MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #4

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I don't think anyone said that MB never tried to flee. It['s been said there were no shots in the back, as was rumored for so long.

I believe the background, upstairs witness, who said that he turned around and started coming towards the officer, and even while being shot at, would not stop.

the mid arm shot is said to be from behind, so he was shot as he was back was to Wilson..not shot in the back but the back of his mid arm..

Are the experts not to be believed?
lovejac, look at the autopsy diagram again, notice the wound to the forearm then look at your arm as it hangs naturally at your side, that spot would be facing the back or at least the sdie so its not surprising they are arguing that that wound could have been received from behind.

i dont think anyone ever meant he was actually shot in the his actual back (whatever the right anatomical name for that is), they meant he was shot from behind, could have ended up being the back of the leg, back of the head etc

now whetehr or not that wound was actually received from behind is questionable, but of course they are going to say it could have been.
BBM- I believe it does. Had officer Wilson wanted to kill Brown, he could have delivered the fatal blow during the first or second shot. The gun shots in the arm area prove to me, Wilson did attempt to try and stop Brown without fatally injuring him. The gun shots to the head tell a story as well. IMO

Could very well be the case. I am subscribing to the theory that his vision may have been very affected from the confrontation.
I don't think anyone said that MB never tried to flee. It['s been said there were no shots in the back, as was rumored for so long.

I believe the background, upstairs witness, who said that he turned around and started coming towards the officer, and even while being shot at, would not stop.

oh lots of people certainly said he never tried to flee, laughed at the idea.
the mid arm shot is said to be from behind, so he was shot as he was back was to Wilson..not shot in the back but the back of his mid arm..

Are the experts not to be believed?

Where is the link for that, other then you stating it. TIA
I don't understand why no media is talking about the person in the background having a different version of events (@6:20 into the tape)

this video has a translation of what the background speaker says:

#1 How’d he get from there to there?

#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck

#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him

#2 Then the next thing I know he doubled back toward him cus – the police had his gun drawn already on him –

#1. Oh, the police got his gun

#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him


#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing

#1 The Police?

#2 The Police shot him

#1 Police?

That part is very interesting: they were BOTH in the truck hmmmmmmm

And MB doubled back toward the officer and even though he was being shot, he just kept coming...
if he didnt try to flee what is a reasonable explanation for him supposedly charging the officer yet still ending up 35 feet from the officer's vehicle?

the incident starts at the vehicle, he does NOT try to flee, he charges the officer, he ends up dead 35 feet from vehicle.

maybe there is a way that the math can work, anyone want to give it a shot?

Do we know if the officer stayed by his vehicle and didn't run toward MB yelling for him to freeze, the MB decided to turn around and run toward the officer?
BBM- I believe it does. Had officer Wilson wanted to kill Brown, he could have delivered the fatal blow during the first or second shot. The gun shots in the arm area prove to me, Wilson did attempt to try and stop Brown without fatally injuring him. The gun shots to the head tell a story as well. IMO

that would be against training and protocol but i guess its possible.
My head is absolutely spinning :scared:

There are actual people saying that the autopsy doesn't prove that MB was not shot from behind, y'all! :eek: I just flipped through, CNN, Fox, MSNBC and read through dozens of articles. Even though there are no wounds in the back portion of MB's body. Do they think the bullets boomeranged or took a U turn? God help me understand these claims!

I am now convinced that this is a old fashioned witch hunt against Officer Wilson.

If there were gunshots in MB's back, do you honestly think anyone would be trying to convince people that he WASN'T shot in the back????

There will be people like that out there. Nothing you can say to convince them other wise. Some people are just looking for ways to keep violence going, to keep the hate going. To keep racial conflicts going. Thats what they live for. MOO

I feel sorry for this officer.

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Tonight should be interesting.

Or really awful................................everyone seems to be flipping the autopsy around IMO, so I fear tongiht might be hideous cause for some reason the autopsy is confirming stuff .

How does the mainstream media conclude that the past week is accurate when there is not one single mark on the dudes back --- feel free to let me know (!) am I losing my mind , what am I missing, I am visual --- if I am running and being shot at bullets would be hitting me in the back no?

If I am running toward you and you are shooting I would be shot on my front part of body --- I am serious here guys what am I missing, percieving incorrectly, or am I just coo coo!

This is getting as nutty (with mainstream talking heads ) as MAL 370

Advise please!!
if he didnt try to flee what is a reasonable explanation for him supposedly charging the officer yet still ending up 35 feet from the officer's vehicle?

the incident starts at the vehicle, he does NOT try to flee, he charges the officer, he ends up dead 35 feet from vehicle.

maybe there is a way that the math can work, anyone want to give it a shot?

The distance from the vehicle to the body and any blood trail may help investigators.
From 1 video, it does appear the body is about 35 feet from the vehicle.

If he was moving in any direction either running from or charging towards, then I would think there should be blood trail proving which direction.

If the officer did shoot him 1st at the vehicle, then there should be blood drops as he left the vehicle area.

Also, if the officer was witnessed to be at his vehicle the whole time at the time of the shots, then at least we can outrule any physical fighting for the gun at time of the FINAL shots since it appears the body was about 35 feet away.

And since some of the final shots would have caused more blood to come out, it should help show which direction the guy was moving before he fell.

The only problem with all of that is some of it could have been involuntary physical movement after he was shot.
I am pretty sure once a person is shot, they may move in any direction and not really know what they are doing due to the shock of it all.
There were no shots in his back. Do you think he was running backwards, with his hands up, while fleeing? :waitasec:

did you watch the press conference? i thought it was all explained quite clearly there, anyway see my other posts and let me know if you still have questions.
I am very angry watching this presser.

I wonder if I could get the rest of the day off work so I can go protest, loot and riot about it.

Well now we know. Justice will not be served til Officer Wilson has been charged s sayeth the Browns, so mote it be.

Very angry right now.

No matter what evidence comes to light that shows the original narrative (young unarmed teen shot in back by big bad policeman) on this case was woefully inaccurate, there will not be peace.

There will be no peace til that officer is made to pay for a crime I don't think he has committed.

I just fell with a big ole thunk off the :fence: in light of the autopsy.

If Ferguson throws that officer under the bus to return calm to a community determined to bully authorities into a result they want I will absolutely lose my chit.


I agree, tlcya. The officer has been judged and found guilty without a trial or without all the facts being presented and considered.

JMO, but I am becoming more disheartened by the minute and need to go away from the story for a bit.
I'd like to see Ofc. Wilson's police gun range scores showing what kind of shot he is from different distances. That most of MB's wounds were survivable hits to his arm, rather than the final deadly head shots, may say something very good about Ofc. Wilson.

I thought that too , or there was a scuffle in the car as reported but at any rate many injuries were not fatal so it does not seem like it was intent to like kill from the get go IMO

In fact in support's the alleged version of Officer Wilson as relayed by his family friend. TYTYTYTYTYTYTYT - so I am not losing my marbles TY feel better now !!!
the mid arm shot is said to be from behind, so he was shot as he was back was to Wilson..not shot in the back but the back of his mid arm..

Are the experts not to be believed?

It was said it COULD HAVE BEEN, not that it was for sure.

To me, this corroborates the guy in the background video, describing MB turning around, and rushing the cop, even while being fired at, he just kept coming. Until the headshot.
That part is very interesting: they were BOTH in the truck hmmmmmmm

And MB doubled back toward the officer and even though he was being shot, he just kept coming...

Yup. And it matches what the PO told his friend.
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