Meter Reader

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Follow the money.
what is that supposed to mean? please give a brief synop. Really don't want to have to click on links to get to another page and site to find out what someone on this site is talking about.
We have followed the money in this case.

The money goes back to some hidden person/persons/corporation/organization with very, very deep pockets who is paying for the defense of Casey Anthony. The question is WHY?
Has anyone mentioned the possibility that the meter reader simply observed the general area of the site and saw someone/PI videotaping, poking around, etc.? Especially since he suspected something in August, and then the taping took place in November?

If y'all have already discussed this, please link the post here, there is no way I can keep up with anywhere close to reading all the posts on Caylee's forum.
We have followed the money in this case.

The money goes back to some hidden person/persons/corporation/organization with very, very deep pockets who is paying for the defense of Casey Anthony. The question is WHY?

SeriouslySearching (OT)

Sometime I am little dense. Is this what you really think about the money?
Because Cindy said that in the beginning. " follow the money"
Or are you being sarcastic ??? I think it a good question, what did Cindy mean. I not being smart, I love your posts and I would like to know what you really feel about this statement. Or anybody else for that matter. Maybe there thread on this that I miss.
IS the Meter reader not suppose to talk on Friday? He said after the Holiday.
Has anyone mentioned the possibility that the meter reader simply observed the general area of the site and saw someone/PI videotaping, poking around, etc.? Especially since he suspected something in August, and then the taping took place in November?

If y'all have already discussed this, please link the post here, there is no way I can keep up with anywhere close to reading all the posts on Caylee's forum.

I don't believe the had to take a leak story!
Last I heard the Meter Reader is suppose to talk sometime after the holidays.

Thanks, At sitting at the end of my seat. I think Friday the 2nd is after the holidays. But maybe not for all:rolleyes:
Thanks, At sitting at the end of my seat. I think Friday the 2nd is after the holidays. But maybe not for all:rolleyes:

I have a feeling that he might not talk right away. With the questions now coming up about the filming and no body,etc., his lawyer will, I guess, suggest that he wait.
Has anyone mentioned the possibility that the meter reader simply observed the general area of the site and saw someone/PI videotaping, poking around, etc.? Especially since he suspected something in August, and then the taping took place in November?

If y'all have already discussed this, please link the post here, there is no way I can keep up with anywhere close to reading all the posts on Caylee's forum.

I remember that GSJ was at that spot too on Aug 11th - perhaps RK saw them videotaping the area? I think this is the link - if not I'll try to find it - they apparently were led there by Gale's intuition and they also had a dog and handler with them. I don't think the dog showed any interest but I will probably be proven wrong. And I know that this is probably not a reliable source either - but curious.

Here is the link to GSJ website (I'm not posting this as an endorsement or trying to say it's factual)
We have followed the money in this case.

The money goes back to some hidden person/persons/corporation/organization with very, very deep pockets who is paying for the defense of Casey Anthony. The question is WHY?
Ok and that means the MR is involved how?
And if I were to speculate, and I assume that is what we are doing, I would say the someone with deep pockets might be someone wanting in on a book deal or movie deal or groupie or not.
And either way how do you connect that up with a Meter Reader doing his job and looking around and sees a bag in or around a swampy area and calls it in and calls back the next day just to follow up and then meets an officer on the 3rd day and neither of them see the bag and then when he is back on that same route checks it out again in an area that is no longer swampy so he can enter the woods more and finds Caylee. Since she was findable someone was going to find her and it was the MR. Speculating or suggesting that he knew it was Caylee and just letting it ride does not make sense. Maybe when the officer came out and they didn't find the bag that maybe they were weren't in the exact same spot or what the MR thought he saw was nothing but lighting like the faces people are seeing in the released Crime Scene Photos. Just a thought maybe he went back with his life and when was on that route again, looked again.
Again IMO not everyone associated with this case is involved in illegal dealings. IMO for me when I realized that this case was really strange was when the Grandparents overtly and blatantly changed their stories for KC's Defense. And from that point on the Oliver Stone Conspiracy Theory syndrome spread like wild fire.
IMO there is no reason, at this point, to suspect the MR
SeriouslySearching (OT)

Sometime I am little dense. Is this what you really think about the money?
Because Cindy said that in the beginning. " follow the money"
Or are you being sarcastic ??? I think it a good question, what did Cindy mean. I not being smart, I love your posts and I would like to know what you really feel about this statement. Or anybody else for that matter. Maybe there thread on this that I miss.
I don't know nor do I care what Cindy meant about following the money as she is part of the people who have advanced their earnings off other people using the Caylee is Alive theme/scheme (whatever you choose to call it).

