GUILTY MN - Barway Collins, 10, Crystal, 18 March 2015 #1

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imo Jesus gave us our Marching Orders and we need to begin to forgive. We are directed by God to forgive all, to extend compassion, to know we are all sinners to varying degrees.


Ummm... I don't want to come across as argumentative, and I do agree God enables us to forgive others, and I know some WSers are very turned off by "religious" talk, but I have to say that God has a special place in His Heart for little children.

Matthew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

I hope whomever murdered Barway spends their entire life in prison, far away from any other children. This is a despicable, disgusting, vile thing and I hope the murderer receives the strongest sentence possible. I am commanded to forgive wrongs that are personally committed against me, but we have a judicial system for a reason. I wish MN had the death penalty. IMO.
Well, there you go...

Snipped from

Collins, who was deeply in debt and had no income, had two life insurance policies on his son, authorities say. One covered Collins himself for $100,000 and each of his children for $20,000. The other, for $30,000 on Barway, was purchased through a different company. On March 16, Collins made a payment on the second policy and asked about raising the coverage to $50,000, the complaint says.

Dad is asking about upping the policy coverage two days before his son's death. Coupled with the cell phone tracking info., it's just too much to dismiss. Also, according to that article, he was at the site where the body was found hours before he returned and he hadn't been there in the 30 days proceeding. It sounds like he was checking out a place to dump the body. Pre-meditation won't be difficult to establish. Now I'm wondering if "Uncle" was involved. I thought so, but not so sure now. I don't think PC wanted to share the money. What other motivation would another party have to kill an innocent little boy?
Well, there you go...

Snipped from

Collins, who was deeply in debt and had no income, had two life insurance policies on his son, authorities say. One covered Collins himself for $100,000 and each of his children for $20,000. The other, for $30,000 on Barway, was purchased through a different company. On March 16, Collins made a payment on the second policy and asked about raising the coverage to $50,000, the complaint says.

Dad is asking about upping the policy coverage two days before his son's death. Coupled with the cell phone tracking info., it's just too much to dismiss. Also, according to that article, he was at the site where the body was found hours before he returned and he hadn't been there in the 30 days proceeding. It sounds like he was checking out a place to dump the body. Pre-meditation won't be difficult to establish. Now I'm wondering if "Uncle" was involved. I thought so, but not so sure now. I don't think PC wanted to share the money. What other motivation would another party have to kill an innocent little boy?
I think you are not alone in these feelings!
I'm immediately envisioned that he bought the baby food he intended to lie about later. But since he was also claiming milk, it seems less likely.

Pierre said he bought the baby food and milk at the Cub (right after the murder). Around noon, when Pierre went to Aldi, Pierre had lied and told his present wife that he was 'at work', remember... After Aldi, Pierre didn't go home to his present wife for about 1 1/2 hrs. more. Aldi does NOT sell things like ready-made sandwiches for one, BUT I believe it sells one of these: Therefore: + = A healthy and nutritious, balanced lunch.:seeya:
Snipped and BBM:

I am flabbergasted by the accuracy of tracking PC's location through his cell phone. In a criminal case, it's obviously useful...but it does give me pause about how much we all can be tracked.

Perhaps my habit of misplacing my cellphone and leaving it at home isn't such a bad habit after all.

Nowadays, LE can park outside and see activity through the walls inside your home. They can hear you too. It doesn't surprise me at all that phones today are literally tracking devices. However, that's only useful if you actually have it with you.
Well, there you go...

Snipped from

Collins, who was deeply in debt and had no income, had two life insurance policies on his son, authorities say. One covered Collins himself for $100,000 and each of his children for $20,000. The other, for $30,000 on Barway, was purchased through a different company. On March 16, Collins made a payment on the second policy and asked about raising the coverage to $50,000, the complaint says.

Dad is asking about upping the policy coverage two days before his son's death. Coupled with the cell phone tracking info., it's just too much to dismiss. Also, according to that article, he was at the site where the body was found hours before he returned and he hadn't been there in the 30 days proceeding. It sounds like he was checking out a place to dump the body. Pre-meditation won't be difficult to establish. Now I'm wondering if "Uncle" was involved. I thought so, but not so sure now. I don't think PC wanted to share the money. What other motivation would another party have to kill an innocent little boy?

