MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #7

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Again, this goes back to her either giving him a ride home because she felt bad for him, or maybe he asked her to come visit his sick wife. My biggest guess is the first. He conned her into a ride.

But someone said she was a strong woman. Would it be difficult to con a strong independent woman into a ride when she had plans that were the opposite direction? I suppose she could be a "people pleaser" and have a difficult time saying "no". People can appear stronger than they truly are, no doubt. It's hard to tell for sure. I feel awful this is all happening.
First time poster, long time reader. I have a family member that lives in IGA and for the past 20+ minutes a helicopter has been circling the complex. There are nearby express ways so there is always the possibility of an accident that they are watching, but where my family member is located in the complex, they say it is pretty clear to be circling the complex. They can not see DS building from their location but is going to try to travel that way to see what they can see. They said when DS first went missing they did this as well. Just mentioning it.

Has anything come of this since you posted about it this morning? Is there any other activity? Thanks!
I have a quick OT question about navigating WS...is there a way for me to flag posts for myself so I can go and look at them? Like a way to favorite something? And if people say "that was discussed in #300 of thread 2, is there a faster way to find it than clicking through pages?

Thanks! I have been here for a while but still don't know about shortcuts if there are any.
Has anything come of this since you posted about it this morning? Is there any other activity? Thanks!

I was wondering the same thing. When I lived at IG we saw cameras overhead daily. Local news likes to broadcast images over freeway 275 and I 96 both in the immediate area. I think if the copters continued to focus on that immediate area we would have received an update. I'll be interested in hearing int he morning.
But someone said she was a strong woman. Would it be difficult to con a strong independent woman into a ride when she had plans that were the opposite direction? I suppose she could be a "people pleaser" and have a difficult time saying "no". It's hard to tell for sure. I feel awful this is all happening.

Going strictly by my strong independent daughters. If the person was an acquaintance yes they would. If their hinky meter went off absolutely no and they might not mention to anyone the person gives them the creeps, but they would try avoiding them.

Everybody's hinky meter is different though, 1 of my daughters is far stronger then the other ones. But people can be pretty good at the beginning of keeping other people's hinky meters low. My daughter with the strong one, fun, outgoing, wears heart on her sleeve, and would do any acquaintance a favor. The other one is more reserved and a bit more picky on doing favors, but is way more fooled by people.
I think that because it is human trafficking awareness month that DS family is coupling themselves up with this and the events and speakers as another Avenue to get her name out there and also bring attention to victims of HT but it's also a good move from a PR perspective as promoting events and talking pubicly with people speaking on human trafficking is a way to keep danielle name in the media. It's not uncommon in high profile missing persons cases for the family to connect themselves with causes to keep their loved ones name in the media while also fighting to help others who are lost or have lost loved ones. I don't mean this to sound negative either lol, don't want to sound like I think her family is piggybacking on the spotlight on human trafficking month, just that it is a good way to get her name staying in the media and spotlighting the horrors of people being taken against their will which is something DS has in common with victims of human trafficking
I have a quick OT question about navigating WS...is there a way for me to flag posts for myself so I can go and look at them? Like a way to favorite something? And if people say "that was discussed in #300 of thread 2, is there a faster way to find it than clicking through pages?

Thanks! I have been here for a while but still don't know about shortcuts if there are any.

If you click the number on the post, it makes a link to that specific post, so you could click on the number and then make a bookmark to it. '

Searching for posts is easier for me if I change my settings to 100 posts per page in the General Settings area.
I think that because it is human trafficking awareness month that DS family is coupling themselves up with this and the events and speakers as another Avenue to get her name out there and also bring attention to victims of HT but it's also a good move from a PR perspective as promoting events and talking pubicly with people speaking on human trafficking is a way to keep danielle name in the media. It's not uncommon in high profile missing persons cases for the family to connect themselves with causes to keep their loved ones name in the media while also fighting to help others who are lost or have lost loved ones. I don't mean this to sound negative either lol, don't want to sound like I think her family is piggybacking on the spotlight on human trafficking month, just that it is a good way to get her name staying in the media and spotlighting the horrors of people being taken against their will which is something DS has in common with victims of human trafficking

