GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #1

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Before I catch up reading posts from where I left off yesterday, boy was I glad I checked to see what case NG was covering last night - I caught the second airing of her coverage of Jane's murder.

Nancy interviewed Mistress Gianna, a professional dominatix. MG was asked to describe her role and why bb sought her out last October. She answered and then Nancy asked her why she has a cage in her room. MG answered and began rattling off the detailed actions she's able to perform while fulfilling her role as a dominatrix. Before she could finish listing all of them, Nancy interrupted and blurted out, 'THIS IS NOT AN INFOMERCIAL'. That has got to be the funniest moment NG ever produced - I couldn't stop laughing.

What's really perplexing is that grown men pay to have mg hold them hostage in a cage. What happens within the human mind to cause a need for this? On some level, I find this subject fascinating.
bbm: :gasp:

I need to go back and watch this!:what:
LOL Okay call me naive and thankfully so i have a question. If bob is the Master is he still the one receiving the spanking,whipping etc? I guess the Master part confuses me. So like did she put bob in a cage possibly:floorlaugh: I hope he doesn't "like" cages. Prison might not be a punishment :what:
On the day of the murder, it was mentioned somewhere that BB and JG were at a bar somewhere.
It was on the news that JG had driven the SUV to the alley, left it and then walked to McDonalds, took a bus or two to get to home or wherever.

Wonder how JG got to BB's house if BB was as innocent as he says?:dunno:

I agree, Amber did not know Scott was married and didn't she go to the police and give them info to help with charging him?

THAT is a good question.....
Bravo, I don't know either. Had to go do some reading on that.

It is interesting to note that not all S/M practicing couples are composed of a dominant and submissive partner. Many of the cou*ples experiencing problems are composed of two primarily submis*sive individuals who take turns playing the dominant role with each other.
Wonder if that means all 3 would take turns?

Even when fear of being found out is not the overriding fear, there are problems with integrating the S/M lifestyle into the every*day world. Some S/M practitioners would like to live their lifestyle 24 hours a day, but cannot due to demands of earning a living or other commitments. That they are not able to live their S/M lifestyle the way they would like is often described by these individuals as being forced to lead a double life.

This problem is often a difficult problem for the individual to work through. Assisting the client in finding a support group, cou*ple therapy, and creative solutions such as working for other S/M practitioners or in nontraditional jobs where more options are avail*able has been helpful.

Yep, BB sure had a double life that he got addicted to, so much to have a hand in murder?

The above info can be found here

I just don't understand that need or desire!!! :waitasec:
Thanks for researching. Fascinating really since most of us just dont understand it. I would imagine there would have to be a huge level of trust built up if roles are interchanged.
I did have a look at the Dominatrix site. Oh my they were attaching clips/clamps to places.......well you know. Looked more than painful than anything to me :waitasec: One wrong quick move and OMG :what:
Didn't bob publicly state that he and Joe never socialized,ever? If it was indeed Joe at the bar the night of the murder......another lie. Praying they have some forensics to link bob.

Yep! He did say they never socialized. That he was at the house once to do a small backyard project. I do recall reading somewhere that it was mentioned that JG had been active in the dungeon at the bar when BB couldn't be there or whatever other job description you would call it.

Would LOVE it if the news had a witness on camera to verify that they had met there!!
Yep! He did say they never socialized. That he was at the house once to do a small backyard project. I do recall reading somewhere that it was mentioned that JG had been active in the dungeon at the bar when BB couldn't be there or whatever other job description you would call it.

Would LOVE it if the news had a witness on camera to verify that they had met there!!

Somebody who works there must know them both. Perhaps some security cameras too. Sloppy cover up on bob's part. Not that i'm complaining LOL Thanks for refreshing my overloaded brain.
I did have a look at the Dominatrix site. Oh my they were attaching clips/clamps to places.......well you know. Looked more than painful than anything to me :waitasec: One wrong quick move and OMG :what:

I'm going to have to join it to see the pics?

Did you notice that Florida has more members than New York? Ummmm, isnt that the state known for retirement? :giggle:
Whoa I just caught that bob was introducing himself as a widower. Perhaps Rachel didn't know he was married. Interesting the Amber Frey comment. Well lets hope all of this has cheesed Rachel off and she sings and sings it loud.