There are several ways people have followed the money on this site about this case. I wasn't being sarcastic.

One was the donation money etc. which led to some very interesting places and to my knowledge is still being worked (not here) to decifer if any wrongdoing took place (which the belief by many is it did). This we are not allowed to discuss, however.

The deepest pockets and questions about money comes from who is paying for Casey's defense. The comment was very clear from Dr. Baden's wife about how they are definitely being paid and have signed a confidentiality agreement not to disclose by whom. She also made it crystal clear that it was not Pro Bono work by any of the team.

I would very much like to know why thousands and thousands plus are being thrown at the likes of Casey. It isn't because some Joe Blow believes in her innocence, imo. I don't even believe it has anything to do with Casey at all, but I cannot wrap my mind around spending that kind of money for a return investment of the inside track for later book or movie rights either. It doesn't seem like it would be a large enough payoff in the long run as this trial is going to get very, very expensive before it is all said and done.

Norr is the one who mentioned to "follow the money" and I was simply pointing out the obvious here. The real money is being hemorrhaged from an unknown source in great volumes and poured into defending Casey. WHY?
I don't know nor do I care what Cindy meant about following the money as she is part of the people who have advanced their earnings off other people using the Caylee is Alive theme/scheme (whatever you choose to call it).

There are several ways people have followed the money on this site about this case. I wasn't being sarcastic.

One was the donation money etc. which led to some very interesting places and to my knowledge is still being worked (not here) to decifer if any wrongdoing took place (which the belief by many is it did). This we are not allowed to discuss, however.

The deepest pockets and questions about money comes from who is paying for Casey's defense. The comment was very clear from Dr. Baden's wife about how they are definitely being paid and have signed a confidentiality agreement not to disclose by whom. She also made it crystal clear that it was not Pro Bono work by any of the team.

I would very much like to know why thousands and thousands plus are being thrown at the likes of Casey. It isn't because some Joe Blow believes in her innocence, imo. I don't even believe it has anything to do with Casey at all, but I cannot wrap my mind around spending that kind of money for a return investment of the inside track for later book or movie rights either. It doesn't seem like it would be a large enough payoff in the long run as this trial is going to get very, very expensive before it is all said and done.

Norr is the one who mentioned to "follow the money" and I was simply pointing out the obvious here. The real money is being hemorrhaged from an unknown source in great volumes and poured into defending Casey. WHY?

Another excellent post SS, I've enjoyed your thought process all along.

Who could be doing this? It would have to be a multi-millionaire who stands to make countless millions off of the media blitzkrieg. Perhaps they are basking in the continued drama (Television ratings? Magazine sales? Movie rights?) ...perhaps they have enough control somehow to drag out this nightmare longer than necessary even. At this moment it leads me to the actual "Media" corporations themselves. Though I dont have any idea how.
I'm curious why the meter reader did not, or could not, decribe the "something round and white, and uh I don't know what it is, but it just didn't look like something that should be there..." with any more details. If you don't know what it is - why would you think it shouldn't be there? I guess there was trash in those woods and probably all sorts of things. Did this round white thing look like something a person wouldn't discard? If so, what made it look that way and why didn't he mention that? :waitasec:

Those woods look thick in the crime scene photos and were probably more so back in August. In order to see something on the ground you probably had to be pretty close to it. If you are close to an object you can probably say more about it other than "round and white".

The meter reader seemed vague in a situation that might have been better handled with more specificity.
The meter reader seemed vague in a situation that might have been better handled with more specificity.

