MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #5

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Edit: <in reference to other Farmington Hills case that someone above asked about that I obviously did not quote properly>

Starting to second guess this. I really wonder if LE isn't being straight with the public because they deliberately want to keep it under control. Think about it...

She told her sister she was home but subsequently ended up on a roof dead with nothing but weed in her system. Her car was parked in the lot with her purse and ID in it and her keys and phone were found elsewhere. LE said they still didn't know how she actually got up there and they released the autopsy findings in the midst of the DS disappearance. Her family said maybe she had gone to Petsmart to get her cats some stuff...

Where did DS buy her cat's food from? Was it Petsmart? Did she maybe see something that day in September? Is that why she was going to stay at her friend's house? Maybe she knew the alleged POI had ties to law enforcement and she had told him something about the other case. Her car was found in a parking lot, with purse and ID inside and phone and keys missing. Maybe that's why they're really stressing the keys being found. The keys being found at Home Depot helped resolve that other case. Or maybe like others have suggested, she was some type of informant and there was some type of recording device in that smoke filter keychain that may lead to whoever took her. Maybe POI was her contact and isn't really a suspect... maybe the whole "not cooperating" thing is just a media ploy on behalf of LE to deflect from their true interest. Maybe they were looking in that area for the keychain and just FG is working WITH them in some capacity.

That house that was searched appears to be a 3 block straight shot from a relative of the other girl. That seems like a very bizarre coincidence. Maybe there's someone in that neighborhood both girls had in common and LE is using the local dude with public safety work ties to be able to search the immediate vicinity without causing alarm. MAYBE FG is taking one for the team and that's why his FB got shut down and he's been keeping his mouth shut. And maybe that's why he hasn't been officially named as a POI.

I'm telling you, something is really not right about this whole thing. These situations are soooo similar, even down to both girls failing to show up for a scheduled work shift the next morning. They publicly release the autopsy results after people started speculating as to whether the two cases might be linked. It wouldn't be the first time LE has withheld info to preserve the related investigation. Compressive asphyxia can be the result of a tragic accident but it can also be caused by someone else. The potential fact that there may be a connection between the two cases would help explain why so many agencies got involved immediately after Danielle was reported missing.
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His wife comes back. Asks what's up with the DS situation. FG makes a full confession to his wife and pleads with her not to turn him in. Maybe he notes that he's a black male who'll be dealt with extra harshly & not be given any breaks by the criminal justice system and public opinion. His wife thinks it over, and they get a lawyer together and decide to keep quiet and wait it out.

if they do eventually bust him, he can still explain what happened, and a good ME should be able to back-up his story. Depending on how much time has passed before the ME gets to do his or her thing.

How do we know FG is black? Assumption based on his name? Or was it confirmed?
I'm not sure what's happening in these threads but the theories seem to be getting more and more outlandish. I've been reading and scrolling and have given up contributing because the fact-based theories seem to be being glossed over and I'm not sure why.

There are an infinite number of possibilities for what happened to Dani. Yes, we could spend our time listing every single one (it seems we are heading down that road), but surely on a fact based forum, what we should be concentrating on are those that fit with the facts we currently have?

Yes, Danielle could have been an informant. But where is any single fact to suggest this?

Yes, Danielle could have been using hard drugs but where is any single fact to suggest this? In fact, we have quite the opposite: a statement from a verified insider to say it's probable that she smoked infrequently and recreationally, but she absolutely wasn't taking hard drugs.

Yes, Danielle could have been trafficked, but where is any single fact to suggest this? In fact, we have had people stating time and time again that Dani does not fit the profile of someone who would be trafficked.

I understand that people will have their theories and will sleuth their theories. But, this is a FACT. BASED. FORUM.

I have seen a number of people dismissing the person whose house was searched because he doesn't fit a theory or a view of what a perp is. I find this extraordinary. The age of anti intellectualism is well and truly upon us. We are so mistrusting of LE that we would prefer to opine our own theories than believe they might have someone in their sights?

