Mom Says Family Will Never Live In Home Again! What?

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They have other children to think about. I don't see how they could do anything else but move. If Baby Lisa was old enough to know how to find her way home, call home, tell someone her name or parents names then I might feel different about beefing up security and getting a dog for every bedroom but Baby Lisa can't do that.

When my house was broken into, I felt violated. It bothered me that whether they knew me prior to breaking in or not they had access to things with all of our names and all the family pictures in the hallway gave them a good look at us. I could be standing in the line at the grocery store and start thinking they could be in line with me and knew who I was but I wasn't afforded the same luxury about them. They came in a window.
Years ago our house was burglarized while we were out. I never thought about moving, but we did get an alarm system and a solid back door instead of one with glass panels like we had.
I think I'd assume someone who watched the house and knew the family's routine took the baby if I was the parents. This doesn't appear to be a random act. Someone was in the neighborhood (and probably that specific house) for a reason, imo. If it wasn't the parents, it seems likely it was someone who knew one or both, or knew the area/house. For that reason, I would stay in the house hoping I might notice someone/something that triggered a memory or clue. I would get a security alarm and would be more cautious with the doors, windows, have phone by my side at ensure the safety of the older children. That's just me though, and I can definitely see how others would want to get away from the house. Personal choice.

I like reading everyone's thoughts and opinions. I don't like reading comments that are condescending to other posters' opinions of what may be important to the case, that imply that looking at things from another angle other than that of the parents (or LE) is shameful, that quip about how posters waste space or pages on things that someone else doesn't consider important. I will now scroll right on past those chastising (imo) posts. I leave it to the very capable mods to determine if something is unacceptable. I hope anyone who continues to regularly find what other people are posting so unseemly can simply do so as well, or alert the post instead of announcing displeasure with the board to the entire board. JMHO.
I think being away from home and having to bunk with relatives and forming a new routine is probably an even less comfortable environment for children. Lisa is still gone either way.


Bunking at a relatives home vs bunking in the home, next to the room where your little sister was stolen. I would think that would scare the h*ll out of any kid.
is there a life insurance policy on baby Lisa?

A very good question. They reported their car broken into and I have to wonder what was reported missing. Yet she forgot to lock the doors to the house and now a child is missing.........

What a good question!! I certainly don't know and it's something I haven't even seen discussed.

If she were to have a life insurance policy, it would be nominal. Maybe a term policy for $15k or $20k. A baby is not a wage-earner, so most likely if her parents (or grandparents) have a life insurance policy on her, it's probably just to pay for burial costs or to guarantee her insurability as she grows older.

I cannot fathom why someone would harm a beautiful, innocent baby for a few thousand dollars.....or ANY amount of money for that matter! MOO
Bunking at a relatives home vs bunking in the home, next to the room where your little sister was stolen. I would think that would scare the h*ll out of any kid.

I think studies have shown that nothing comforts a child taken out of their home better than sleeping in their own bed.

She displays histrionic personality traits.
Just waiting to get arrested cuz the cops just want to pin this on someone and she will NEVER live in the house again.

I believe she knows what happened...

If she were to have a life insurance policy, it would be nominal. Maybe a term policy for $15k or $20k. A baby is not a wage-earner, so most likely if her parents (or grandparents) have a life insurance policy on her, it's probably just to pay for burial costs or to guarantee her insurability as she grows older.

I cannot fathom why someone would harm a beautiful, innocent baby for a few thousand dollars.....or ANY amount of money for that matter! MOO

I can't fathom why any parent harms a child whether money is a factor or not. Yet an alarming number do it.

Everyone is talking about break-ins.

In this case, I thought it was established that there was no evidence of a break in?

If I was put in the same situation, I would be doing a lot of things different,. I don't think moving would be on my mind. IMO
I think studies have shown that nothing comforts a child taken out of their home better than sleeping in their own bed.


Please point me to the studies if the stats include siblings being kidnapped from their homes.
The truth is none of you know what you would do until you are in that position. No matter what you think now, you can not imagine the pain of having a child ripped from your life. Just because someone would want to leave the home where they last saw their child means nothing. Plenty of people kill their children and live in the same house without batting an eye. So that for me means nothing.

The problem is the Susan Smiths and Casey Anthony's of this world have poisoned us to believe first the parents were involved.

It is a shame. A big shame.
I think studies have shown that nothing comforts a child taken out of their home better than sleeping in their own bed.


Years ago, when having marital problems with my ex, I took my 2 kids an stayed with my parents. It didn't last long because myself and my kids just wanted to go home. Even though my kids were spoiled and my parents did everything they could to make us comfortable, their home wasn't our home. We moved back right after my then husband moved out.
The truth is none of you know what you would do until you are in that position. No matter what you think now, you can not imagine the pain of having a child ripped from your life. Just because someone would want to leave the home where they last saw their child means nothing. Plenty of people kill their children and live in the same house without batting an eye. So that for me means nothing.

The problem is the Susan Smiths and Casey Anthony's of this world have poisoned us to believe first the parents were involved.

It is a shame. A big shame.

FWIW I really did believe that it was an intruder who did this at first. But then I watched Deborah's interviews.

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