I just went back and listened to the 911 calls from 11-13 Aug and it does, IMO, seem as if RK didn't have a good knowledge of the area - I mean, he did not know the name of the school or the roads until the 08/13 call to 911 even though he just read the meter at the school. He did remember that Eastern Diamondback Rattler though pretty clear and was not inclined to go into the woods. I guess he was just jittery - I confess I would be too if I suspected something bad was possibly there - he spoke as if the 911 dispatcher knew instinctively what he (RK) was describing over the phone. I'm curious as to why he didn't call 911 directly the day he found the remains - perhaps he was too shaken up by what he found and better the call come from his supervisor? Just my thoughts. Did I do it the correct way this time?
I remember that GSJ was at that spot too on Aug 11th - perhaps RK saw them videotaping the area? I think this is the link - if not I'll try to find it - they apparently were led there by Gale's intuition and they also had a dog and handler with them. I don't think the dog showed any interest but I will probably be proven wrong. And I know that this is probably not a reliable source either - but curious.

Here is the link to GSJ website (I'm not posting this as an endorsement or trying to say it's factual)

The dog did start breathing harder once they got near the site. In fact the reason they pulled over was because one of the women said that the dog was getting sick. The young guy in the car said he was getting a funny feeling too.

I just went back and listened to the 911 calls from 11-13 Aug and it does, IMO, seem as if RK didn't have a good knowledge of the area - I mean, he did not know the name of the school or the roads until the 08/13 call to 911 even though he just read the meter at the school. He did remember that Eastern Diamondback Rattler though pretty clear and was not inclined to go into the woods. I guess he was just jittery - I confess I would be too if I suspected something bad was possibly there - he spoke as if the 911 dispatcher knew instinctively what he (RK) was describing over the phone. I'm curious as to why he didn't call 911 directly the day he found the remains - perhaps he was too shaken up by what he found and better the call come from his supervisor? Just my thoughts. Did I do it the correct way this time?

He isn't just vague about the streets and specific location - he is vague about what raised his suspicion. That is what makes me curious.

and was not inclined to go into the woods.

The photos seem to show almost a curtain of kudzu concealing the 'inside' of the woods. Like you would have to actually go 'into' the woods to see anything within. Once inside, it's pretty thick. The foliage seems so dense that you don't have a line-of-sight that extends very far. I'm speculating that he had to be pretty close to the round white thing that didn't look like it should be there in order to see it at all and make the determination that it was suspicious. At that point, I think he should have been able to describe it - or at least say why it was something that didn't belong (assuming that assorted trash "does belong" so to speak).

It's curious to me because his vagueness about what he sees almost seems intentional. Like he could have given more detail if he really wanted to.
I don't know nor do I care what Cindy meant about following the money as she is part of the people who have advanced their earnings off other people using the Caylee is Alive theme/scheme (whatever you choose to call it).

There are several ways people have followed the money on this site about this case. I wasn't being sarcastic.

One was the donation money etc. which led to some very interesting places and to my knowledge is still being worked (not here) to decifer if any wrongdoing took place (which the belief by many is it did). This we are not allowed to discuss, however.

The deepest pockets and questions about money comes from who is paying for Casey's defense. The comment was very clear from Dr. Baden's wife about how they are definitely being paid and have signed a confidentiality agreement not to disclose by whom. She also made it crystal clear that it was not Pro Bono work by any of the team.

I would very much like to know why thousands and thousands plus are being thrown at the likes of Casey. It isn't because some Joe Blow believes in her innocence, imo. I don't even believe it has anything to do with Casey at all, but I cannot wrap my mind around spending that kind of money for a return investment of the inside track for later book or movie rights either. It doesn't seem like it would be a large enough payoff in the long run as this trial is going to get very, very expensive before it is all said and done.

Norr is the one who mentioned to "follow the money" and I was simply pointing out the obvious here. The real money is being hemorrhaged from an unknown source in great volumes and poured into defending Casey. WHY?
Thank You, You have answer my question completly. Got you
Maybe the A's were in the backyard talking or on the phone back there and something was mentioned and the meter reader was there to read their meter on the side of the house and overheard? That might be why he got a lawyer not just to prove he wasn't involved but he overheard the info.
He isn't just vague about the streets and specific location - he is vague about what raised his suspicion. That is what makes me curious.

It's curious to me because his vagueness about what he sees almost seems intentional. Like he could have given more detail if he really wanted to.

Perhaps, but if I agree with you I will be accused of speculating without facts. He really did put in a valiant effort to get LE to take him seriously - ya know, I'll bet he was not a bit satisfied with their response on 8/13 when the OCSD deputy came out there and he may even have checked back at that spot a couple of more times after wards - seeing it was on his meter route and all - JMHO - of course :rolleyes:
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