MI MI - Eric Franks, 40, Buena Vista Twp, 21 March 2011 *car found in 2020* #2

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I do agree Eric's mother had been the force behind anything getting done on this case. Otherwise, it would have just idled as a missing person case to this day.

I was thinking abut the daughter. It is possible she really does not know what happened, but as she is growing older she may start to have suspicions (perhaps she does now). But ... she has been formed by the lies and may be afraid to speak her thoughts for fear of losing the man she called her father. No matter how bad he is, he is her only parent left at this point. She may not even be aware of what she knows, or has no proof for any suspicions that she is able to go to police with. What repercussions could she encounter if she turned on this man without proof?

I know this is not written very well ... but you can see where my thoughts are at least. I just don't know if she is the main source of answers. I do believe pressure needs to be put on the man she called her dad.
A good thing about ID Disappeared is they keep repeating episodes for years to come (at least they have in the past) - so hopefully eventually someone will come forward.

Very true I watch old episodes all the time and even better, people who don't even have cable can watch it because it is also shown on Hulu

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Eric's mom, you are a very strong woman and did a great job on the Disappeared episode.

One thing I didn't see covered.....I understand the cadaver dog found nothing on the property Kendra used to live on, but who lives there now? I'm assuming they are aware a body may be buried on their property.....how big is the property? If it were me who owned that property, I'd assist in any way I could in having the entire thing dug up if it would give a family closure.

Also, were bodies of water nearby mentioned? Like one where you could sink a car? What does John do for a living? Would he have resources to get rid of a car?
This case reminds me so much of James Chambers case, which is here on WS. My heart aches so much for these families that just can't get answers because no one speaks, and SOMEONE KNOWS. :( In the James Chambers case , Mom keeps being told they are still investigating, but, geez , it will be 3 years August 15th that he left home and disappeared. Sometimes, I believe that police or investigators are scared to go any further in a case, because of danger, I dont know if you know what I mean, this is just my opinion. People are afraid anymore and sometimes rightfully so.
Thank you for adding your thoughts, simlyne.

I believe part of the reason for people who know something but do not come forth in so many cases I follow is fear or discomfort talking with police (perhaps afraid their own deeds would come out). I also blame poor investigations on responsible departments --- lack of funds, poorly trained, perhaps some disinterest, no witnesses. In this case, Eric is barely known by anyone in the area, so it was easier to cover up a lot of things for the culprit. I could probably come up with even more reasons.
I have not read through all of the posts for this case, so this question may have been asked/answered already. When Kendra/John and family moved to Florida, does anyone know if their property in Michigan was searched at all? or any forensic testing done?

I just saw Eric's disappeared episode and his story moved me. I really hope there are some answers for his family.
I have not read through all of the posts for this case, so this question may have been asked/answered already. When Kendra/John and family moved to Florida, does anyone know if their property in Michigan was searched at all? or any forensic testing done?

I just saw Eric's disappeared episode and his story moved me. I really hope there are some answers for his family.

Good question. IIRC I believe it has been searched since they moved but I don't think anything was every found. I believe the theory may be that neighbors remembered some burning going on at the property around the time he went missing. Eric's mom will check site soon and can answer this question much better than me. Just be patient, she's a busy woman working nonstop on her sons case and awareness for the missing.

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I have not read through all of the posts for this case, so this question may have been asked/answered already. When Kendra/John and family moved to Florida, does anyone know if their property in Michigan was searched at all? or any forensic testing done?

I just saw Eric's disappeared episode and his story moved me. I really hope there are some answers for his family.

His mom answered questions on the Disappeared FB page. That was one of the questions. My computer is freezing up so its easier just to give you the links to the 2 posts

Disappeared May 30 It seemed like Eric was starting a great new chapter in life.

Disappeared May 28 Can the digital trail left behind by Eric Franks provide any clues?
The case begins tonight at 9/8c on Investigation Discovery.
At my insistence when Emily was 16 and her parents were being interviewed, Emily was also interviewed. It was back just after they had moved to Fl and were back to get a few more things, including Kendra's guns I was told by an insider with knowledge . Yes, she knows Eric is her dad. I even talked to her about him and told her he loved her so much and would be there for her if he could , but he is missing. She said she knew he was and she was sorry. Kendra , John's wife, passed away from cancer apparently last year.

God bless you, ma'am, for having to deal with this. You're a strong woman and it must have been tough to keep Eric's case alive all these years.

It's all terrible. But an extremely troubling part of this case is that Eric's own daughter may know more or may have had some involvement in his disappearance (in the sense that she may have been there at the time of it). To pull a child into this madness is disgusting, and her remaining step father should be absolutely ashamed for potentially having his stepdaughter live with this lie. She may know nothing, but it's terrible if she does know something.

All over money too, as it seemingly always is, unfortunately. Forgive me if it's been answered but did they actually collect on his life insurance policy?

Hopefully the perpetrator(s) get prosecuted to the full extent of the law one day soon.
I have not read through all of the posts for this case, so this question may have been asked/answered already. When Kendra/John and family moved to Florida, does anyone know if their property in Michigan was searched at all? or any forensic testing done?

I just saw Eric's disappeared episode and his story moved me. I really hope there are some answers for his family.

