MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #6

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whoa. bushy to pencil thin. yikes
did you notice haircuts and dye jobs?

Are these personal appearance changes occurring to individuals mentioned in MSM as being known to have been questioned, etc.? If so, can those images be posted here, or information given to guide people to view these images? I would be highly suspect of anyone taking such efforts, especially if they are known to have been in police custody stemming from attempts to extract information from said POI' s.
A new interview with one of Jessica's ex boyfriend (BR) was published four days ago. Has anyone else read it?
The more research I do on this case....the more I see discrepancies, questionable police practices, and overall ineptness in the investigation.

For example...How do police explain the damage to the rear of Jessica's car?

View attachment 66874

Clearly, her car was rear-ended (possibly causing the gash on her head.) and maybe rendering her unconscious???

Lighter Fluid is sometimes used in the production of crack cocaine...why was it poured into her throat?
Maybe to destroy DNA evidence that may have been from oral sex?

5 days after the event, a member of the Sheriff's office returns to the scene and immediately finds her cell phone with the battery removed lying on the ground.

It looks more like the intent was to kill her.

The area where the car was found received a large amount of rain for the prior two days before the incident..this photo clearly shows more than one vehicle's tire tracks.

View attachment 66875

There is much more, but this is enough for now.

Rear-end damage was due to the police prying they trunk open. LE did address it. I will find a link for you after I've had a cup of coffee. Lol
I keep reading about the 911 call, why wasn't it released? was it really a 911 call or did they call the chief directly? They said the 911 caller was cleared. That clearly states it was a 911 call. So, why wasn't it released? Well, per Mississippi statute 19-5-319 (2) All emergency telephone calls and telephone call transmissions received pursuant to Section 19-5-301 et seq., and all recordings of the emergency telephone calls, shall remain confidential and shall be used only for the purposes as may be needed for law enforcement, fire, medical rescue or other emergency services. These recordings shall not be released to any other parties without court order or subpoena from a court of competent jurisdiction.

They cannot release the call unless a court order tells them to. We are not getting the 911 call.
I thought someone mentioned earlier a case where fire actually preserved semen? Anyone recall?

There was a case in Indianapolis, August 31st, where a young girl was found strangled to death and then taken to another location where she was set on fire. They found the man who murdered her through DNA evidence found on her body, it took about 3 months to solve her murder. (I don't know if this was the previous case mentioned or not)
For anyone that hasn't visited the family's Justice for Jessica FB page in awhile(I hadn't for a few weeks), it is worth the effort for the pictures alone. Such a beautiful young lady! As far as Leah's House v. Battered Women's shelter goes, the family makes reference to Leah's House somewhere in the comments. Whoever was running the page a few weeks back, acknowledged Leah's house and the link to their website was posted. I followed that link and that is how I found out about Leah's. There are literally thousands of comments on that page, but if you go back far enough, you should be able to find it. They also acknowledge the author who befriended Jessica. Hope that helps!
Who are the "they" that talked to Eric Bibbs? It says LE, but was it the sheriff? Who led the on-scene investigation? Or how many of the PD/Sheriff office came to Jessica's call? It has to have been reported at one time or another, but I honestly don't remember.
I read in one interview with the Fire Chief that there were 3 firefighters that responded first (as in came to the scene straight from the other fire they were attending...which also makes me wonder how the first fire got extinguished completely if they left the first fire to respond to the call for Jessica's), and he then made calls to the other agencies to have them come. Is there a Fire Log or PD/Sheriff log that gets published online anywhere? I know some small towns still report all of these, I'd be interested to know what else happened that night for the officials.
I suppose this information might be available in the incident report-has that been completed yet??
I keep reading about the 911 call, why wasn't it released? was it really a 911 call or did they call the chief directly? They said the 911 caller was cleared. That clearly states it was a 911 call. So, why wasn't it released? Well, per Mississippi statute 19-5-319 (2) All emergency telephone calls and telephone call transmissions received pursuant to Section 19-5-301 et seq., and all recordings of the emergency telephone calls, shall remain confidential and shall be used only for the purposes as may be needed for law enforcement, fire, medical rescue or other emergency services. These recordings shall not be released to any other parties without court order or subpoena from a court of competent jurisdiction.

They cannot release the call unless a court order tells them to. We are not getting the 911 call.

