MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #4

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1, can sirens be heard on the 911 call because the squad arrives

2. That would make three mysterious cars that day. One driving crazy in the afternoon; Kevin's car; and the kidnapper's or someone's car that went up to the house and turned around at he time of the kidnapping? Do I have that right?

No, I went back and listened a while back and no sirens are heard on that first car that arrived at Wetterlings home. He just says, they're here now. Although if Merlyn was inside, and with the dispatcher talking over them, I'm not sure a siren would have been heard on the tape. They may have either cut it off once they reached the cul de sac, or never used one. I almost think they wouldn't have used sirens because they wouldn't want to alert any perp still in the area. No telling if later cars used sirens or not.

But Kevin said he "saw" cop cars go speeding by after hearing it on the scanner, and you'd think he would have said "I heard them" if they had been using sirens. It's never been stated for sure either way though.
Hard to say. What was it that Kevin heard on the scanner?

If he heard that a boy was missing, why did he talk about taking the bikes that were in the ditch?

Did he ever say what he heard on the scanner?'

I think he heard the sirens and that is what made him look out the window.

I remember thinking it was a kidnapping for ransom. Even though I was an adult, it never crossed my mind that it was anything else. Then I learned about what other kinds of things it could be.

Reading the transcript of the 911 call, i get the impression everyone thought he would be in the woods somewhere as the other boys were let go. I am not sure anyone thought the worst. This was a new one on us, I feel.

So, I think they would use sirens. And the perp would have to know LE would be coming.
Hi everyone,

First off, I would like to thank everyone for all the information posted on this site pertaining to the wetterling abduction, I have learned so much.

Is anyone aware of the fact that the DR Farmstead is listed as "eligible" on the national register of historic places? Places deemed "eligible" on the register are generally exempt from construction/destruction by state and federal agencies. I wonder if the property will be exempt from further LE searches? Also, through this site I have learned that DR's cousin is a powerful politician in the St Joe area. I wonder if he was influential in getting ALL 142 acres listed.

Below is a link to the registration forms}&documentTitle=20111-58107-01

I do not think anyplace is exempt from criminal investigation.

If it is on the historical register, nothing can be altered with the buildings, can it?

I wonder if this was done to stop further development in the area.
Hi everyone,

First off, I would like to thank everyone for all the information posted on this site pertaining to the wetterling abduction, I have learned so much.

Is anyone aware of the fact that the DR Farmstead is listed as "eligible" on the national register of historic places? Places deemed "eligible" on the register are generally exempt from construction/destruction by state and federal agencies. I wonder if the property will be exempt from further LE searches? Also, through this site I have learned that DR's cousin is a powerful politician in the St Joe area. I wonder if he was influential in getting ALL 142 acres listed.

Below is a link to the registration forms}&documentTitle=20111-58107-01

Very interesting info, thank you for posting it. I'm quite sure the property is still subject to criminal LE searches. Can you share with us what are the criteria for deeming a property as eligible for the national registry of historic places?
Hi everyone,

First off, I would like to thank everyone for all the information posted on this site pertaining to the wetterling abduction, I have learned so much.

Is anyone aware of the fact that the DR Farmstead is listed as "eligible" on the national register of historic places? Places deemed "eligible" on the register are generally exempt from construction/destruction by state and federal agencies. I wonder if the property will be exempt from further LE searches? Also, through this site I have learned that DR's cousin is a powerful politician in the St Joe area. I wonder if he was influential in getting ALL 142 acres listed.

Below is a link to the registration forms}&documentTitle=20111-58107-01

I'm not sure Al Rassier (a former St. Joe mayor) can really be classified as a "powerful politician." He is DR's cousin, but was just the mayor of this fairly small town. I think DR's own parents (Robert & Rita) have more influence in the St. Joe area because of their connection with the church, than Al would have. (JMO)

I had heard a long time ago that the city wanted to purchase some of the Rassier farm land for expansion and a new road, and (this was only a local rumor) that the dad had said he would will his land to the church first rather than have roads cutting through his fields. So the church and St. Ben's may have a large stake in what happens with his land also.
The criteria for registry on the national historic register are as follows:

(a) properties that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or

(b) that are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or

(c) that embody distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or

(d) that have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.

Specifically, the Rassier farmstead is listed as "eligible" under criteria "a" because "it is locally significant for its association with twentieth century dairy farming in Stearns county and with dairy farming in minnesota".
I havent read through all the posts yet (Im currently on page 22 of 50), so forgive me if this has already been discussed.

One of the reasons Wetterling was out on a Sunday night is because school was cancelled for parent teacher conferences. I understand that DR was questioned the next day by authorities at Rocori, but was he teaching or meeting with parents? Are parent teacher conferences school or district specific?
I havent read through all the posts yet (Im currently on page 22 of 50), so forgive me if this has already been discussed.

One of the reasons Wetterling was out on a Sunday night is because school was cancelled for parent teacher conferences. I understand that DR was questioned the next day by authorities at Rocori, but was he teaching or meeting with parents? Are parent teacher conferences school or district specific?

Yes, each school district sets their own inservice or conference dates. Sometimes they line up, sometimes they don't. I believe Rocori did have school the next day. Also, even though the kids are off - the school staff often still reports for meetings, planning, etc. on those days.
I wouldn't think band teachers would even have parent/teacher conferences, would they? I was under the impression that Rocori did not have school that day, because DR was out late on Sunday running, etc. (When he wasn't working on his record collection.) And it seems like he left late on Monday and just had a lot of instruments in his car to take to school?
I wouldn't think band teachers would even have parent/teacher conferences, would they? I was under the impression that Rocori did not have school that day, because DR was out late on Sunday running, etc. (When he wasn't working on his record collection.) And it seems like he left late on Monday and just had a lot of instruments in his car to take to school?

Didn't state that he went to bed Sunday night for work the next day?
Hard to say about work the next day. People on here have speculated that he did, but him saying it, where is the reference ?

Even if there were conferences, I would be shocked that he had any. Easy day for him if there were conferences.
Just a quick observation. I seem to recall that in a recent sit down Interview with Kare 11 (or was it Fox??) DR stated that the operator told him that his call to local police concerning the woodpile seemed awfully suspicious. Also, he stated that the operator seemed to question his attentions/motives and all but accused him of abducting Jacob. In Fox's 2004 interview with DR he states that LE “didn’t come in the house that night. It could have been over with.”

If I was in DRs Shoes and had been accused of an abduction which I was not responsible for, I would want to clear my name as soon as possible. He could have grabbed one of the many LE members who were in his yard, and had them look over his house THAT NIGHT. This would have immediately proved the operator wrong. Instead DR went to bed because he didn’t want to “waste his time.”
Hard to say about work the next day. People on here have speculated that he did, but him saying it, where is the reference ?

Even if there were conferences, I would be shocked that he had any. Easy day for him if there were conferences.

I guess I just assume he was at work the next day, because he was questioned for 45 minutes by LE at Roccori Monday.

Exactly, if classes were canceled at Roccori on Monday it would mean an “easy day” for DR.
Ah, that makes sense.

And your comments about being cleared. No kidding!
This is interesting.

I looked at the Rocori School schedule and for middle school the conferences are from 4-8 pm..

Things certainly change over time, but I imagine the days were about the same. It appears the conferences are right after the teacher conferences in the Cities?

So, was there school that day for kids? Or did teachers come in for conferences at 4? I wonder how it works there.
Very interesting information.

Does anyone know where to look for the 1989 Rocori PTA schedule?
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