Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Have you had any more contact with any of Coral's family? I know you said her grandmother was uncooporative, but what about siblings or anyone else? I really think the key to solving this is to get some DNA on file...
No, nothing new. I wish there was some news but unfortunatley nothing. I wonder if The Flint Journal is going to do an update in September on the anniversary of her disapearance. It will be 12 years since she has been gone. Quite a long time. And still no trace of her anywhere. Not a single lead. But if the police found out something I doubt they would investigate anyways. It's so frustrating. Thank you Valeriekay for your support and responding to my last post.
There are cold case teams that are investigating cases 40 years old!
This police department has no excuse to not check out any leads on her case, because with the new technology, now is a better tim than ever to investigate these cases.
This is to Amber1, I totally agree with you. But the Flint Police Department have their hands full with murders and drug rings and everything else. And then on top of that their department has had a lot of cuts. I am definately not making excuses for them but with all of that going on they probably won't even look at any new evidence. I wish that they cared half as much as all of you here on websleuths. Then I believe her case would be solved. I wish I could find a way to lite a fire under their a##'s but I don't know how. any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Also I had went on, and Coral is also on their page. Coral's cousin Amanda had posted a message. I met her a couple times when Coral lived on Term st. by my mom's house where I grew up. I posted a message on there letting her know about this website. Amanda, if you read this send me a message. I would love to talk with you about Coral. I loved her very much and still do.
No, nothing new. I wish there was some news but unfortunatley nothing. I wonder if The Flint Journal is going to do an update in September on the anniversary of her disapearance. It will be 12 years since she has been gone. Quite a long time. And still no trace of her anywhere. Not a single lead. But if the police found out something I doubt they would investigate anyways. It's so frustrating. Thank you Valeriekay for your support and responding to my last post.

Hi Melissa

I just read through this whole case on this thread anf find the whole story very sad. It seems Coral was not only abandoned in life, but also since she's been missing. I am glad you have posted here as being her BF I can see how much you care by what you post. You Make a great point in your quote regarding the Flint Journal, whether they will do an update on the anniversary - So my suggestion is why don't you email theperson who wrote the previous articles and ask thet very question. It might just take you asking to be the spark that causes them to write an article. I live on the other side of the world and Coral's case has touched me, so I cannot imagine what it's like for you, but I'm so glad you're hanging in there and fighting for coral.
Dental: Charting available and entered
DNA: Sample submitted-test not complete
Fingerprints: NA

This month marks 12 years that Coral has been missing. Come home soon.

ETA: On NamUs there is contact info for a man with local LE, looks like they are working Coral's case now.
That makes me so happy to hear. Maybe they finally realized that she wasn't going to be forgotten.
Today marks the twelveth year my dearest friend Coral has been missing. It is really hard for me today to do anything. She has constantly been on my mind. I did not reach the journalist that had written the articles about Coral. By the time I had read the last posts he wouldn't have had time to get the article out. But then again, I haven't read the paper yet either so he possibly could have done one anyways. I also went onto Namus and looked at her page and it has Greg Hosmer listed as the person working on her case. That is the same detective that has been investigating. He might have done a little digging a couple years age but I doubt he still is working on her case. He probably wouldn't even remember her name if you asked him. I am sure that everyone who cared for Coral has been thinking of her too today. It is so sad that she is gone, probably forever, and it seems like it will stay that way. Maybe someday she will be found, that is my hope. I miss her every day. I will always have her in my heart, never to be forgotten. I love you Coral and always will.
Oh Melissa -((((((hugs))))))) I've thought of Coral recently. I pray she is out there safe and is looking for the courage to come forward.... Whatever has happened the answers are out there and Coral knows she is loved. You've been a wonderful friend to her. We've been blessed to have you here at WS sharing what you knew of her and allowing all of us to know Coral a bit better.

As for the DNA.... I dunno. Perhaps her grandmother is leary. DNA for missing persons is entirely different than criminal cases. What they would need is female family members. Closer the better, such as her half sister, any female siblings her mother had, female cousins... Should any of Corals female family members come forward, we can arrange this without them 'identifying themself' publically here at WS.

We will continue to pray for answers regarding Corals disappearance. And you too. Coral was/is lucky to have a friend like you.

-hugs and prayers

Thank you Cubby, I'm glad to hear you haven't forgotten Coral. You haven't posted on her page in a while. About the DNA, I went on Namus and looked at her page and is said for DNA "sample submitted, tests not complete" something like that. I just wonder who it was. But I think it's great that someone in her family decided to do it. I ended up emailing Ron Fonger, the journalist from the Flint Journal who wrote the articles about Coral, I asked him if he would write an article about her so she wouldn't be forgotten. He responded and said he would be willing to write another article if he had new information on her case. I wrote him back telling him about the DNA submitted on namus and then asked him if CPS ever released Coral's records and if they had anything to do with her disappearance. I also asked him if he knew what the result were for her grandma's lie detecter test the police gave her a year or two ago. I also mentioned the two men that were living with Coral and her grandma at the time she went missing. If the police got their names and questioned them. I also asked him to speak with Greg Hosmer, the dective on her case, and see if he would give him any new information. Hopefully Ron will do a little digging and maybe find some ner info and write an article about Coral. I just don't want her to be forgotten and swept under the rug like so many other people that have went missing from Flint.
Excellent job with the information and line of questioning you provided to Ron Funger. Hopefully he will pursue those avenues with LE.