Rachel probably knew bb was married because they lived in the same town and due to the length of their involvement together. Rachel probably hung out at the bar and, as Valhall pointed out, may have been mistaken for his wife (Jane) at SM parties. bb was probably willing to cheat on who he was cheating with - I see a theme developing ~

Jane and bb had an open marriage as far as bb was concerned.
Rachel was bb's number one slave as far as she was concerned but,
according to bb, she was just a good friend.
To anybody else, bb was a widower as far a bb was concerned!
Thinking out loud here .. bare with me.

Most people would agree that most people keep their sex lives private. We don't know if the folks around us are missionary-only or if they swing from the chandeliers, if they are bi-sexual, like to role-play, are swingers, etc.

We know they are "out there", but we don't know that they are our co-workers, bosses, mailman, WS posters .. lol.

In this regard, I find it important to realize that the fact that BB is apparently a "dungeon master" has very little to do with this murder. While it is "juicy" and bizarre to us because we don't understand it, it doesn't a murderer (or even a "bad guy") make.

Now. I DO think that emotional attachments, obsession, control, money, fear of being found out .. can be POWERFUL motivators to erase someone.

Much more important than his sexual deviations, to me, is the fact that he apparently had formed a very strong relationship with RG and was actively making plans to buy a house and for adding a 3rd person -- with no mention of the existing wife.

It's a recipe for her being erased, imo.

Even IF she knew everything .. the fact remains that setting up house with two slaves would be sooooo much easier -- and easier to explain to friends and family -- if something happend to poor Jane. His emotional attachment/obsession was obviously not with his family...

imo imo imo
I did have a look at the Dominatrix site. Oh my they were attaching clips/clamps to places.......well you know. Looked more than painful than anything to me :waitasec: One wrong quick move and OMG :what:

hahaha. This made me LOL. :floorlaugh:

If S/M floats their boat, all the power to them. I know personally, if my husband ever spanked or whipped me I would seriously LMAO. Moment ruined, for sure! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
hahaha. This made me LOL. :floorlaugh:

If S/M floats their boat, all the power to them. I know personally, if my husband ever spanked or whipped me I would seriously LMAO. Moment ruined, for sure! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I hear ya, mrsu!

And I can't even bring myself to spank my child, so NO WAY am I going to agree to spank my husband! :floorlaugh:
hahaha. This made me LOL. :floorlaugh:

If S/M floats their boat, all the power to them. I know personally, if my husband ever spanked or whipped me I would seriously LMAO. Moment ruined, for sure! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

This made me laugh because I have busted out laughing at my husband before when he's trying to 'surprise' me by doing something sappy or different...

So, yep, I could see him pulling out some freakin' S&M paraphenalia and I would pee my pants .. lol (oh, wait .. I think that's a whole 'nuther fetish ...:waitasec:)

LOL Okay call me naive and thankfully so i have a question. If bob is the Master is he still the one receiving the spanking,whipping etc? I guess the Master part confuses me. So like did she put bob in a cage possibly:floorlaugh: I hope he doesn't "like" cages. Prison might not be a punishment :what:

I'm confused about this too. I think he'd be akin to the dominatrix - he'd be the one dishing out the punishments? Also maybe he can command the slave what she should do to him? It sounds like some peeps like to be in power and some peeps like to be humiliated (or be made to feel small). ????????

Someone posted earlier, that those who have power in real life surrender their power while engaging in S&M, while others who don't have much power in real life, become dominant characters while engagine in S&M.

Actually the idea of this kind of makes me feel sad.
:doh: Barffff!! How does one look at BB and think of SEX? I need to get that image out of my brain!!!
Missed Nancy Grace last night. Can anybody share a clip of her interview with Mistress Gianna? I can't find it online anywhere so far.
FYI -Local 4 is going to report some info on the 6:00 news regarding JG was hired for 8 grand and a used vehicle. ... index.html

Bob Bashara says he wasn't with wife when she went missing

Bob Bashara said reports that their cell phones were traced to be together the night she went missing are false. "No, they were never together. We talked, I returned her phone call around quarter to five. She called me about 20 to five. I missed the call because I was working on my property. Our phones were never together."

Marc Santia: Did she mention somebody? Did she mention that there was trouble, did she, there were no phone calls?

Bob Bashara: Nope. I have no knowledge of any phone calls. She didn't mention that there was a problem with anything. I don't believe she had a boyfriend. I don't believe that there was anything like that going on with her.

---oh please big bobb---don't even go there, alluding at all that jane may have had a b/f ( since, after all, they did have an 'open relationship' SAYS bob.)
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