It might turn out this guy isn't the guy. It might turn out he's got a lodger. They may have closed down their security on Facebook for a different reason. But for now, we have to deal with the facts we've got. Until the next lot of facts come along.

I feel really upset that Holocene has been driven off the forum because people won't accept his statements about Dani and her character/actions. If we won't accept his view, what are we waiting to accept? The crime to slot our theory exactly? Anything else will be dismissed?

I'm also out of the thread to reading rights until more facts are released. I just wanted to insert this as a prompt that theories don't trump facts and when a verified insider is dismissed in the way Holocene has been, it's a dangerous slope into conspiracy postings for this (one more time) fact based forum.

EXACTLY and thank you.
I cannot believe Danielle has not been found. I had hoped someone had cracked by now.

I did have a weird experience earlier today. I saw a young woman who looked like Danielle. At least 99% it wasn't Dani. But, it sure did look like her. She was holding a sign that read "Trying To Go Home" and it broke my heart. It's a very busy intersection coming out of Wal-Mart and onto a major highway. I didn't have much cash and I wasn't in the lane closest to where she was standing, but I called out to her and gave her the little cash I had in my purse - only $2 and some change. I told her I didn't have much to give her, but I started crying as I told her to go home to her mother, please!!!! Tears welled in her eyes too. Oh my gosh! I feel I should have done so much more. She was clean. Her clothes were clean. She had a little makeup on. Sorry for being off topic mods! I just thought of Danielle immediately when I saw this young woman! I wish it had been her.

Where is Dani??

That is interesting. I find myself looking at people's faces more now that resemble her instead of just passing by them. The other day I was at the gym and normally wouldn't actually look at people's faces as I walk by or do my thing. I found myself turning to look at them. Then I think "would she really just be moving about her daily business in a city so close to home and expect nobody to recognize her?" I'm sure crazier things have happened. But I feel I'm more aware now and looking at people especially when in busy areas like Detroit.

I wonder how many missing people could possibly be seen but aren't recognized bc ppl aren't aware or actually paid attention to flyers? (Just thinking to myself). Or when I see posters for "wanted" people I don't think I could ever connect them without having the picture always in front of me.

Let's hope for a happy 2017.

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Say DS were getting prescription pain-killers after her surgery and throughout her rehab. Eventually, the doctor cuts her off. Maybe she goes back to him when the ankle/leg acts up, and he writes her a one-time, "NO REFILLS", 30 day supply. Maybe she doctor shops a bit. Who knows.

Lower leg injuries, especially foot/ankle, are insanely difficult to ever get to heal completely. And if you're an active person, hiking, biking, running etc, you can re-aggravate the previous injury from time to time and experience the pain you thought you'd left behind.
This is absolutely a possibility no matter how the family of DS perceived her. There are many many people who have to live with pain,( myself being one of them) who no longer have access to pain meds.

Such people go to work and hold a full time job, have money in the bank and show no signs of being an 'addict' and when I say addict, I don't mean that in a junkie kind of way.

Many bad things could happen with a possible purchase I dunno but my mind still goes back to a possible scenario that DS willing went somewhere with somebody in someone's car planning to return to IG but never made it.

As for being an informant I find that too crazy to comprehend....

Ah I hope something happens soon for her family- it's like torture for them I can imagine.
I feel really upset that Holocene has been driven off the forum because people won't accept his statements about Dani and her character/actions. If we won't accept his view, what are we waiting to accept? The crime to slot our theory exactly? Anything else will be dismissed?

I'm also out of the thread to reading rights until more facts are released. I just wanted to insert this as a prompt that theories don't trump facts and when a verified insider is dismissed in the way Holocene has been, it's a dangerous slope into conspiracy postings for this (one more time) fact based forum.
I know exactly how you feel. For me, everything points to FG as the POI, even if we don't have all of the details yet. We, the public, probably won't have all of the details until there's a trial. The forensic evidence will tell the true story; any story FG tells will be designed to minimize his culpability. I would rather see LE do a thorough job than a rush job. I want to see an arrest without bail, an error-free discovery process and trial, and a life sentence.

the most reprinted cartoon in the history of new yorker cartoons (which I don't get the joke in half of those new yorker cartoons, and the other half I don't even bother to read)

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[ Not saying DS is somehow a "dog" or in any way not a great person. just supporting the salience of jdj125's good-to-remember when sleuthing-via-social-media point. ]

Lol...you get me :)
I'm also spending countless hours.