I went back and looked again at Corals NamUs page. LE did an excellent job at entering Corals data into NamUs. Not many missing persons cases have 4 out of 5 star rankings on NamUs - many have so few details they have none or one star. In addition to DNA being submitted - tests not complete (which means we don't know where the DNA process stands but it has been started) LE has also her dental records available. I can't tell you how often we have to work just to get the dna and dentals on MP's, it is a good thing that is checked off the to do list for Corals case.

Often, LE isn't responsive to civilians like ourselves who are not direct players such as family in a case. And there are times family does not wish to participate in online discussions such as this or seek the assistance of advocates for the missing like ourselves. It doesn't mean they are not working on resolution directly with LE themselves... and LE can't give us that info. It is a positive Corals NamUs page is so complete and of course the door is always open to any assistance her family may request from us here at WS or if Coral herself is out there and aware of this page and would like to come forward. We are victims advocates here so we are advocating for both Coral and her family as well as justice for those responsible for any harm to Coral if she is no longer able to speak for herself.

Sometimes cases have luls when there is no new news to report. However Coral is never far from my mind and if I come across any info which may be related to her case I will certainly share it.

Giant Hugs to you Melissa. Now a little OT. I have a friend, who is here locally not far from my residence in the Chicago Metro area. He and his family had at one time owned a business not far from where Coral disappeared. I mentioned her to him within the last few weeks asking if he knew where the tavern was she was last seen near. He was very familiar with the tavern... and while it may be something very small, at least that is one more person aware of Corals case who still has some friends he is in contact with in MI. Not in the immediate area from where Coral went missing, but in the general area.....

hugs friend.

Thank you Cubby, for all the help with Coral's case, and your kind words. It means a lot to me that you are still helping with Coral's case. Even something as small as asking your friend about his old business in that area.
Still no response from Ron Fonger, I am hoping he contacts L.E. and they are cooperative. I wish he would at least write me back and let me know. He is probably busy and will get back with me when he can. I am glad to hear that NamUs has a lot of information on Coral's case. That is definatly a good thing! I hope that her family is continuing to keep in contact with the police and help in any way they can to find Coral. I just wish there was something else I could do to help.

Friday, October 01, 2010, 1:37 PM

Police, friends keep hoping but fear the worst in search for missing Flint woman

In the last year, Hosmer said, DNA samples have been taken from Hall's surviving grandmother -- something that could help with the identification of a body in the future. Hosmer said the only other development recently came in an e-mail from a man who included a picture of a young woman on a bed that the writer said resembled Hall.

Hosmer said police don't believe the woman was Hall.

More info at link (very good coverage on tips so far)
Excellent job with the information and line of questioning you provided to Ron Funger. Hopefully he will pursue those avenues with LE.

I went back and looked again at Corals NamUs page. LE did an excellent job at entering Corals data into NamUs. Not many missing persons cases have 4 out of 5 star rankings on NamUs - many have so few details they have none or one star. In addition to DNA being submitted - tests not complete (which means we don't know where the DNA process stands but it has been started) LE has also her dental records available. I can't tell you how often we have to work just to get the dna and dentals on MP's, it is a good thing that is checked off the to do list for Corals case.

Often, LE isn't responsive to civilians like ourselves who are not direct players such as family in a case. And there are times family does not wish to participate in online discussions such as this or seek the assistance of advocates for the missing like ourselves. It doesn't mean they are not working on resolution directly with LE themselves... and LE can't give us that info. It is a positive Corals NamUs page is so complete and of course the door is always open to any assistance her family may request from us here at WS or if Coral herself is out there and aware of this page and would like to come forward. We are victims advocates here so we are advocating for both Coral and her family as well as justice for those responsible for any harm to Coral if she is no longer able to speak for herself.

Sometimes cases have luls when there is no new news to report. However Coral is never far from my mind and if I come across any info which may be related to her case I will certainly share it.

Giant Hugs to you Melissa. Now a little OT. I have a friend, who is here locally not far from my residence in the Chicago Metro area. He and his family had at one time owned a business not far from where Coral disappeared. I mentioned her to him within the last few weeks asking if he knew where the tavern was she was last seen near. He was very familiar with the tavern... and while it may be something very small, at least that is one more person aware of Corals case who still has some friends he is in contact with in MI. Not in the immediate area from where Coral went missing, but in the general area.....

hugs friend.