Excellent points. They do a remarkable PR job and have probably been coached by people who are far more experienced with these situations than most of us here. (Senators, congressman, missing people organizations...) Like I said earlier, I am reminded of Beth Holloway who managed to have what seemed like 10 years of Nancy Grace Coverage. They could be stuck in the middle too, having the police discouraging them from media interviews, but still understandably wanting to maintain DS name out there! Local media WILL cover National Trafficking Month and DS will probably be mentioned. I'm not sold on the trafficking theory mainly because her purse was no tampered with. That is as unlikely as placing chocolate on the seat beside me and having any of it remaining when I returned home. It just doesn't seem plausible.
There's been a lot of talk about the wording used during the press conference. Particularly, her dad saying "her kind nature got her into this" and then her mother's statement of "we don't care why she's missing, we just want her back." People have been reading into those two things a lot. I just took her mom's to mean that she was exasperated with the "she's so helpful, you know she helped someone she shouldn't have" comments and just wanted to make it clear that she didn't give a rats rear end WHY she went missing, she just wants her home. As in, she'd grown tired of talking/hearing about the why's and just wants her girl back. Nothing cryptic. That's just my take, it's been interesting to see other's take on it for sure!

The literature student/teacher in me is always considering the "tragic flaw" in missing person cases (or other crimes). Each case becomes an unfolding story with assorted main and less significant characters, twists and turns as the plot unfolds, an ending that, in many cases, isn't the happy conclusion we'd like.

Tragic flaw is a literary device that can be defined as a trait in a character leading to his downfall and the character is often the hero of the literary piece. This trait could be the lack of self-knowledge, lack of judgment and often it is hubris (pride).

I remember thinking about "tragic flaw" specifically when Mr. Stislicki made the comment about Danielle's helpful nature. How absolutely horrible it would be if being caring, compassionate, generous, kind, thoughtful became a "tragic flaw" if this missing person case turns out the way many do!
I think that because it is human trafficking awareness month that DS family is coupling themselves up with this and the events and speakers as another Avenue to get her name out there and also bring attention to victims of HT but it's also a good move from a PR perspective as promoting events and talking pubicly with people speaking on human trafficking is a way to keep danielle name in the media. It's not uncommon in high profile missing persons cases for the family to connect themselves with causes to keep their loved ones name in the media while also fighting to help others who are lost or have lost loved ones. I don't mean this to sound negative either lol, don't want to sound like I think her family is piggybacking on the spotlight on human trafficking month, just that it is a good way to get her name staying in the media and spotlighting the horrors of people being taken against their will which is something DS has in common with victims of human trafficking

One thing worth adding. It might be the same PR skills that entitled them to a vigil attended by key players that is responsible for 12 agencies showing up off the bat. People knew people, calls were placed, hype was created. Some of these responding agencies may have not provided a "full time presence" but they did something to help determine if she left on her own volition or if she was taken against her will. Kudos to smart people!
The literature student/teacher in me is always considering the "tragic flaw" in missing person cases (or other crimes). Each case becomes an unfolding story with assorted main and less significant characters, twists and turns as the plot unfolds, an ending that, in many cases, isn't the happy conclusion we'd like.

Tragic flaw is a literary device that can be defined as a trait in a character leading to his downfall and the character is often the hero of the literary piece. This trait could be the lack of self-knowledge, lack of judgment and often it is hubris (pride).

I remember thinking about "tragic flaw" specifically when Mr. Stislicki made the comment about Danielle's helpful nature. How absolutely horrible it would be if being caring, compassionate, generous, kind, thoughtful became a "tragic flaw" if this missing person case turns out the way many do![/QUOTe

But tragic flaw can also be a person who exhibits courage in a time of danger. And it is possible that this more uplifting definition could define a happy ending! I probably could have grandchildren not much younger than you but it seems intros "good old days" you could have a tragic hero in the absence of the downhill spin. At least I like tho think that!
The I.D. in the purse would be quite valuable if H.T. was involved i.e. manipulating the information in the I.D. to create false one
During the Chelsea Bruck case, which was another local case, her mother maintained hope she was alive and was possibly involved in sex trafficking and would come home soon one day. I believe it may be a way for families to hold on the hope that their baby girl is still out there somewhere and will return to them.

