MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #15

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Lying to publicly circulate (aka; bias potential future jurors...) a "known truth." How ironic... and not too bright, but I guess he didn't think one more dead black teen would get this much attention and bring on a FI.

Seriously? This was 6 days later, there could not have been any more attention on Ferguson at that point.
What I don't understand is, exactly what is wrong with releasing the TRUTH? Why are people so afraid of the truth and real facts of this case?

It scares me, if I'm being honest.

Because the strong arm robbery isn't part of the investigation of whether this was excessive force by a LEO?

Because there seems to be a huge problem? Because all witnesses say he was surrendering and the only side of his story we have comes from a woman who wouldn't use her real name. Who got it second hand from the officer's girlfriend?

Throw in the lying (spell?) by a Chief OP, the officers who have shown themselves to be less than trustworthy when it comes to interacting with the public and the media....<mod snip>
Because the strong arm robbery isn't part of the investigation of whether this was excessive force by a LEO?

Because there seems to be a huge problem? Because all witnesses say he was surrendering and the only side of his story we have comes from a woman who wouldn't use her real name. Who got it second hand from the officer's girlfriend?

Throw in the lying (spell?) by a Chief OP, the officers who have shown themselves to be less than trustworthy when it comes to interacting with the public and the media....gee, I dunno? SMH

Who? I must have missed something?
Wait- a request for the truth of what happened (since there was no incident report) cause the Chief to lie to all of us (about reporters requesting that tape)?

How does that work for the public good- cops lying to benefit other cops? Sounds like corruption to me, not PR by any stretch. IMHO. An outside investigation is warranted.

So to you, releasing this video was just about corruption? This was all about benefitting the cops, and nothing about transparency and showing the public a TRUTHFUL representation of what the gentle giant was doing 10 minutes prior to his 'execution'?
Because the strong arm robbery isn't part of the investigation of whether this was excessive force by a LEO?

Because there seems to be a huge problem? Because all witnesses say he was surrendering and the only side of his story we have comes from a woman who wouldn't use her real name. Who got it second hand from the officer's girlfriend?

Throw in the lying (spell?) by a Chief OP, the officers who have shown themselves to be less than trustworthy when it comes to interacting with the public and the media....gee, I dunno? SMH

ALL the witnesses? Hardly.

Did you realize that Piaget ADMITTED that MB never put his hands up past his chest? And she said he did in fact take a step towards the officer?

There is plenty of evidence that you have not seen yet. Don't look at what Crump screams about on MSNBC and take it as gospel. There is quite a bit more waiting for release.

Just because the officer has not PUBLICLY released his statement, does not mean he hasnt fully been interrogated by the FBI and the investigators.
I am not sure it is that black and white. There was absolutely going to be a request eventually for that video. He released it beforehand. Being a police chief requires some PR type statements. You cannot tell the exact, honest truth, at all times for many complicated reasons. jmo

But didn't he say he had media requests for the details of the theft? And he sat on it as long as he could, and then he had to release it and didn't want to release OW's name without the requested info on the robbery because that would look like he was withholding info. That's what I thought he said, anyway.
Because the strong arm robbery isn't part of the investigation of whether this was excessive force by a LEO?

Because there seems to be a huge problem? Because all witnesses say he was surrendering and the only side of his story we have comes from a woman who wouldn't use her real name. Who got it second hand from the officer's girlfriend?

Throw in the lying (spell?) by a Chief OP, the officers who have shown themselves to be less than trustworthy when it comes to interacting with the public and the media....gee, I dunno? SMH
BBM are you sure?

BBM may have saved lives?

That video took the air out of the public outrage balloon, imo. That town was about to implode. And he was announcing the name and identity of the officer. Ther was about to be a HUGE night of civil unrest and the chief knew it. Showing that video calmed a lot of nerves and a lot of people were less 'outraged' by the choirboy narrative that had been floated by Crump.
Now that the votes are in on which is more violent, rap or country, does anyone have an idea on what happened between MB & OW.

From everything I have (and have not!) seen and heard so far, I'm convinced that ODW was assaulted by MB in the car, and after attempting to flee from arrest, MB turned back and further threatened ODW.

I think this is another Duke LaCrosse, and we're going to see more and more deflection to try to mollify the mobs and justify the obscene jumps to make this officer a scapegoat.


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Because the strong arm robbery isn't part of the investigation of whether this was excessive force by a LEO?

Because there seems to be a huge problem? Because all witnesses say he was surrendering and the only side of his story we have comes from a woman who wouldn't use her real name. Who got it second hand from the officer's girlfriend?

Throw in the lying (spell?) by a Chief OP, the officers who have shown themselves to be less than trustworthy when it comes to interacting with the public and the media....gee, I dunno? SMH

OM, I'm not sure how much you have read on this case, but most of what you said above is simply not true or has been proven false.

The strong armed robbery certainly does matter in this case because it happened 10 minutes before the encounter between Brown and Wilson. How anyone can think it is meaningless is beyond me.

