Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

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The NTSB was formed by The Independent Safety Board Act of 1974. The NTSB was designed to be an independent agency not susceptible to the influence of other parts of government.

The Board is managed by five "Members" appointed by the President, each for a five-year term.

The NTSB investigates and reports on all U.S. air carrier accidents, commuter and air taxi crashes, mid-air collisions, serious mishaps involving public use (government) aircraft and all fatal general aviation accidents. The NTSB also investigates accidents involving both civilian and military aircraft and crashes involving military aircraft where the functions of the FAA are at issue.

In order to enable the NTSB to determine the probable cause of accidents and improve aviation safety, its investigators are given more legal power than many governmental agencies. NTSB investigators have the right to interrogate witnesses on demand, inspect files, enter facilities and aircraft, examine the processes and computer data of any party involved in an air crash. Besides these Congressionally-authorized powers, the NTSB can obtain subpoenas and court orders

Another important power bestowed on the NTSB by Congress is the right to take exclusive custody of the wreckage, cargo and records of the accident aircraft.

Major accidents are handled by a "Go Team" from NTSB Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The "Go Team" is made up of an Investigator In Charge (IIC) along with a panel of technical specialists put together to address the primary issues arising out of any particular crash

Groups" handle specialized components of the investigation, such as an Operations Group, Structures Group, Maintenance Group, Air Traffic Control Group, Weather Group Chairman, Witness Group,

In a major air crash investigation, each of the groups and parties involved, have daily meetings to review the ongoing developments in the investigation.

The NTSB traditionally relies on manufacturers and air carriers to cooperate and provide them with all relevant information pertinent to the product or operation being investigated. (And in this country they do!)

NTSB regulations specifically exclude lawyers for the victims and representatives of insurance companies from participating in the NTSB Investigation (49 CFR 831.11

Air crash litigation often involves millions of dollars of exposure. The insurance companies who pay for the defense of almost every major air crash case in the United States often have a real incentive to prove that somebody else's insured bears substantial responsibility for the crash. Indemnity laws require that all culprits pay their proportionate share of multimillion dollar settlements for plane loads of deceased business travelers and multimillion dollar hulls. The insured value pay out, for the hull loss alone, of an MD-11 cargo plane, which crashed in New Jersey a few years ago, was $115 Million dollars. (Note! Swiss Air was a MD-11)

Major accident investigations led by NTSB "Go Teams" are more heavily documented. Each group chairman prepares a report and submits it to the Investigator In Charge. The Investigator In Charge in turn, prepares a draft NTSB Report and submits it to the Board for review. The Board in major airline disaster cases, and other accidents of great public interest, may conduct public hearings wherein witnesses are called and interrogated. The Board will then meet and deliberate to determine probable cause.

Representative items that can be found in a public docket from a major accident, include, weather data, witness statements, cockpit voice recorder transcripts, air traffic control tape transcripts, ground track plots created from FAA radar raw data, engine tear down reports, diagrams, specifications, photographs, computer recreations, transcripts of public hearings, etc.

One of the most commendable policies of the NTSB is its practice of placing all of its final investigative materials in the public docket for anyone to study
It just all seems so bizarre that this part of this ocean seems to be the most unreachable place on the frustrating for everyone involved, from families to searchers to authorities, to us...

It is hard to accept that in this era, we can't just go to a place and get what we want/need. But obviously this is not the case at all. Nature is running the show.
There are pages and pages of awesome stuff. HA only govt agency I know if that is honest! They show you everything relating to how they determined probable cause!

Total Pages 5850! Now, that is an accident investigation! There final report is not out yet - they do their jobs!

Canada and Britain have exemplary boards as well.

You wanna play around here is their main page:

Here is Canada:

Here is britain

Amazing stuff......................
Lovely, The PAINT! {Forensics and helping those that need it. Thought as much, but was too lazy. :blowkiss: Bits or paint mixture may be particular to identification.}

Having a co-flyer would make it worse for me. It is all too much, don't add people I will have uncomfortable words with. Flying should not be available to those like me (or those that know no sense of personal space and boundaries). Make it for the very wealthy only again, and I will be happy, as I will not have to. My DD needs to get ready for Skype. :crazy: (Escape is necessary, do not take me to a pizza joint without thinking I will in seconds plan escape route before I can even sit.)

