Mom Says Family Will Never Live In Home Again! What?

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That means nothing. Really. People have such different emotions and to me there are so many things that point in her favor. She is not someone who is used to talking to cameras,police,agents. Her child is missing and she has no idea what is going on and the police are hounding her and the media is all but calling her a babykiller.

I am not convinced. I just don't see it here. I think it is something to be aware of someone's reactions but they don't mean much.


To be fair we would not necessarily know LE considered Debbie even a potential suspect if Debbie herself had not relayed that detail to the media. We would not know Debbie possibly failed a LDT had Debbie not also stated that as well.

How does informing the public via the media of LE's 'misdeeds' help get her daughter back? To me it just screams manipulation - she wants to be seen as a victim here as well. Maybe she is and perhaps she is not but indisputably it is the life of a 10 month old child in danger. That is where the sole focus should be IMHO.
There is a thread either in the jury room or the parking lot (I did a quick search but couldn't find it) where members discussed families that moved immediately after a child went missing.

Some do, some dont. Some leave the home right away, and some stay in the same home with the same phone number for 25-30 years.

I don't think one way or the other about this. JMHO

I don't understand how the Anthony's can continue to live in the house they live in. I totally understand not wanting to go back to a house that had been broken into while you were there asleep. That completely creeps me out! :eek:

My family's house was hit by a tornado while they were in it. They keep getting freaked out every time they hear thunder. They are not only leaving their house, they're leaving the state! They want to get out of tornado alley.
The foreclosure is only a theory as to why the mother stated the family would no longer live in the house. Or is her statement only a rumor and not established fact?

A theory based on what? Has there been a single smidgen of indication that this house is in foreclosure? Solid evidence of foreclosure is easy enough to come by, so to come forth and present a theory based on a hypothesized, unsubstantiated "foreclosure" is going pretty far afield, and yes, adding more kindling to the rumor bonfire.
so glad DB keeps talking
does JI say anything?

Not much, she usually does the talking. Several times he's started to say something, and she talks right over him. Make of that what you will, I guess. :innocent:
My 15 yr old son committed suicide in our home ,almost 7 years ago .We're still here.
It took 3 years for me to pack away the dirty clothes on the floor of his room,but I finally did it.
It's not always easy ,but is right for us.
It helps that I was given the image of angels scooping him up to take him home.
We stayed at a beach house for a month after the funeral ,and friends visited. At first I didn't want to leave my house. It felt like I was leaving James. Then,after a month ,I didn't think I could face going back to our house.

I can understand moving,also ,especially if you felt unsafe.

I don't find anything hinky in Deb not wanting to go back to that house.She's still enduring a horrific event,if someone took Lisa .She may change her mind later.
My heart goes out to you. My mother committed suicide in our home. We had to continue living there for three months. Dad couldn't even sleep in the room where it happened. He had to sleep on the couch...if he managed to sleep at all. Lord knows I barely slept until we'd moved away.
There are never any plea's for little Lisa's return.

If you look on the timeline, you'll find videos of Debbie pleading for Lisa's return. Every time I've watched the parents, they plea for her safe return. Take her to a safe place such as a fire station, hospital, etc.
so glad DB keeps talking
does JI say anything?

Not much that Ive seen, so I was surprised that it was actually JI not DB that asked for the "break" after he reached his "boiling point". Strange thing is that from his demeanor on camera-I didn't think he had a "boiling point"!:waitasec:

“We were at the station yesterday being interviewed again, and I just had reached my boiling point and asked them, ‘Guys, I can’t do this anymore today, I need a break, (and) I can’t answer any more questions,’’’ Jeremy Irwin, 28, told Matt Lauer. “The next thing we knew was the press conference yesterday. We want to make sure that we tell everybody that we’re still cooperating, we’re still talking to police, (and) we’re still doing everything we can to try to find Lisa and bring her back home.’’
If you look on the timeline, you'll find videos of Debbie pleading for Lisa's return. Every time I've watched the parents, they plea for her safe return. Take her to a safe place such as a fire station, hospital, etc.

They on the couple of times have been on TV have made a plea for their daughters return, the sister of the brothers return etc.. Not LISA'S return. That is bothering me. Not once that "I" have seen have they called her by name and really, how many times have they been on TV this week, it is now Thursday, I dont recall seeing them. Well the were on GMA I believe but I didnt watch that. I dont watch a show that will pay the parents to come on. ----> my opinion.
They on the couple of times have been on TV have made a plea for their daughters return, the sister of the brothers return etc.. Not LISA'S return. That is bothering me. Not once that "I" have seen have they called her by name and really, how many times have they been on TV this week, it is now Thursday, I dont recall seeing them. Well the were on GMA I believe but I didnt watch that. I dont watch a show that will pay the parents to come on. ----> my opinion.