Here's the article of her quote if anyone wants it:

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And did they need reasonable evidence to do the 1st search. I have a limited legal background (Business Law 150 & 151 M.S.U.) and the laws have probably been rewritten 10 times since those good OLD days! If they did need "evidence" as the police put it "evidence and information leading us to say a crime was committed" what evidence could it have INITIALLY been, bearing surveillance video?

Judges can issue and likely mostly issue warrants with defined parameters in terms of what can be searched and then usually a pre-delineated list of what can be seized. The latter can be generalized to items like "computer equipment".

One possibility is that LE had some nexus between either DS and FG's vehicles or FG and DS's vehicle which they took to the judge to get warrants.

They appear to have had permission from the judge from the get-go to seize FG's vehicles/vehicles he had access to.

So the judge might've issued a warrant that

(i) allowed LE to immediately seize FG's vehicles and take them in for processing;

(ii) do a thorough "search" of the Oxford house, but nothing (obvious) would or could be seized--unless the police during that initial search hit upon evidence of a crime being committed at that location (.e.g, blood).

Course, as soon as the police Luminol up some blood that seems to indicate a crime occurred (splatter on a wall, or carpet or wherever), the entire process changes and they can either proceed under in plain sight/open and obvious/whatever rules to seize relevant items; or simply call a judge and relay what they found and get an expanded warrant issued immediately. [might even be an app for that at this point j/k (close tho)]

Mobile crime van + dogs were reported at the Oxford house the first week after DS went missing.

which that they waited or had to come back later to seize the mattress (possibly other items as well) suggests they found no easily discernible by trained crime-scene techs evidence of a crime while on location.

Once back at the lab, they managed to find something and used that to get a warrant to seize the mattress? Maybe. Or maybe they got further evidence from another source that caused them to bounce back for the mattress.

It's all a mystery.
The literature student/teacher in me is always considering the "tragic flaw" in missing person cases (or other crimes). Each case becomes an unfolding story with assorted main and less significant characters, twists and turns as the plot unfolds, an ending that, in many cases, isn't the happy conclusion we'd like.

Tragic flaw is a literary device that can be defined as a trait in a character leading to his downfall and the character is often the hero of the literary piece. This trait could be the lack of self-knowledge, lack of judgment and often it is hubris (pride).

I remember thinking about "tragic flaw" specifically when Mr. Stislicki made the comment about Danielle's helpful nature. How absolutely horrible it would be if being caring, compassionate, generous, kind, thoughtful became a "tragic flaw" if this missing person case turns out the way many do![/QUOTe

But tragic flaw can also be a person who exhibits courage in a time of danger. And it is possible that this more uplifting definition could define a happy ending! I probably could have grandchildren not much younger than you but it seems intros "good old days" you could have a tragic hero in the absence of the downhill spin. At least I like tho think that!

Not sure what my age has to do with it :waitasec: I have teenage grandchildren.
They are going to FB live stream the vigil.
The I.D. in the purse would be quite valuable if H.T. was involved i.e. manipulating the information in the I.D. to create false one

It's so difficult for me to digest the feasibility of Human Trafficking on several fronts. Not only was the purse left untampered, but why why why would you kidnap an individual "here" and drive their car "there". It could double the risk of being seen. For this reason a crime of passion in a heated moment appears far more plausible. The crime could necessitate the relocation of the car rather be part of a premeditated plan. And returning the car could be a manifestation of wanting to get "everything back to how it once was" because the perpetrator was dissatisfied with his actions. I have said all along, here resides a huge clue... the car.
Is anyone else curious about why Fox2 (Detroit) is the only local media group that has reported on the "new" developments in the case? I never watch Fox2 and wouldn't know about updates in the case if not for Webseluths. My regular local sources for news are WDIV (Channel 4), The Detroit News, WWJ radio, and Oakland Press. Few, if any, updates in the case by these local media organizations for more than two weeks; I know, because I check each of them daily.

I was wondering that too. Is it possible that LE shut down some stations because they showed the address of SG and therefore could have really hurt their investigation or potentially put DS in danger?

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During the Chelsea Bruck case, which was another local case, her mother maintained hope she was alive and was possibly involved in sex trafficking and would come home soon one day. I believe it may be a way for families to hold on the hope that their baby girl is still out there somewhere and will return to them.

Here's the article of her quote if anyone wants it:

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Right on! And you can not blame families for any trick their minds might play on them. Sometimes we have to believe what we have to believe. Survival, ya know.
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