot might be the type to say, "not with my plane".

Agree--and from what I've read of him, it wouldn't surprise me, Isabelle.
I do not believe that gave the direct//actual seating positions of all -- just the breakdown of countries etc and a bit of info.

It did NOT say WHERE (which seats) the 2 traveling with Fake ID. It did Not say the Actual Seat positions of each person. So no, it did not answer my question for the Direct seating//assigned seats of each person

[[[[ Eg something that says Seat number 223 WAS Joe Blow, and seat number 121 WAS Jane Blow, etc, etc, etc...... ]]]]


True , I just looked at it. Frustrating...
Still doesn't make sense.
There's light blues in every category, except the Canadians and both pilots. The pilots are Malaysian, so they shouldn't be dark blue.

ETA: Never mind! I see this has been answered!

The Canadian male is an odd mix. :waitasec:

Indian-born Canadian, working for a US firm in Beijing.
12:30 KL time and it is the Airline's PC

Good evening!

CNN just relayed that it will be 12:30am ET. Just added this for those who don't want to do the time conversion from Malaysia to the U.S.

CCTVNEWS ‏@cctvnews 5m
Search work by China slowed on Tue. by a cyclone in the sea area of suspected white objects spotted by Chinese planes in the S.Indian Ocean.

Let me just say that I am verrrrrrryyyyyyy unsure as to whether Malaysia is telling the truth about whether it was actually the co-pilot who said "all right, good night," the last communication.

Malaysian officials are saying they have verified that it's the co-pilot. No independent source has confirmed it.

These are the same people that gave us a doctored-up photo of the Iranian man, with his legs cut off the image and the other man's legs pasted on, and claim that it's just a "photocopy" error.

I saw the copy of the supposed transcript on the Telegraph, and I posted that IMO, it could be that that was NOT the co-pilot who said "all right, good night." In every other response to an instruction he was given by ATC, he would reply with "copy that" in some part of his answer, to show that he understood them.

His last answer, "all right, good night" was in response to an instruciton by ATC, yet he did not include "copy that" in it.


I was just thinking about this also. I'm not fully believing it unless someone else verifies it was his voice.

IF it was something that started a fire in the Cargo area -- Shouldn't passengers have the Right to know they are flying with something Flammable?

...Or flying with something that is considered Dangerous Goods in the Cargo before-hand? Disclosure?

...Shouldn't Airlines etc have the Right to disclose to passengers *what* is known to be in the Cargo area?

....Do WE know all that was in the Cargo area of M370?


Passengers Do have Rights -- Time for them to be reviewed and up-dated (IMHO) when you consider the above.... IF this is what might have happened.

Airlines Have a Duty of Care (conduct) to their Passengers!!

(*) Fiduciary Duty

A fiduciary duty is a legal duty to act solely in another party's interests. Parties owing this duty are called fiduciaries. The individuals to whom they owe a duty are called principals. Fiduciaries may not profit from their relationship with their principals unless they have the principals' express informed consent. They also have a duty to avoid any conflicts of interest between themselves and their principals or between their principals and the fiduciaries' other clients. A fiduciary duty is the strictest duty of care recognized by the US legal system.

If Cargo related mishap...
Good evening!

CNN just relayed that it will be 12:30am ET. Just added this for those who don't want to do the time conversion from Malaysia to the U.S.


Well, I figured out its 9:30 PM PST. :floorlaugh:
I apologize if this has already been addressed but my thoughts on the deleted files on home aviation rig at the Pilot's home. I've been in the hospital a couple of days so have not been able to read all the threads.

I'm a die hard gamer so deleting the files does not seem so nefarious to me as I will attempt to layout below. Deleting certain files is usual and customary if you have a little programming knowledge OR someone patient enough to read the gaming forums and then make adjustments in your games with a little fear the first time LOL. One such adjustment being deleting files which will regenerate the next time you start your game.

I always delete my cache files upon exiting my game, then run, then do a manual Restart of my computer before shutting it down. This way I am ready to play as soon as I lift the lid on my Macbook and start my game.

To start with, I read the below article concerning the flight games Pilot Zaharie was playing on his home rig where the names of the 3 Flight Simulator games were named.
Malaysian police are hoping vital clues may emerge from Capt Zaharie’s three-screen home flight simulator, on which he played three games: Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator 9 and X-Plane 10.

Then I googled each game name along with "+ delete cache files". Below are the links to what I found and just like with my game, which is a Simulator game produced by Electronic Arts in combination with Maxis Games, there is an easy explanation as I thought there would be, for deleting files before or after playing the games, all 3 of the games.

I have to delete 4 files on my game each time it is played or I get "Lag or Stuttering" because is is such a massive memory (or RAM) hog. The same is described in the 3 links below for each of Zaharie's Flight Simulator games.

Flight Simulator X

One symptom of this cache problem is the introduction of stutters in areas where no stutters were experienecd before. The other is the failure of proper rendering of graphic capabilities, such as abnormal anti-aliasing.

To fix the issue, go to the folder mentioned above and delete everything inside the folder. The cache will be refreshed and rebuilt the next time FSX is run.
Flight Simulator 9
Delete DAT files Flight Simulator caches the contents of the scenery directories using these files. Sometimes these caches become out-of-date and cause errors. It is unknown, but suspected, that these files are somehow related to the Area Number in the scenery.cfg and it is recommended that if you start changing area numbers you should delete these files. (Flight Simulator will rebuild deleted files on start-up.)

X-Plane 10
martin.s, on 06 Apr 2013 - 06:39 AM, said:

So it is standard procedure to clear out the cache files after an update?

Normally you don't need to, but if you exited or stopped the T7 or X-Plane, then changed something it can cause problems.
What may be worth trying, is run X-Plane, wait for it to finish loading, then select a default aircraft say the C-172, wait for it to finish loading, then exit X-Plane compleately. Then delete the T7's navdata cache files only (not the folder). Re-start X-Plane, wait for it to finish loading the C-172, then try loading the T7.
Attach a copy of your Log.txt file if it dosn't work. (the whole thing, zip it if it's very large)

One last thought ~~ It is not unusual for a gamer to have two or more screens hooked up to his/her gaming rig.
I wish there was some way helicopters could be on carriers to retrieve what is reported by other aircraft. Forgive me, as I know nothing about the logistics, except this appears to be one big bad a$$ ocean!

I can't imagine how they are going to get the debris out of the water. Obviously they will find a way, but that part of the ocean is so windy and with towering waves, I can't imagine that helicopters could safely fly in the area while being buffeted around by the high winds.

I also struggle to see how they are going to tow the black box locator around in those waters and get any kind of good, steady readings.

It is also windy, lashed by huge waves.

"Very harsh conditions, once you get there the influence of Antarctica...

"The Indian Ocean sector is a region that has strong winds and big waves.

"It is the windiest sector of the southern ocean."

The strength of the currents could also hamper efforts to find any wreckage, the oceanographers said, with satellite imagery of the potential debris showing the objects awash, bobbing in the sea where waves can be towering.

"So you have very, very strong winds there, quite high waves. You've got among the strongest currents in the world," said van Sebille.
I was just thinking about this also. I'm not fully believing it unless someone else verifies it was his voice.

Indeed. A second opinion is needed. Maybe it costs alot of money to hire other "experts" from different nations? Maybe this is why things are moving along as they are. :bang:
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