Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #3

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I think the best bet in identifying MJD is to get her image out there. I think a classmate, a teacher, or a neighbor will be the missing link. MJD died 7 years before I saw her picture for the first time. Someone who knows who she is, but not that she has passed, will see her picture and say, "Hey that looks like (fill in the blank)." I often think of the publicity stunts that some celebs do to get their name and picture out there. Is there any celebrity from Maricopa County that might want to use their influence to get MJD some air time? It could be mutually beneficial for the celeb and our MJD. How about a local politician? Anyone know the area?

I'm pretty familiar with the area, I lived there for a very long time and moved in mid 2007. What did you have in mind?
I know Alice Cooper and Leslie Nielson (the Naked Gun) still reside there. Leslie Nielson does a ton of commercials, a lot of local. Also Wayne Gretzky coaches the Phx Coyotes.. I don't know if any of that would help here.. Janet Neapolitano is the governor. I think John McCain is a little busy, heh heh.
I am here, but in CA for the next six weeks. Christine, I should have mentioned to you, that I can still be an email contact for the media, just not there in person to do interview. It is a shame that they cannot interview Tricia, since she is the heart of websleuths.

Whats happening, whats going on? Where is Christine and AZ and Jules? Will there be an interview? Come on someone, give it up? BTW, is anything new with contacting Lindsey?
Holiday weekend...for now, we accomplished what we needed...we have a couple contacts there and the 'boss' gave the go ahead for the story. I will write her/call on Tuesday and see what's up. I figure this is going to be a 'project', the person we are communcating with, her title is
Special Projects ProducerABC 15 KNXV-TV :)
The David Lebowitz (sp?) article is back on thread #2 - page 7. It states it happened on a Tuesday afternoon. Also says MJD just "jumped" in the car with Alonzo and then they picked up Lindsey. It's very hard for me to believe he didn't say "hey Lindsey, this is ______ and she's going to Miami with us, ok?" Or something along those lines. LDJ was his girlfriend, IIRC. She's not going to be a little irritated that her BF shows up with another girl in the car? Doubtful.:rolleyes:

Catching up reading here.... I agree. If Alonzo is out of jail/prison and still has a way to contact LDJ and she is a parent now, it's kind of easy to see how she might be reluctant to share any information, especially if her safety and the safety of her family may be risked.

I wish there were away for her to communicate with someone here... that would be very cautious with confidentiality for her. It could also be the memories are very difficult for her and after so many years she has put them aside. Perhaps she will give it some thought, and even if she doesn't make contact right now she will sometime in the future. she could easily "lurk" here without becoming a member and possibly contact someone via email, myspace or another way she may feel more comfortable. Don't give up hope just yet!

Vashely, I too thank you for bringing life back to this case again! :blowkiss:
Zanko, She did take far too good care of her appearance for someone not to be missing her.... it's just a matter of finding that someone.

Christine, thanks for the update!
Ok, so now we wait for Tuesday. I sure hope something breaks for MJD soon.
Catching up reading here.... I agree. If Alonzo is out of jail/prison and still has a way to contact LDJ and she is a parent now, it's kind of easy to see how she might be reluctant to share any information, especially if her safety and the safety of her family may be risked.

I wish there were away for her to communicate with someone here... that would be very cautious with confidentiality for her. It could also be the memories are very difficult for her and after so many years she has put them aside. Perhaps she will give it some thought, and even if she doesn't make contact right now she will sometime in the future. she could easily "lurk" here without becoming a member and possibly contact someone via email, myspace or another way she may feel more comfortable. Don't give up hope just yet!

Vashely, I too thank you for bringing life back to this case again! :blowkiss:
Zanko, She did take far too good care of her appearance for someone not to be missing her.... it's just a matter of finding that someone.

Christine, thanks for the update!

How do we know LDJ is a parent now?? Has someone actually spoke with the REAL LDJ? I know we have found possibilities on myspace but not a for sure one. :waitasec:
"If Alonzo is out of jail/prison and still has a way to contact LDJ and she is a parent now, it's kind of easy to see how she might be reluctant to share any information, especially if her safety and the safety of her family may be risked."
I think Cubby was speaking hypothetically, Theresa.
Actually awhile back I posted a newspaper article that was a birth announcment for a Lindsey D DeJong in Spokane...I really think that was her, I think the girl was born around March 2007 to her and a man named Andrew Gasper.

But it listed her as Dejong still in 2007 unless she has since married this guy. I also found several other birth announcements from Andrew Gasper with several other women differnet years.

I still have their names since they could possibly fill us in if these 2 are still together etc
Also, Wanted to share this

I ran the story about MJD to my husband, because he always seems to think of things I havent thought of... He is usually pretty good to bounce ideas off of.

I told him about her "jumping etc etc" OH I left out the part about my little experiement at 75 mph....down the interstate with Dad LOL

( oh ps as much as I wanted the experiment to be as accurate as possible, I DID decided to keep my seatbelt ON)

Anyway, I told him about the mans story about them smoking pot and her FREAKING out babbeling and them just jumping out. HE SAID, MAYBE the Pot was laced with something ELSE, like LSD or PCP and she really WAS FREAKING OUT and JUMPED.....

IF she were hallucinating maybe, I wonder if she was tested for these drugs....Maybe him and Lindsey were used to this kind of laced Joint and she wasnt!!! and she really did have a freak out..
So I started looking into these things and here is something I found, they DO PUT PCP ON MARIJANA JOINTS and smoke them. Now I WONDER what the drugs scene was like around there in 1999, was PCP big around there??

