MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

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I'm well aware of what they are, I had a relative addicted and read about a couple who let their child starve to death because they were so engrossed in one they forgot about him/her. They ALL have violence to a certain degree, and i stick by my comment no child should be playing them. Poor baby should have been playing webkinz if they felt a child of that age should be on a computer.

With all due respect, myself and my children have played some of these games since they were about the age of the oldest of these boys, and although they do contain some violence, they are make-believe. My children are now teenagers and are very well adjusted. I do not believe that music, video games, television, movies, etc. make us who we are. People with issues will have issues no matter what games they play.

What confuses me is this: JS obviously spent time with his children, and seemed to care about them at some point. How did it come to this?
I do not believe that music, video games, television, movies, etc. make us who we are.

I Never said it did.

Of course the violence is pretend.

We'll have to agree to disagree.
Hi all. Is there a list of the facts and timeline as we know them out there somewhere? If so, can you point me in that direction? Thanks much.

It's been a long week in Morenci. People searched high and low for the young Skelton brothers, but there's still no sign. Law enforcement called off volunteer searches after today. However, that doesn't mean an end to search efforts.

Around the 6 minute mark of the video the reporter mentions that JS has requested a visit from his mother and father. This I think is news - although confession is that I haven't read every single post on this thread.
Hi all. Is there a list of the facts and timeline as we know them out there somewhere? If so, can you point me in that direction? Thanks much.

Hi sarx,

I don't think there is one but I could be wrong. The common timelines that I have been hearing are these:

Last known independent sighting of the children was 5pm in the back yard the Thursday before they went missing.

LE wants information from the public if they saw the 2000 blue Dodge Caravan between the hours of 4am to 7am the Friday the boys were reported missing.

This isn't very helpful ....sorry.
Calvin and Hobbs is a cartoon strip.

Hobbs is the tiger.


Just FYI, and sorry for the OT, but this isn't a real Calvin and Hobbes strip. Hobbes always appears alive to Calvin.
I hope his parents make the trip to talk to him if they aren't already in OH/MI. Hopefully they get him to fess up, and hopefully his mom will talk to the media afterwards.
I think this is from the original report given by JS. It says the suspect's name is Joann Taylor also.

also i read this in a report...
Skelton, who reportedly is a long-haul truck driver, said he met Taylor several years ago and that the two had been involved in an online relationship. She was believed to live in Jackson or Hillsdale counties in southern Michigan.

would that be false as well...hard to know what is true or not... i know they think she does not exist..
I know some place I read that the kids mom had also communicated with Joann Taylor even tho the cops think she is not real. Could he have made an email address under her name and he was actually the one corresponding with his wife, maybe thinking she would spill some secrets or such or maybe talk about him?

I surely hope his parents can talk some sense into him and he will tell where the kids are.
Could it be that they continued communication with her through an online RPG and were chatting that way? Maybe they never had actual contact with her through email but through the game itself?
also i read this in a report...
Skelton, who reportedly is a long-haul truck driver, said he met Taylor several years ago and that the two had been involved in an online relationship. She was believed to live in Jackson or Hillsdale counties in southern Michigan.

would that be false as well...hard to know what is true or not... i know they think she does not exist..

BBM....I wonder if their online relationship was through the MMORPG they were playing? It was also reported that TS was acquainted with JT. Usually while playing those types of games, players use headsets with mics to communicate with each other, there is also in-game chatting. TS may have never met JT, but may have had opportunities to talk or chat with her......maybe while playing John's character while he was in the bathroom, etc. I've had my kids play for me when I've had to run out of the room for something. This happens frequently in this type of game, especially when playing with other people at the same time.

Another negative aspect of those games, some people do end up having relationships with others that they have met through the game. Sometimes affairs can occur, and I have also seen marriages develop through online relationships.

This is pure speculation........but it is possible that John met JT through the game, developed an online relationship with her, that eventually led to a real life relationship/affair. Didn't some of his FB or Myspace information hint to another relationship? This would also explain how TS "knew" JT.
Could it be that they continued communication with her through an online RPG and were chatting that way? Maybe they never had actual contact with her through email but through the game itself?

You beat me to it! :)
also i read this in a report...
Skelton, who reportedly is a long-haul truck driver, said he met Taylor several years ago and that the two had been involved in an online relationship. She was believed to live in Jackson or Hillsdale counties in southern Michigan.

would that be false as well...hard to know what is true or not... i know they think she does not exist..

Any chance he is referencing someone he met while playing the MMORPG?

Edited to add: Sorry ~ catydid & JenRen beat me to it. Great minds think alike, I guess. :)
Here's a link to explanation of degrees of criminal sexual conduct:

Here's a link to an article that has the most info I have seen on relationship/children backgrounds of both parents, for anyone trying to get an idea:

I believe that there is way more to all of this, and that the LE are definitely not saying everything. I fear that these three sweet boys were being used as pawns in a difficult divorce, by both parties. Punishing each other with the treasures of their lives together, their kids. Clearly these boys were loved and raised well. Unfortunately being a good parent does not make one a good spouse, or mean one handles adult relationships well.

I hope and hope and hope that the dad's idea of punishing the mom is to hide the kids, alive. Scare the living crap out of her, but don't hurt the kids at all. They are safe somewhere, watching cartoons and playing in the snow, oblivious to the storm going on around them. I can hope. Have to have hope--I came over here after the other Ohio search that recently ended.
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