Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #3

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I found this and i think it Must have something to do with this case because is it from the Maricopa public defender and all the things it talks about
drinkin driving failure to render aid

accidents etc etc, still looking for more

pdf version here Instruction Additions.doc

html version"+maricopa&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us

Not positive, but I think this is just a document showing where words were changed in some type of policy/manual and when the new text for it was approved.
We have to find someone to represent...maybe we can get to go stay a week, LOL!

Hi Christine-
My boss loved the story. They want us to profile you guys and the
Maricopa County Jane Doe in the story. It was even mentioned that we
should continue following the Jane Doe case for future updates.
I can't wait to start working with your group on this and hopefully many
future stories.
Please let me know as soon as you have contacts in my area.
Hey, can't we pool our lunch money and keep him there as a source until the reporter is finished with him??

We have to find someone to represent...maybe we can get to go stay a week, LOL!

Hi Christine-
My boss loved the story. They want us to profile you guys and the
Maricopa County Jane Doe in the story. It was even mentioned that we
should continue following the Jane Doe case for future updates.
I can't wait to start working with your group on this and hopefully many
future stories.
Please let me know as soon as you have contacts in my area.
Its weird I found that while searching key words jumped from moving car.......

And that is awesome awesome NEWS !!!!! now with them on our side maybe this will get resolved YEAH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooo hoooo

Hi Christine-
My boss loved the story. They want us to profile you guys and the
Maricopa County Jane Doe in the story. It was even mentioned that we
should continue following the Jane Doe case for future updates.
I can't wait to start working with your group on this and hopefully many
future stories.
Please let me know as soon as you have contacts in my area.
THIS IS WONDERFUL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH CHRISTINE!!!! I WISH I COULD PAY A VISIT TO DO THIS!!! I talked to some Phx area people that I know and told them about the case, but they aren't websleuth's members.. I don't know how that would pan out, even though they are educated about what happened and what we do here..
I'm in AZ and I'm always happy to help but I probably can't do any media interviews. I am pretty sure my office would not allow me on camera due to future conflicts if this case were ever solved and prosecuted, but if I can help in any other way I am happy to do so.
Azlaw, we should talk. Please ring me (tele in previous posts) if comfy...otherwise my email is in my siggy. :blowkiss:
*Christine invisions Azlaw behind 'blue screen', voice altered....talking undercover about cases at WS.

Ok...JOKING! :rolleyes:
I'm in AZ and I'm always happy to help but I probably can't do any media interviews. I am pretty sure my office would not allow me on camera due to future conflicts if this case were ever solved and prosecuted, but if I can help in any other way I am happy to do so.

Can you do a TV interview with your face blocked and your voice changed? I often see that on local news with people who do not want to be identified.

Come on, we have to have more members from the Phoenix area, or even further area's of AZ! Big cities north or south of Phoenix.... I'm sure this media outlet can find a way to hide your identity. They do it all the time!
If AZ Law cannot do it, I might be able to afterall. What would I have to do?
I'm in AZ and I'm always happy to help but I probably can't do any media interviews. I am pretty sure my office would not allow me on camera due to future conflicts if this case were ever solved and prosecuted, but if I can help in any other way I am happy to do so.

Wonder if you can speak to the Websleuths part, and have someone else phone interview the case specific part, like Zanko et al??? Maybe this is a way we can "cheat" the requirements...
If AZ Law cannot do it, I might be able to afterall. What would I have to do?

Yippee!!! They will need both of you as sources, I think from a fact checking perspective. Christine, can Jules do the face stuff and Azlaw maybe give some WS perspective etc without actually having to appear on camera? Then I still think the reporter should talk to Christine2448 and Zanko plus some of the others who have been beating the bushes on this one since the beginning.....

Can you do a TV interview with your face blocked and your voice changed? I often see that on local news with people who do not want to be identified.

Come on, we have to have more members from the Phoenix area, or even further area's of AZ! Big cities north or south of Phoenix.... I'm sure this media outlet can find a way to hide your identity. They do it all the time!

I did that once, lol, when I was a victim of a serial criminal-they filmed my hands....this was 15-18 years ago. Everyone knew it was me!!!
I'd be more than happy to help in anyway to get coverage of this JD. I don't live in Arizona, though.
Christine2448 Awesome Job! Kudos!
I have talked with Jules and she is willing to help if able. :woohoo: Jules is a local :D and said if they can interview her before Sat or after 6 weeks she is in and do whatever she can to represent WS and get leads on this case. We spent (Julessleuther and I) about 45 minutes on the phone and she is like me, doing what she can when she can and wants to contribute.

THIS IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT! We all have our talents, time, ect, we do what we can when we can, when it all pulls together!

Jules is leaving Sat out of AZ for 6 weeks. If she can help she has agreed before Sat or after 6 weeks. We will keep the announcement up and see how this can work otherwise.

Also, waiting to talk to Azlaw...we need ya!
Yippee!!! They will need both of you as sources, I think from a fact checking perspective. Christine, can Jules do the face stuff and Azlaw maybe give some WS perspective etc without actually having to appear on camera? Then I still think the reporter should talk to Christine2448 and Zanko plus some of the others who have been beating the bushes on this one since the beginning.....


Yes yes yes and's coming together....:woohoo::clap:
You are all AMAZING!!! This is so exciting - for our little MJD and for Websleuths. I think it's so very important to get the word out about what we do - and what we can do - here! The more people who know, the more we can accomplish!

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