Marine throws puppy off cliff.

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Jul 19, 2007
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HONOLULU — Military officials are investigating an Internet video that purports to show a Marine throwing a puppy off a rocky cliff.
Maj. Chris Perrine of the Marine Corps Base in Kaneohe, Hawaii says it appears the man is a lance corporal based with a unit in the islands.
Marine officials are calling the YouTube video "shocking and deplorable" and say it violates "the high standard we expect of every Marine."

I can't bring myself to watch the clip but I am outraged and hope that he and his buddies are discharged for this. They have no regard for life.
I'm sitting here feeling horrible for sending my 90lb puppy to the vet to get fixed. I can't watch this. I would be happy to hunt the sorry down and throw him off a cliff.
I cannot say what I feel on here but I tell you what, there is a place for people like him. What goes around comes around.
I can't make myself watch that. I will always go by the saying: You can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. People like this infuriate me! :behindbar
I can't watch it either, but I'm outraged. Whoever called this solder a had it right. What can we do to ensure this guy is prosecuted? Anyone have ideas??
They need to identify this monster and throw HIM off of a cliff... a high, high cliff...
I can't watch it either, but I'm outraged. Whoever called this solder a had it right. What can we do to ensure this guy is prosecuted? Anyone have ideas??

It was me! It was me! fits perfectly. I think he has already assured prosecution by filming it and it being out in the public eye.
I'm sitting here feeling horrible for sending my 90lb puppy to the vet to get fixed. I can't watch this. I would be happy to hunt the sorry down and throw him off a cliff.

You get the arms, I'll get the legs?
That's one video I won't be watching, it was bad enough reading the article. What a disgrace!
I refuse to watch it.. i can't get past the first 3 seconds. No way. They need to prosecute this he's all smiling what a disturbed . He's making other soldiers look bad by his actions, he's a disgrace to the military and the Marine Corp. From what the article said, it sounds as if the culprits last name is Motari.

“Oh, I tripped,” the man in the clip said as the puppy was thrown.
An unseen man could be heard saying: “That’s mean. That was mean, Motari.”

The guy should just shoot himself for having no b@lls. What a cowardly act for a marine. ugh.

David Motari (a United States Marine) depicted in this picture looks identical to the man posted in the video who is identified as "Motari"; though, with goggles on, it's hard to make a perfect ID. Here is his "Bebo" profile containing additional pictures.

UPDATE: David Motari's "Bebo" profile has been switched to private: people outside of his "friends network" are not authorized to view his profile. He has ignore my repeated requests to confirm or deny that he is the "Motari" depicted in the YouTube video. I will keep you updated as this story develops.
I'm pretty sure this is the right guy. All the myspace accounts closely associated with him have vanished.
How horrible. A marine, no less! I won't watch the video. I have to wonder what the person taking the video was thinking? :mad:
I know it's cruel and creepy, but I've watched it a few times now. I'm not really sure that the puppy was alive. Even if it wasn't, it's really poor judgment.

They're all a bunch of A$$holes.
I know it's cruel and creepy, but I've watched it a few times now. I'm not really sure that the puppy was alive. Even if it wasn't, it's really poor judgment.

They're all a bunch of A$$holes.

The article says you can hear the puppy crying after he was thrown, I won't watch the video so I don't know for sure. I pray that it was already dead, it's still sick but it's better than the originial story. I don't think that's the case though.
The article says you can hear the puppy crying after he was thrown, I won't watch the video so I don't know for sure. I pray that it was already dead, it's still sick but it's better than the originial story. I don't think that's the case though.

The sound could have been dubbed in later. I still think those Marines did something to the puppy. You can see a zip tie around the dogs paws leading me to suspect that even if the puppy was dead at the point of being flung off the cliff, that it was dead from being tortured first. :furious:
The article says you can hear the puppy crying after he was thrown, I won't watch the video so I don't know for sure. I pray that it was already dead, it's still sick but it's better than the original story. I don't think that's the case though.

I am also crying for the puppy. I did not watch the video, I can't do it. Even if the puppy was already gone, I would like to know how the poor little creature met his demise.
This is absolutely outrageous. What a . I heard this this a.m. driving in and then you hear the other guy laughing......Absolutely unacceptable. I am so freaking upset by this I can't even believe it......:furious: :furious: :furious:

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