MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #2

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Okay, I couldn't find any past history on Jim. I'm not sure what to think right now.
I wondered as well about WHY her parents weren't more involved but thought better of saying anything...seemed her friend was doing all of the work and her efforts were being met with deaf ears on her parents part. But then again I don't know how I would feel if it were my child missing and people were organizing search teams to look for a "body" That would be soooo hard to accept. In Kelsey's case I think the parents were searching for a live person not a dead one and sadly it didn't end up that way.
So we know zip about the stepfather. Go back and read his quotes in articles. He seems to be saying he did not have a good relationship with Kara, IMO.

I realize being a stepfather sometimes isn't an easy task, but sometimes it is a monster the child is being asked to deal with. She would be rebellious and she would be angry. The very problems they have mentioned Kara had in the past sounds typical of a girl with larger issues of abuse.

Predators do often marry single mothers to go after their daughters. This is fact. It should be always be considered in these type of cases. If we could easily tell a nice guy from a monster...there would be no child predators around our kids...but we know the truth. They are charming, trusting, and seemingly harmless until the truth is about to come out or does come out.
In reference to the note her step father left can someone point me in the direction of a link to that info? I must have missed it :confused: TYIA!
I did a bunch of internet searching last night on her mom and stepdad came up with zip except for the restraining order. The one thing that I did notice that I hadnt before is the restraining order was also given to Cass County, the person who had the restraining order against him also received a ticket in Harrisonville, which would be Cass County. Im reaching her but if Kara was still sneaking around and seeing her ex-boyfriend maybe Harrisonville area would be a place to check out? Im not saying he had anything to do with what has happened to Kara, but I still wonder if she skipped school to see him and if he has ties to Harrisonville, maybe she was in that area that day she disappeared? I also agree something just doesnt sit right about the step dad, unless I am missing something his name wasnt on the note left on her door, also the messages left from family on the Kara website doesnt show a message from him that I saw but does have one from her biological dad. I just don't know what to think at this point.
See...I find them not including the stepfather in those postings and notes are telling. When I was married, my daughter's stepfather was always included in everything like that. We rarely would not include his name on notes, gifts, whatever. It is very strange to me having been there in the step situation before.
I wondered as well about WHY her parents weren't more involved but thought better of saying anything...seemed her friend was doing all of the work and her efforts were being met with deaf ears on her parents part. But then again I don't know how I would feel if it were my child missing and people were organizing search teams to look for a "body" That would be soooo hard to accept. In Kelsey's case I think the parents were searching for a live person not a dead one and sadly it didn't end up that way.
Welcome back!!
In reference to the note her step father left can someone point me in the direction of a link to that info? I must have missed it :confused: TYIA!
When Kara didn’t come home on May 4, Rhonda and Thomas taped a note on the wall just inside her bedroom door.
I know how hard it has been for you. Mom and Thomas
Jim says this isn’t exactly a “Leave It to Beaver” home. It sounds like an apology.

From anothers link above.
Thanks AH!!
Cheko, you may very well be right. I know from my personal experience that sometimes families don't search for fear of what might be found.

They are doing many fundraisers. I don't want to accuse the family, I really don't. Someone does need to raise these questions to people in charge, or in the media. It's becoming down right disturbing,imo.

I seriously don't know what to think of the family. I'd be out searching if it were my daughter.Nothing nor no one could keep me from it. LE didn't want to......... I would, cursing LE all the way inviting the media with me!
I also looked up Jim today & found nothing. hmmmmmmm
When Kara didn’t come home on May 4, Rhonda and Thomas taped a note on the wall just inside her bedroom door.
I know how hard it has been for you. Mom and Thomas
Jim says this isn’t exactly a “Leave It to Beaver” home. It sounds like an apology.

From anothers link above.
Thanks AH!!

How stupid of a note is that?
Referring to her boyfriend I presume!
Who is Thomas? Is he a brother? For some reason I thought that Kara was her mother's only child or she was when she married the stepfather anyway. Did they have a boy together?

This mom and stepdad and dad totally baffle me. Why don't they want to bring help in to find their daughter? I would be screaming from the rooftops if my girl was missing. I would do everything in my power to find her whether she wanted to be found or not. I would be scared to death that something had happened to her. I would be frantic. If LE told me not to search for her I would tell them to kiss my rear and I would search. I can't understand these people. Are they waiting for her to be found by LE? Has anyone on here talked face to face with these people?
How stupid of a note is that?
Referring to her boyfriend I presume!
I don't think it refers to the boyfriend at all. I think it had to do with how things had been going at home with Kara. It sounds like an apology of sorts to me. Quite vague and she doesn't actually apologize for anything...but she sounds a bit guilty in a way. Anyone else get that?

Yes, Thomas is her little brother. And why wouldn't she have signed it like, "Love you, Mom, Jim, and Thomas"?

I personally have NEVER written my kids a note that I didn't sign it...I love you, Mom.
Thanks Indy!!! :blowkiss: I think there was alot going on in Kara's life personal and otherwise that may or may not have to do with her disappearance. Looks like I need to go back and do some reading to get caught up here.

OT: I go Friday to HOPEFULLY get rid fo the "boot" on my foot and the rest of my stitches! *YAY*
Just a thought....
If I read the article correctly Kara was 9 years old when her mom and step dad got married. And then they had Thomas who is her half brother. Thomas was 8 and Kara 17 when she disappeared. If I do the math right that would have made her mom pregnant when she married the step dad. Not that is really matters at all but the marriage might have been quick and Kara may not have been that prepared for it. Nine is a rough age for accepting new step parents and having to share mom. I know I am just rambling but I wonder what your thoughts are on this.
Yes, he is probably her half-brother. I found children are very adaptable especially if the situation is a good one. Kara would most likely have been excited at the prospect of a new brother, but perhaps not a new father. This could very well create a hostile environment if she wasn't ready for such and make things very difficult for them all.

Sorry if I sound if I am accusing the stepfather, but we have to look at everyone in this situation. I do realize he may have nothing to do with her disappearance. Still, it is something we have not covered yet and the possibility remains.

I think we need to look at every angle in this scenario and come up with some conclusions on where Kara could be. We don't have the family jumping up to find her which is becoming more and more evident. LE isn't doing much if anything either. This girl needs to be found and everyone needs to know the story behind her disappearance for her sake.
I am right there with you SS, I hate to blame anyone. I just think that something isnt right. I mean we all agree we would be doing things much different. It could very well be that they dont want to search for a body, but why not search for a live person.
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