Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #3

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I doubt the interview will actually be taking place tomorrow, but I am sure the reporters have deadlines for story lines and the reporter is trying to meet it. I also think that the need for someone within the state is for not just the "local feel" but also for the ease of "fact checking."

Remember CNN just did a big story on internet sleuthers a few weeks ago, so this is a nice way for the reporter to hop on the "craze."
Good morning!

I received your message and am working on trying to find a local from your
area that is part of our group. We have 12000+ members...I don't know
everyone personally, wish I did!

I understand the need for finding someone local. I am more interested in
seeing if you can get Maricopa Jane Doe a story (and other UIDs in your
area)! She needs to be identified. There are so many, isn't that a story
in itself? Nearly 200 people since 1973 have never been identified in
Maricopa County.

How about hosting a DNA collection? It's so easy! LE calls families in
the area with missing loved ones and we have a meeting place, LE can get
kits for everyone and the DNA taken and entered in to CODIS FREE through University in TX.
Win win for all! Media (maybe tips/leads), LE(shows they are still working the cases),
families (they are not forgotten)...DNA in CODIS, possible cases solved! Please consider.

It's a problem that extends beyond Arizona. About 5,000 unidentified
remains have been placed in the National Crime Information Center
database, and some officials estimate that more than 40,000 other bodies
nationwide are unidentified.

I am available by cell phone (770) 328-5995 and am in GA, EST. I will try
and call you when I run errands away from the office around 1130 if I
don't hear from you by then.

You can read about Maricopa Jane Doe here ...if we could reach out to the
2 people that were with her, maybe they know at least her first

I am working on finding someone to be interviewed. Thank you for your
interest and I pray that we can somehow do this story for her.

Kindest regards,
Christine Jones
You did a great job!!! I swear its so much harder for me than i'm sure its supposed to be lol i've tried numerous times to do things today and just keep doing worse and worse :waitasec:

but sure hope someone from AZ can make this tomorrow!!! Has to be SOMEONE around !!!

I know what you mean. lol. I have worked on her picture numerous times, and I can never get it how I want it. She always has this eerie look on her face and I just cant get rid of it. Oh well.... I'll just keep trying.
Sensational letter Christine! I would suggest editing out your phone number on the post..

Any word from Arizona WS'ers?
Suzi Dodts is an Investigator with the Maricopa County Medical Examiners office

Kind of a Jordon on Missing Jordon LOL

Any word from Attempt to Identify
Sensational letter Christine! I would suggest editing out your phone number on the post..

Any word from Arizona WS'ers?

Everyone has my #...but thanks. (it's posted all over the internet because it is the # for Lighting the Way Home), no word. :(

I don't know any other way to contact ATI. I emailed them. If you all can find a way...get them to call me!
I was just looking at ATI's website and they have this posted they are asking the same questions we are.....

Also they indicate they were making another trip to AZ to do more research in Jan 2008 wonder how that went?

one of the things ATI will be doing is meeting with the police investigator and hopefully will get a copy of the full property report since it was left out of the autopsy. Since the info posted about her possibly being a prostitute, it is very important to know what she was wearing and what she had in her possession! The theory about her being a hitchhiker may be true, it may even be true that she was a prostitute, however NONE of this can be confirmed and those people that made these statements where the last people she was with, she (from the way the case reads) jumped from "their" car! So we have to all be open minded and get to the bottom of this once and for all! She deserves a name, no matter who she was or what she did to stay alive!
In addition to cash donations, I am looking for anyone that has access to advertisements or that wish to contribute ad space online or billboards or those that have connections to media that would like to give this case more exposure!

I was just looking at ATI's website and they have this posted they are asking the same questions we are.....

Also they indicate they were making another trip to AZ to do more research in Jan 2008 wonder how that went?

one of the things ATI will be doing is meeting with the police investigator and hopefully will get a copy of the full property report since it was left out of the autopsy. Since the info posted about her possibly being a prostitute, it is very important to know what she was wearing and what she had in her possession! The theory about her being a hitchhiker may be true, it may even be true that she was a prostitute, however NONE of this can be confirmed and those people that made these statements where the last people she was with, she (from the way the case reads) jumped from "their" car! So we have to all be open minded and get to the bottom of this once and for all! She deserves a name, no matter who she was or what she did to stay alive!
In addition to cash donations, I am looking for anyone that has access to advertisements or that wish to contribute ad space online or billboards or those that have connections to media that would like to give this case more exposure!


i just love you, phenol...:blowkiss:
LOL thanks Believe !!!!!

I have been looking into that senerio and it seems it happens quite abit where a Couple will pick up a girl with BAD INTENTIONS....

Here is just ONE example and they lured her by asking for directions ...IMO the only reason for Lindsey and Al to Lie is to cover their own A$$es.

Because if they did NO WRONG i feel they would be more open to helping figure out her identity too.

