Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 2 *D. Stewart guilty*

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Would any of you be shocked if there was an arrest today...and it was someone you had NEVER thought of before?

No...I have no extra info on this case...It is just a question running in my head right now.
Would any of you be shocked if there was an arrest today...and it was someone you had NEVER thought of before?

No...I have no extra info on this case...It is just a question running in my head right now.

I would not be shocked to see an arrest today, but I would be shocked if it was someone I had never thought of before.
I believe DS did this or paid someone to do it.
Yes, if they do have the Wal-Mart reciept, they are for sure gonna be able to verify who bought it and I'm sure whoever bought it, will be on several cameras. Wal-Mart has more cameras than Angola Prison. lol

As far as the blood, I assumed it was on the inside, but when I went back and read it again, I see it could be either. But, I would think a blood stain on the outside of the door could have been easily washed off. If it's on the inside, and the inside is fabric, it would be much more difficult to get the stain out.

As y'all have said, I guess we will have to wait and see.


That gave me the laugh of the day. I assume you're my neighbor?

I can't imagine WHY he would do it, but maybe Doug transferred Venus' body to the car and then used the car to get rid of her locally. He lives on the James River.
Well, the husband was the one who started the proceedings, so if he is the abuser according to you, how does it stop his spouse from getting out when he is the one opening the door? I'm sorry, but your logic doesn't make sense.

If there is case after case on WS showing this sort of behaviour, please link, I'd be interested in knowing about them because it's not what I would expect at all.

It makes perfect sense. A relationship with a very controlling person is like playing chicken at 110 miles an hour all the time. Say the husband is controlling, and the wife says, without thinking, "One of these days, you'll come home and I won't be here." He knows that she has little in the way of cash, since he controls that. So he says fine, "I don't want you here anyway. Get out of my house." He throws her out for a few days, maybe keeps the kids from her, maybe not, files for divorce, and then when she has begged and cried enough to make him feel good, he lets her come home and drops it. If the husband is controlling, he knows she can't just walk away, the resources aren't there.

I've seen it done many times. More than I care to recount without a stiff drink in my hand. And I'm not saying that's how it happened, jsut that that scenario does happen.
Just looked at the Nevaeh Buchanan case to see how long it took them to get preliminary DNA results back on blood found at the hotel.

Blood was found on May 26, a Tuesday. By Thursday, the 28th, preliminary blood DNA tests revealed that the blood wasn't Nevaeh's.

So IF it's true that blood was found on Doug's car, preliminary DNA test results should be back by Wednesday, latest. That'll be three work days, and I think we'll hear something by then.
It makes perfect sense. A relationship with a very controlling person is like playing chicken at 110 miles an hour all the time. Say the husband is controlling, and the wife says, without thinking, "One of these days, you'll come home and I won't be here." He knows that she has little in the way of cash, since he controls that. So he says fine, "I don't want you here anyway. Get out of my house." He throws her out for a few days, maybe keeps the kids from her, maybe not, files for divorce, and then when she has begged and cried enough to make him feel good, he lets her come home and drops it. If the husband is controlling, he knows she can't just walk away, the resources aren't there.

I've seen it done many times. More than I care to recount without a stiff drink in my hand. And I'm not saying that's how it happened, jsut that that scenario does happen.

No, that's not how controlling spouses work. Using your anecdote, after she says, "One day you'll come home and I won't be here," the husband tightens the reins even harder. He doesn't throw her out--he starts following her when she leaves the house. He checks her phone calls on the phone bill. He feels the hood of her truck when he gets home from work, and checks the truck's mileage. He interrogates the children. And, if he should find out that she's called her parents or a lawyer in the Colon, MI, area, he retains a lawyer and files for divorce so that the he can bully her even further with his terms, since, like you said, she has little money.

That's how control works.

That gave me the laugh of the day. I assume you're my neighbor?

I can't imagine WHY he would do it, but maybe Doug transferred Venus' body to the car and then used the car to get rid of her locally. He lives on the James River.

If you are close to Angola, yes we are neighbors. I'm about 30 minutes from there.

I can't figure out why there would be evidence in both the car and the truck.

NG says (don't know what's what yet) blood in the car and receipt in the truck. There have been reports a truck like his was in the area at the time of the abduction. Also, the tracks are being compared to his truck. So, why is the blood in the car??? I have no clue.

But, IMO, the fact there may be evidence in the vehicles would explain the delay in finding them. But, since he had time, why would he leave the evidence in them? Maybe he thought he got rid of the reciept and he didn't see it. Maybe it had blown under the seat and he missed it. Maybe the blood was in the fabric and he cleaned it, but the stain would not go away.

Maybe he had help, and each had a vehicle. IDK.
No, that's not how controlling spouses work. Using your anecdote, after she says, "One day you'll come home and I won't be here," the husband tightens the reins even harder. He doesn't throw her out--he starts following her when she leaves the house. He checks her phone calls on the phone bill. He feels the hood of her truck when he gets home from work, and checks the truck's mileage. He interrogates the children. And, if he should find out that she's called her parents or a lawyer in the Colon, MI, area, he retains a lawyer and files for divorce so that the he can bully her even further with his terms, since, like you said, she has little money.

That's how control works.