I wonder if there are any records that MSM could FOIA request that would help shed light on some of these mysteries or if that isn't possible because of the pending investigation?
Precious few details are going to be released during the investigation of this case, unfortunately. And most of what we DO know has been reported in so many different ways, I'm not sure how accurate those details are either. I think we are flying blind here, for the most part. a good sleuther loves a challenge, but this is like solving the Wheel of Fortune bonus round with one letter :)
This should be a good indication as to the direction this case will be going.

Jessica’s father, Ben Chambers, said his daughter left a battered women’s shelter a few months before she was killed. “She was getting on the right track. She had learned her lessons from being in bad relationships,” he told NBC News Saturday.
Just a few thoughts on this tragedy.

Why would someone be walking around with lighter fluid?
It certainly is not a common practice. I wonder if LE checked local retail establishments to see if any had purchased it that evening.
Usually, cars are burnt to destroy evidence. If sexual assault was the original crime, then the offender would have good reason to destroy the vehicle since his prints and DNA would probably be all over the interior. If she was sexually assaulted, vaginal swabs could still contain viable DNA if her burns were superficial in that area of her body.
Hopefully LE did a rape kit on her.

Pouring lf down her throat and into her nostrils seems to be an afterthought brought on by rage and not a planned method of murder.
If sexual assault did occur and she became indignant and threatened to go to the police, the offender saw this as a way to effect her death without actually having to kill her. The blow on the head served to incapacitate her enough to administer the accelerant..

If a struggle ensued, chances are good that she may have some of the offender's DNA under her nails from trying to defend herself.
The burn pattern on the car looks as though gasoline was used as an accelerant rather than lighter fluid.

Social media claims that Jessica was trying to end a relationship with an abusive Black boyfriend.
Local Law Enforcement, from what I have read so far is totally inept, which is common in areas that do not have a lot of crimes of this nature.

I am getting skeptical about the lighter fluid down the throat and nose...
She was alleged to have talked to first responders when they arrived on the scene.
I find that hard to believe if her throat/nose area had extensive burns, but I will reserve judgment on this claim until I learn further.

The lead investigative agency is the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation along with multiple other agencies including the FBI. Since few details have been released, it is a little premature to call them inept, imo.
This should be a good indication as to the direction this case will be going.

Jessica’s father, Ben Chambers, said his daughter left a battered women’s shelter a few months before she was killed. “She was getting on the right track. She had learned her lessons from being in bad relationships,” he told NBC News Saturday.
I feel sorry for him but would just as soon not hear from him again till this case is solved by law enforcement professionals.
This should be a good indication as to the direction this case will be going.

Jessica’s father, Ben Chambers, said his daughter left a battered women’s shelter a few months before she was killed. “She was getting on the right track. She had learned her lessons from being in bad relationships,” he told NBC News Saturday.

Why do you think so? Her father and mother said Jessica was in no relationships currently.
I feel sorry for him but would just as soon not hear from him again till this case is solved by law enforcement professionals.
Agreed! While I feel his pain, I think he is being left out of the details of the investigation as much as possible because he talks to the media, something LE doesn't seem to want. His grief and anger is so evident and as frustrating as it is not to know what is going on, I think some details are best kept from the public.
Why do you think so? Her father and mother said Jessica was in no relationships currently.
I cannot speak for Gunther Toody, but women are more likely to be killed when they leave an abusive partner. the DV theory is one I could certainly get behind. Two of my clients were murdered after leaving their abusive spouses.
Who are the "they" that talked to Eric Bibbs? It says LE, but was it the sheriff? Who led the on-scene investigation? Or how many of the PD/Sheriff office came to Jessica's call? It has to have been reported at one time or another, but I honestly don't remember.
I read in one interview with the Fire Chief that there were 3 firefighters that responded first (as in came to the scene straight from the other fire they were attending...which also makes me wonder how the first fire got extinguished completely if they left the first fire to respond to the call for Jessica's), and he then made calls to the other agencies to have them come. Is there a Fire Log or PD/Sheriff log that gets published online anywhere? I know some small towns still report all of these, I'd be interested to know what else happened that night for the officials.
I suppose this information might be available in the incident report-has that been completed yet??

The 1st fire had been put out. The firemen were at the station cleaning up when they got the call about a car on fire.
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