I am curious and this is an honest question. How would they go about getting on t.v. to make a plea? Don't the media contact them or how does that work. I am sure you can't just call up a t.v. station and ask for air time or a radio station. I am sincere in this question. I just don't know how it works. Does anyone know? tia
I am curious and this is an honest question. How would they go about getting on t.v. to make a plea? Don't the media contact them or how does that work. I am sure you can't just call up a t.v. station and ask for air time or a radio station. I am sincere in this question. I just don't know how it works. Does anyone know? tia

This is a very big case right now that has already received national attention. The family can hold a press conference or offer interviews to any media body they wish and media can also request interviews of the family. Both entities have the right to refuse.

No personal experience just from following a lot of other cases - if the demand for the story is there the parents can get on pretty much any medium they want. Sadly too many people have to beg and plead with their local media to feature their missing loved ones. HTH
I am curious and this is an honest question. How would they go about getting on t.v. to make a plea? Don't the media contact them or how does that work. I am sure you can't just call up a t.v. station and ask for air time or a radio station. I am sincere in this question. I just don't know how it works. Does anyone know? tia

BBM. I don't see why not. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Many of them will be glad to have the scoop on a news story that has made the headlines. Maybe start by calling someone who reported the story anyway?
I don't know that I could go back there to live either.

If this was an abduction, how could she ever sleep there again knowing that that was the place someone came in and stole her child right out from under her nose? How would she ever feel safe or feel the other children were safe?

If there is parent involvement and/or the unthinkable (Lisa dead) has happened, then odds are that is where it happened. Under that circumstance, how could she ever sleep or laugh or live in that home again?

Either way, DB not wanting to live there would make sense to me.
JMO - I'd never want to live in the home my child disappeared from. I'd live in fear for both my other children and myself, constantly looking over my shoulder, not being able to sleep, etc. I'm basing this on the fact that I knew for sure I was not responsible for the disappearance. I would imagine, if by some miracle, Lisa would show up at that house and nobody was there, she could always go to a neighbor's house. Heck, all she'd have to do is go on the internet and I'm sure she could find out where her parents moved to. The abductor could also do the same. JMO but I don't think her being able to find where her parents live is ever going to be an issue.
Whose words are those? And when and where were they said? tia

DB's. She said she would never live in the house again because "Something So Traumatic Happened There".
Why is this reminding me of Casey Anthony? Family gets a spokes person, a lawyer and now a private eye.
I think there needs to be links to back up alot of the statements being literally thrown out there and stated as fact and the truth when actually it's based on nothing far even resembling The truth.

It's being stated as the truth and fact that these parents are being directly paid for interviews.. While as we all know many do pay for licensing fees I want to see the link with a verified source stating this as fact that there parents are being paid.. Suggesting that is how they are pursuing Lisa in the media by whether they receive payment amd/or the amount of payment received.. For these statements to be made as if they were true, based on truth, and then taken as fact and run with just as rumors run rampant from this false and fabricated details that are thrown out into cyberworld with zero thought of consequence. There are so many "claims" with the vast majority based upon or backed with nothing but a PERSON's OPINION.. these claims IMO need to backed with verified links, otherwise it stands as nothing but an Ill started rumor and has no place here..

IMO way out of hand.
DB's. She said she would never live in the house again because "Something So Traumatic Happened There".

I cannot find where DB said that. Can you help me out with a link where she said it and someone else is not paraphrasing? tia
I think there needs to be links to back up alot of the statements being literally thrown out there and stated as fact and the truth when actually it's based on nothing far even resembling The truth.

It's being stated as the truth and fact that these parents are being directly paid for interviews.. While as we all know many do pay for licensing fees I want to see the link with a verified source stating this as fact that there parents are being paid.. Suggesting that is how they are pursuing Lisa in the media by whether they receive payment amd/or the amount of payment received.. For these statements to be made as if they were true, based on truth, and then taken as fact and run with just as rumors run rampant from this false and fabricated details that are thrown out into cyberworld with zero thought of consequence. There are so many "claims" with the vast majority based upon or backed with nothing but a PERSON's OPINION.. these claims IMO need to backed with verified links, otherwise it stands as nothing but an Ill started rumor and has no place here..

IMO way out of hand.

I thought I saw a post earlier today by one of the mods that said all of the statements needed to be backed up by a link or indication that it was opinion only. Did I dream that? ty
Yes, if people would just leave links, at least smaller of our prayers would be answered.
OK everyone settle down in this thread. The first post of this thread was misinterpreted.

The poster asked the question what kind of traumatic event............ That was not a statement from the MOM.

As far as theorizing about anything..... theory has to be fair, based on something that has happened and not just outrageous. Sickness, mental illness all of that has not been in the news and so we are going way overboard in bashing these parents. Unless someone can show me that the house is in foreclosure don't beat that horse to death either. It is causing rumors...... we don't start rumors at WS. ..... We are getting way beyond the news. We theorize based on facts.....

Now the last comment is the back biting and nasty comments need to end. Final warning... if they don't you will lose your posting privileges.

There parents are not named POI or suspects. We can follow the news we can't make it up as we go with our active imaginations.

LINK or state clearly this is your opinion. But be fair to two parents at this time who are not suspects or we will have to pull in the reins. This is not open season on the parents.


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