Found Deceased MD - Laura Wallen, 31, pregnant, Olney, 3 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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Apologies for poor formatting as I'm doing this on my mobile.

Picture source:

The photo linked above shows the text of the text messages she sent to her:

"Tyler has me on an adventure in the country... don't know why I'm here but it's for something."

Her sister asked "Really where are you?"

Laura Wallen replied, the court files state, "I'm waiting in a field."

Her sister told her to take a picture.

In court filings, police said the picture Wallen sent was of a large field with a tree line and that the photograph appears to be the same field where the clandestine grave was discovered.
I'm sick over this and so sad for Laura's loved ones.
I hope that lying manipulative spends the rest of his life in jail hating every second of it.

Apologies for poor formatting as I'm doing this on my mobile.

Picture source:

The photo linked above shows the text of the text messages she sent to her:

"Tyler has me on an adventure in the country... don't know why I'm here but it's for something."

Her sister asked "Really where are you?"

Laura Wallen replied, the court files state, "I'm waiting in a field."

Her sister told her to take a picture.

In court filings, police said the picture Wallen sent was of a large field with a tree line and that the photograph appears to be the same field where the clandestine grave was discovered.

Oh my. This just gets worse :( She wrote "adventure." :(

"Don't know why I'm here but it's for something."

omg. That's just sickening.
I am so sick to death of men killing women that are pregnant. S I C K of it.

Poor Laura and her baby.

I hope they are looking very hard at the woman that the was living with........
I'm so sorry Laura's case has ended so tragically like this. You'd have to be an especially sick piece of work to murder your pregnant girlfriend.

Is he being charged with the murder of the child as well? I sure hope so.

May Laura Elizabeth Wallen and her baby Rest In Peace.
I'm so sorry Laura's case has ended so tragically like this. You'd have to be an especially sick piece of work to murder your pregnant girlfriend.

Is he being charged with the murder of the child as well? I sure hope so.

May Laura Elizabeth Wallen and her baby Rest In Peace.

I hope so too although I am not sure as 4 months wouldn't be classed as viable.
I live in MD and I am completely clueless. Do we have the DP?

Another question, did Laura know he was actually living with someone else?

Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk

I don't think MD does. Too bad. He deserves it.
I'm a little confused on the timeline. So the neighbors saw them bring up groceries when? Saturday night? Or was it Friday night? She left again after that. When were these these about the adventure in the field sent in relation to being seen by the neighbor?

Did TT lure her out that night by hinting and making her think he was going to propose?
Not sure four months along could be considerd viable though?

Hard to say what determination they may use, but it may be possible..... [see bolded (by me) part]
What Is a Viable, Nonviable or a Periviable Viability Pregnancy

In pregnancy, the term "viabilty" is often used to describe different situation. Viability before delivery may apply to the baby potentially surviving if born prematurely, but viability before delivery may also mean that the fetus is still alive inside the uterus. A viable pregnancy could be a pregnancy when the woman is still pregnant and if the baby is born it could survive or a viable pregnancy could be a pregnancy where the fetus is still alive. Or a baby that is already born could be viable because it has a reasonable chance to survive.

ETA: :dunno: I don't know why the link doesn't work, but you can copy/paste to get more info. I tried three different ways. The last seems to work as a link, deleted the S after http

Is he that stupid not to realize that her text to her sister would point the 1st finger in his direction?
Did she delete the text after she sent it?
What am I missing here?
Is he that stupid not to realize that her text to her sister would point the 1st finger in his direction?
Did she delete the text after she sent it?
What am I missing here?

I'm wondering the same thing. He had access to her phone to be able to send the text on Monday (about the baby not being his) -- so how did he not see the earlier texts? Where was he when she was texting her sister?

I'm sick to my stomach knowing she was standing in the field where she would be buried. He is a monster
I'm wondering the same thing. He had access to her phone to be able to send the text on Monday (about the baby not being his) -- so how did he not see the earlier texts? Where was he when she was texting her sister?

I'm sick to my stomach knowing she was standing in the field where she would be buried. He is a monster

He may have deleted them from her phone but they would still be in the sister's phone. Maybe that's why he sent the texts to the sister the next day. To make her believe that she was still alive after being in the field.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Is he that stupid not to realize that her text to her sister would point the 1st finger in his direction?
Did she delete the text after she sent it?
What am I missing here?
That is probably why he texted her acting like he was Laura. To make it appear like she was still alive after that event, and to reinforce he wasn't involved he says in the text that he isn't the father of the baby. Yes, he is stupid.
He may have deleted them from her phone but they would still be in the sister's phone. Maybe that's why he sent the texts to the sister the next day. To make her believe that she was still alive after being in the field.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Yeah, I get that he could have deleted them but my thought is how could he not have realized that those texts were incriminating? I guess he didn't see her texting/taking pictures (where was he?) until after the fact.

I wonder if she tried to get away but was stuck with a madman in the middle of an open field with nowhere to go? It's the stuff of nightmares.
Aww my heart breaks. She seems so wonderful, her family, students will miss her dearly.

I am sure you guys have hashed this, I just couldn't catch up. the bf statement during the first pc. He was putting blame on Laura, and talking about about pretty much himself, can't eat, or sleep. Huge red flags.

Sadly we always think it is the bf/husband because it usually is.
Yeah, I get that he could have deleted them but my thought is how could he not have realized that those texts were incriminating? I guess he didn't see her texting/taking pictures (where was he?) until after the fact.

I wonder if she tried to get away but was stuck with a madman in the middle of an open field with nowhere to go? It's the stuff of nightmares.
Exactly, he probably realized afterwards that she had sent them. Then stupidly tried to cover his tracks by texting her sister that the baby wasn't his.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm sorry to waste any time and words on him, and I don't want this to come across as too flippant... but how stupid is TT? Did this guy seriously think any of this was going to allow him to get away with it? I would love to know what his thought process was on any of this.

If he had her phone, he clearly saw that she texted her sister that she was in the field, and his follow-up was texting back to say that the baby isn't Tyler's? What did he think that would achieve? And does he not understand they could trace the approximate location of her phone was when he was sending those messages? If he actually wanted to try to cast doubt on where she was, it seems like he could have sent messages suggesting she was in distress somewhere, and instead he tried to cast doubt on the fact that he was the father. It'd almost be laughable if it wasn't so stupid and tragic.

Since he doesn't seem to be the brightest, I'm wondering, too, if he had her phone with him and on during any of the trips back and forth to Damascus or elsewhere- if so, they might be able to show their phones pinging at the same places. I'd also love to know if the police recovered her phone on him or if he was at least smart enough to ditch that at some point.

I am so interested in learning more about what happened here. I'll be interested if any more information comes out on the other woman he was living with, what she knew about Laura, etc.

Such a needlessly sad ending to this one :(
Aww my heart breaks. She seems so wonderful, her family, students will miss her dearly.

I am sure you guys have hashed this, I just couldn't catch up. the bf statement during the first pc. He was putting blame on Laura, and talking about about pretty much himself, can't eat, or sleep. Huge red flags.

Sadly we always think it is the bf/husband because it usually is.

Thanks - you answered another question I had which was did LE get what they wanted from him at the PC? And it sounds like they did get something.
Her FB mentions a man whose name she doesn't use, just the initial T. Also calls him her cowboy


"Her cowboy": From mentioning and taking a picture of the love notes he left between plates in her cabinet to murdering her the very next year :anguish: . What happens to change a person from a seemingly loving individual to a murderer? This is such a heart breaking story. She had so much to offer the world and the children she taught.
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