Yes, the property was searched a couple of years later when the MSP took the case. It has been searched two times with cadaver dogs. There was no forensic testing done even though our family requested it, but it is still not too late.
God bless you, ma'am, for having to deal with this. You're a strong woman and it must have been tough to keep Eric's case alive all these years.

It's all terrible. But an extremely troubling part of this case is that Eric's own daughter may know more or may have had some involvement in his disappearance (in the sense that she may have been there at the time of it). To pull a child into this madness is disgusting, and her remaining step father should be absolutely ashamed for potentially having his stepdaughter live with this lie. She may know nothing, but it's terrible if she does know something.

All over money too, as it seemingly always is, unfortunately. Forgive me if it's been answered but did they actually collect on his life insurance policy?

Hopefully the perpetrator(s) get prosecuted to the full extent of the law one day soon.

Thank you . I have had no choice in this . Eric is my son and he can no longer speak for himself and I will be his voice. I think there may be several people who know what happened to Eric and I hope and pray one day this case will go to trial and those people will have to speak .
Yes, Eric's former girlfriend and her husband both said they thought Eric had lots of money when he was lured to Saginaw. I know Eric was not the only man Kendra had been involved with, but she had a child with him making him different. No, they did not collect on any insurance policies . Eric's body has never been found.
Good question. IIRC I believe it has been searched since they moved but I don't think anything was every found. I believe the theory may be that neighbors remembered some burning going on at the property around the time he went missing. Eric's mom will check site soon and can answer this question much better than me. Just be patient, she's a busy woman working nonstop on her sons case and awareness for the missing.

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We had requested that the property be searched early in the investigation and I was told by Sgt Waterman that no one would give permission to search it. So, two of my sisters and I went to the property owners and asked and were told no one had ever asked for permission to search it. We were told that we or the police could search it. It still was about 2 years later when the MSP took the case that a search was done with cadaver dogs. There has since been another cadaver dog search and other types of searches have been done. No forensics were done although we requested it and hope it will still be done. It is not too late.
Thank you for adding your thoughts, simlyne.

I believe part of the reason for people who know something but do not come forth in so many cases I follow is fear or discomfort talking with police (perhaps afraid their own deeds would come out). I also blame poor investigations on responsible departments --- lack of funds, poorly trained, perhaps some disinterest, no witnesses. In this case, Eric is barely known by anyone in the area, so it was easier to cover up a lot of things for the culprit. I could probably come up with even more reasons.

Actually there have been several people speak up with what they know. We appreciate so much the ones who have spoken up. The ones who know more are not speaking out because of involvement , intimidation and protecting the guilty, I believe. It is true also that the case was not given the attention it should have had earlier in the investigation. Kendra should have been interrogated about her various stories. The man who threatened Eric should have been interrogated about that. Things were "let go" that should not have been for sure.
Just finished the episode of Disappeared all the way from Australia, Eric seemed like such a genuine human, The whole situation seemed fishy, I wasnt sure if it was going to turn out she wasnt his daughter and the whole thing was a scam for money. I wish the daughter would speak up, she knows something.
Just finished the episode of Disappeared all the way from Australia, Eric seemed like such a genuine human, The whole situation seemed fishy, I wasnt sure if it was going to turn out she wasnt his daughter and the whole thing was a scam for money. I wish the daughter would speak up, she knows something.

Eric went to MI mainly to meet his daughter he had not even known existed until not long before he went to meet her. He did still have an attraction to her mother, Kendra, but his main focus was his daughter and it cost him his life. There has never been a paternity test done to prove Emily is Eric's daughter,but there should be. She does look so much like him, especially as a teenager. Their pictures look like brother and sister. I also believe Emily could be a big help to us and hope someday she will open up her heart and help us find her biological dad. His remains should be treated with dignity . I think the assumption that Eric had lots of money did play the major role in Kendra telling Eric about his daughter. Why , in about 16 years, had she not told him before? I was told by someone in the know, that when Kendra found out Eric did not have money , she was done with him. So sad to use my son like he had no feelings . He loved his daughter and was so excited to be a part of her life.
I know I do not post much here and even on Eric's page, but it is not because we are not doing all we know to do right now . We have made some recent progress in our search, but obviously some things like this are slow going sometimes. Hopefully and prayerfully some day the heartache I endure daily will at least be eased somewhat by this case going to trial. I know at the final Judgement Day, the judge over all of us will set things right. I hope it happens here on earth , too. Thanks for the concern all of you have and the encouragement you give to me personally, our family and Eric's friends.
Eric's mom, many of us will be here with you, however long it may take. Do not apologize for not coming often --- we know where your heart is, and how much you put into finding justice for Eric (and for many others). As long as we hear from you sometimes, we will be OK. :hug:
What I find strange is the attitude of the "daughter". You would think she would want to know what happened to her father or to reconnect with his family. Maybe she knows more than she's telling?
What I find strange is the attitude of the "daughter". You would think she would want to know what happened to her father or to reconnect with his family. Maybe she knows more than she's telling?

I honestly don't think anything of the daughter. I'd love to see a DNA test for one.
We have to remember that she was raised by the step father. She has to be really confused who's side to stand on.

As for what she knows, I like to think she was not told anything, because the more people that know, the more chances the secret will get told. I personally would never tell a kid something like this.

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