It goes to Brown's character, attitude and state of mind in the minutes leading up to this event. Brown was violent with the clerk and violent with Wilson. Trust me, the video matters. A lot.

--All witnesses do not say he was surrendering. Not even close

--We also got a part of Wilson's story from LE at the very beginning of this case. (re: Brown assaulting Wilson and trying to take his gun). I believe LE. I don't care about "Josie".
Because the strong arm robbery isn't part of the investigation of whether this was excessive force by a LEO?

Because there seems to be a huge problem? Because all witnesses say he was surrendering and the only side of his story we have comes from a woman who wouldn't use her real name. Who got it second hand from the officer's girlfriend?

Throw in the lying (spell?) by a Chief OP, the officers who have shown themselves to be less than trustworthy when it comes to interacting with the public and the media....gee, I dunno? SMH

Whoa there, all witnesses? You know all the witnesses who came forth? I don't, I think the GJ does though. IIRC, the side of the street where the black activists, Dorrian Johnson, Paiget and hmm, forgot the other name, were all conferring about the incident well before the media showed up. The guy on the opposite side of the street, did not see MB surrendering at all and he's only 1 other witness, IMO, of more. What did he say? Oh, MB was runnin at the cop! Yep, I watched that video 5 times.
BBM are you sure?

Seems the witnesses on the other side of the street. all saw Brown running back towards Wilson. IMO without his hands up.

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No. Some will believe witnesses, some will believe an anonymous woman on a radio show. The DA will throw the GJ what he wants them to hear. Maybe a true bill or not, trial, and then back to where we started.

Meanwhile we have a police chief who lied, a few officers who are less than stellar and a lot of work to do to see each other's human eyes. :(

In other words I'm wasting my time trying to figure out what hapened. Should we ask the mods to shut it down? They keep asking us to get back on the subject.

Whether or not the Chief lied about an FOIA request or not does NOT negate the fact that Brown committed strong arm robbery, manhandled the clerk, stole things that didn't belong to him, disobeyed LE's directive, assaulted LE and tried to steal his weapon.

But, by all means, let's blame this entire situation on something that did or did not happen after the fact. :sigh:

Fasten your seat belt JLSChook, because chief Jackson got a target applied to his back the moment he released that video despite the wishes of Eric Holder and other higher-ups. And don't get me started on huff post :rolleyes:

It's a shame, because I get the impression that he was a good man. Last night, as I was researching the case about the man who is suing the FPD for abusing him in 2009, even the lawyer for that man said good things about Chief Jackson, saying he was a good guy who is trying to make things better.

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ALL the witnesses? Hardly.

Did you realize that Piaget ADMITTED that MB never put his hands up past his chest? And she said he did in fact take a step towards the officer?

There is plenty of evidence that you have not seen yet. Don't look at what Crump screams about on MSNBC and take it as gospel. There is quite a bit more waiting for release.

Just because the officer has not PUBLICLY released his statement, does not mean he hasnt fully been interrogated by the FBI and the investigators.

Ummm since when does one have to raise their hands above their head to surrender? I didn't call any witness out by name. All have said he was either stopping to surrender or falling to the ground. Not a darn one have said he was a raging bull running into a hail of gunfire.

I don't give a poop what Crump says. He is an advocate for this family. Just like Ann Bremner is for Susan Cox Powell. They do their job. As I would hope they would do for me if I were unfortunate to land in those shoes. :(

Not sure what evidence you expect will convict MB or DW. This will be over in a month. The writing is on the wall. No one is going to jail. imo <modsnip>
I am not sure it is that black and white. There was absolutely going to be a request eventually for that video. He released it beforehand.
Exactly, and I have no doubt he was being asked about it; it was already leaking in the press, and he knew the FOIA's were being prepared.
Combine that with the cost of false rumors and the demands for the Officer's name (and bad guesses that had already put others at risk), I think he made the right decision to come out with the officer's name and the video at the same time.

It's to be expected that people would scream about it, because it ruined their spin.

Personally, as usual, I find what's missing from the MB team just as informative as what they say. In this case, if this is the best they can come up with to get back at him, he's looking better than I expected. ;)

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I think the only thing we might all be able to agree on is that if you have to lie about the truth ~ it makes even the truth look dirty.
SMH because lies :shame: are posted as truth.
OUT and out lies told repeatedly are STILL :liar:.
MB stole property :put em up:, bullied a shop owner and
ignored :copcar:.... he should have stayed home instead
of stealing, bullying and ignoring LE.
No we have only a piece of Wilson's story from Belmar who refuses to say more. When I said all witnesses I should have been clearer. All witness that are willing to speak publicly. Facts are facts. I love facts. So far we have few. I see many who have decided that boy needed killing. No one will talk about the fact that this was sent to STL County LE immediately as a "bad shoot" No one thinks Chief Jackson's actions were CYA or suspect because of politics.... Hell no.... it was because some "lies" are better than others. (Littlewhitelies are better) SMH

Link please to this "sent immediately as a bad shoot"

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