RIGHT ON - - he would NOT want to share that money with anyone !!!
I've been hovering over the news coverage for release of cause of death (COD) for Barway, but the AJ thread is making me wonder if they will not release COD until after Barway's funeral.

I know the public memorial is on Sunday. Do we know when the official funeral will be?

I know groups are trying to get Barway's biological mother here for the funeral (I wonder if she even wants to come...not sure I'd want to visit a place where my child was mistreated, unless I knew for sure I would have supportive people surrounding me).
I've been hovering over the news coverage for release of cause of death (COD) for Barway, but the AJ thread is making me wonder if they will not release COD until after Barway's funeral.

I know the public memorial is on Sunday. Do we know when the official funeral will be?

I know groups are trying to get Barway's biological mother here for the funeral (I wonder if she even wants to come...not sure I'd want to visit a place where my child was mistreated, unless I knew for sure I would have supportive people surrounding me).
If they even release COD that quickly with AJ. It can take weeks to determine COD if needing toxicology. My heart breaks for both AJ anf Barway.
What is 'AJ' thread?

It's a thread in the Found Deceased forum for Anjelica Hadsell. She went by the nickname AJ. Sorry I didn't clarify that. It's such a long thread with many contributors, I forget that the whole world isn't watching.
Good catch, GreenTeam! Success in that insurance fraud probably emboldened him to think he could up the insurance on his son 2 days before murdering him and get away with that, too.

What an idiot.
I wondered aloud to my husband about the fire the other night.

I also wondered when I read that the fire was put out and started up again after the firefighters left. I've never heard of that happening before.

Not only does it show a history of fraud (if he is indeed guilty of this), but a callous disregard of life and health of other people.

When I was sleuthing around on the court cases for him, I did see this one (as described in the link), but didn't realize what it was. I have a lot of learn about reading the court records.

It will be interesting to see if they can indeed link the cause of the fire to him.

I also wondered when I read that the fire was put out and started up again after the firefighters left. I've never heard of that happening before.Not only does it show a history of fraud (if he is indeed guilty of this), but a callous disregard of life and health of other people.

When I was sleuthing around on the court cases for him, I did see this one (as described in the link), but didn't realize what it was. I have a lot of learn about reading the court records.

It will be interesting to see if they can indeed link the cause of the fire to him.


BBM IT happens all the time. If one hot spot is left the fire will restart itself. I've seen it happen before.
BBM IT happens all the time. If one hot spot is left the fire will restart itself. I've seen it happen before.

Thanks for the info, pappa rob. I have no doubts it happens, but because I had never heard it, it made me sit up and think about that particular fire. Learning about the second flame-up in an apartment fire "sparked" my curiosity (and my suspicions) about the whole incident.


No offense, but the Pastor has not told the truth:
1. Barway does have an attorney. (Pastor says today that Pierre Collins does not have an attorney - lie.)
2. Pierre Collins bought a special $30,000 life insurance policy ONLY for Barway. And Pierre added another $20,000 life insurance policy on Barway two days prior to the murder of this little boy. Pierre did also separately buy 2 $20,000 life insurance policies on the 2 children he has with this present wife. (Pastor said Pierre Collins bought 3 $30,000 life insurance policies for all 7 of his children three years ago - lie.)
3. Question: Does anyone know how old the littlest kid of Pierre Collins is? The Pastor said the kid is age 3-4, but the kid looks to be a toddler to me....

Also, read the articles: Pierre Collins has collected piles of money in insurance claims. The auto insurer who sued Pierre Collins recently says Pierre Collins made 3 very similar claims for 3 similar very minor auto crashes: The insurer claims fraud.
300-400 gathered yesterday at the apartment complex. Concerns about money being given to the 'Pastor': 'Pastor' says 'he doesn't know' how much money he's collected....

Public welcomed to bring snacks to share, such as gallons of orange juice, paper cups, flats of h20 bottles to share with the public, bowl of pretzels...
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