PCP is consumed in a recreational manner by drug users. It comes in both powder and liquid forms (PCP base is dissolved most often in ether
but typically it is sprayed onto leafy material such as marijuana
then smoked. Common street names for the drug vary from locale to locale, but include "angel dust," "illy," "wet," "BrainTree," "Titter YumYum," "fry," "amp," "cake," "nature boy," "love boat," "cornbread", "Ashy Larry", "Clarky Cat" ,"Hairy Jerry", "supergrass" (when combined with marijuana) and "leak

The term "embalming fluid" is often used to refer to the liquid PCP in which a cigarette or joint is dipped (a "sherm", "dipper" or "dippy"), to be ingested through smoking. Smoking PCP is known as "getting wet."
Psychological effects include severe changes in body image, loss of ego boundries
Visual hallucinations and euphoria.

The drug has been known to alter mood states in an unpredictable fashion, causing some individuals to become detached, and others to become animated. Intoxicated individuals may act in an unpredictable fashion, driven by their delusions or hallucinations. Included in the portfolio of behavioral disturbances are acts of self-injury including suicide, and attacks on others or destruction of property. The analgesic properties of the drug can cause users to feel less pain, and persist in violent or injurious acts as a result. Recreational doses of the drug can also induce a psychotic state that resembles schizophrenic episodes

interesting phenol. Do we have her autopsy report? Any tox screen done, do we know? This could be important.
I just sent an email to Suzi Dodt. I'll let you know what she says - she reponds pretty quickly.
I totally get the continued questions about how and why she died-I think that Susie Dodt and LE are truly looking for a means to id her. I am more curious as to if Susie has a picture of the ring that was mentioned so we can include it in the interview stuff.....Thoughts?
I don't think we have received any official info about MJD's tox screen. Phenol, I like the way your mind works. I know that "sherms" were very popular among gang members in Southern California during the 1990's. There are myriad accounts of shermheads jumping off buildings, climbing trees, etc. I believe that one of the more common effects of PCP is feeling like you have the ability to fly.
I found this info

It seems PCP was around PHOENIX in 1999

PCP. The distribution and abuse of the hallucinogen PCP (phencyclidine) pose a low but increasing threat to Arizona, particularly Phoenix. PCP was developed as an intravenous anesthetic, but use of the drug in humans was discontinued in 1965 because patients became agitated, delusional, and irrational while recovering from its effects. PCP, also known as angel dust, embalming fluid, ozone, wack, and rocket fuel, is produced illegally in laboratories in the United States. It is a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water and has a bitter taste. The drug can be mixed with dyes and is available as a tablet, capsule, liquid, or colored powder.
PCP may be snorted, smoked, injected, or swallowed. When smoked, PCP often is applied to mint, parsley, oregano, tobacco, or marijuana. When combined with marijuana, the mixture is called killer joint or crystal supergrass. PCP also is administered by dipping a marijuana cigarette in a solution of PCP-laced embalming fluid and smoking it. This combination is known as fry or amp.
PCP is available primarily in Phoenix; it is available in other areas of Arizona, but to a much lesser extent. In the Phoenix metropolitan area, PCP-related ED mentions increased from 40 in 1997 to 61 in 2001 and 83 in 2002, according to DAWN. Most PCP in Arizona is produced in California and transported into the state primarily by local independent dealers in private vehicles. Local independent dealers are the primary distributors of PCP in the state. However, the Phoenix Police Department reported that street gangs distribute PCP in its jurisdiction. PCP typically is distributed at the same venues as club drugs and primarily is abused by young adults.

Then I found this Article from January 20 1999 ARIZONA a 17 yr old boy on PCP

Drug-crazed teen hurts self in rampage
January 20, 1999 •• 450 words •• ID: 990120.041-6787
A Canyon Del Oro High School student on a drug-induced rampage ran in front of a school bus yesterday afternoon, seriously injuring himself, police said. The 17-year-old teen, whose name was not released, screamed that he was going to kill himself before and after the accident, said Department of Public Safety Officer Jason Stevens. The student was taken to University Medical Center with a broken collarbone, a head injury and numerous cuts and bruises. His injuries did not appear to be

interesting phenol. Do we have her autopsy report? Any tox screen done, do we know? This could be important.

Ms. Dodt says yes, we just have to call 602-506-3322 to order the report. Any takers? case# 99-0305
I sat on a federal jury in Vegas about 4 years ago where the guy was charged with possession with intent to distribute. He had a Snapple bottle full of PCP. We found him guilty, but couldn't figure out why it was a federal case. Found out after the verdict was handed down that this fellow had already been convicted of SS fraud, among other things. This was in Vegas. I know when I was a teenager, PCP laced weed was quite popular (NOT WITH ME!!!). Ironically, that was the reason I nearly voted not guilty in this case - this guy had no pot or cash in his possession - just the PCP. It came down to why would anyone have this much PCP unless he was going to distribute? Sherman sticks they used to call joints laced with PCP - as I recall. I knew a good bunch of kids who were never right again after they smoked it. I can totally see someone freaking out if they didn't know what they were doing, weren't comfortable in their surroundings or had never done it before. I can also see why Alonzo and LDJ would not have been forthcoming with the information.
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