Lol, leaving for Brussels tomorrow. To visit my pilot daughter (AF ret) and her husband (Marine stationed at NATO) with my sis and bff.
I cannot imagine a more tenuous time to be traveling internationally ~ We'll be doing Budapest and Paris while we're there and I'm sure we'll all enjoy it to the hilt. But my thoughts, I know, will drift often and with sadness to those passengers and family of flight 370. Obviously, it could happen to any flight.
But we must not let the possibility of terror to alter any of our plans for a full life. If we succumb to fear ~ the evil ones have prevailed.
My prayers continue for the passengers, crew and all their families and friends of this ill fated flight. (Please, please don't endorse calling it the ghost flight!)
But we must not allow any terrorists to hold the flying public hostage.
Don't, don't, don't stop flying!
3 killed pilot error

New video released of Asiana plane crash - YouTube

Airplane lover was filming arrivals and caught the crash:

Amateur video capturing Asiana plane crash goes viral - YouTube

cockpit/ATC control tape on this :

Calls to emergency from passengers and witnesses after it crashed:

Audio of San Francisco plane crash 911 calls released - YouTube

Asiana pilots tried to make last-minute corrections: NTSB 윤영두 사장 미êµ* 도착...사태 수습 총ë*¥ - YouTube

Huge controversy - one of the people killed may have been run over by rescue personal- still debated: Some may not want to watch - its not bad but felt I should advise:

UNSEEN Footage : Asiana Crash Victim Girl Was Run Over Twice By Firefighters Truck - YouTube

One final notion: A NTSB intern, released made up names of the pilots. I know it is tragic, but it took me like hearing it twice before I caught on and I am sorry but it is funny- the intern was told to leave.....

Asiana Plane Crash: Funny Fake Pilots Names Released - YouTube
The cargo list is as complete as it could be. I would think. JMO
Lol, leaving for Brussels tomorrow. To visit my pilot daughter (AF ret) and her husband (Marine stationed at NATO) with my sis and bff.
I cannot imagine a more tenuous time to be traveling internationally ~ We'll be doing Budapest and Paris while we're there and I'm sure we'll all enjoy it to the hilt. But my thoughts, I know, will drift often and with sadness to those passengers and family of flight 370. Obviously, it could happen to any flight.
But we must not let the possibility of terror to alter any of our plans for a full life. If we succumb to fear ~ the evil ones have prevailed.
My prayers continue for the passengers, crew and all their families and friends of this ill fated flight. (Please, please don't endorse calling it the ghost flight!)
But we must not allow any terrorists to hold the flying public hostage.
Don't, don't, don't stop flying!

ITA with all you have said.
Safe travels to you!:seeya:
Yes... I think you are correct...

I posted while being a numpty...


Love you! I am always such a numpty! Such a perfect word!!! (And certainly cannot understand why we are all not perfect in our thoughts, analysis, quoting sources and opinions.) LOL ~ just plain love it!
British secret services are investigating the disappearance of flight MH370, Malaysia's transport minister said on Saturday.

The disclosure that MI6 as well as the CIA are helping the Malaysian authorities will add to speculation the aircraft was hijacked by terrorists.

Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia's acting transport minister, said on Saturday that MI6 and the CIA were working with Chinese spy agencies to determine what happened to the 239 passengers and crew aboard the Boeing 777. Mr Hishammuddin stopped short of plumping for one theory over any other. He said the disappearance was due to "terrorism, hijacking, personal and psychological problems, or technical failure".

The suggestion that intelligence agencies are involved will renew speculation that its disappearance was a criminal act, not mechanical failure.

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I think they have something to hide. They're refusing, still, to release the complete cargo list. I almost feel like they don't want it found. JMO
<snipped for space>

David Letterman interviewed the guy who found the great Pacific garbage heap. We're a bunch of pigs.

Agree about hiding. They won't share radar details with the investigators, thus the ongoing mystery about flight path and altitude. Thankfully there are Inmarsat and other resources. But they need solid basic info from which to base their analyses. And I think they're being fed carp for some reason. Maybe "they" truly don't want it found.