I deleted my post because I thought I'd just leave things. I said what I wanted to say; it wasn't meant to start an argument, it was intended to inject a bit of reality into this.

Offensive is suggesting Dani was into heroin, addicted to painkillers or an informant based on factual information of none, IMO.

The facts are thin, I agree. I disagree that this should mean we make our own up.

No that's sleuthing and theorizing.
I know exactly how you feel. For me, everything points to FG as the POI, even if we don't have all of the details yet. We, the public, probably won't have all of the details until there's a trial. The forensic evidence will tell the true story; any story FG tells will be designed to minimize his culpability. I would rather see LE do a thorough job than a rush job. I want to see an arrest without bail, an error-free discovery process and trial, and a life sentence.

Dear Ozoner,

I absolutely agree with this.

In my experience when the L.E. are keeping information to themselves it is likely that they are building a case.

I want them to cross all their t's and dot their i's.

I am hoping and praying that the L.E. soon arrests someone and has answers to what happened to this
beautiful young woman.

Sending prayers to Danielle's family and friends at this difficult time.

Praying that the L.E. have enough information to break this case and soon.
Just as an FYI to newbies, and no offense to Holocene...

The standard blurb on WS when announcing someone has been verified includes "you can choose whether or not to believe him/her".

Verified insiders are often so close to the victim, or the accused, that they see the person through rose colored glasses and have trouble being objective. Certainly they lend insight into the person and facts which may not be public, but posters are not expected to take take their statements as irrefutable fact. And most VIs drop out after awhile because the theorizing is too difficult for them.

And it is not unusual for the resolution of a case to surprise even the VIs. (i can think of a couple off the top of my head).

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Kind of a disturbing thought ahead so please beware.....

Can anybody local say which day is trash day in POI's neighborhood?

Sorry :(

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Regarding the Berkley home -Do we have additional information regarding the homeowner ? To my knowledge so far all we have reported is the homeowner is a security guard . And that he works at ML or worked at ML. At that this person is no longer active on SM.

The neighbor can't even say who has been living there and said it could even be renters. When he was interviewed by Fox 2 News they reported that he believed the home searched was a rental property. He said he knew a couple had lived there, but believed they had moved out and he now had “no idea… who lives there now.”

Fact - We do know the home was searched in connection of the disappearance of DS and items were removed.

The only item I can confirm removed so far was a mattress.



Kind of a disturbing thought ahead so please beware.....

Can anybody local say which day is trash day in POI's neighborhood?

Sorry :(

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It's on the Berkley Facebook page as people in Berkley were checking because of holidays.
12 agencies at the start... Including DEA, Sonic and the really questionable Department of Corrections... And now, it's silent. I think it's about paragraph 5 in this article... Far fetched? Maybe not


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I know there's stuff that cannot be mentioned here, but my first impression of Danielle missing, leaving work early for a dinner date was: "someone" on the INSIDE is working with "someone" on the OUTSIDE, who may be from Danielle's work?? maybe. It has been speculated Danielle was scheduled to appear at an upcoming trial. Both what could she know? We cannot speak of this, no?


Tuesday - 11 Mile to 12 Mile, between Coolidge & Woodward
Friday - 11 Mile to Webster, between Greenfield & Coolidge

The POI's address is Friday pickup. I was thinking that thanksgiving would have pushed that out one more day but that would have happened the weekend prior. So that theory is a little less now unless...yea sorry.

I also keep going back to the fact that POI's spouse came home and cops came back immediately. Did she find something wrong in the house?

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ADMIN NOTE: There's no shame in silently recognizing when it's time for YOU to step away from a case. The solution is simple. Stop reading the thread and move on to another one. But please don't discourage those who still are interested.


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