I went back to recheck and see if test results have been completed yet and was mildly surprised to see that the detective in charge actually has his email entered into the database on Coral's profile. To me that is promising in light of how many DET dont' include a direct phone line to them much less a personal email. I'm encouraged IMHO.
I don't get the paper, so I went online and read the article that Ron Fonger wrote about Coral today. Ron called me Thursday Sept. 30th. He asked me again if I had any new info, which I don't. He told me he spoke to Greg Hosmer and Greg told him, as written in the article, that a man had emailed him talking about a photo he sent with it saying that it looked like Coral. He did not investigate because he thought that the guy was crazy or something like that. Also he told Ron that Lois Janish, Coral's grandma, flunked her lie detector test. But because she is old and crazy, they did not persue it further. Which totally pisses me off because I knew she knows something! I am the one that told them they needed to give it to her. And then they do, she fails it, and they do nothing about it! Crazy or not if you are lying, you are lying! The lie dector test is not biast. But I am just so glad that with a little bit of prying I got Coral another article in the paper. It is short but enough to let people know we aren't going to just sit back and forget about her. Also if you get some time you should go to the article, there were two comments about Coral's article. I was upset to read them. Both of them were nothing but negative. Saying things like, well what about all the other little girls that have went missing from Flint since Coral dissapeared? And stuff like that. I can't remember exactly what was posted. You can check it out if you want. Anyways, I decided to post a comment too, which you can also read if you wanted to now my response. Lol, I was not nice! With all that said, I know it's kinda jumbled a bit but, so much to say in such a short space. If you want me to clarify anything just ask. I'm sure I left some details out. But yay! They are still keeping her in the spotlight a little bit. Any suggestions whould be great. Thank you friends here at websleuths!
I have been in contact with the dectective Greg Hosmer for almost a week now via email. I asked him about the two men that suposidly lived with Coral and her grandma at the time and he said that Lois never said that there were two men living with them. But I know that she said that because those were the men that she said might have taken Coral to California. Maybe Lois never said that directly to Greg Hosmer. I also mentioned Linda Coral's godmother. She was the one who called me asking if I had seen or heard from Coral when she went missing. I asked if he ever contacted her and he said he couldn't locate her. So little ol me, I did some digging and found two in the state that she lives in now and emailed them to Greg Hosmer. He still has not checked them. I sent him another email asking him about Coral going to DHS. Why she went and if it was related to her case. Hopefully he will do his job and work on Coral's case. I will keep persuing every avenue to find justice for Coral.
So I emailed him asking if he checked those Linda's and he said no. The I emailied him again and asked him if he wanted me to contact the one with a phone number and he could do the one without because I know the police can access her number if they want to. Greg Hosmer said quote "If you do locate her, and she has information, she can call me at 810 237-6945. Sgt. Hosmer" That was all he said. And he did respond to me asking about Coral's DHS records. This is what he said quote "I do have those reports, but I cannot discuss the contents." So I emailed him back and this is what I said! quote, "I understand that you cannot discuss that information with me I just wanted to make sure that you did get those files and pursued any of the leads that came about from what she was reporting. Did you? And with the Linda, are you saying yes, you want me to call, or basically you aren't going to do it? I don't know how serious you are in finding my friend but I assure you I'm not going anywhere. I will not stop doing everything I can to find my friend. I have been trying to find her for 12 years. What if this was your daughter? I just hope you are doing everything you can too. " Was I too forward? lol. I feel like Greg Hosmer is doing a poor job on Coral's case. I put information right in his lap and he can't put down his doughnut and coffee long enough to make a few phone calls? He needs to step it up. If I can do all this digging that's easy to find what is he doing all day? I understand he may have other cases but I thought with me bugging him he might spent SOME time on Coral's case. oooooooooooohh he really is pissin me off!!!! What else can I do to get him more motivated? HELP!!! :furious:
So I emailed him asking if he checked those Linda's and he said no. The I emailied him again and asked him if he wanted me to contact the one with a phone number and he could do the one without because I know the police can access her number if they want to. Greg Hosmer said quote "If you do locate her, and she has information, she can call me at 810 237-6945. Sgt. Hosmer" That was all he said. And he did respond to me asking about Coral's DHS records. This is what he said quote "I do have those reports, but I cannot discuss the contents." So I emailed him back and this is what I said! quote, "I understand that you cannot discuss that information with me I just wanted to make sure that you did get those files and pursued any of the leads that came about from what she was reporting. Did you? And with the Linda, are you saying yes, you want me to call, or basically you aren't going to do it? I don't know how serious you are in finding my friend but I assure you I'm not going anywhere. I will not stop doing everything I can to find my friend. I have been trying to find her for 12 years. What if this was your daughter? I just hope you are doing everything you can too. " Was I too forward? lol. I feel like Greg Hosmer is doing a poor job on Coral's case. I put information right in his lap and he can't put down his doughnut and coffee long enough to make a few phone calls? He needs to step it up. If I can do all this digging that's easy to find what is he doing all day? I understand he may have other cases but I thought with me bugging him he might spent SOME time on Coral's case. oooooooooooohh he really is pissin me off!!!! What else can I do to get him more motivated? HELP!!! :furious:

I have been lurking on this site for awhile and never have replied to a post, but,your post stirred me. I work in law enforcement as a civillian employee. I admire your search for your friend greatly, and am on your side. However my dad is a retired lawyer, I have a Masters, work for a police department, and know there is certain information out there that due to law you are not entitled to. Everyday I encounter people that just want answers and due to the law are not entitled to them. Don't be quick to pass blame on your main source of information.

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