Agree also that we're pigs. I hope they're collecting all the trash they see. Might as well since they're right on top of it. What a shame that we have done this.
There are pages and pages of awesome stuff. HA only govt agency I know if that is honest! They show you everything relating to how they determined probable cause!

Total Pages 5850! Now, that is an accident investigation! There final report is not out yet - they do their jobs!

Canada and Britain have exemplary boards as well.

You wanna play around here is their main page:

Here is Canada:

Here is britain

Amazing stuff......................

You are forgetting the Australian Transport Safety Bureau ;)
The "Petition for Discovery", lodged in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, is intended to force both Boeing and Malaysia to release all the material they hold on the aircraft.

Until now both Boeing and Malaysia Airlines have steadfastly refused to comment on what may have caused the plane to disappear.

But details of several incidents involving other Boeing 777s have emerged, including a cockpit fire at Cairo Airport in July 2011. Although passengers and crew were moved to safety, investigators found that the blaze was caused by a short circuit igniting an oxygen pipe.

Regulators in America and Europe issued a directive ordering the replacement of the oxygen pipes. The work is estimated to cost about £1500 ($2698) to put right but last week Malaysia Airlines refused to say if the work was done.

A spokesman said: "All mandatory orders issued by aviation authorities relating to aircraft in our fleet have been complied with by Malaysia Airlines."

In the court petition, Mr Firman's lawyers, have demanded details of who designed and manufactured the oxygen system. It has also demanded Boeing release documents showing who had information "of the evidence of findings of corrosion and fractures in the fuselage of the aircraft".

The petition has also demanded Boeing provides details of who was responsible for servicing the plane.

Malaysia Airlines in turn is facing a demand to say who was responsible for training and carrying out psychological evaluations of the crew.

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British secret services are investigating the disappearance of flight MH370, Malaysia's transport minister said on Saturday.

The disclosure that MI6 as well as the CIA are helping the Malaysian authorities will add to speculation the aircraft was hijacked by terrorists.

Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia's acting transport minister, said on Saturday that MI6 and the CIA were working with Chinese spy agencies to determine what happened to the 239 passengers and crew aboard the Boeing 777. Mr Hishammuddin stopped short of plumping for one theory over any other. He said the disappearance was due to "terrorism, hijacking, personal and psychological problems, or technical failure".

The suggestion that intelligence agencies are involved will renew speculation that its disappearance was a criminal act, not mechanical failure.

Read more:

Well...that really narrows it down, huh?
It was also reported that the US-based Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) revealed that 141 air incidents occurred between March 1991 and Feb 17 this year as result of batteries carried as cargo or baggage.

The ill-fated Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is believed to have been carrying in its cargo a two-tonne load of walkie-talkies and lithium ion batteries belonging to Motorola Malaysia.
Agree about hiding. They won't share radar details with the investigators, thus the ongoing mystery about flight path and altitude. Thankfully there are Inmarsat and other resources. But they need solid basic info from which to base their analyses. And I think they're being fed carp for some reason. Maybe "they" truly don't want it found.

Agree also that we're pigs. I hope they're collecting all the trash they see. Might as well since they're right on top of it. What a shame that we have done this.

In my opinion there is something in that cargo hold they don't want found.
Oddly, I had an overwhelming thought the other night when they announced the move to the new search area that this plane is not in the South Indian Ocean.

I don't have a theory of where it could be. But I'm wondering whether there is known but unshared information related to radar that could lead to another final destination. I don't think they're alive though, rather that they went down elsewhere.

The Inmarsat data? I don't know. I saw this tweet from Jeff wise. There is a ton of mistrust going on.

@socalmike_SD: @ManvBrain RT " British-based satellite company Inmarsat distances itself from PM..ocean conclusion not ours"

I don't like this, they are clearly confident in their conclusions and to distance themselves publicly says to me they are not confident in where we are now. It isn't their fault no one could find 300 pieces of debris and richard quest said that would be more like what we are looking for.
Some people here have been talking about the pilot suicide case. I just posted a documentary on it in the Random Thoughts thread and I'm 99.99999% convinced that it wasn't pilot suicide, but in fact an equipment failure. A jury in L.A. agreed that it was equipment failure after hearing all of the evidence. A lot of what had been said about the pilot's reasons for wanting to commit suicide were exaggerated or just false. I recommend watching it.
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