I mean that would just totally HAUNT ME to have a girl fall right out of a car right next to me and die.... I would be all consumed with HELPING find her family...

MAYBE JANE DOES family knows one of these too and they are scared her family would know that she would NEVER just jump from a car.


anyway here is alittle of what I found
a 16-year-old girl who told them the most amazing story. The terrified teenager said that she had been abducted at knifepoint the previous evening by a man and a woman who asked her directions as she walked along the street near her home in fashionable Nedlands.

She was taken to a house in Willagee where the couple ripped off all of her clothing before chaining her to a bed by her hands and feet. The girl said the man repeatedly raped her as the woman watched.

The following morning after the man had gone to work the woman unchained the girl and forced her to telephone her parents and tell them that she was staying with friends and that she was okay.
When the woman left the bedroom to answer the door, presumably to let in a cocaine dealer, the girl found an open window and escaped. She was able to give police a full description of her attackers,

full story here
Oh WOW I dont know why I didnt think of this BEFORE....When I was 14 I started a fire in my parents kitchen trying to cook french fries with grease!!!!

I forgot and left the stove on HIGH and we had to move out of the house and stay in a hotel for a full month in the summer time SUMMER VACATION....

I wasnt too happy to be away from all my friends in the summer, one afternoon I decieded to was going to walk the few miles back to my neighborhood ALONE....

I hadnt got far when a car pulled over and asked if I needed a ride even though I didnt have my thumb out of nothing I had made up my mind I was going to walk!!!

However I thought well this guy seems like a normal guy a grandfather type surely he wouldnt be a killer or rapist.

I got in and we didnt get very far before I just started feeling very uncofortable like what have I gotten myself into here....Is he really gonna take me where I told him I was going???

All kinds of things started going through my mind. Like nobody knows where I am when I left were I was going to.....OMG

I cant remember what excatly it was that gave me the weird feeling something he said or what but I started thinking of an escape plan.

I started looking at the door handle 'so I would know where it was and which way it turned etc.

I thought if this guy doesnt turn where we need to turn I am out of here one way or the other.

We came to a stop light and I even thought of jumping out right there because I knew there were no more stop lights on our way.....

But I just wanted to share this because maybe these are some of the things that were going thru Doe's head.

I think I had already made up my mind I was going for that door knob if things got ugly and for a moment I thougt omg what if he has the knob rigged up so it wont open from the inside or the knob will just fall off in my hand.

I honestly feel she must have been terrified for her life to jump at that speed and on the interstate....

Maybe they were attempting to tie her up or tape her handcuff her whatever and she felt it was her only chance....

I wish more than anything that Lindsey would come forward and answer some of these questions we have such as her clothes accent etc etc then maybe we can get past the fact that she was involved if she doesnt have anything to hide then she should help in any way possible to give her back to her family. She has been able to go on with her life have a baby etc etc by poor Maricopa Doe never got the chance to have a life.......

Please Lindsey help us identify this girl........Thanks for bearing with me and my long rambling post......LOL Love you all Phenol!!!!
THanks for sharing your story.. I've been thinking about what her story could be about and it reminded me of one of mine

at 14 I wasnt living at the home( dysfunctional family), so was livign with my b/f & his parents I bounced around quite a bit when I was younger then when I hit around 13/14 I was living mostly anywhere but at 'home' .. So I was a habitual runaway, so I wasnt really looked for.. or I got word beforehand So I could disappear..

Anyways when I was 14 my b/f, me and 2 of his friends decided to take his parents car for a joyride (stolen)... and well one boy didnt go 'fast' enough or good enough so my b/f thought he'd teach him how to do it right.. I remember that part the last . we were in a residential neighborhood and he took a turn at 60 and hit a palm tree.. they 3 get out (2 hurt) and were going to run but noticed I wasnt there and they looked in the car and there I was OUT cold .. I started coming to here and there in the ambulance..... But we had 'borrowed' a few other vehicles too , but got much further away with them (almost hit another tree once, he thought it would be a good Idea to drive it into the woods to hide) So I can definately see a "friend" getting left behind and 'forgotten' .. Think god mine didnt :)
From Reporter:

Hi Christine,
My thought is that we could do the story on your group and what you do, using this case as the example, thus knocking two birds out with one stone and getting both stories told.

If there is more than one member in our area that would be great. I'd
like to get at least two interviews for the story.

I should be able to let you know by the end of the day if this story is
approved for me to go ahead with.
hmmmm..... so did ya ever get anyone from the area?? is that deadline over with?
I have not....not sure they will do it without someone there to interview...waiting word, she said she should know by this afternoon if she an go with the story...then we keep trying to find someone I guess? ugh
Thanks everyone for sharing those scenarios! I think it is important that we should not automatically believe she was a prostitute...I would really love to know why LE has arrived at that conclusion!
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