That's how some do it...and then there are those that need to justify it by making her come back of her own free will (never mind that there is no other option). I know controlling men. All too well. I know the games, and they vary by the individual.
So, Doug is so controlling that he can also control a judge?? Venus was on probation for domestic violence, not Doug.
That's how some do it...and then there are those that need to justify it by making her come back of her own free will (never mind that there is no other option). I know controlling men. All too well. I know the games, and they vary by the individual.

I agree... No single thought process works for all individuals. So anecdotes really tell us nothing.

But considering the evidence in this case, I'm left with the impression that Doug knew better than Venus how to work the courts, and he used the courts as a way to control his wife.

I also believe him to be a person who is very defensive and can never admit making mistakes. He has to win at all costs. When Venus won temporary custody of the children, he couldn't let that go.

All my opinion.
So, Doug is so controlling that he can also control a judge?? Venus was on probation for domestic violence, not Doug.

I don't think so. After all, Venus is the one with the current order of protection.
If you are close to Angola, yes we are neighbors. I'm about 30 minutes from there.

I can't figure out why there would be evidence in both the car and the truck.

NG says (don't know what's what yet) blood in the car and receipt in the truck. There have been reports a truck like his was in the area at the time of the abduction. Also, the tracks are being compared to his truck. So, why is the blood in the car??? I have no clue.

But, IMO, the fact there may be evidence in the vehicles would explain the delay in finding them. But, since he had time, why would he leave the evidence in them? Maybe he thought he got rid of the reciept and he didn't see it. Maybe it had blown under the seat and he missed it. Maybe the blood was in the fabric and he cleaned it, but the stain would not go away.

Maybe he had help, and each had a vehicle. IDK.

I don't know. I'm thinking that maybe he was being watched so closely by LE after the evening of the 26th that he didn't have time to do a thorough clean-up of the vehicles.

Just hoping that we see some news soon on this. I am astonished that Nancy continues to have that info up, and not a single media outlet is reporting anything today.

Chomping at the bit for 7PM to get here!
So, Doug is so controlling that he can also control a judge?? Venus was on probation for domestic violence, not Doug.

True. All I said was that it happens. Not that it happened in this case necessarily.
I wish we just had reliable new info. (NG is not included in my definition of reliable.) Lack of media is so frustrating.

ETA: One thing that throws me off is her very old Myspace. Location "unknown, Michigan." Just seems odd, and telling in a way. This is part of the reason that I keep going back and forth between "Doug killed her." and "She just bailed."
So, Doug is so controlling that he can also control a judge?? Venus was on probation for domestic violence, not Doug.

I'm not sure what you are talking about here? How did Doug control a judge? I missed that.

Venus was on probation for domestic violence. He said she hit him in the face.
There were PPO filed by both of them against each other.

He filed for divorce 2 times and did not follow through with it. Must not have been too terrified of his wife, IMO.

But, now she is missing, abducted, and DS is a POI in that abduction. No matter if she hit him in the face in 2008 or not, that does not change the facts as they are now. He's alive, walking and talking. She may not be.

And, if the info on NG's site is correct, he'd better pack his toothbrush, he's about to go away for a long time. IMO
I'm really befuddled by the NG "Breaking News" stuff. I mean, it's really disturbing if she's right -- why would LE tell her and not local news outlets, who have a real stake in the story? -- and more disturbing if she's wrong and has just totally misread some documents.

Are local reporters being shut out, or are they just not interested in the case? So weird.
I'm really befuddled by the NG "Breaking News" stuff. I mean, it's really disturbing if she's right -- why would LE tell her and not local news outlets, who have a real stake in the story? -- and more disturbing if she's wrong and has just totally misread some documents.

Are local reporters being shut out, or are they just not interested in the case? So weird.

I thought it may be that the documents were just read wrong too when NG was reporting yesterday that blood and a receipt were found. But, then today, it's a lot more detailed.
I don't think they misread those specific things and they had to come from somewhere.
Maybe not from LE. Maybe from an insider that leaked the info. It happens.
I'm really befuddled by the NG "Breaking News" stuff. I mean, it's really disturbing if she's right -- why would LE tell her and not local news outlets, who have a real stake in the story? -- and more disturbing if she's wrong and has just totally misread some documents.

Are local reporters being shut out, or are they just not interested in the case? So weird.

I can't imagine that local media are being shut out. Maybe the local media from St. Joe County don't have anyone on the ground in Newport News. Still, though, they should be able to get information through MSP.

Maybe Nancy got her info from Newport News Police, through a leak. Her show has the money and resources to have people on the ground in St. Joe and Newport News.

Also possible that MSP informed the parents of what they found, and the parents told Nancy.

Five hours til showtime. Ugh.
Abigayle Sloan Fox of Fox17 in Battle Creek is in St. Joe today "to do some digging," and has just interviewed Venus' father who she characterizes as a very strong and loving man who is not losing faith. I think that Fox17 will have an update sometime this afternoon or tonight.

ETA: Abigayle's station.
The info on NG as to it being a Wal-Mart receipt is too specific. Something is up. moo
Yes!!! I never thought of that! The parents have been on NG several times now. So, maybe they are Nancy's inside source.
And, Venus' Dad will tell any new info on DS that is bad because he is convinced DS killed his daughter. IMO
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